The Wikileaks rape allegations reminded me of this: "Masquerading as an American tourist called 'Cindy', Israeli Mossad agent Cheryl Bentov befriended Vanunu, and on 30 September persuaded him to fly to Rome with her on a holiday. Once in Rome, Mossad agents drugged him and carried him to Israel..."

124  2010-08-21 by salvia_d

Apologies for the self-post but this is the only way i could figure out how to resubmit a link. Mordechai Vanunu


Everybody here should check out the book By Way Of Deception by Victor Ostrovsky. Ostrovsky is a former Mossad agent and is now quite critical of the Mossad and Israel as a whole. He goes in to detail about a lot of their operations which are incredibly intricate. Its worth reading if you have the time.

Thanks for that. Found a copy here if anyone is interested


I own a copy. Great book. Real interesting read. But what does this have to do with Wikileaks?


That was fast.

That's what she said.

lol regular reddit thinks assange is a good guy and conspiracy reddit thinks he is a cia spy


Explain this view, please.

I get downvoted for asking why Assange is a suspected Mossad/CIA operative? Yeah, no wonder people think Conspiracy Theorists are fuckin retards.

I agree, that's a ridiculous reason to downvote someone.

Upvoted in protest.


I think it's reasonable for them to say, "Hey, here's a copy of what we have, if you'd like to black out anything that might be immediately threatening to people's lives, please do so and let us know by xx date." That's just a move to build credibility with everyone else by showing that they don't want to threaten lives, they just want information out.

But you do make some good observations.

Someone is yelling outside...

There's a lot of disinfo here. I've been hanging out in the WL chat for weeks now. Very unlikely it's a front.


you've been lurking

I didn't say "lurking". That is entirely your strawman fallacy. Using fallacious arguments is a really bad sign you're being dishonest.

you think you know what's going on

I think I've met some really solid people, and I'm an excellent judge of character.

all signs point in that direction

I doubt it, and your post is mostly unsupported allegations in the form of questions, with a bit of DaJoos thrown in for good measure. Nice plug for there too, which is funny.

So I suppose I'll just keep thinking what I think until I see some real evidence.


I am of the mild belief that Saddam was a CIA operative, likely until the day he died.


There are beliefs, and facts. Facts are black and white. Belief is on a sliding scale. The less evidence I have, the weaker the belief.

Duh. He was a strongman who kept the mullahs in line and took dollars for oil.

She must be an Israeli "Swallow".

Manjewrian Candidate

Oh, come on.

You have that backward. You can tell them by the fact they don't swallow.

Nice job, CIA.

Nice try, CIA.

It's created doubt about him, hasn't it? That's usually enough. Job well done!

No it hasn't.

It has with the people who matter.

The people who already dislike him?

How does that remind you of it? None of the same things happened at all. Nothing even similar.

It's not similar. It's just that no /r/conspiracy theory is complete without blaming the Jews.