NCIS (the TV show), well played...

0  2010-09-25 by [deleted]

With the recent explosion of "CSI" tv shows in the past decade, NCIS has carved out a special niche for themselves in the realm of subliminal conditioning. Just two points I'll be referencing here (I'm sure there are thousands of others of equal merit, but don't want to write a wall of text to include them all):

1 - An attractive female "former Mossad" Israeli (see? Israel is our friend)

2 - I don't watch the show very often (no TV in my home for over a year now) but... I watched an episode at a friend's, recently, and was amazed by how this show is being used to condition the American public's thoughts. Specifically, the episode I'm referencing began with a corpse that had two small marks on the neck - instantly referencing "Abbey" (the neo-goth scientist character). Later, it is discovered that these two small marks are not (as implied with the Abbey reference) a vampire bite, but rather they're a taser wound. Then, much to my dismay, they have Gibbs establish - for all the world to hear and embrace - that a taser is a defensive weapon. (EXCUSE ME? There is no such thing as a "defensive weapon" - a "weapon", by definition, is an offensive mechanism.)

So, why am I posting this one lame little post referencing this tiny little issue?

Because, friends, it's going on all the time - every news clip and tv show you watch (FOX, NBC, ABC, CBS, NPR, BBC, Al Jazeera, etc. doesn't matter) has been carefully scripted to tell you, through very subtle variations in language, precisely how you are supposed to be thinking.


Torture is ok, because Jack Bauer did it in 24.

Yes... that's exactly the kind of conditioning I'm talking about (never watched 24 because they screwed its scheduling up so badly the first season - switching time slots THREE TIMES).

Police brutality and corruption is okay, because it happens all the time on The Shield (which, interestingly, made its debut right along with Dubya being appointed to the Presidency of the USA).

Did you know that the Navy allowed Paramount Studios to use USS Enterprise to film Top Gun?

Apparently, the vast majority of movies featuring America's security, police, and military forces are propaganda. Who'd have guessed?

Top Gun was inspired by the article "Top Guns" written by Ehud Yonay for California Magazine. Ehud Yonay just happens to be an Israeli.

Interesting. I think I heard that somewhere (the Top Gun reference, but it never registered as propaganda until this conversation).

Mossad's not a good guy; if anything, they're generally treated as lawful evil. A Mossad agent, still receiving help and cover from Mossad, was a major antagonist for a couple of seasons and ended up killing one of the lead characters. Another Mossad agent, acting on the orders of the director, conducted an illegal operation, killing a whole bunch of terrorists and an ICE agent.

The reason she's "former Mossad" is because, after being captured on a mission, Mossad never went after her or her attackers. NCIS did the white-knight thing and saved her, leading to her resignation from Mossad.

There may be some hidden pro-military agenda, but to tie it to a pro-Israel agenda is erroneous.

to tie it to a pro-Israel agenda is erroneous.

Just curiuos, then. Why have it at all? Why former Israeli Mossad and not former Russian KGB?

They chose an intelligence agency. I'm guessing it wasn't random: they needed an agency that had highly trained and ruthless agents, that could believably be running an illegal operation within our borders, that the general viewing public could identify. I suppose it could've been the KGB or MI:6 or the Albanian SHISH, but we only have one data point. It's not as if the entire show is overrun with positive Mossad stereotypes.

You want to extrapolate from that single data point to say "NCIS is pro-Israeli". However, even that single data point only has the show being pro-Israeli because there is a former Mossad agent who specifically left because Mossad wasn't a lawful good organization and who is only a good guy by virtue of the fact that she has abandoned all the attributes other Mossad agents show.

Also note, if it wasn't obvious from my emphasis on item #2, that whole "taser is a defensive weapon" is far more nefarious and offensive to my sensibility.

In the episode, Gibbs prompts the other dude - can't think of his name - to state it first ... like it was obvious common knowlege. Then, Gibbs reiterates it with authority.

This is far more subtle. A weapon is a weapon; "offensive and defensive" are subjective states of being. There's no such thing as a "defensive weapon". In fact, the taser was invented and developed as a non-lethal offensive weapon.

The latest Star Trek movie seems like a loose version of the middle east conflict.

Vulcans being stronger, smarter, fail to save the Romulan planet so angry terrorist Romulans wipe out the Vulcan planet killing 6 billion and turning the rest into an 'endangered species'.

Kirk is all American, becomes best friends with a guy who made him look like an asshole when the threat of Romulans comes to destroy earth. As long as they have a mutual enemy...

Someone said the real power of Jewish controlled media is that people actually pay for the propaganda they are fed. Reel Bad Arabs.

you again, with your damn relevant youtube links, eh? I may have to link you to some more protest music or something (new account and such, it's part of my latest extension of stealth editing).

p.s. this reminds me of that "Ali Baba and the forty thieves is a lie" video that was floating around here a few months ago.

How exactly does this type of thing work?

"Dear TV writers, In next week's episode of Seinfeld, please make some reference to Jerry not being in control of the world's banks or media. Thanks! -Secret Government Agency"

I glean your sarcasm clearly. However, I'm curious as to whether or not your choice of "Seinfeld" was deliberately to set up potential anti-semitic smears.

Well, not really. Honestly, I couldn't think of anything better at the moment and think the whole Jewish conspiracy thing is quite silly. I really just wanted to know if people think through the logistics of the type of conditioning implied. Do the writers get notes back from someone in the government/illuminati/Shriners? Does the head writer meet every week with some government official to discuss the agenda for the week or season?
That's my problem with a lot of conspiracy theories, I guess. People don't really think through the whole process.
Edit: The world's just not that interesting.

Having never been part of television programming, I can't say for certain how they operate.

However, what I can say for certain, from 20 years of experience in stage theater, is that the directors and producers do these kinds of things all the time. In a bygone era, it was simply called 'catering to the audience' (you played what would get you good reviews, stop, end of story). Now, however, in the last 25-30 years or so, it's gone well beyond 'catering to the audience' and fully into 'influencing the audience'. Several 'coastal rage' productions (big hits on broadway and such) get edited (hacked is more like it) for the Bible belt, etc. so that the message remains in veiled format. The movie Brokeback Mountain wasn't a big hit in Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, Missouri etc. (being a 'gay cowboy' doesn't fit well in those regions, but they couldn't release two versions of the movie - one for normal people and one for redneck homophobes)

Mundane examples woiuld include such things as mitigating minority issues (first prime time interracial kiss between Kirk and Uhura on Star Trek, original series, in the early 1970's comes to mind; as well as the more recent prime time gay and lesbian kisses).

So, I guess I'd say (in response to your original sarcastic inquiry) yeah, sort of... but more like the producers bat the ideas around ... and when they come to one which is borderline controversial, they look to their "even higher ups" for guidance (the big 'pyramid with the eye' analogy ends up fitting here). "Orders" aren't necessarily being "handed down", but the people making the shows no longer cater to the audience, they cater to whomever decides whether or not their show will get another season (or even another episode).

Like I said at the beginning, though, I really don't know for certain.

Thanks. Good answer. This being /conspiracy, I assumed you had something more sinister in mind with your original post.

If raising public awareness of how they're being programmed by the media (Jewish or otherwise) is sinister, then I plead "guilty as charged".

That's not what I meant. Sinister referring to the intent of the programmers/writers. Your explanation is more like old-fashioned marketing that's been going on in the written word forever.

(no TV in my home for over a year now)


Actually, I want to know how racism became your focus based on my post.

EDIT: make that 'loud, obnoxious racism'

Ah. Well, technically, I do possess a television (a small 9") but I have no cable service and my aerial was damaged in a storm last fall - just decided it wasn't worth the hassle of reconnecting and crap (I actually bought one of those digital converters and used it for about a month prior to that storm).


Well, not really. Honestly, I couldn't think of anything better at the moment and think the whole Jewish conspiracy thing is quite silly. I really just wanted to know if people think through the logistics of the type of conditioning implied. Do the writers get notes back from someone in the government/illuminati/Shriners? Does the head writer meet every week with some government official to discuss the agenda for the week or season?
That's my problem with a lot of conspiracy theories, I guess. People don't really think through the whole process.
Edit: The world's just not that interesting.

That's not what I meant. Sinister referring to the intent of the programmers/writers. Your explanation is more like old-fashioned marketing that's been going on in the written word forever.