Remember the Rodney King police beating, and the RIOTS that resulted from that? What's different today that people don't seem to react, at all, to that sort of thing and worse happening on tape *every* single f'n day now?!? I'm not advocating rioting, but where is America's pulse?

128  2010-05-18 by [deleted]


It's has to do with the conditioning of the masses. It's a process where the government or entity in power herds the masses in the direction they want. The first thing that is done is you slowly starve the masses of critical unbiased information. You get them to trust the source first and rely on this source, then funnel the public by providing them only the information you want them to hear. The lack of coverage of certain types of events is part of this. The next thing that is done is to demonize those that stand up and do something about what they don't like. This is done by showing only the wrong that happens , and so you'll find that peaceful protests don't get shown, only the destructive riots. Most people don't want to be destructive so that automatically will rule out protests because the media would have painted protests in a negative light.

What they also do is group people and pit those people against each other. You'll find that people no longer want to have an individual opinion based on their own ideas, they want an opinion based on a group, so that they don't have to defend their ideas on their own, they can get the group to defend them. People are no longer informed enough to stand up for themselves so that is why they turn to the group. So you'll find groups forming up that blend their ideologies. Liberals and Conservatives, Democrats and Republicans, everyone gets grouped and if you don't have a group, you are left out by yourself and you don't get counted. The sad thing is the people don't realize that the groups sometimes serve the same purpose, just from a different direction. The days where a person sat on the fence because they needed convincing are over.

The other thing that I have noticed is providing distractions. Every time they don't want you to focus on something too much, they'll provide a distraction, Brittany Spears or Lindsay Lohan will shave their head, or find a lesbo friend, or someone will release their "private home video" and the masses will lap it up. The more they get you to zone out in front of the TV and in others lives, the better it is for them because you spend all that time in someone Else's life and forget about your own for a bit. The less you think about your world, the less chance there is that you'll be unhappy and uneasy as a nation. Just as a parent doesn't want to deal with a child and sits them in front the TV, so does the ruling elite baby sit the masses with their TV shows and movies.

Fear plays a part in this also. Create an atmosphere where a person is constantly not sure of what is going to happen next. Have things go wrong and continue to go and the person will be so preoccupied with just having to live and make it through the day that they lose focus on everything else. The Terror alert system is designed to do just that. Every time they change it , they get a persons mind racing. What do they know that they had to change the status, what's going to happen. If you've been to an airport lately you'll notice that they have the warning showing or on the speaker system often. Keep everyone jumpy. Just like a herd of sheep afraid a wolf is going to attack any minute and clump together following the front sheep, you see people act the same way. People don't question the warnings and reasons behind them and just follow.

Repetition is also an important practice that they use. If you want someone to believe something you are saying, repeat it enough and they will accept it as truth. Bush was good at this, he kept bombarding the public to a point that became the norm. People got brainwashed so effectively that they don't know what happened to them, and don't remember what or why they had the certain opinion before. It becomes a blur. Mention WMD enough and people will think that there are WMD's. Mention Nuclear enough and it will stick to a point people will remember it. Not only will they remember it, but they also won't initially know what it was in reference to and automatically associate it with the worst.

Preserve the ideologies in name to suppress the people. They want democracy and say that they are free, fine, let them vote and give them choices we want and make it seem like they are making a difference when in fact they are entering the same house but from a different door. Freedom, exists in the limitations and boundaries they want you exist in. Choices exist from their catalog and for the purpose of providing you options so that you can say that you made your own choice. It's like picking jelly beans from a jar with different flavors, but in the end they are all Jelly Belly.

Spot on. Thanks for putting it so clearly.

Achievement Unlocked: Conspiracy Theorist

Type: crimethinker

Bonuses: You have now gained the ability to be chastised vehementwise by all registered double-plus goodthinkers for engaging in the heinous act of thoughtcrime.

Wow. Great job with this comment. Agreed.

we are absolutely fucked

There is always hope, but what part do you want to play in it? Are you willing to start caring about the people around us and help them? Are you concerned enough to lend a hand to them and teach them to think for themselves? Are you willing to share and sacrifice some of your time in laying the ground work of knowledge? When you look back in time and have done nothing , will you have let people down? It all depends on you and what part you are willing to play.....

Compliments of writing such a long post. You clearly put quite a bit of effort into it, or so it at least seems.

Amen! You are so right.

Wow. Much said, all of value...

Maybe the wisest most insightful examination of what's happening in the U.S. I've ever read.

I wish I could make everyone on the planet read this.

Thanks, A must read!!, So far alot of the agenda is manifesting it's self, the one that really caught my eye was this one:

Do This:
Collapse of currency

To Get This: Destroy the faith of the American people in each other.


Fluoride, high fructose corn syrup, television...

Porn, Cable Television, Internet, Instant Microwave Mashed Potatoes...


Internet desentization + information high


Woah woah woah woah ,

lets not get carried away here.

Normalization. It is the last step in the process. Demoralization, destabilization. crisis, and finally, normalization.


Kids these days say stuff like "Well, you shouldn't move your finger if you don't want to get tased, duh."

Why do I get the sense you saw that on YouTube?

Nope, saw it here. I don't visit youtube without a better reason than a reddit post. I'd filter them out if I could be bothered with a greasemonkey script.

The media has been taken over by those that actively denounce and vilify anyone who thinks of uprising against the corporate state.

Sure, they'll support Tea Baggers, but they're very much in line with the corporate state's interests.

Sure, they'll support Tea Baggers, but they're very much in line with the corporate state's interests.

Well, more accurately, they play the left-right game with the "tea-baggers" (I hate that childish term), and nullifying tendency to protest in the process. How? Simple- nobody wants to be associated with them, though the core of the movement is in fact focused on many of the right things.

The riots didn't result from the beating itself but the not guilty verdict of the policemen that were involved.

Good point, this was back when the media correctly told us what is important. Now they tell us that Tiger woods is news.

Yes. and also involved all white police officers and a black victim. it was more a race issue than a policing issue.

Before 9/11, we really felt that America was on top of the world, and that we as individuals all had value. We were allowed to be outraged. Ever since the towers fell, we've been told to shut the fuck up and get in line. It's fascism, and it worked. It really doesn't matter how much video evidence piles up, we are broken, scared, and numb.

Burning down your own buildings is pretty retarded and rioters would never get within 100 ft of a federal building without being shot.

I'm not advocating that, at all (see title). What I'm saying is- where's the anger, and the resultant public dialog centering on why this constant barrage of abuse and corruption is unacceptable? I get this sense (from what people say and do) that the general attitude is "well, at least it ain't me!"

Sooner or later the shoe will drop. Hopefully.


I'm certainly not hoping for riots.


I'd like to see some change. But it has to come from the top.

If not, their hand may have to be forced with the blood of patriots at some point. Either that or we will eventually have an such a powerful police force that there will be nothing that can be done to stop them

Yeah...I'm just gonna go ahead and call you on the old "Burning down your own buildings is pretty retarded".

I defy you to show me one person who burned down their own building. A moment of examination shows this talk for what it is .

That was a ghetto uprising. People are not in ghettos and confinement by choice. To assign them ownership of the prison they inhabit? Equating this to responsibility for their "own" situation . LOL ! Is an animal "retarded" for destroying it's own cage? Clever , but no cigar.

Actually, yes, they are in the ghetto by their own (bad) decisions.

Nothing keeps them from getting a bus ticket and moving somewhere else.

When you burn down buildings in your community, you are burning down your own buildings. If I burn down the local grocery store, I would consider that "me burning down my own grocer"

The ghetto as a cage? Get real. Even minimum wage workers can afford a bus ticket to nearly anywhere in the country and are capable of moving elsewhere and starting over.

To claim helplessness is a myth. It may be learned helplessness, but that is because they have chosen to fail to help themselves.

Wow I seriously thought you could come stronger than that! "me burning down my own grocer"! haha

If only people would stop making bad decisions the ghettos would go away!

Like those dumb bastards in Thailland. If they would stop failing to help themselves (or insert your favorite Palestine , Iran , etc) these riots wouldn't happen . Makes sense to me. Thanks for clearing up all that! :)

America is not on the same level as Thailand. The comparison is not fair.

We have fairly easily accessible travel here. Anyone can get a job making 10 bucks an hour. Anyone can move fairly easily.

If people chose to avoid living in the ghettos, they would be empty. Kind of like Detroit. No one is trapped without making the choice to be trapped themselves.

I'm one one of the last ones on earth that would promote victim mentality. Thats something I despise . To label the marginalized or oppressed under the same banner as our peculiar class of entitlement seekers is imprecise at best .

Thank goodness bad stuff only happens to bad people.

Even at 10 bucks an hour, just above minimum wage, its not hard for a single person to move anywhere in the country, including out of the 'ghetto.'

They may not be able to rent the nicest places, but they can live in places where there are no 'ghettos,' like medium cities or small towns. Ghettos are mostly self segregation.

Right. The services the children and students receive is good so they have the means and wherewithall to simply extricate themselves from their situations at will.

"I can quit the bad neighborhood anytime . I just don't want to!" Says the families locked in generational cycles of poverty . Why wont someone like you talk to these people ? It's easy !

Well, lets do the math. Say they have a job making 400/week (10/hour, 2.5 above min wage). Thats 20k a year about.

They can move out on that, if they want their children to grow up in a safer area. At that wage you are usually eligible for food stamps. So thats another 200 bucks a month. So that totals out to be closer to 25000. Thats well above the poverty line. That is a level where it is totally possible to move 'out da hood.'

That bar is set so fucking low you have to actively try to avoid all personal responsibility to not 'be capable' to move out of the hood.

Add to that all of the scholarships and other grants available for minorities and the disadvantaged, not to mention the availability of social workers to guide you through the process.

I just can't accept that the bar is set so absurdly high that those who actively make it their goal to leave the hood behind, can't do it.

Yes they have more factors, drugs, bad 'friends', other legal issues, poor schools, being surrounded by people without business connections, being in food deserts. Yes, there are factors that can't ignored.

There are a lot of things available to balance out the bad stuff. Yes it doesn't do it completely, but there are a lot of resources available and that can help those who take advantage of it.

I am a firm believer in the human spirit and I also believe it exists in the ghetto.

Easy to say if you have what it takes . I do so I know . A big part of having what it takes is realizing that not everyone does "have what it takes". They just don't . It does no good for them if I commiserate but it does for me . Yes lets do the math. $10 / hr.+ bus ticket = success.

Ok , If thats the simple plan why is it not working ? People are all "fuck that easy solution for a better life for myself and my kids , poverty rules !" You are blind to the facts or disingenuous?

Wait a minute, I'm not saying 10 /hour for a while + bus ticket is success, I am saying that 10+ bus ticket = out the hood.

If you don't have what it takes, stay in the hood. Thats fine too. You can be happy there too.


Yes, it's quite easy to make $10/hr. Stand outside of a lumber store, and people will hire you to move shit for them or help them with projects. This is exactly what the author of Scratch Beginnings did to disprove the bullshit premise of Nickeled and Dimed.

This is an excellent question, one I often ask myself.

I think part of the answer is that people are acting, but it no longer gets wide-band reporting like it used to.

Still, there are no south-central style riots, and nothing like the million man marches of yore, or even the college-quad sit (and smoke) in of the late 60's.

Perhaps it is consumerism-induced complacancy, perhaps it is recognition (or denial) of citizen powerlessness.

Perhaps also the dissemination of the information is not nearly as widespread as we think it is. Does your mom/neighbor/secretary/etc. know what's going on?

The bigger question in my mind is--what actions would be helpful? The big-time revolutions of the recent past have seemed to have little lasting effect, or have they? Perhaps this is success.

The revolution will not be televised.

Well, I'm pretty sure they just made it legal to hold people in jail for as long as they like...even when their sentences are up....but they're just pedos....they'll never come after the rest of us...

Yeah, that SCOTUS decision was awful. What's even worse is that those being imprisoned by this tyranny actually defend it, in this case invoking the pedo-boogeyman (which seems quite interchangeable with "terrorist" when it comes to scaring the shit out of people into surrendering their rights gleefully).

Yep. What's odd is Scalia and Thomas were against it.

I propose terms, and term limits to the Justices of SCOTUS. The final word lies in their hands, for as long as they want until they die. They should be forced to live in the world that they have deemed just for a while afterwards...

America watches American Idol, we have always watched American Idol.

Until we are told that we never watched American Idol. Double plus ungood.

Bread and circuses. The people who rioted then were the most impoverished, underrepresented, abused minority in America. But they were American citizens! The ones receiving the brunt of the trouble now are either not American citizens ("illegal" aliens) or "criminals" (drug users), thus they do not gain widespread popular support for their complaints.

People are reacting and rioting, you just don't hear about it. [redacted] There is a war going on, it's happening all around right now, there's no need to wait for it.

Did you know that Chicago is the murder capital of the world right now?

I read that and went, "Wait, what happened to Detroit?", so I hit up Wikipedia. It turns out that Chicago doesn't even make the top 25 in terms of homicide per capita.

Note that I'm not trying to refute the spirit of your post, I just saw that statement and it made me curious who the real "winners" were.

edit: I just scrolled up a little bit and read the "homicide by volume" chart. The latest numbers are from 2007, but holy shit there's a lot of killing going on in Brazil. 12of the top 25 cities are located there, and by my count 23,117 people were victims of "intentionally homicide" that year. What. The. Fuck?

What. The. Fuck?

Poverty and drugs, but Brazil has more money goin' around to kill for, so there's more skin the game.

I may be wrong, but perhaps the widespread deforestation for cattle ranching might have something to do with it.

From what I hear, the way of life over there is changing pretty quickly due to industrialization and a more "western" view of the world.

Don't be a pussy. Advocate rioting.

What a great question. Still, wasn't the whole riot about the police men being acquitted despite the video evidence? Has that happened recently (I wouldn't be surprised if it did, btw)?

No... the cops, politicians and corporate crooks aren't even brought to trial anymore.

True- they do "internal investigations", which are a complete joke.

Yep. They just let everything slide. People need to open their eyes.

Case in point, the city of Portland (and various other agencies) recently forked over $1.6 million to settle a suit stemming from the fatal beating of a mentally handicapped man at the hands of police.

It took 4 years, and in the interim one of the officers got in trouble again (for shooting a 12 year old girl at point blank with a bean bag shotgun), but other than some minor suspensions or shuffling folks off the beat and into a desk job not a single one of the 12 officers involved served any time.

It has been slowly and gradually stripped away from the hearts and souls of once empathetic individuals beaten down by the man, the system, the matrix, and the pure and simple evil that drives one man to squeeze the life out of another to gain a buck. No, our pulse was gone long long ago.

quick question. Why is this in conspiracy? I mean I think it's past obvious that we are living in a police state no?

Great question. Others have answered it wonderfully below (lets_be_honest).

It seems to me that there are those that are just.... waiting. I see my same stare in other eyes, and know that we're just waiting for the moment. It's almost as if we are waiting for a leader or an event, but I can't say what the trigger will be. Ever been to a metal show?... hundreds/thousands of pissed off people that would sooner drink the blood of dick cheney than let him breathe one more time or get away with another of their dimes. All waiting...

It got a bit "real" during Katrina. 3 days is all it took for primal instincts of survival to brush away the tenets of civilized society.

Its an over used metaphor but it applies -

While the metaphor is true for humans, it's not for frogs. They'll jump out before it gets to boiling.

Frogs are fucking cool.

I just hope that I'll be able to sense when the shit's getting hot enough.

They didn't riot because of the tape, they rioted when the cops got off scot-free.

But they still get off scot-free today.

It also had a lot to do with herd mentality and pressure building up over time. The pressure isn't as intense now.

Besides, most people rioting then weren't doing for anything noble, they just wanted to break and steal shit

The Rodney King riots were televised for good reason . Anyone who riots nowadays is going to be associated with that type of thing. Also they were almost all black so EXTRA bonus. Feeds the racial divisions.That whole thing worked so well to scatter everyones thoughts. We totally don't see the Thailand or Iran or China riots in the same way , do we ? Yet they are the same damn thing . Righteous popular uprising against absolutely deplorable conditions . Just because we are fed a slightly different version we think we are different from the sheeple. Furthermore...oh look! American Idol is on

We're drugged.

The problem is that the underlying rage is being exploited by those in control. I would say that the "teabagger" movement is the nexus of this. The rage they are expressing is being harnessed by the very same people who caused alot these problems. The right wing anger has double purpose of playing democrats and republicans off to each other and further polarizing the populace, and as finding a scapegoat for the problems of our nation.

See, the thing about martyrs is that once they do something, nobody else is going to get the same recognition for it.

I don't know, my thought is the Rodney King Riots had less to do about outrage than it did as an excuse to go batshiat crazy, wreck shit, hurt people, and steal stuff.

Riots are usually all about that. They may start as an honest to goodness movement full of outraged people, but it seems to most always turn into people who want free electronics.

I do condone people getting together en masse, piling into the streets to protest, but how does smashing windows or burning down some hard working mom and pop's convenience store prove anything? It just proves that we are douchebags that deserve what we get. There's no honor in rioting.

Nobody has mentioned that today cameras/other recorders are a hundred times more abundant and present then they were back then. Maybe its happening just as much but getting recorded more?

I thought that the Rodney King riots reflected racial tension rather than police oppression. It wasn't the fact that it was police brutality, it was the fact the the police got off the hook because Rodney King was black, or rather that was the interpretation of the trial by the general public.

If your asking about racism outright racism slowly died away and was replaced with a quieted racism that is only whispered amongst ones own skin color. And that's with everyone, every group is secretly racist toward the other group.

But as for riots: Riots only happen when you have nothing to lose. People in this thread are acting like government is somehow magically dumbing down an entire society and subtly subduing them into never critically thinking or reacting so therefore they never riot.

You are idiots for believing this. The truth is capitalism and the American society provides a pretty good standard living espeically amongst the most populous middle class. People arent brainwashed they are just happy and willingly remain ignorant to keep that happiness. Ignorance is bliss/ ignorance is strength . The fact of the matter is most people or just stupid to begin with and remain stupid happily the government has nothing to do with it. Do want to know why? Its not that government is keeping people down rather government does little to nothing for the people. You know whats that is called?


The government (for the most part) tries and stay out of peoples business as much as possible good or bad. As individualist society you can only rise by the hard work of your own hands, you arent going to be carried by others.

But I digress...Let me ask you: If you guys want riots, you want to smash the government apart, whats preventing you from doing so?

Exactly, your lives are too good to needlessly go to jail like a common criminal. And you need to ask yourself if you are living a pretty good life is everything all that bad? Instead arent you in fact buying into the fear and paranoia of others? Or perhaps you are just bored with your cozy lifestyle and want to play revolutionary or something?

I bet there are few here who may have actual grievances but not many. The truth is if you look past silly partisan arguments that America is the worst place under the leader ship of the other side, life in America is in fact extremely good compared to the rest of the world. Hell if you are using a computer you are in fact far better off than billions of others.

So let me ask you: What are you really complaining about?

dude, dancing with the stars is on, brb

desensitized by games and tv. like in 1984

Rage fatigue.

Sorry, better answer:

There is no project to keep the people docile. The apathy that we feel is felt at every level of our system. Look at the way our politicians and our captains of industry behave and tell me they give any more of a shit than anyone else.

Our civilization has been in steep decline for the past hundred years, but this was the year it dropped off the cliff.

I know it's comforting to think that there is an all-powerful (albeit evil) entity that controls our destinies. This is a fantasy invented to mask an even more terrifying reality. The truth is there are no controllers. There are no parents. There is no class of people that rules in any but the most superficial sense. It's all chaos and darkness from top to bottom, inside and out, through and through.

And that means there is no monster standing between you and happiness. No death star that you can destroy to make everything all right again. It means there is simply nothing, malevolent or benign, that stands between you and the abyss. There is only the abyss.

This is what I call the "Cube" scenario, from the movie of the same name.

It's also existentialism in a nutshell.

There is another perspective, though, the Tao or Buddha one, whereby one substitutes "bliss" for "abyss."

Oh man I just saw The Cube, I wonder if that has anything to do with me posting that.

Gotta step up to Cube2: Hypercube.

Tis a madness of our own design.

Those riots were pretty ridiculous, and police are a lot better equipped to handle them then they were 20 years ago.

The point isn't "why aren't people rioting" but rather- why aren't people even mad about it, or at least talking about it?

Police beatings weren't rare back then nor was it a huge secret. What was different about the Rodney King case was that it was caught on tape and publicized, which shoved into peoples faces what they could previously dismiss as background noise. That was noted, and the solution was obvious: fix the police? No, even easier: just publicise the hell out of these things as often as possible. Now it's no longer even news, and just being caught on tape is no longer special. So no one cares any more — it's just more background noise.


I had a similar thought about a month ago

Most people I've talked to (outside of teabaggers) have resigned themselves to the fact that there is nothing they can do about it.

Good post.

As far as your criticism (from that post) that we're just venting on the internet and whatnot:

I have a philosophy that the best way to change society is through the spread of ideas. And the internet is a great way to do that. I believe through that, you can effect change in society, naturallyand organically, rather than violently at the point of a gun.

Here's what I said in response to that post:

I'm not looking for rioting myself and really don't wish to see that happen. What I do want to see is thinking and engaged citizens that are aware of the aforementioned problems- and are willing to act upon constructive solutions (like voting with your dollar).

Most people aren't even recognizing or acknowledging the real problems (or rather, the real culprit, which is primarily government), which is of course a problem.

its been happening since before you noticed too....welcome to reality since forever.

You're talking to an Iraq war vet. This shit isn't new to me either.

What I'm pointing out is that it is everywhere these days. You can only ignore it willfully. Yet, despite it being in front our eyes in plain sight, there's seemingly little reaction in proportion to the crime.

It's quite bizarre really.

i dont see anything new i havent seen for the last 30+ years. what i do see is more people saying its getting worse...

I've noticed that too. I've only been awake for the last 2-3 years, but nonetheless, it's growing. Notice the numbers that subscribe to the /r/conspiracy...

It was the verdict that led the riots, not the beating itself. The trial was televised (or at least a lot of it was reported and broadcast).

I was in LA during the riots. Everyone was waiting for the justice system to work. When the cops were all acquitted (after the trial had been moved to Simi Valley) ... well that's what got everyone rioting.

Still, apparently very few people actually rioted. Mostly people looted televisions and clothes. Not the most effective protest.

But the point is- the public was talking about it. They were debating. Those who weren't rioting weren't necessarily supporting the decision nor keeping quiet about it, which I'm sure you realize.

Though you do bring up a good point: The fact that it was televised.

The crucial thing that seems to be overlooked about the powerful effect of TV on shaping the minds of the people watching it is not only is a narrow spectrum of preselected messages being pumped, but the selection of what material to acknowledge existence of by covering it to begin with is crucial to shaping the distorted worldview of its consumers.

i.e. if it's not on TV, it doesn't exist.

I'd think Youtube would have more of an impact, but perhaps the authoritative nature of TV might be the deciding factor here.

Remember the time. It was the only thing on TV. Like the OJ trial, it was on every channel. Now people don't even watch TV. There's YouTube and there are (more and better) video games and DVDs and torrents and Facebook, etc.

It was captured on a video camera... that was a fairly new phenomenon. Is this really happening out there? How often?

The Rodney King story was also a long story. We had longer attention spans. It played out over many, many months and EVERYONE was glued to their TVs when the verdicts were read (like with OJ).

Now I'm not advocating gang rape, but where's all the experimental girls nowadays?

Now, in fairness, Rodney King got exactly what he deserved...

Uh.. how exactly do you justify that?

He deserved to be arrested and charged with driving under the influence, but beaten severely by 5 (I think) cops is not justified. We won't live in a police state, their jobs are to arrest, the justice system is meant to punish them.

that was a race riot, you dumbshit

What's your point? I'm clearly not supporting rioting, and I'm pointing out there was at least public dialog and outrage (not necessarily involving rioting).

I appreciate the constructive criticism btw :)

But if you look at the streets it wasn't about Rodney King, It's bout this fucked up situation and these fucked up police. It's about coming up and staying on top and screamin' 187 on a mother fuckin' cop. It's not written on the paper it's on the wall. National guard??!

Yep. They just let everything slide. People need to open their eyes.

I'm certainly not hoping for riots.

Yep. What's odd is Scalia and Thomas were against it.

I propose terms, and term limits to the Justices of SCOTUS. The final word lies in their hands, for as long as they want until they die. They should be forced to live in the world that they have deemed just for a while afterwards...