Any of you kids ever thought that the big scary 'elites' of the world are the very people *perpetuating* these conspiracy theories to make it looks like they're far more powerful and have way more figured out than they actually do?

26  2010-07-19 by [deleted]


Kids? Fuck you.

I agree. We have to make submissions for a list of conspiracy trolls to be banned.

Grow up.

only morons use the term "conspiracy theory". It means that the speaker knows nothing about the subject X, but wants to dismiss those ("conspiracy theorists") who know more than he or she ever will.

It is just common garden anti-intellectualism. When you ask someone (of the stupidest 90%) if they believe that airline fuel melts steel, their reponse isn't in the domain of reason; their reponse is in the domain of anti-intellectualism.


Either you haven't done much research, or you're really bad at researching. Don't be so afraid of the truth.

This comment is a fine parody of itself.

what ever. I'm sure it annoyed you.


I do imagine they are helping perpetuate these conspiracy theories, and suspect it is for two main reasons. I will try to outline them.

one, quite plainly, is because our distrust of the system is part of the agenda. This distrust serves many purposes. At first, it allows us to be marginalized easily. This has clearly been happening for some time, most prominently in the period immediately following 9/11. After that, though, it allows us to be vilified, especially as we proceed to become more uncooperative and rise against the system we distrust, which is presently happening. This vilification enables countermeasures to be justified and appear justifiable, and these countermeasures are, of course, on the agenda as well. Only after this happens, however, is the ultimate purpose of our distrust fulfilled, for it will eventually be widely revealed, throughout the course of these events unfolding, that our distrust was, indeed, sensible; that the system is indeed a sinister one which should be destroyed. It is only then -- with the distrust that has been cultivated in us, along with the multitude of other dispositions we have been conditioned to maintain and believe are our own -- that we will be permitted to topple the system and erect a new one in its stead; one that fulfills the ideals we have been led to prioritize, solving all the problems we have steadily been made to believe are real through means of equally manufactured value. This new world is the true New World Order: one where authoritarian power is just as consolidated and pervasive as it now is, but one where submission unto that power is willfully chosen, where that power no longer must operate in secret, and where suspicion of that power no longer exists. Heed my words: this will happen, and many will welcome it and suspect nothing.

reason number two is because information which compromises the agenda can never fully be eradicated. Instead of making that information completely inaccessible, then, it is coupled with a flood of misinformation to muddle its nature, rendering all determinations of authenticity significantly more difficult and all avenues of investigation more easily marginalized. We see this type of thing spring up around every suspicious event: outlandish claims arising which help to discredit all claims the events are suspicious. The 9/11 holographic planes idea immediately comes to mind.

there is no reason three, and if there was, it certainly wouldn't be to fool us into believing the forces at work are more powerful than they are. As a populace, we are ignorant, inept, and confused. It makes no difference how powerful they are. Controlling us is incredibly simple.

Don't be so quick to dismiss the value of having your enemy think you're Superman. A percentage of the populace, when deluged by all-cops-all-the-time prime time, will promote that "willful choice" you mention.

you're right. Building that impression can certainly help. The reason I think it's pointless, though, for the elite or whatever, is not because I believe convincing the average person he is helpless is an invalid tactic, but rather, because the average person, being so many degrees of separation away from where decisions are made, is already convinced he is helpless. No more exaggeration is even required.

They are few, we are many. We are not helpless unless we think we are.

This new world is the true New World Order: one where authoritarian power is just as consolidated and pervasive as it now is, but one where submission unto that power is willfully chosen

What brand of crack are you smoking? "Wilfuly chosen" submission to the NWO? Someone can simply choose not to submit to the NWO? So what brand is it?

Someone really has to sort out the CIA weeds here on reddit. Someone please do this. Mods.....

you can if it's totalitarian. You can if it's oppressive. You can choose not to want it. If you don't know what it is, you can't. If you think you want it already, you can't. That's all I meant. You are slow.

are you talking about the Conspiracy conspiracy?

That's the one. ;)

well, not to forget the Conspiracy conspiracy conspiracy theory!

"Godlike Productions" Tavistock SRI

So, yeah. Befuddling conspiracy hobbyists with bullshit is part of the plan.

Oh come on, why would they ever want to do anything like that?!

So instead of believing conspiracies about corporations, there are now conspiracies that the conspiracies are just made up?


Yeah you're on your own there, buddy.

Can someone weed out the fucking shills here? kyleisagod is right. Ban the submitter immediately.

that's exactly what they want you to think


Part of the deception is to let people bicker.

They'll make up their own theories and call them truths.

No one is supposed to know.

Wasn't that pretty much the whole point made by this South Park episode?

there is a conspiracy theory for every assumption

I've thought that for some time now, but try telling that to one of the ""conspiracy kids" and they'll accuse you of being part of the NWO.hahaha.

It makes perfect sense, the info is out there, time to spin it.

^ Shill to ban #2

Nope, no shill. Just trying to share my opinion.It seems if it differs from yours that deserves a ban?!?! Neo never woke up.

oh wow man! you like blew my mind with that

Yes. They could be bluffing. However, even if their power was a bluff at some point, the longer that illusion holds, the closer it comes to being the truth.

Shut the fuck up Fred. You know full well we're not to speak of this publically and besides you're just teasing the kids anyways. What's the point?

PS Bunny called to say you haven't confirmed her tennis party with mumsy.

Money IS power.

Now fuck off.

"Herp derp I said a short common phrase with absolutely no evidential backing but I'm still super sure of myself and am therefore correct derp."

Thanks for posting this... too true. I think there are conspiracies, but there are too many for all of there interests to align so well that a "master plan" could ever emerge. It's just powerful people trying to stay on top by whatever means possible. Sometimes, even, those 'elites' actually know what they're doing and can solve a problem, but for the nutters poisoning the discussion.

Isn't that what Alex Jones is for?

Some of the conspiracy theories they do propagate. Like the theory that it's all jews running the world and doing the bad things, instead of the global plutocracy, which is mainly not composed of Jewish people, though there are some. They want a target, that's not them.

no, it's just you being stupid on your own

It is more likely that a majority of all conspiracy theories is nothing but bull and that the "truth spreaders" use peoples fear to sell books, DVDs and radio/web-ads.

Create fear of invisible enemy.

Identify enemy.

Sell books and products attacking enemy. Invite others to join the movement (to consume the message).

Result: profit off the status quo, at the expense of suckers.

I say.. does it not go both ways?