Yesterday commies, Today al-qaeda

33  2010-09-26 by [deleted]


According to what Werner Von Braun's assistant of many years claimed he said to her in the '70's it's actually:

Fascists, Communists, terrorists, asteroids, aliens.

We can hope. Because if its' not asteroids and aliens, then it's sure to be you and I.

Considering a "terrorist" is whomever they feel like calling one, I'm afraid they've got that covered as well.

It's certainly been said often enough that saying the government orchestrated 9/11 is "un-American", and we all know how blurry the line is getting between "un-American" and "terrorist".

True, before that it was the japs and the huns. Divide and Conquer. The eternal enemy to galvanize the populace.

We have always been at war with Eastasia.

Tomorrow, you.

Tomorrow aliens.

I am not saying I support Al-Qaeda and whatnot, but the media portrays them as some form of pure-evil that is washing over the landscape. They provide no perspective or insight on who these people are or delve into any motivation behind what they are doing... And its amazing how everything bad that happens around the world is somehow magically attributed to them, no matter if its in Somalia, Iraq, Pakistan, etc. From the way it sounds in the news, they appear to be a more organized, efficient and secret organization than our own CIA.

The Politics of Fear really sums it up well.

The truth is, you can swap the words terrorism/ist and communism/ist when reading things in the past and present and see how a shadowy enemy always allows the government to do things they wouldn't normally be able to do.

Being in /r/conspiracy, I'm preaching to the choir here.

Considering a "terrorist" is whomever they feel like calling one, I'm afraid they've got that covered as well.