Why don't we talk more openly about Bilderberg and the supposed world shadow government?

163  2010-08-29 by [deleted]

I'm just wondering, why don't these get voted up more? I know there are links about Bilderberg, Obama being a puppet and some crazy conspiracy theories on the Illuminati. But they all get a very low vote count, or zero.

What do you guys have to say about this?

My opinion on the whole thing is basically this, I don't know the facts, not a lot of people do. I however live by one simple notion, we, humans, are all the same!

We've been raised to believe that blue blooded nobility and men of power are better than us in some way. They're not, they have the same criminal mindset, the same weaknesses, the same temptations, that we do!

With this fundamental principle in mind, one must understand that just as there is every day crime in our level of society, the working class, there is a much higher level of crime in a much higher level of society.

This is not even a conspiracy theory any more, it is a fact. The conspiracy theory is what they're doing with their power, how they're exploiting it and what their agenda is. And this is besides the fact that many claim power corrupts!

So accepting the fact that world leaders have good ones, and bad ones, with crime on a level we cannot comprehend and no police force to stop them, in fact they own the police force. Accepting that fact, we should start investigating what they could be doing, who they are?

So why don't we talk more about Bilderberg, the Illuminati and the New World Order they're trying to create? We should seriously spam this just as much as we spammed the prop 19 posts on reddit.

Is no one questioning the fact that Reddit is owned by a subsidiary of a company directly owned by the old Newhouse family? These are jewish moguls, ranked with the other leading families controlling the world wealth.

Anyone informed will understand that this has nothing to do with religion, it has to do with wealthy families amassing enough power in the western world to put themselves beyond the law.

But back to the point, it seems that the system is set up so that we can't do anything about this. The United States already have a two party system where most elections turn out 50/50 for both sides.

Now it's spreading to other nations, Sweden for example is seeing all its diverse parties combine into two alliances, one left, one right.

It just seems like the natural evolution of things but it's leading to a system where people who demand open politics, oversight, and government control over companies have no party to vote for.

This is the fact, government leaders come and go, but the leaders of these old and wealthy families controlling the world banks, media houses and more, they never go away! In fact it seems some of them are kept alive by the latest technology in the world because they just won't die. And they never lose their power! They are simply, and slowly, replaced by their descendants.

Yet these companies are allowed to call our politicians into secret meetings without disclosing any information, they're allowed to give secret campaign contributions of unlimited sums of money.

Wake up people! Government is neither our employee nor under its own control, it is and always has been under the control of corporations!

The one with the most money wins, the one with the most campaign contributions who can bring their name to the most people always wins.

This is also the main reason we need to protect the internet, net neutrality and freedom of speech on the internet is our generations big campaign and we must not lose!

So please, make yourselves heard, think and judge everything you hear. Because none of us has all the facts, but if we just remember one simple principle, they're not better than us, I believe we can bring them down to our level!


"Everyone's entitled to their own opinion, none to their own facts" - I forgot who said that, but it makes sense to me.

I have no idea why people internalize the lies and absurdities of the propaganda. Voiltaire said, that those who can make you believe aburdities can make you commit atrocities, and that's what we've been seeing for a long, long time.

Superior ethics?

Vietnam? Woops, big tragedy for the US, sorry we messed that one up. Iraq, Afghanistan, South- and Central-America, Laos, Cambodja (where do you think the khemer rouge came from?), The Philippines, Indonesia, Korea, Japan. The list of our atrocities go on and on and on, and somehow, it's no problem, dictators are fine, but if they step out of line, we apply international "law" (which isn't really law but rule of the strong, since it's only applied to the weak).

It's takes some amazing leaps of idiocy to keep justifying our wanton slaughter of the rest of the world and our complete disregard for our only, irreplaceble habitat. We're not just collective psychopaths, we're also stupid and short-sighted.

Is there a cabal at the top of this or is it all in the nature of the institutions? It's probably a combination, but the fact remains, that a tiny elite stands to benifit from the policies being carried out.

In the words of Noam Chomsky, which are really common sense: "As along as a tiny elite is in a position of power over policy, it is going to set policy in its interests". It's not rocket science, it's the same shit our grand parents and great-grand parents gave their lives to deal away with.

Now what do we do?

We keep at it. People get really impatient with me really fast, when i challenge their illusions and one thing i notice is, that while i provide data and do research, most people hang on to beliefs because of predjudice. "The powers that be cannot be malevolent", "It's impossible to imagine these conspiracies kept secret". We need to laugh more and laugh harder at the propaganda, just as we laughed our ass off at the "stupid russians" during the cold war. And we need help.

We need to have our facts straight, we need to help spur curiousity and disbelief based on easily understandable facts. Things that cause so much cognitive dissonance in the sheep, which is probably not what we should call them, that they have no choice but to learn.

I'm disheartened though, this is all so basic, OF COURSE people in a position of power will do anything to keep it and OBVIOUSLY those with dictatorial economic powers will be as eager to defend their position as any dictator. They know what happens if they loosen the grip.

I think one fact we can actually explain to people who've had their capacity for critical thinking and logical reasoning destroyed over the years, is the fact of distribution of wealth. It's pretty easy to explain that top 1-2% controls all the shit, more or less (look up the Gini Index).

I think it's also very correct to hit on the topic of Bilderberg. Of course it's suspect that all the worlds most powerful people meet in secret with no media coverage. We need to go out there and document it.

Apparently we're the only adults here

We need to make rational arguments and stop listening to people like Alex Jones and David Icke - I don't know who sponsors them, but it's fear mongoring. Correct or not, it helps marginalize us and make us seem even more out there, when people hear AJ ranting and screaming and Icke going off on a tangent about reptilian shapeshifters.

Who the hell knows, but still, it's not exactly the right way to get the message of power-concentration and systemic abuse across.

AJ also disqualifies himself as an adult when he pushes the idea that climate change is all a lie and that our continuous effort to turn the earth's limited resources into garbage, is not a problem.

A black and white view of the world, is a tool of oppression

Of course it's not provable beyond a doubt, NOTHING IS in science, so lets dispense with the black and white view and the idea that we know everything and instead proceed with care, mindfulness and the right balance between actions and consequences, always taking into account what can and cannot be undone and what benefits we reap at what costs.

We need rationality and we need science, we need data, we need logic and we need incriminating evidence. We need to stop believing that either you're a bad conspirator or a good thruther, it polarizes the situation further, separates people more and it doesn't take into account the fact, that the abuse is institutionalized and people, just as your regular KZ-camp guard, are coerced into serving the system.

There is probably very few really evil people in the world, it makes no sense to classify them as evil either, what makes sense is to look at how suffering is propagated and what it's causes are - and how to interfere effectively with those causes. Are we doing that now?

Let's discuss actions, not who did what, where, why, when and how much they should hang for it

We need to switch to a positive approach and create alternatives while asking for nothing but truth, human rights and freedom from oppression.

Maybe it sounds like I have all the answers, I don't, but what I know is, that we must apply the same standards to ourselves as we do to the powers that be. We need to be critical, reasonable and we need to be more positive in the real sense of the word.

We need people to start believing in their own power again, to realize that we can change, without, within and that we fundamentally share the same hopes, dreams, fears and potential. If we do not become the voice of rationality, we are an easy target.

We must point out the hypocricy, the atrocities and the holes in the propaganda at every chance and we cannot be afraid anymore. One effect of our modern society is isolation, we all think we're alone and everyone's afraid to speak up. We're not alone.

After all, the power elite comprises only a very few at the top and their more or less willing henchmen through the ranks, and they've gotta be getting scared. We speak for humanity, they speak for the few. They kill, we ask to save. They accumulate wealth, we must be generous.

We cannot let ourselves fall into a purely reactionary, negative mode of operation, we must show alternatives, we must remind everyone of their potential as creators of reality. And we all are, whether we understand that in a purely materialistic sense or in a more holistic, unified way.

We must engage with our neighbors and friends and show, that those who speak for truth, justice and compassion manifest those beliefs in reality, near and far!

Let's get ambitious, after all, no one is really satisfied running after the next bigger car, next flat-screen tv and we know it, deep down we can all feel the futility of the lifestyle imposed on us. We know we're meant for more.

well said, there are a lot of people who tap into the things that are easy to see are wrong in our world: corrupt politicians, special interests always triumphing over the people, even when it is painted as the opposite, and constant denial of these self evident facts by the media and goverment.

as long as you get your information from one dude, that puts you at risk of just becoming part of his following.

hey guys who are new from digg, these guys on this subreddit are like our retarded cousins, we let them speak their beliefs in front of us and nod our heads

but we all know they CRAZY

you guys always take assumptions and guesses.. then you turn it into statements as if they are facts without legitimate sources.. this is why we dont, and cant, regard you guys with high esteem

who the fuck are you and what entitles you to come in here and say that shit.

our asssumptions and guesses are in an attempt to understand the world as we see it, yours are taken to destroy our communication.

in closing, fuck off back to digg, troll

I think we'll agree that the best action for all information seekers to take is to become information spreaders. We already do it, speak to our friends, educate them. Most of my friends love to hear about it because they're not avid internet readers, they're all just on facebook and playing games.

So there is an appreciation for people like us out there, we just need to continue informing the people in better ways.

Something I suggest is to take the stories we read on reddit and summarize them into short opinion columns that we can send to local newspapers.

So while we're reminding people that this nation is built on corporate interests or our politicians are receiving secret funds from companies we can also remind them of the simple facts that all men were created equal and dictators don't even sit in power as long as corporate owners.

The problem here is gearing the information towards a local newspaper opinion column while still retaining the information you're trying to convey. Basically newspapers don't run opinion columns so that random yahoos can start writing news stories in their paper.

I've done this pretty well here in Sweden so far by voicing opinions about the stories, calling for comments and opinions from others, while reporting on something I'd never be able to read in that paper normally because it seems to only exist here online.

Cue Switchfoot:

♪ ♫ ♪ We were meant to live for so much more. Have we lost ourselves? ♪ ♫ ♪

All the masses demand is bread and circus. War is circus.

No, war is profit.

While it's pure profit for some, it's usually just circus for the taxpayers.

The reason why there is no gladiator-to-the-death games in the western world today is because we have war-to-the-death games instead.

Did you ask the masses?

Yes, they said I was wrong. So I gave them bread and circus, and they were happy.

It's not that that convinced them I was right, they just didn't care anymore. Cuz they had bread and circus.

I didn't get any bread or circus :/

Must by why I'm pissed.

My sentiments exactly.

With recent events, say for instance the blocking of an investigation of the BP oil spill by the Senate (after an overwhelming majority of the House passed it), you'd think people would begin to realize their government is not there for the people, but for those who have the money.

Most people are too caught up in their everyday lives to try and think outside of the presented box that is conveniently placed over their head. Those in power of course use this (divide and conquer), and the fear of some impending doom to keep people feeling small and powerless. (Religion falls in here somewhere too)

With that being said, EVERYONE is responsible for the current situation of the world. People create their reality by choosing their perception of it. For things to change into a more positive atmosphere, people need to wake up to their own power of creation and take responsibility for their situation and their lives. Until more people start this cycle of 'awakening', those that manipulate the masses for their own gain and benefit will continue to run rampant.

Bring on those downvotes!!!

However, it seems to me that you can be fully 'awake' to the global situation, yet still decide to live within the exact system that is destroying the physical environment and the spiritual integrity of our entire planet.

I believe we will enter an Age of Sacrifice (without a choice). In this period we will lose the system that is ruining the world. We actually must revert backwards in human history in order to fix this. This means a return to our immediate surroundings for survival. This means a return to the natural world for all of our food and goods for living. Small communities will make this process easier and more comfortable. We can still have 'labor specialization', but the labor is going to change. With specialization comes barter in order to survive. And so the economy finally reemerges, this time much closer to its true meaning/definition: managing the home.

By the time all this happens, our values and virtues will have been refreshed by years of struggle and a massive, natural reduction in the population of our species. With the regrowth of natural flora and fauna systems, our true purpose as stewards will be reinstilled. Our spirits will once again breathe deep from the source. From this point our understanding and knowledge of technological evolution can be reintegrated in a very different way. Not just for the benefit of one species, but for all.

That's my dream and I'm stickin to it :) Totally possible.

This means a return to the natural world for all of our food and goods for living. Small communities will make this process easier and more comfortable. We can still have 'labor specialization', but the labor is going to change. With specialization comes barter in order to survive. And so the economy finally reemerges, this time much closer to its true meaning/definition: managing the home.

That's my dream and I'm stickin to it :) Totally possible.

You'll have to go through the 99% of the planet that agrees more with me than with you.

A human civilization regressed and not progressing is pointless - I'd rather see us wiped out completely than returning from visiting the moon to living like chimps.

99% of humanity you mean? Hopefully that anthropocentric 99% will be wiped out completely.. And fuck visiting the moon. One word: oxygen. Let's get off this progress train and just be happy to be alive.

Never a downvote from me my friend.

This is all too true. It's so sad to see people blame a small group of people who, though massively wealthy, are all but powerless to change society in any meaningful way, and most of whom will pass away in a couple of decades anyway. Who will you blame then?

Stop the blame game and start taking action, you fools.

No downvote from me as per reddiquette.

However, indulge me for a moment. Former President Woodrow Wilson was quoted as saying: " Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."

US Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter: "The real rulers in Washington are invisible, and exercise power from behind the scenes."

FDR wrote to Wislon's top advisor, Colonel Edward House: "The real truth of the matter is, as you know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson."

Colonel L. Fletcher Prouty was a laison between the Pentagon and the CIA and therefore witnessed the mechanisms of both the intellegence industry and the military industry, wrote: "The US is run by a 'secret team'...an inner sanctum. The power of the team is derived from its vast intra-governmental undercover infrastruture and its direct relationship with the greater private industries, mutual funds and investment houses, universities and the news media, including foriegn and domestic publishing houses. All true members of the team remain in the power center whether in office with the incumbant administration or out of the office with the hardcore set. They simply rotate to and from official jobs and the business world."

The folks mentioned are in positions of knowing more than you or I. They are/were privy to much more info and connections than you and I and cross(ed) paths with those of whom they speak. So, it would be foolishness to dismiss these comments out of hand because they are an afront to your sense of reality. But until you objectively research without jumping to a comfortable conclusion prior to the necessary research, you will remain a slave to the drivel the media spoon feeds everyday. The media distracts or completely ignores the stories that challenge the rule from on high. They (the media) cannot necessarily change how you think, but they always show and tell you what to think about.

As your first assignment I would invite you to read 'Rule by Secrecy' by Jim Marrs. He simply points out the recurring patterns and inconsistencies and quotes those in the know and allows you to draw your own conclusions, that if you are a thinking person, will demonstrate that the ruling families have passed the torch carefully from generation to generation in order to protect their interests and further their aspirations of more power.

Stop the blame game and start taking action, you fools.

This is action. To influence and orchestrate from behind the scenes all the while 'allowing democracy' is the game that we are told to play. Shedding light and spreading the knowledge is the way to change the game. Sharing and informing turns on the light.

Reddit tends to believe everything they are fed.

They like being told what to believe while at the time pretending they have their finger on the pulse of the world.

If you mention any alternate theory, or even hint that something might sway a little bit away from the "official" story you WILL get down-voted into oblivion.

Which is why no one ever mentions it here. I can't really blame them.

Are you trying to say governments lie? Never! That's impossible! Have a downvote!

9/11 an inside job? Here, take a downvote, retarded asshole.

Builderberg? The word alone provokes a mass of downvotes.

Bin Laden not an evil mastermind? 5,000 down-votes, nutjob!.

What can I say? Some people are happy in their ignorance.

I'm forced to agree, however I do believe reddit is, and not to sound cliche, "waking up". I'm noticing more and more that redditors in general are being more open to ideas. Hell, a day or two ago I even got 70+ up-votes for what would be considered a "conspiratard" comment.

Just post your links in /r/worldnews, give the submission title a mainstream leftist flavour, and presto; your otherwise reproachable tinfoilery will become first page news.

While I dont know if I think reddit believes everything its told. I do think reddit isnt friendly towards outside opinions.

Sorry, but /r/conspiracy, like /r/trees, and like probably most of Reddit, is a huge fucking circlejerk. Posts like yours are the reason that a meme like "Wake up sheeple!!!!!111" is so funny.

You haven't at all fairly represented why many people think that 9/11 wasn't an inside job. You haven't at all fairly represented why many people think Bilderberg conspiracy theories are simplistic interpretations of something which is admittedly significant. In short, you're karate-chopping straw men to whiskers, and nobody cares.

I wasn't trying to why people think 9.11 wasn't an insider job, and I wasn't trying to represent why many people think Builderberg are simplistic interpretations. I was just making an observation. A statement. Surely you understand the difference.

However, If you would like proof of any of the following I would be happy to provide it in a more specific post.

You haven't at all fairly represented why many people think that 9/11 wasn't an inside job.


You haven't at all fairly represented why many people think Bilderberg conspiracy theories are simplistic interpretations of something which is admittedly significant.

Bilderberg conspiracy theories look at ties between politicians and those in control of industry. This gives you an eagle eye view of political and economic situations combined.

Speaking a a redditor being fed bullshit, you're completely wrong.

Saying the truth is much better regarded if you provide evidence, and I note that you have provided exactly none.

I wasn't arguing any point where I needed to provide proof. I was simply stating an observation.

It was of my understanding that the mainstream view on the Bilderberg group is that of a conspiratory elitistic group. This is a double edged sword, what about you stop believing anything presenting itself as an alternative theory on the basis of it being alternative? The conspiracy theorists share a common mindset not at all different from the reddit hivemind you criticize.

What can I say? Some people are happy in their ignorance.

Being wrong and alternative is not better than being wrong.


" Is the refrigerator empty because a gang of international thieves stole the food, because the refrigerator is an alien artifact that makes food disappear or because my roommate and his friends were hungry last night? "

I know binary thinking is a difficult vice to get rid of, but it is worth trying.

(I upvoted you just because.)

I am not a conspiracy nutter, I don't believe every alternate theory just because it's an alternate theory.

Believe it or not the proofs behind alternate theories like 9.11 are overwhelming. Unlike, say, the moon landing alternate theory. I have yet to see any definitive proof of that theory other than a lot of conjecture. The official 9/11 story on the other hand is more on the opposite of Ochams Razor than the alternate.

An evil mastermind of comic proportions planned and executed the most dastardly of terrorist attacks from a cave in Afghanistan. His highly trained band of minions expertly circumvented the most secure airspace in this history of the world and managed to hit 3 high visibility targets including the world's largest and most advanced military headquarters. And has all the while alluded capture for 9 years hopping from cave to cave all the while taunting the superpower with tapes and videos. All this because he "hates our freedoms"


The US government planted some bombs so they could further expand their empire?

Which sounds more like the wacco conspiracy theory to you?

I can play this game too.

A group of psychopaths infiltrated our electorate system, got themselves elected, and planned one of the most complicated conspiracies in the history of the world. One in which hundreds of individuals, many of whom would have to be engineers and demolition experts, secretly plotted and executed a complicated demolition of three of the most bustling locations in America without a single witness noticing anything. After it was completed, a government which had shown itself to be incompetent in planning and executing military operations, as well as keeping state secrets such as the use of water boarding, the poor treatment of prisoners of war, and thousands of classified military documents, was able to keep these hundreds or thousands of individuals silent after they witnessed and participated in the greatest act of treason this country ever known. They were also able to make four jumbo jets full of people disappear. And they did it all because we wanted to extend the empire into locations far too large to be controlled by military means, including a country the size of Texas that's full of mountains and practically nothing of economic value except some fertile soil, but not enough water to make it viable.


A rich, educated, CIA trained Saudi duped some fools into thinking if they did a massive murder-suicide God would smile.

Which sounds more like the wacko conspiracy theory to you?

9/11 an inside job? Here, take a downvote, retarded asshole.

Didn't used to always be like that, it took a lot of debate and evidence to change the hive mind.

I haven't seen any of this be a case.

Are you trying to say governments lie? Never! That's impossible! Have a downvote!

/r/Libertarian seldom says anything else, and it's a quite popular reddit with a strong following (often reaching the front page even).

9/11 an inside job? Here, take a downvote, retarded asshole.

Because the majority not only thinks that governments lie, we think that governments are more stupid than nefarious. Ingenious evil doing seems unlikely because none believes governments are competent enough for that.

So to hit the earlier one: /r/conspiracy believes government is evil and fiendishly smart. /r/Libertarian (and many others) believes government is self-serving and more or less retarded.

Builderberg? The word alone provokes a mass of downvotes.

Because the powerful people of the planet associating with each other is so fucking obvious (why wouldn't they? The most beautiful people of the planet like fucking each other too if you haven't noticed).

Bin Laden not an evil mastermind? 5,000 down-votes, nutjob!

Haven't seen anyone believe this. First of all very few believe he's evil, but he's smart, ruthless and very much committed to his vision (and he's from a rich family, which gives him contacts, many of which probably work even now). Think of him as a son of a Bilderberger who doesn't shun violence and is actively against the current world order. While obviously occupying 2 countries to get him is overkill, he is a dangerous individual, if probably not in the top 1000 most dangerous people on the planet.

I like how you get downvoted for doing a decent job of explaining to /r/conspiracy why much of reddit downvotes conspiracy posts/comments.

While obviously occupying 2 countries to get him is overkill

Well, that's stretching the truth a little thin.

It's more like "Using his presence nearby to justify invading two countries, one for oil, and one for opium".

Opium? Try one for oil, and for the construction of an oil pipeline to transfer said oil.

No, the Taliban were quite happy for the USA to build that pipeline.

It was the destruction of Afghanistan's opium crop which really got the goat of the USA, or so I believe.

My religion forbids me using /s

I don't know what fantasy world you are living in, but the straw man is strong with this one. You are no worse than the religious right, claiming to be persecuted against while maintaining a majority.

A true observation.

Nothing is more sad and pathetic than a redditor who responds to these kinds of posts with the lame line 'WAKE UP SHEEPLE!' To me these fools are the ones who are in the deepest slumber and are the most afraid of the ugly truth. When one has invested their whole lives in an illusion- the last thing they want to do is accept that their whole paradigm is based on a lie. Nobody wants to accept that they have been duped, especially when a peer is awake and they are not. They will violently defend their conditioned reality. Coming up to 9 years and the majority still believe the 9/11 fairytale- this is absolutely shocking and very telling. The PTB are so powerful that they have the ability to tell you an orange is an apple and you believe it because you doubt your own mind. If this continues the human race will be heading for mass slavery...too late.

I agree with you, but doesnt this remind you of the matrix? When Morpheus told Neo that most people in the matrix are so dependent on it that they would actually fight to defend it?


Which ugly truth do you speak of?

At the risk of sounding cliche: The truth cannot be told it can only be realized...besides i'm not sure if your question is one of 'oh yeah, well why don't you enlighten us 'Mr Aware'? or if it is rooted in genuine curiosity. Either way, if you are indeed 'receptive' then start venturing down the rabbit hole and the dots will begin to connect themselves, that is, as long as your defence mechanisms allow it...most people's don't.

What if they just want us to stay on the web all day fearing the enslavement of humanity? ...instead of being outside planting and growing our own food, building our own homes from rammed earth and salvaged materials, creating our own clothing and supplies for living, turning off the electricity, heating our water with compost piles that in turn feed our gardens that in turn feed us, building friendship with our neighbors and establishing community and trust with them to fight these PTB the only way we can, by not participating in their game.

Just a thought, I've been in the rabbit hole for 3 months now, and some in the past. It's a lot of time spent with screens while I meanwhile completely depend on the system to survive. We can change that by doing it ourselves, no?

Couldn't agree more. Once we realize the "truth", the most impact we can have on others is simply leading by example. If we are less reliant on the system, and can prove that life is better on our "side"... that's where people will stop and notice. Scaring the shit out of them is more likely to cause them to fight for their conditioned reality, or just straight out put them in a state of apathy.

The hardest part is redefining our definition of what is better. This change of mindset may not happen without force (basically no electricity for more than a few days). And by then it will be chaotic and abrupt transition distorted by unpreparedness and a generally shocked culture.

The more we can do now to be self sufficient in our local neighborhoods/communities, the easier and more apparent this mindset shift will become. Creating all the things you need right around your home is one of the most satisfying and fulfilling feelings you can have. A whole community doing this is even more enlightening. Good enough even to replace the satisfied feelings from TV, AC, 40 hour a week careers that you have to drive to, a bag of cheezits, etc. Eventually you won't even think about Reddit..

Gonna be a bit of a narcissist here but.... It's refreshing to hear someone else echo my thoughts because you really hit the nail on the head with everything I think is relevant. I like where your head is at! Personally, I've been looking at using window farms/urban agro as a means of starting a Social Business. Water/Food/Shelter/Energy/Education and health care is what I plan on trying to bring to people in every walk of life... phase one is food. However the main problem I see with a lot of metro areas (which need self-sustainability the MOST) is that it's hard to (not impossible) to get a real neighborhood/community feeling in which these ideas/practices can flourish. There's so much social stratification and mistrust that it seems nearly impossible. However, I would love to vet ideas with someone such as yourself.

Thanks, there are lots of people thinking and acting in this way. Your "Social Business" idea sounds good, but your description is very general so it is hard to tell what you intend. I will agree with you that food is definately phase one. I see it has the single most action we can take towards positive, sustainable, and long term change. Trying to organize an actual self sustaining community (and not just a meet up group.. super part time, feel-good-for-yourself type thing) in in urban setting is going to be the hardest place in a lot of respects. It's like trying to speak of peace in no man's land mid-battle. Although it can be done, the culture will do everything it can to pull you backwards. The key is finding the right key people that are willing to dedicate themselves to a vision together. Once you get a core group of friends flowing day in day out (give or take, more constant the better), then you will start to see the 'magic of humanity' bring more key people right in to your 'business' :) Clearly defining and periodically re-instilling the goals and higher vision would be key to a long term success. I'm just brainstorming, hit me back! Read up on permaculture ideas yet?

agreed food. regarding food, please don't overlook aquaculture.

Yes, they want us to do anything as long as it is not what you described. Keeping us distracted and fearful is the objective- we have nothing to be afraid of as long as we take back our power as free humans on this planet but alas they have a vested interest to keep us divided and competing with each other- i must say they set the plan in motion but as you mention, we are the ones that feed the very system that enslaves us. There are enough resources on this planet for everyone but not for everyone's greed. Non- compliance and non- participation is the key to the beginning of a tidal wave of change. We can be the change we want to see in the world and it all starts with simple and consistent baby steps...speaking and inspiring one person at a time, planting one seed at a time. We are individual units in a sea of units but together, one by one, we form the collective. No single drop of water ever felt responsible for the flood, but all the drops together caused a Tsunami.

When one has invested their whole lives in an illusion- the last thing they want to do is accept that their whole paradigm is based on a lie.

Maybe not a lie but ill-informed.

It happens all the time to all kinds of people. Creationists believe the earth is 5,000 years old, they aren't stupid people they've just been fed faulty information and the community around them reinforces the belief. People that bought houses in 2006-2007 were in a similar situation of being fed poor information and then having it supported by friends, real estate agents, msm and loan officers. Racism and Homophobia are along the same lines, it's really hard to break out of a spiral once you slide into one.

Once you invest yourself in a belief and have a community that supports that belief it doesn't really matter what information you intake unless you are willing to try to be objective about how you look at it.

i'll say a couple things i don't usually say.

i have one implant in my ear that i can prove, and one that i can't. you can feel the one that i can prove. i have a scar on my shoulder that's referred to as a "scoop mark" from a tissue sample being taken from me. it looks like i got shot or got burned by one hellacious cigarette... but i don't remember how i got it. at all. i am totally serious. i also don't remember exactly when the feelable implant in my ear showed up. it's been there about 3 years, and until i met others who go through the same thing as me a couple months ago, i thought it was a calcium deposit on my cartilage or something. now i know.

aliens exist, but it wasn't them who put them there. human beings just like us use alien technology to better control the population. they track those of us who know the truth or show promise of finding something out that's way above our pay grade. most of the "alien abductions" involve false memories implanted in place of the ones that were "flashed" away to avoid memory of the incident. aliens take a few here and there, but the lion's share are done by traitorous fucking humans who do the work of the elite. (the old families.)

the old families (who set up the bilderberg meetings, the CFR, etc) have known about the fact that we are not alone on earth, much less in the galaxy for a LONG time. where do you think their power comes from?

they steer our society towards their goal, which is an overpopulated, down-bred population. just a couple hundred years ago, you had to be competent and witty to survive. people lived on their own in cabins in the woods. now, people do well to be able to cook a mostly-prepared frozen meal. if they had to go find and purify their own water, they'd fucking die. the "advances" in technology are promoted to make life easier so more of us survive. we have better healthcare, more secure housing, and a ready access to (severely unhealthy and tampered-with) food in certain areas of the world that are slated for a stable population.

i know why, too. we're human cattle. the entities that have lived on earth in their underground cities for millions of years need food. we are their food. think about how different life is right now compared to 200 years ago, then think about how different life was 200 years ago as compared to 400 years ago. huge jump. is it a coincidence that the human population has exploded while at the same time, the human ability to survive has taken a nosedive? most people couldn't survive in the woods on their own for two weeks, and that is a by-product of our society.

they've created a world where villages don't exist. we're nameless faces on the subway. even in the suburbs, you get up and go to work and come home, and barely converse with those around you. they are removing our defenses against them, which are a familiarity with others and our surroundings, and they jam our psychic abilities (we all have them) with EVERYTHING ELECTRONIC, from television to computers, cell phones, and even light bulbs. (light bulbs run at a complementary frequency to our brain wave patterns. if you have a basic knowledge of how electronic jamming equipment works in theory, just think about what would happen if you pumped a similar frequency of light energy to your brain's normal operating frequency into your eyes (window to the soul, literally) day after day and night after night for your entire life. you stare at computer screens and televisions without knowing that your eyes see everything but register very little. whether you know it or not, the human brain can process binary fairly well. it's a simple alphabet, after all. they send us messages in the form of doubts and mind control via binary flashes on television. deep down, you all know it's true.

some of us have stronger brain wattage than others. the mere fact that you're all on reddit reading this thread suggests that you're above average. they are currently jamming me because of what i know and what i'm doing with that knowledge. i was taken 2 weeks ago for the recent addition to my ear canal. i remember the blue light through the window, and i found blood on my phone the next day. my ear has felt weird every since. they use the left ear for all this stuff. i know other people who go through the same exact thing. i'm a person who happens to be near the top of the bell curve when it comes to psychic potential. (brain wattage. pure and simple.) i hear things and see things that most don't. i know what you're going to say to me after you've said about 1/3 of your sentence, all the time, and i usually know before then. eye contact can be intense sometimes, because i get a LOT of information about a person just from eye contact. i'm able to do a decent job (for an untrained amateur) of judging the probability densities that determine our conscious path through the dimensions. (EVERY possibility exists in a spinoff reality somewhere, no matter how remote. the most possible or probable ones line up into into a density curve that our consciousnesses more or less follow.) they (Them, their human traitor allies, etc) think highly enough of my power and potential that they were willing to hastily take me 2 weeks ago while knowing that i will KNOW that i've been fucked with. (i found the blood, for fuck's sake.)

i just did myself a big disservice by saying that in a public place, but fuck it. the people who would hear and care probably already know that i know. all of my work means NOTHING if the word doesn't get out, and a place like this is perfect. i've studied this broad subject for 4 years now and things have fallen into place this year that allow me to finally start doing something with it. i fucking KNOW it's real, because it's earned me ear implants, a monitored computer, a monitored cell phone line, and even a guy whose job it is to passively check up on me 2 or 3 times a year.

i don't care if you believe me now, because deep down, you all know it's true. there is something SERIOUSLY wrong with our world. we're being led down a path to the total slavery of our species (we're already 90% there) by old families in power with higher reptilian gene percentages than most (although we're all part reptilian in some percentage. the book of genesis lays it all out there, except it's in metaphor or code. if you take it literally, you won't catch it. why do you think we're taught to take a HIGHLY metaphorical and symbolic book like the bible in a literal fashion?) the old families are known by name. we know their top-level lackeys by name, too. (bilderbergers, trilateral commission, CFR, the world banks, etc.)

all we can do is spread the truth. they can kill some of us and discredit others, but the truth is doing NOTHING but spreading. they can inject as much disinfo as they want into it, but the information cannot be contained any longer. i've only been studying this for 4 years, but in that time i've noticed a HUGE increase in the public awareness of the issue.

we are all one consciousness. as more individual facets of that consciousness wake up to the truth, the truth begins to wake from the slumber in our collective subconscious. if we shake off the prevalence of technology (jamming equipment) and begin to re-connect with our fellow humans, we'll start to see the total insanity of our collective lifestyle. we can't keep abusing the planet, and we can't keep abusing ourselves. they have taken our best hope for freedom, the one world government, and through their disinfo have convinced even some of the better researchers that the one world government is THEIR plan, not OURS. that is not true. why would they risk pissing off the world by implementing a one-world government right now, when we're already happily enslaved by the selfish effects of capitalism? me me me, let me get mine then you get yours.

it's fucking lizard culture, and we're buying into it.

question: whats your take on socialism? imo its the system that we would have if democracy worked, a goverment for the people by the people. it also mirrors the idea of "one conciousness" capitalism is a brilliant system because it promotes seperation, making it a great weapon against global conciousness.

however, people can easily become complacent with a constant safety net like socialist contries have (im from denmark btw)

imo, a combination of a market and commodities to motivate those who want material possesions, with a safety net of welfare to sustain those who do not.

perhaps its a foolishly utopian idea, you certainly seem to be "deeper down".

i can follow the logic to the layer of reality that you describe so to say, but i cannot convince myself of its validity.... most of the things you describe could be explained away, but theres always the nagging bits that can't, and yeah, the... knowlege that the world feeds off evil, that cant be explained away.

socialism is the goal, yes. it's been the human way of life for hundreds of thousands of years. cooperative farming, the sharing of resources, division of labor to increase the goods available to all.

the problem is that we see socialism today in terms of money. MONEY IS THE PROBLEM. money is invented. of course socialism won't work if we're trying to apply a socialist/capitalist hybrid. with capitalism, you have greed because money equals power. there have been despots who took advantage of this principle for the entire length of human history. the reason it's so dangerous today is because they've managed to steer society in a way where the mass of the population doesn't mind despotism so much as long as they have their own greedy interests to pursue. removing the tendency to fuck over other humans for self-centered greed (lizard culture) should be our goal, because it is one of the blocks They have in place to ensure that socialism doesn't work.

right now, the situation is such that a change in the style of society won't matter too much. we have to strike at the root, which is the basic denial of ancient spiritual truths that were basic knowledge to humans for thousands and thousands of years, and have only recently been destroyed (why do you think eurpean imperialism managed to literally KILL entire ancient, tribal cultures all across the world?) by Them and their military arm of control.

africa, the whole of the americas, and much of asia have seen entire cultures destroyed in a couple hundred years' time. if you seek truth, that's a good place to start. the similarities in the beliefs and practices among people all across the world with no apparent means of communication are too uncanny to ignore, and the REALLY uncanny thing is the speed with which the political powers controlled by the european banks/royalty (Them) killed off those who opposed their worldview. it happened in europe, too. where did the cathars go? all the other gnostic christian traditions? oh yeah... the pope killed them off. (ever wonder why futurama features a lizard pope?)

i know i got a bit sidetracked, but basically a communal society based upon compassion for your fellow human being instead of an attempt to dick him over for your own gain is our true goal. it's about mindset, not political structure. we could handle capitalism and live beautiful lives if we understood some basic human truths, but we give in to greed. it's not enough to survive and have all that you need, humans just need MORE.

unfortunately, we have to tackle that obstacle before any new societal structure will be effective.

interesting point, greed is indeed the Achilles heel of a socialist system. conversely, selflessness does not directly damage capitalism as greed does socialism... capitalism does not care if the poor starve a day less.

another question: what did the ancients know, was it their way of life, in harmony with their enviroment rather than at war?

generaly i give up on the reptilian stuff because its too big to spring on people, even tho ive followed the logic there....

greed and selfishness is the enemy, but did aliens bring it here or do we humans carry both aspects in ourselves?

hard to trust any second hand info on aliens, spirits, ect... i belive in us, in our emotions and energies, because i know them... ive seen aliens being disected on video, but you could fake that... hard to know wich things to belive in.

this is a very, very, VERY complex and broad subject that is admittedly not my particular expertise.

the ancients knew we weren't alone. depending on how far back you go in history, the more-ancient ancients had societies where they openly interacted with cultures from other planets. hell, there's even undeniable proof of that today. the bible is FULL of references to it, and so are the babylonian/sumerian texts that genesis is based on, as well as the records of their civilization. the "gods" (lizards) imparted them the "gift" (curse) of "civilization." (lizard culture.) ancient sumeria was the start of the money culture and our basic modern view of society and its role. (larger and larger units of management and control, versus the old way of villages and self-contained communities.)

yes, harmony/balance with earth and each other was the norm for the ancients, and part of the secret that they try to destroy. it was once far easier to safeguard, because good people occupied positions of power. our culture today is set up to make people not care very much about politics, so we don't pay attention to what our politicians do to us until it DIRECTLY affects us individually, and then it's too late.

one big important difference between what the ancients knew and what we know is the spiritual nature of humanity. they knew that the true essence of humans is our life-force/spirit/soul/whatever you want to call it, and that our bodies are the secondary vessels with which we perceive the physical world in order to interact with it. that's part of why They killed as many tribal societies as possible, because that knowledge still existed with them. now what do we have? people who think that the physical world is the ONLY reality. people once thought the earth was the center of the universe, too, and would kill to protect that idea.

part of the destruction of the ancient ways was to reinforce the idea that the physical "us" is the ONLY "us." you know about energies, meaning electromagnetic fields. conventional science is proving more and more of those concepts as time goes on. intuition and imagination are suppressed in favor of conscious calculation. (lizard brain functions.) the reptilians do not share our capability for imagination. that is their main weakness.

i know all this reptilian talk is going to weird alot of people out, but it doesn't matter. i've already crossed that line, and i feel it's necessary to give a mostly unaltered version of the truth. i could talk all day without ever mentioning lizards or aliens and the scariness/importance of my message wouldn't change.

one little thing, then i'm going to pack a bowl and try to unwind. this has me all worked up. i don't say all this very often, and especially not in the same place at the same time.

you know about energies, and i don't think it's a stretch to assume that you know about the collective unconscious/universal mind, whatever you want to call it.

think about what would happen if they DRAMATICALLY increase the number of humans on earth, then dramatically decrease the amount of knowledge that each person possesses. there are now more humans devoting their energy to the concept that the physical world is the only world and that aliens don't exist because jesus is lord or some stupid bullshit. in the words of bill hicks, they're tainting our collective unconscious. the more people they can get to believe the lie, the more the truth is obscured.

that's one thing i won't be able to prove, you either feel it or you don't.

i'm about to take a break. i'm seriously pissing somebody off. my eyes keep crossing, which is one of my cues that i'm now blipping pretty hard on somebody's radar. i guess that means i'm doing something right.

to any g-men who may be listening: eat a bag of dicks. you can't stop this. too many of us know. enjoy your day today, because tomorrow is ours.

stay strong mate, maybe if you talk in metaphors they won't pick up.... the message we need to communicate dosent need to adress the enemy directly, it all about us uniting.

that's why i'm doing what i'm doing. even if people don't pick up on it immediately, it'll be there when they start to notice some things. they'll remember that someone once said the same thing, and now they're hearing it again.

think about it this way. what do i have to gain by saying all this?

now what do They have to gain by keeping it quiet?

i think that speaks for itself.

(i'm not done with this thread, though. feel free to keep asking questions. i've gone far enough now with what i've said that i might as well dump a bit more info out there.)

one addendum about the futurama thing, since i'll get flamed i bet.

more people are aware of all this than you realize, and many of them are in positions of influence. you can't overtly tell the truth, because you'll get yourself silenced, discredited, or killed. but... if you inject a little truth here and there into television and movies, you are helping to slowly acclimate people to the idea that the world is not as they're led to believe.

the entire second half of the 20th century is FULL of examples of "good guys" trying to get the word out via media outlets like movies and television. they're slowly raising the collective awareness of these concepts, so that when it all comes out in the open, it won't be as much of a shock.

and believe me, it will be in the open within my lifetime. i'm 25. a certain 42nd president almost spilled the beans as his protection against getting impeached, but cooler heads prevailed. (meaning his instinct for self-preservation.)

oh, and one more thing-

never shrug something off as foolish idealism. idealism is all we really have. if we give up on the tough but worthwhile dreams for humanity because they seem to hard, we're basically giving up on humanity. i'm just one small insignificant part of a growing movement who is fighting against the current, both by the active efforts of the shadow government and by the backlash of the population at large who is very, very threatened by a worldview that would mean their lives spent slaving away at jobs they hate for material possessions have been wasted lives.

aye, as he said in Network "'I'm a HUMAN BEING, Goddamnit! My life has VALUE"

you might like this track: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqBMEmGvYKY

if anyone has any questions, be it serious, trolling, sarcastic or otherwise, feel free to ask. i'm ditching this account after this. (too late for me, they already know i said it, but it'll let me fly under the radar a little easier if i get another account after today. besides, i like making the traitorous motherfuckers do a bit of work to follow my words on the internet.)

o__o reptilians aren't going to hurt you...

yeah, i guess the creatures that LITERALLY FUCKING FEED on suffering, fear, pain, and most negative emotions and who steer our human society to maximize the amount of fear, pain, and suffering in the world are just cuddly little geckos.

i'm not speaking about my own safety here. if i was worried about that, i'd shut up and put my head in the sand. my own life is fucking insignificant compared to the idea of raising generation after generation in a world totally conquered by another species intent on using us as human cattle.

I've talked to some other people who believe the moon and earth are hollow and have super reptile people running ancient civilizations inside... They're not there. You have only your ideas to be afraid of.

if you have any experience or info to back it up, i'd love to hear it. seriously, i don't turn down information.

i have seen and felt enough to know otherwise, though. here's one little appetizer for you. they murdered him for saying this in public.


http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crust_(geology) I'm not trying to mock you, I've heard other people say what you're saying. The problem is you start with a conclusion, aliens are trying to turn us into slaves, and then you can find evidence for it. If you just found evidence about how the earth was formed, it would be hard to reach the conclusion you've reached. That link is supposed to have (geology) as part of it. sorry for the inconvenience.

point out where i said that the earth is hollow. go ahead, find it please.

don't try to trash what i just did for all you by bringing up stupid fucking bullshit and trying to twist my story. i just put myself at a heightened risk to tell you what i told you, and you focus on something i didn't even fucking say.

there is a HUGE difference in a large excavated area underground and a hollow fucking earth. don't try to insult me by suggesting that i don't know the difference.

also, your second mistake is assuming that i have much in common with the people you know. you have no idea who i am and what i do.

you can even look at it this way.

forget aliens, forget reptilians, forget underground bases, and forget the dual physical/spiritual nature of man.

what you still have left is a secretive body of humans working to enslave the human race in a planetary prison of perpetual servitude in order to set up a system in which they are the permanent elite. don't believe me? listen to another man that was killed for trying to tell people the truth.


we can go all day. i'll peel off layer after layer of unprovable shit and leave you with the core that is COMMON FUCKING KNOWLEDGE.


oh wow, look at that, another PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES who tried to tell you the truth. in case you're not up on your american history, that was TWO PRESIDENTS IN A ROW who said the same thing.

funny how after they splatter some kennedy DNA on a dallas street, all the presidents after him shut the fuck up.

at what point will you consider the notion that your rationalization of the world hinders your perception?

  • Watched the video. interesting. alarm bells ringing when i watched another one though
  • http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-9042499324182317197#docid=8180572860678943465
  • the guy brings religion to the argument / looks like he has an issue with atheism - which doesn't make sense to me if he's and engineer/
  • he also seems to be a bit homophobic - maybe I'm wrong
  • the quality of this video a bit crappy at the start but it seems to be better then the one above - which makes me wonder if you have picked out the video that doesn't show these aspects on purpose.
  • also it would have been nice if he could give more details on the other alien elements. like electron configuration or mass /weight. maybe they could be verified easier.
  • edit don't know how to format... new to reddit. sorry
  • i figured it out. woot me

i picked the first phil schneider video that was one full video. i don't make any claims about what phil says, i just know that his story matches up to my information. you can make up your own mind about that. i only put out a video of something that i believe to be true. he was a person like anybody else, and nobody has a full view of the entire situation.

i don't know any of that stuff about the other aliens. i've only heard the rumors. i know people who claim to have physically seen at least two types in person, and i completely believe it. they are friends of mine.

the best info i have is that the greys are a genetically engineered worker race that are typically controlled remotely using some type of technology that i am not at all familiar with. other species exist, and although there's a few on earth, there's not that many relative to our numbers. obviously there are many races, and most have a benign interest in earth, if any interest at all.

i don't have any hard proof to show you. it's the nature of the game, i guess. it's why i won't get upset at all if no one believes me, because why would they? this shit is admittedly pretty crazy. all i can do is talk about it, and remind myself that completely new paradigms have never gone over very well at first.

You're right, I hope they don't get to you.

they already have. they put shit in my fucking ears and i'm fucking PISSED about it. i've had shit implanted in me for years now, just for knowing the truth.

imagine what they do to the people who are FAR, FAR more important than me. the people with the serious first-hand info, the people directly involved, and the REALLY powerful psychics. if you've ever wondered why that kind of proof doesn't exist, consider the lengths to which They would go to destroy that evidence. destroying a human being is kid's shit to them. the information that gets out is muddied by their disinformation (alex jones, icke, etc, basically the ones they don't murder are always helping their purpose somehow) or just outright discredited as too unbelievable. they did a good enough job on you, because your friends are on to the truth and you ridicule them.

requesting photographic evidence of said ear implant :/

i don't have any. i can clearly feel it, though, and so can everyone else. i thought it was either torn cartilage or a cyst of some sort for years. it hurts sometimes, especially when i'm sleeping on a hard surface or wearing tight headphones or something. my friends have even noticed me messing with it over the years. it just struck me as odd and i wasn't sure why. i'm wary of having it taken out... i would only do it if i know for sure that they'd let me keep it. the thing is, if i took it out, they'd just come back by and put another one in, and i'm on the list as a troublemaker. i'm weighing my options.

Supposedly there's a doctor in southern California specializing in removing these (video on Google videos). Can you tell what shape yours is?

feels like a grain of rice at the top of my left ear, perpendicular to the ground. it's in a spot where if i were to get one of those top-of-ear piercings, it might get hit by the needle. basically the human version of the ear tag that you see people put on water buffalo using helicopters in africa. (which i bet confuses and scares the buffalo about as much as it does humans.)

ignore the site/url, this is the thing that came up on the google search. i strongly suspect that these are of the same or similar type as what's in my ear. http://www.crystalinks.com/alienimplant.jpg

that thing has been there since 07 sometime. i'm really not sure exactly when i first noticed it, but it was sometime in the first half of 07. i thought for a while that i ripped the cartilage in my ear somehow, because it hurt at first and came out of nowhere. even considering what i knew then and where my interests where, it never even crossed my mind that it was an implant. i was just talking with some friends a few months ago, and a friend told me that she had an implant. without them pointing it out or saying anything else, i asked if they ever put them in the top of your left ear, and both of them just looked at me with the "holy shit!" look, and then felt it to confirm it.

i suspect but can't prove that there's one in my left ear canal from 2 weeks ago. i did something that made me a bit more visible to the people who get tasked to watch out for people like me, and this is their response. like i said above, blue lights, blood on my cell phone that was half cleaned off, and my ear has had the "something inside it" feeling every since.

as for the guy that takes them out, if we know about him, you can be sure that They know about him. not sure if i buy it, that reeks of "trap." if he'd let you keep the implant, at least that's something, but you'd get another in a week and they'd be keeping better watch on you.

Ok... Who let Alex Jones open a Reddit Account...

that name popped in my head right as i was scrolling over this.

I think that people just plain don't want to admit it to themselves. It's much more comforting to think that you aren't a serf.

Since conspiracy theories are unfalsifiable (lack of evidence for the conspiracy is treated as evidence of a conspiracy to conceal evidence) I ignore them. Well, they can be fun to think about, but they explain nothing.

I believe that the world is full of selfish, vain, stupid and immoral people pretending to be selfless, humble, intelligent and humane. Their incompetence is indistinguishable from malice, and it is more comforting to imagine that the world is ruled by an invisible malefactor than a clutch of highly visible imbeciles.

I agree, conspiracy theories often come off as something you'd read on a sign a homeless guy wearing a tinfoil hat is holding up on the street.

Disregard that, understand that one person on this level of life can never understand what is going on in the top levels of power. This is why I want to emphasize the simple principle that we're all created equal. Power does not change your ability or humanity.

This is a constant that I feel makes it a fact that there are evil people with control over our lives. It is also a constant that makes it a fact to have good people, fighting against the evil ones. Both are there, yet people refuse to wake up and still think someone in power is doing everything for their own good.

If some guy walks up to you on the street with a crazy story about his sister in the hospital and he needs some money for the bus you scrutinize them. But if they're wearing a suit, on TV, preaching for the whole nation you vote for them to rule you.

Once society grasps the fact that politicians are just normal people, I hope that we get a much larger insight into what the government is doing, Open Source Politics if you will.

If 'one person on this level of life' can't understand what is going on in the top levels of power, then why am I going to listen to you telling me that there are evil people controlling my life? Also, I think you'd be surprised how many people realize that blindly obeying people wearing suits is a good way to end up with shitty products you don't want.

I'm not trying to say that we will all understand what is going on at the top. I'm trying to say that the reason we don't understand is the reason we must fight for diversity in politics, multiple party voting, open politics and oversight for campaign contributions.

We need to accept the fact that no one is policing these world leaders and banks yet they're controlling all our money, our markets and our mainstream information.

With this in mind one would be insane not to fight for control over them, insight into their affairs.

Right now though there are limited choice to vote for if you want to affect this issue, so spreading information is the best some of us can do.

"Yet these companies are allowed to call our politicians into secret meetings without disclosing any information, they're allowed to give secret campaign contributions of unlimited sums of money."

even if you think the rest is bullshit, the above is real. ask why.

My opinion on the whole thing is basically this, I don't know the facts, not a lot of people do.

OK, stop, just right there. That's why no one takes it seriously. You can't say "I don't know if the facts on cabbage mind control, not a lot of people do" and expect anyone to take the topic seriously.

If you have facts, then you can build a case and try to tie all the pieces together. If you don't have facts, you're just randomly speculating.

For anyone who wants to educate themselves more on the subject of The Illuminati, I would recommend the book Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Fritz A. Springmeier. If you don't know who Fritz was or is, read up an expose eaec.org did on him.

In the book he goes into family history detail of the biggest bankers and media corporations that exist today.

Agreed (mostly)

A few months back Daniel Estulin spoke at the European parliament explaining to the MEPs about who and what the Bilderberg group are. Youtube has some interesting stuff. Daniel Estulin's website and his related Bilderberg books

Even Anthony Robbins came out on 16th August to say, "get out of stocks" and prepare you and yours for what's coming. I saw his latest video on the 17th and there were just over 400 views, as I write this now there are 108042. For him to come out and say something like this is quite astonishing. (Ironic he chooses to live on an island run by military dictatorship...)

I'm an expat Brit, who left the northern hemisphere in 2005 because the crash of 2007-8 was brewing. I told close friends why I was leaving and was met with polite but obvious disagreement. I honestly believed some common sense and trust in financial fundamentals would arrive after the first crash. How wrong I was - it got more unbelievable as every US dollar/pound/euro was printed and corporations and the US governemnts (Bush and Obama), more and more obviously, gave up on giving the impression they gave a shit about anyone (e.g. Bear Sterns, AIG, The Fed, Goldman Sachs, JPM, BP, the senate etc, etc)

Watching US news (financial and political) from the outside for the last 10 years has been an eye opener and an education. Opinions and reality look to be converging into a tipping point not seen in generations, if any sort of comparison can be made.

Making yourself heard....they're not better than us, I believe we can bring them down to our level!

The only way this will happen is with a collapse, both financially and in the political paradigm. The financial collapse has occurred, the results are even starting to make it into the MSM (wow!) - the political paradigm however is different: it's bought and paid for by people who go to the Bilderberg meetings - and it's these people who aren't going to be brought down to our level without a fucking big fight and no doubt blood.

One thing I am certain about with the American people is that they are armed - bullets can't be made fast enough as they sell out. A great many (and more every day) are pissed off after doing everything 'right' living in the paradigms mentioned above - look where it got them; in debt, losing the roof over there head and jobless. Did I mention they have guns?

Interesting times that's for sure.

Watch for the vultures though, the Chinese and Russians are just waiting to see what happens, they know the US is fucked and are getting comfy seats ready for the show and the feast afterwards - it's no coincidence Russia is providing the nuclear materials for Iran.

Educate yourself about the financial world and fiat money - learn about how propaganda works on the brain. If you don't, you can't make informed decisions and end up getting what 'the powers that be' think you deserve.

Very insightful stuff, you remind me of my brother who is in his 40's and might have a lot more insight into what has gone down and is going down.

He also maintains that the only way this can change is through a disaster of some sorts, on a large scale.

I fear however that even then, even if blood is shed, the ones that truly control all of this, sit back and watch how the world plays out and make plans accordingly, those people will simply go under ground and regroup.

They are simply too rich to be involved in any revolutionary fighting. The way we can flush them out is to win the government, not take it, win them back on our side.

The only way I see for us to do this is spreading information, educating the public and making them vote!

Haha - your brother and I would obviously enjoy a conversation over a beer!! Just shy of my 40's though ;o)

I agree with your brother about disaster being the only course in this paradigm. I truly hope not, but there's some angry (minority clever, majority not very bright, overly religious) people in the US with guns. It's only gong to get worse economically - and that's the powder keg waiting to blow..

I agree, those with the cash will go underground and wait - why have the Bush family bought a swathe of Paraguy?!?

Their problem will be that the game will have changed and being 'rich' won't hold much sway as a majority will be living in a paradigm where that's not important or worthy of a leadership role anymore.

You're right though:

spreading information, educating the public

is the right thing to do. Even making them vote is a good idea, if it means voting for real change, not Obama change hahaha - which has been proven to be a joke by his actions.

The senate voting 410-1 to not investigate BP couldn't be more obvious that they are bought and paid for in full. Disgusting, but true - and another nail in their coffin.

What you propose is probably too late unfortunately - anarchy is three days without food away and from what I'm reading those three days are getting closer.

I've got friends and family in the UK, not listening to blatant evidence. Food shortages are on the horizon, Russia (Europe's bread basket) has had the worst year in generations with drought and fires. The wheat price has almost doubled since june, other food commodities are following suit.

Their power is crumbling and the vacuum seems to be forming. I hope good people who would pass a 'meritocracy' test and become leaders win. Unfortunately, humans on the whole, seem to like strong leaders who ultimately become dictators - I hope the choice is the former!

Either way, we'll no doubt see. Good luck!

So what if a bunch of c*ntheads want to take over the world? It never works, at least not for long. Entropy wins every time. So live you life and don't get cut down.

Well yes, I agree that it is most likely a battle between good and bad at the top just like it is down here at the bottom.

Problem is we have no idea what is going on and there is no police force to back the good up.

These are the issues that need to be raised, daily, that corporations control the world wealth and not governments, and that governments receive their campaign money from corporations.

World government doesn't have to be a bad thing, globalization, a global opinion, is what I believe is required to save this planet. But like I mentioned, we must never forget that all men are created equal. Crime doesn't go away just because you're rich and powerful, human weakness and temptation cannot be cured with expensive drugs.

What will happen with global government is that we'll have global crime, and if we don't have insight into what the government is doing, with corporations funding it and a centralized rule, then we're fucked.

Of course power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. However those who would "rule the world" are always wrong about things. Their premise is flawed. They can't rule the world, maybe they can control a part of it for a while, but they always fail. The world will not be ruled because it's too complex. If they try to simplify it, the system loses balance. If they try to regain balance by more control they stifle the system and it withers. They end up controlling a dying system that then turns on them.

I agree one does not want to live during a withering time, but right now there is a struggle between economic control from the top and economic freedom for all. We are in the midst of a capital strike by the rich. They are doing this so the power hungry don't get control of the funds. This period is being used to scare people into giving up more of their freedoms just to keep the stuff they have on credit. The credit cycle must become complete, with people paying off their debts before the economy will be right again.

The population that overspent is to blame, and they were going along fat and stupid piling up bills and now its time to pay up, they are caught. Their risk aversion is being used by the enemies of freedom who offer security in return for greater control. If that deal is actually made, the population will have neither freedom, or security. The greed of government is endless. Look at the Kulaks for the history on this.

Claiming that one elite cannot control the world because it is too complex is making just as big of an assumption as any conspiracy theory.

Not saying you're wrong, i'm trying to shift focus from theories to facts.

Facts are as I've stated, they're the same as us, they're not being policed, they control the system we're in.

So this is why I must disagree because we are already living in a system created by corporate interests. Never forget that corporations and trading predates politics by centuries! When politics came, corporations funded them. Corporations in turned shaped the world we live in, we work for corporations, we buy from corporations and we sell to corporations.

I'd say, our whole developed walk of life revolves around corporations, the biggest contributors of money to political parties. The controllers of our funds, our natural resources.

I agree, but these corps compete with each other, and do not conspire. Then they interface with governments, which do conspire, and at the same time they have to keep moving because the market is fickle. The Bilderberg meetings are mostly risk avoidance conferences. They try to mitigate and manage risk, but they don't run the world.

Now here is where we're theorizing again. My opinion was the same before, that whatever they're doing they won't be able to get away with 100% evil actions because there is always some good there.

I still believe that, it might sound naive but the fact is that none of us knows for sure what is going on at those levels of power. And following my fundamental principle that we're all the same I must remain hopeful that the top elite are not all bad.

So again, we're speculating here, but you could be right, I hope to Allah you are!

Edit: Oh and a co-worker pointed out so geekily to me that of course none of these are theories, they're hypothesi because a theory can be proven somehow, mathematically or factually.

I don't care, in every day speech I often use the word theory. I'm not speaking to scientists because I know they would scorn me for using the word theory too much. ;)

so tell me, with this enlightened stance you have, what can you do about it?

what advantage is there, other than knowledge, in accepting these 'facts' that r/conspiracy loves talking about. what exactly do you get out of it? what can you do because of it? what things in your day to day life does this knowledge affect?

everyone always bitches about people being sheep and what not, but whats the difference between you and the sheep?

Read the whole thread, I've replied to a few other questions like this.

Basically we need to focus on things we have a chance of changing, government oversight, insight into campaign contributions, net neutrality and such.

Also of course, spread the word, inform people. Don't start talking about theories because they're nothing but theories, instead state the constants we have. We're all created equal, organized crime exists in all walks of life, and some world powers are above the law as we know it.

This should wake people up enough to start investigating the theories behind what the powers are doing, how they might be corrupt.

I read Gordon Duff every day. Here's an interview recently with Peter B Collins. I think it will shed light on a lot of what you are curious about


I agree. We need to go vegan, use no oil and create our own energy. Besides that we have to rely on cheap medicine substitutes since Big Pharm won't give us medicine without killing a million dogs and rabbits and charging us $300 a bottle for it.

... because reality is much better to talk about. It's scarier than the bullshit distractions like the Illuminati, Bilderbergs, Bohemian Grove, etc.

Shhhh.... We're not supposed to talk about that.

Because it's, "too crazy to be true"

We have been brainwashed into thinking we know what is right and what is wrong.


Read through the thread, I've posted several suggestions on what I am currently doing.

Everyone is in a different walk of life, we all have another perspective and means of taking action.

Complaints : articles / post are long & boring, lack facts and all full of conjecture. Also, linking to insane web sites doesnt help.

ya man i hear you. i guess the word just has to spread but then again what are we supposed to do. get a job or spend any money legally and these people on top are always taking a cut of it. there's no point in voting because whoever wins is just a middleman spreading whatever it is we're "supposed" to know or what they want us to believe. i wish i could help sabotage this machine, i do think about it, but as one dude there's only so much you can do. i try my best to buy little and stay informed. i try to spread some of what i know, but to me people either already started making discoveries themselves or they don't wanna know. i wonder sometimes if there are people that are just not capable of understanding these things. i feel with all the "knowers" right now, maybe we could cut the legs off this fuckin thing, but to cut off the head we need more people. the uninformed always seem to outnumber those who seem to know something is up. and the uninformed are almost as willing to fight for this system as those who are on top and governing their lives without them knowing it. anyway, like people are saying, gotta keep positive. gotta keep faith and resist ya know

I fully agree..

There is a lot of fear mongering when it comes to understanding the role these corporations play, though, I have found. We have been progressivly divided and conquered! We are conditioned to make villains of the victims because as you say; none of us has all the facts.. And the passing down of knowledge has become conviluted with misleading "suggested" philosophies thanks to Hollywood and the BBC and such..

But I personally have a really optimistic view of the future of potitics because there will be a tipping point soon.. A paradyne shift where we will have our chance to say no! We are finding our feet and developing a strong voice via the internet.. Fear comes from the thought that all the leaves may have to be shed before the new ones can grow.. The more a cancer spreads, the harder it is to remove.. but we will people.. we wil!! Xx

The 1st rule of Bilderberg ~ we do not talk about Bilderberg!

Which I do not understand, because I remember seeing major news outlets covering the fact that all these high-profile people, including Barack Obama, were meeting at Bilderberg, none of which could explain what would be discussed at these conferences.

Does this really not bother anyone? I certainly do not want my government in bed with rich CEOs; our interests are in conflict.

I remember seeing major news outlets covering the fact that all these high-profile people, including Barack Obama

Really Barack Obama? Any chance you could find some proof of that? Some of his administration went but I don't believe he did, but I'm open to some evidence? BTW, before you post some crazy story about obama and hillary running off together to it you might want to figure out where they actually did meet: http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2008/06/05/politics/main4158471.shtml

none of which could explain what would be discussed at these conferences.

Call me insane but have you tried their website? Seriously? Have you?


They know certain things that most people cant accept.

The world is already overpopulated, we are running out of resources, with peak oil, peak water, peak land just around the corner. Combine that with an third world who population is exploding to insanely high levels, they want to increase there standard of living, and you are going to run into a huge problem. Not all people are created equal, someone with an IQ of 80 is not equal to that of someone with 180. If you consider that the population is too high we need to cull the herd.

In that category, the greatest threat to the western lifestyle is the developing nations using up resources at a higher rate. I don't think it is down to I.Q. Circumstance of birth, situation has alot to do with life chances. Perhaps it is easier to think that people doomed to famine are deserving of their fate because they are just a bit thick/they don't look like us/are different.

why did this retarded shit hit the front page?

you said it brother

Cause it's retarded

Gah... if ever there was a tl;dr needed it's here.

And yet it still doesn't make me any more inclined to want to read your post.

A tl;dr is not an offensive insult to intelligence, or an Illuminati plot - they are actually a handy way of telling if the wall of text is worth my time or not. This is also the reason we have headline; so we can get a summary of a post before reading it.

There is a lot on Reddit that is worthy of a person's attention and a lot that is not. Sometimes a headline is all I need to become interested, sometimes I will be marginally interested but put off by a wall of text. The tl;dr gives me an extra reason to stick around.

Hate all you want - dig in your heels and refuse to use a tl;dr, but all it means is that some people will simply pass over your post and onto the next one.

/r/conspiracy is going to attract people both interested in the subject, those who wish to troll and those who are on the fence. By not including a summary (tl;dr) the trolls may not be bothered to post, but you will be putting off those on the fence and left preaching to the choir.

Yes, they said I was wrong. So I gave them bread and circus, and they were happy.

It's not that that convinced them I was right, they just didn't care anymore. Cuz they had bread and circus.

99% of humanity you mean? Hopefully that anthropocentric 99% will be wiped out completely.. And fuck visiting the moon. One word: oxygen. Let's get off this progress train and just be happy to be alive.

Supposedly there's a doctor in southern California specializing in removing these (video on Google videos). Can you tell what shape yours is?