Why don't more people question the fact that if they grow a certain plant in their backyard and refuse to take it down and resist arrest they will be shot?

25  2010-05-04 by [deleted]

They don't need to run conspiracies when they already have guns pressed into the backs of people.


the cannabinoids have proven to be far more difficult to synthesize->patent than the opiates and amphetamines.

err, almost none of the most popular opiods are fully synthesized - they all rely on morphine, codeine and thebaine as precursors which all come from poppy plants.

The DEA has guns. Despite the fact that the constitution says nothing about acronym organizations having the right to police our herb gardens-- they have the guns. And whoever has the guns, well, they make the laws.

Also- No one remembers the 10th amendment.

Tenth Amendment: reserves to the states respectively, or to the people, any powers the Constitution did not delegate to the United States, nor prohibit the states from exercising.

Well it's time for growers to buy some guns then.

“Sometimes it is said that man cannot be trusted with the government of himself. Can he, then, be trusted with the government of others? Or have we found angels in the forms of kings to govern him? Let history answer this question.” —Thomas Jefferson

I'd say refusing an order (you both work for gov't; they are your superiors) and resisting arrest is the key-point here; not the plant. The idea is that you do-not-argue with an officer who thinks they are doing their duty. You learn precisely where they are and are not doing their job, by letter of Law.. and do what you can to make sure they feel the hurt in court.

You're missing the point. The LAW that these police fervently uphold is created for the bullshit means to keep certain people in power or to keep their companies from encountering competition.

Do you know what they can do with hemp?

Its about a bullshit law designed to protect the ALREADY wealthy and powerful who like to ensure that police keep those laws in check.

Would you abide by a law to kill little baby kittens if they wrote it down? Would you follow anything these kinds of people write down? Do you think for yourself or do you only follow the rules like a robot?

Think bigger. Think for yourself. Cannabis is a threat to so many well established industries, including the drug trade.....that they could not possible make as much money by allowing it to be legal.

Think big.

Actually, I'd say you're missing my point. Through citizenship, you are provided benefits and assigned duties. By retaining that citizenship and complaining about your obligations and restrictions (as dumbshit as some rules may be) without properly learning how to claim remedy. You are basically an employee bitching about your employer. Complaining that oath-bound policy enforcement is in the wrong for enforcing policy is absurd.

If you keep focusing on the little stuff that few people can seem to penetrate, you'll miss the big picture. You're not a slave yet, just in a very deceptive system; if you believe you are, you won't ever try the locked door that just so happens to be unlocked.

just to clear things up: I smoke cannabis and am not a police apologist. Merely exercising another train of thought rather than blind outrage.

this particular revolution, will be a long time coming.... but it will come very slowly I'm afraid....

Aren't most revolutions long on the time scale? Shit didn't we land here around 1620? Revolution in 1776? 156 years bub...buckle your seatbelt and enjoy the ride...