Is there anything that happens in the world that Alex Jones doesn't attribute to the NWO?

23  2010-06-08 by [deleted]

I listen to his program often and no matter what happens in the world from a lightening storm to a hangnail, it's all because of the shadow government.

I'm just curious to see whether people agree with him or that there are some bad things that actually happen sometimes without NWO interference?


i don't think anyone commenting here has actually studied for themselves everything that jones talks about. it literally takes years to wrap your brain around what is going on and the forces orchestrating world events. the nwo is real.

they are out in the open now. they're the ones who attend bilderberg, council on foreign relations, club of rome, committee of 300, royal institute of international affairs and other roundtable groups. they are the generational money powers like the rothchilds of europe and the rockefellers of north america. they are the royal families of europe, especially the black nobility originating from venice, like the queen of england and the queen of the netherlands. they are the leaders of the secret societies (not the rank and file members) like the free masons and skull & bones.

i suppose no one here will see what should be perfectly obvious until the end but i don't think you'll have long to wait. the global economy is on the verge of total collapse. a war will likely be started, lets call it world war three, the people will cry out that something must be done and they will offer the solution.

  • one world government
  • one world bank
  • one world army
  • 80%+ population reduction

read their documents. its all there if you care to look.

If the NWO is pushing us to WW3 how can they be assured they'll come out on top?

They play both sides. It works like this - either side is fighting for an extreme version of the same outcome (at least in the elites minds they are). And how do wars work? The winners take the spoils of war and the losers concede to whatever the winners want. It basically speeds up the NWO process. At the end of the day, because the elite have backed both sides - they win regardless.

"We resist two groups - the Old World Order and the group that stands behind them. For the time being, we shall say nothing more about the organisation that hides behind the curtain. The Old World Order are dupes, but they are unaware of it. Their game is the oldest one of all - power. How to get it and how to maintain it. These are the key points about the OWO:

1) The OWO is a global network of dynastic families.

2) Their mission is to maintain the power and wealth of their dynasties in perpetuity.

3) Others are admitted to the charmed circle only if they can assist the interests of the OWO.

4) The OWO do not care about the welfare of ordinary citizens. Ordinary people simply do not show up on their radar as long as they go about their humdrum lives in the expected way.

5) The OWO have no plans to build concentration camps, or slave encampments or anything else. Such measures would consume vast resources, create unnecessary trouble and serve no useful function. The OWO can sedate the people by use of TV, Hollywood, computer games, porn, music, alcohol, recreational drugs, sport etc. All of these diversions ensure that the people will never rise up. While mindless mass entertainment exists, the OWO need no concentration camps to control the people.

6) The Bush family is the quintessence of the OWO. Father and son belonged to Yale's Skull and Bones secret society and both became presidents. Another son is a former Governor of Florida and a potential future president. How can one family in a so-called democracy have achieved this degree of power?

7) The Bush family illustrates the workings of the OWO perfectly: very rich, very powerful, very connected, and likely to bestride the American political scene for generations.

8) The OWO do not obsessively control every aspect of life. What they do is take active steps to massively increase the likelihood that they and theirs will have vastly better chances in life than anyone else. George Bush, with his limited abilities, would have achieved nothing significant in life were his name not Bush. Yet because that is his name, he is an American president. The OWO always put family above talent. This is practically enshrined as an American principle, and enjoys huge popular support, yet its inevitable consequence is that it creates unmeritocratic family dynasties that endure for millennia - you can be certain the Bush family will be such a dynasty.

9) Most people are familiar with America's great dynastic families: they are associated with oil, banking, entertainment, media, military, the intelligence services and politics.

10) The OWO are international. American dynastic patriarchs have much more in common with Russian oligarchs than they do with ordinary Americans.

11) The Old World Order's models are the Roman Empire at the time of Augustus Caesar, and the English monarchy at the time of Henry VIII.

12) The OWO are advocates of dynastic rule. Look at America: George Bush, father and son - both American presidents; the Kennedys - could have been in power for decades had they not broken the rules of the OWO and paid the price; the Clintons - husband was president and wife still could be. Daughter might be in the future. Dynastic presidencies have become de rigueur in modern America. How did this come about? By accident or design?

13) The Roman Emperors advocated "Panem et circenses" - bread and circuses. As long as citizens have fast food and cheap entertainment to pacify them, they will not cause serious trouble. Revolutions occur when the ordinary people are starving and have nothing to distract them from their suffering. Can a revolution be launched in the absence of these factors?

14) The Romans had a patrician class (the wealthy and powerful) and a plebeian class (the ordinary people). Isn't it the same in America? The super rich, the Ivy League brigade, spoiled heiresses, the political, media, military, business, banking and legal elites. They are the American patrician class. Everyone else is a plebeian.

15) Roman gladiators were worshiped by the plebeians. What do the Americans have? - super-celebrities from Hollywood, TV, rock 'n' roll and sport, worshiped by legions of American plebeians.

16) In Ancient Rome, artists and intellectuals were a joke. They were usually Greek slaves. Look at artists and intellectuals in America. They are not at the forefront of the national consciousness. The OWO despise intelligence amongst plebeians and do their utmost to ensure that plebeians are poorly educated. They advocate and encourage 'dumbing down'.

17) The Roman Empire was founded on slavery. So was America. The ordinary American people are still slaves. The only difference is that the oppression they suffer is not overt.

18) Look at the British Royal family. The Queen refers to the British people as her 'subjects'. She can't be removed as head of state. Her crown, her status, her wealth and power will be transmitted to her son. No one else is eligible. Merit in Britain is effectively illegal since the head of state is never at any stage subjected to any meritocratic criterion. Britain remains one of the most class divided societies in the world.

19) Look at British politicians. Tony Blair, from a highly privileged background, was a recent prime minister, and now his children are being groomed to follow in his footsteps. The leader of the British Conservative Party is one of the richest men in the nation. He is an old Etonian and was a member of the super elite Bullingdon Club at Oxford University. His closest colleagues all come from similarly privileged backgrounds. The Mayor of London and the shadow Chancellor both attended the Bullingdon Club with Cameron.

20) As of October 2008, America has had forty-three presidents and two of them have been the father and son team of the Bush's. What are the odds?

21) Three of the forty-three presidents have been members of the tiny, elite secret society Skull and Bones. What are the odds? John Kerry, the Democratic candidate in 2004, was a member of Skull and Bones. In other words, no matter if you voted Democrat or Republican in 2004, you would still get a Skull and Bones man in the White House. And you think you have a choice? Choice is an illusion in so-called democracies. Democracy is an instrument used to control the people and make them vote for their OWO oppressors. You are much less likely to oppose someone for whom you have voted. You have bought into their mind control system. What good is a vote if you can only vote for the two people they decide to put in front of you? In order for them to be permanently in charge, they simply need to ensure that they control the process by which the presidential candidates are chosen. Then, when you vote, you are invariably voting for one of their people, not one of yours.

22) No doubt there are more Bush's, more Kennedys, more Skull and Bones members being lined up for future high political office.

23) If you're not one of the patricians, you're a nobody. People could choose to stand up and do something about it but they don't because they have been stupefied by the rhetoric and propaganda of the patrician class, they have got their bread and circuses that keep them endlessly distracted, they have their gladiator heroes to worship, their army of imperial conquest to support, their conspiracy theorists to mock, and their 'freedom and democracy' to trumpet.

24) The symbolic head of the Old World Order is the Queen of England. When she parades through the streets, legions of people wave flags and cheer. They are ecstatic about being her subjects - her acknowledged inferiors in every way. That shows you the power of the tyrants. "

The Old World Order is all about establishing a permanent patrician class. It looks to the mediaeval concept of the monarch appointed by 'divine right' and able to pass the crown down the family line forever. The Old World Order has in fact already achieved about 90% of its agenda. Ordinary people don't get a look in when it comes to genuine power and the best jobs. They're not in the game. They're plebeians. What's worse, they deserve to be. They have it within our power to overthrow the patricians at any time. Instead they let them rule. There are no excuses. The movie The Matrix is an excellent metaphor for the workings of the OWO. The controllers of the Matrix are the OWO. Most people are oblivious to the truth. Only a handful care, and only they see 'reality'. Mr Smith and his fellow super agents are the OWO's enforcers who will deal with anyone showing any signs of resistance. But they don't need to intervene too much because hardly anyone causes any trouble. Even some who have tasted the truth (like 'Cypher') decide that they would prefer to go back to the world of enslavement (made delightful by the power of fantasy - the taste of 'real' steak). Are you happy to be a compliant citizen of the Matrix, or are you prepared to join the resistance? Wake up. Stop voting for the OWO. Stop supporting them. Stop making their lives easy. Stop bowing down to them simply because they are wealthy. Their wealth was gained through manipulation, not merit. If you are a slave to money then you are a pawn of the OWO. They control wealth and hence they control all those who buy into the wealth system.

Dick Fuld, former chief executive officer of the failed Lehman Brothers investment bank, made $500 million dollars while he was at the helm. A half a billion dollars for the man who presided over one of history's greatest financial catastrophes! The bank no longer exists. Fuld is not in jail, is not being prosecuted, is not being pursued by state agencies to surrender his earnings that are now seen to be the profits of breathtaking speculation and incompetence that destroyed the bank.

Many people have paid the price of the collapse of Lehman Brothers. One person who did not was the man most responsible. That is the way the Old World Order operates. Everyone suffers except them. Isn't it time to wake up and smell the coffee? There are still enough truth seekers in the world to make a difference. The flame of resistance has not yet been extinguished."

Wow, you're a true Belieber, huh?

I was with you, kinda, until you said "80%+ population reduction". That's a pretty crazy accusation for which there is probably no evidence. If there is, I'd be glad to see it.

The world population does need a major reduction.

Your mind is so poisoned with fear that your perception of that sentence is such that it automatically thinks "genocide" and not "smart people making the smart choice of having less children" (as most couples in the industrialized world are doing).

If you haven't realized that Phazon is a nutjob by now, you've got a long way to go.

Check it out, if you dare...

Then try to come back and prove to me that the world is overpopulated. Also try proving that we are responsible to lower the population, not let it happen naturally.

BTW, funny that you mention fear, I find it hard to fear anything these days. That's because I've realize the power of love. I see every moment as a choice between love and fear, fortunately I've learned how to choose love and I do most every second of every day.

Fuckin' stupid shit. I don't need to go there because I've already been there. It's just a bunch of religious idiots in denial because the Bible says that the planet is man's to do what he wants with. When will people realize that religion negates rational thought?

When will people realize that religion negates rational thought?

That's not what Gandhi thought when he beat the British overlords.

You've obviously never been to the site, because they don't even mention religion...

Prediction: it has to do with vaccinations.

jones has made a documentary on the subject called "end game: blueprint for global enslavement," which he has given away for free so that anyone can download it. do a search on "eugenics," which is the program for population reduction. do another search on the "club of rome" which is the actual group responsible for eugenics within the nwo. there are a myriad of ways for implementing this policy - vaccines, genetically modified food, man-made viruses and other soft-kill weapons. they are designed to sterilize people, if not you, your offspring will be infertile. this is all on the opposite side of the spectrum where the nwo would overtly use nukes and biological weapons during a time of world war. anyway, there's a lot of information on the subject. as soon as you realize how much these creatures hate humanity you can better put things into perspective. i think because you could not contemplate such slaughter that its difficult to imagine that someone else could. you should read their own documents. they openly brag about how they're going to kill us and they laugh at us that we are too stupid to do anything about it. we shall see.

Wrong. All of that is wrong.

as you wish

Fucking Magnets, How Do They Work?


Dude, i used to listen to him non-stop, many of his claims have not proof whatsoever, and it made me really paranoid. It really made me nervous and i hated everyone. Turns out that is not as bad as he makes it seem, and i am much more happier since i stopped listening to him.

"Turns out that is not as bad as he makes it seem"

Whats not as bad?

The economy? Loss of constitutional rights? Loss of free speech? Politicians ignoring the people?

You have fallen asleep. WAKE UP.

He's always talking about the NWO and Illuminati and enslavement in a way for you to fear it instead of understand it. Then he says they want you to remain in fear so they can control you. He's doing a great job at spreading the fear instead of educating his audience.

Alex Jones is a Jesuit Coadjutor.

He's a disinfo artist and nothing more. He takes facts and adds contradictory info to it, and sprinkles on a little fearmongering. He wants to confuse people more than anything and that's obvious.

There are people who don't believe the main stream media and they are right not to. Alex's role here is the pied-piper. He attracts people genuinely interested in the truth and traps them into his wishy-washy world of fear mongering, twisted facts and blatant lies. He is there to catch and cleanup the people not fooled by the main stream media. No one should listen to this clown.


Hollywood is owned by Arabs

-- Alex Bullhorn Jones




Destruction of the Middle Class -- Check.

Destruction of the manufacturing base -- Check.

Destruction of the school system -- Check.

Destruction of the Constitution -- Check.

Destruction of the financial system -- Check.

Destruction of Capitalism -- Check.

Do you REALLY think this is all an accident? You don't even have to look very hard to find all of this in the news, every day.

If Alex is wrong, then I'm certainly open to alternative theories...

The man knows his audience, and it's making him a lot of money.

Really? How much ?


Alex Jones is an entertainer, nothing more. Central to being a good entertainer is knowing what your audience wants, and giving it to them. He does so, and makes large amounts of money by bullshitting conspiracy theorists.

I think he IS an entertainer, but he is more.

I think he used to buy what he preached; he was much more restrained and reasonable several years ago.

The bottom line is that restrained and reasonable doesn't bring in the audiences that over-the-top does. More audience = more money.

Jones is no different than Limbaugh; both take reasonable kernels of truth, and then embellish to such an extent that the original truth is covered with bullshit.

I think he is different then Limbaugh, but now that you mention it he may become a Limbaugh.

But his movies are responsible for waking up millions of people. There are many who need a movie to wake them up.

I definitely think he attributes was too much to a plan. It's really hard to tell sometimes, but it seems like our rulers are just incredibly selfish, stupid people and the evil/corruption just arises naturally. I don't doubt that there is some level of organization and direction behind the scenes, just not as much as Alex would have you believe.

Enough to carry out 9/11, though.

Yes there is, he said Hollywood is owned by Arabs and that he "looked it up".

And, conveniently, the NWO is the plot of a bunch of socialists.


Him implying that socialism is nefarious just shows you how corrupt he is.


Unnatural? LOL.. shut up.

The New World Order is being implemented in front of you. Why do you think Cheney and Bush are still walking free?

Why do you think the Fed remains uninvestigated?

Why hasn't the president Nationalized BP,N.A., to insure access to its assets?

Why do you think the top 1% of the population has~75% of the money in the US, the remaining 99% of the population has the remaining 25%?

Rumsfeld, Yoo, the whole fucking lot of them, torturers and mass murderers all, still enjoying the good life. They are members in good standing in the New World Order, having played their part.

I like when he tells them that he won't be their slave.

Alex externalizes problems, and gives you somewhere to direct anger and hate (which is an important part of the play). If we directed that energy inward instead of outward, there simply wouldn't be an enemy.

I sometimes wonder if the only reason the Banker/Neocon/Israel mafia lets honest people like Ron Paul exist is as an outlet and hope for the regular people, while at the same time ensuring that there is never any real threat to Banker/Neocon/Israel power.

They're supposed to be threatened by capitalists? No, they love the guy. It's socialists/anarchists they're afraid of.

Isn't that assuming we have any control in the system? If elections are rigged, it doesn't help to exert our energy changing voter's minds.

Once they've convinced you that you have no control their plan has worked. We all have an equal hand in creating this reality, the only reason the "powers that be" are so powerful is because they've convinced a lot of people to give them their power. The only way to truly defeat the nwo is to spread the awareness that we are all in control, not just them.

Control is a trap; most people can't even control themselves. The more control you seek, the more you relinquish to your ego and eventually it controls you.

i came here to be indignant, and even a little outraged--instead, my mood was lightened by so many humorous remarks...

ya gotta laugh, sometimes...


fucking magnets!

be wary of anyone who has this much attention.

It is all very simple, everything you interact with is created by someone else or yourself.

everything your parents taught you

everything you learned in school

everything you see on tv or hear on the radio

everything, literaly

and im not saying the NWO is the manipulator, although they are a major player no doubt, just anything that is not your own idea, thought, or creation

on the commercial level everything at some level answers to the 5% of the population that owns 95% of the worlds wealth

choose the be the creator of your reality and answers about life will come. it takes time for you brain to take hold of an idea and really break it down, but once an idea of truth is there it comes apart on its own, YOU naturaly want to learn truth.

When you listen to Rush Limbaugh, is there any evil he doesn't attribute to liberals? Carbon copy with a different target audience.

Is there anything that happens in the world that is not attributed or connected to the "NWO" in someway?

He's too cowardly or complicit to indict the Jewish mafia and Zionism.

He picks his fights carefully. What do YOU think he means whenever he talks about "offshore bankers"?


Alex Jones is a Jesuit Coadjutor.

Hollywood is owned by Arabs

-- Alex Bullhorn Jones

Unnatural? LOL.. shut up.