Jewish Conspiracy?

0  2010-10-06 by mrsnakers

I tend to try to see most Jewish traits as evolutionary. Jews have the highest IQ of any ethnicity. They have a history of wrapping themselves into government, media, economy, and other powerful systems in a country. Does this reflect some world dominating ideology? To say yes would be quite a stretch.

The reason Jews have these traits isn't because of some secret plan to overthrow the world, specifically. It has more to do with a group of people being persecuted for thousands of years. Jews have a higher IQ, it is theorized, because especially in the middle ages only Christians were allowed to have apprenticeships. Christian men with these titles were seen as favorable to women. These men procreated. As a result, Jews, instead of dying off, were forced to use means of getting around this system. Many took up interests in fields that required more expertise. This caused a shift in the Jewish culture to encourage more academic interest. This in combination with Jewish people without any expertise being less likely to procreate caused them to have a spike in intelligence.

Furthermore, it seems that the fact that Jews have been persecuted for so long has caused them to aim towards positions that imbue them in a country. They tend to involve themselves in positions of authority. This is to ensure that if an entire country decides to turn against them, they will cripple themselves by killing off their Jewish population. Hitler knew this but believed in German superiority and took over all of the Jewish owned businesses in Germany, gaining more power. The advancement of Germany in the fields of technology in combination with mass citizen cooperation in fascism allowed Germany to actually benefit from crippling their Jewish population.

Hitler then went into other countries and rounded up the Jews causing these countries to be very vulnerable economically and intellectually. Why do you think there were so many dumb polish jokes during WWII? Because by the time America got there the Jewish population had been killed off causing the average IQ of Poland to drop substantially.

The Nazis continued this spree throughout Europe, country by country, infiltrating, destroying armies. Turning over Jews to the Nazis was a great way to survive their onslaught but also added to the downfall of their country. To top all of this off Hitler and a company called Ig farben also took over all of the pharmaceutical and military complexes in each country and used them to help fuel the Nazi warmachine as well as providing drugs, especially uppers, for the soldiers.

Ig farben also engineered many disturbing drugs specifically for mind control. They used the Jews in concentration camps to test these drugs. One of the most successful of these drugs was Fluoride. Fluoride wasn't specifically developed by these companies but was used for population control. After introducing Fluoride into the water supply the amount of guards could be reduced tremendously. The side affects are apathy, lowered intelligence, weight gain, calcification of the pineal gland, osteoporosis, and strengthened tooth enamel. No wonder one of Prozac's main ingredients is Fluoride!

After WWII project paperclip brought many of the scientists from IG Farben back to America, changed their names, and used them in government programs. One such program was MKULTRA a program that actively sought out mind control. Many people believe it still exists.


Jews aren't evil, people are evil, Jews just happen to be people. Hitler strategically targeted Jews to cripple other countries. IG Farben developed the foundations for mind control. Fluoride is bad for you.


I tend to try to see most Jewish traits as evolutionary.

Please explain how their "traits" were adapted via natural selection.

Jews have the highest IQ of any ethnicity.


They have a history of wrapping themselves into government, media, economy, and other powerful systems in a country.

Show me some evidence that indicates that Jews do this at a higher rate than any other social, ethnic or racial group. Cite sources.

Jews have the highest IQ of any ethnicity.

As opposed to the blacks; they are stupid.

Do you really think all traits and attributes are distributed in perfectly even proportions across all races? Where's your source for this blatently bullshit claim?

google genetic defect or something that related with jew. the Jewish population score average 10 points higher on IQ test than overall population because of a couple recessive gene and genetic defect, in return, they are more susceptible to a few more genetic disease. however, 10 IQ points higher than average doesn't really mean shit. It only statistically significant in regard of how many genius a group produce as a whole. the Jewish population had produced more genius than others group have at least in this century which i think it's undisputed. all that's above i remember from a research that published last year which caused a good amount controversy. I think LA times mentioned that too.

Jewish Intelligence. I never said Jews do this at a higher rate than any other social, ethnic or racial group. I just said they have a history of doing this. Tell me where I could ever find the wikipedia entry on world domination by race.

Hey man, have you even had our smoked salmon? tell me you dumbfuck goyim could make food that delicious. Oh, and my cock is HUGE.

Like what you said, I to believe its not actually "jews" in general I honestly think if there was a jewish conspiracy it would be more in the Zionist side then the general population.

thats what zionism has going for it. Also, if you want to take over the world, just claim you and your group of followers are jewish and have at it. Call your selves neo zionism.

Your mind is a mess

My mind is a mess at 3am when I, for some reason, decide I'm going to post an anti conspiracy conspiracy.


Thanks for the free publicity for r/NaziHunting, twat.

You are an idiot if you really believe that Jews are the most racist people on the planet and that the Talmud's "racism" is practiced today. Jews have been secularized for quite some time and continue to promote secularism. Most practicing Jews don't look at these parts of the Talmud seriously. These quotes are from idiots. They do not practice Judaism, they practice politics. Using your argument I could easy say the same thing about nearly any organized religion.

These analogies would make a pretty horrid case for Islam and Christianity specifically. Remember when church was state? What was that called? Oh yeah catholicism. The inquisition ring any bells? So because of the history of Christianity and because of the KKK, the nazis, aryan nation and other so called Christian racist groups I could say Christians are among the most racist and surpremacists of the worst kind! Your argument is racist because it isn't taking into account the fact that NEARLY EVERY RELIGION HAS RACIST TENDENCIES.

If you want to isolate a specific religion and say it's tendencies are the worst then you are probably being racist and giving quotes by some Zionists who would rather control the world than live in it are poor examples of Judaism. They are examples of Zionism. Just because you are Jewish doesn't mean you support Israel. Most Jews support Israel simply because of the history of keeping their culture alive. This is the reason Jews still exist.


I agree with you. I never said otherwise. Israel is very dangerous. Jews support it blindly because it is a Jewish state.

"Jews did fine for 2000 years without the state of Israel."



Jesus was a Jew. You took my quote out of context, I said you are an idiot if you believe... the Talmud's racism is practiced today. I'm not Jewish I am atheist. This is so absolutely retarded. Yes, lets take every part of every scripture literally WHEN PERSECUTING A RELIGION but leave the silly stuff out that makes the religion impossible to practice to begin with. Religions are illogical. There are always parts that disagree with the whole. Jesus also said Christians should uphold all parts of the old testament... omgwtf that means that Christians should think that Jews are superior to them! I rest my case. You can either understand or refuse to.

conspiratard is my subreddit and I'm a Catholic. BTW, Jews are God's chosen people! My priest tells me so!

WAIT A SECOND. God created all men, yet chose one specific race over all the others? Sounds like god is a bigot and a racist. WAIT ANOTHER SECOND. That also means that god hates aspects of his own creation, which keep in mind is supposed to be perfect. HOLY SHIT (pun intended). So god chose a specific people and gave them a "promised land"... that was later taken from them by Romans and then Muslims? Way to keep your promise.

Yeah yeah. I'm an atheist too. Religion is bullshit but racism and ignorance in response to religion is no better and is probably worse. I like this one: Jesus was a Jew who believed that the Old Testament was divinely inspired, the veritable Word of God. He said, "The Scripture cannot be broken". What about this part of the Talmud, a important part of the old scriptures that states that non-jews are inferior and should be lied to and stolen from... So bend over Christians and let the Jew dick in.

I'm actually a Buddhist and am agnostic on the "god" thing. I just can't believe that if there is a god he/she (more likely "it") would commit mass genocide and other various atrocities that are in the Torah. If we're to believe the Torah, that would imply to me that god doesn't really care about human life, which doesn't go along with the whole "god is love" thing that people tend to preach.

I'm actually not against the Jews, but rather Zionism. I find it hard to blame an entire race for an idea that some hold. People in the past were unable to make that distinction and blamed the Jews. I am against bigotry, not Judaism. I'm against any idea that promotes a specific class/race/religion/sex over another. I respect my Christian/Jewish/Muslim friends and even hold some of their same values. Check out the "desert fathers" on wiki for a good example of what I term "real" Christianity.

Yeah I'm actually more of a form of a agnostic Buddhist myself technically but I don't prefer to label myself as anything. I agree pretty closely with the writings of Alan Watts. I'm against Zionism too, I think it's some pretty evil shit but I think it's just as evil to ostracize Jews and see it as being in their own convictions to control the world, everything has shades of gray. I respect religions but I also am very weary of all of them if they are taken literally. Fundamentalism is the enemy. Secularism helps to curb this tendency and it should be a part of all cultures. This is why I have a lot of trouble believing the whole Jewish world domination through the writings of the Talmud thing, because Jews are pretty damn secular and actually promote secularism and have helped to form it more than I can even imagine.

I agree wholeheartedly. This may be going off on a tangent since we're on /r/conspiracy, but part of my problem with various religions are what I see as empty rituals. I bow to a Buddha image, but I do it with mindfulness and each time I bow I contemplate an aspect of Buddhist teaching. To me this ancient ritual of lowering your head had always seemed so archaic and meaningless before I actually did it. Then I realized it was just my ego was afraid of showing something that kind of respect and admiration. Arrogance. Very often people just do these things with no thought or reflection on the meaning of it or what's going on inside them and seem to be just going through the motions.

Yes there are much deeper things within a religions teachings than people realize and most of them, especially in Buddhism, have to do with the feeling of earning a sense of accomplishment in order to further one's self. If you simply declare you are a this and that you aren't going to benefit from it as much as if you had some sort of actual inspiration from doing something as a this and that. Buddhist teachers know this and deliberately put the students through a series of trials to break their egos so that they have a feeling of earning a state of Zen.


No, really. I'm not a Jew. Sorry if that disappoints you, Tex


Paranoid much? Not everyone who disagrees with your Nazi nonsense is a Jew

BTW, if you want to know what I really think is a possibility is that these "conspiracies" that label zionists and Jews together are actually intentionally attempting to create a reaction. This is a conspiracy to destroy America by persecuting Jews. If Jews were taken out of America or treated like second class citizens America would fall hard. Harder than any terrorist attack or any recession. If you think Jews = Zionists why the hell would Jews want to persecute themselves in America in order to destroy it? I doubt you can even pretend to take in what I'm saying so I'm probably talking to no one at this point.


First, I never said that yee ol' Christians would be worse off if it weren't for the "superior jews" creating a civilized world for you. I'm saying that Jews have justified, to themselves, the ideal of gaining political power in a country as a result of being persecuted to make them necessary to a country's stability. You seem to want to point your finger at a specific enemy and a specific cause. This is why conspiracies are so useful to people but aren't factual. There is a want to pin events on an understandable cause. This just isn't the case. History is filled with villians and heroes and neither of these two are dualistic. Everyone has a little bit of evil and good in them. What you are trying to do is defend your right to have a definite enemy. What I am trying to do is get you to understand that there is no such thing as a definite enemy.

There are definite enemies -- different enemies as different times in history. I don't regard Jews as the enemy. However, I do regard Zionists as the enemy, because it is my view that if a nuclear conflict starts in the world, it will be caused by Israel. Zionism, as it exists today, is a threat to world peace. To a lesser degree it is also a threat to the prosperity and stability of the West as a whole. I'd go so far as to state that Zionism is the greatest menace the world faces in the near future. Zionism and Israel are most definitely the enemy.

Son, Paulville and RonBots are mine. I'm a Lutheran, not a Jew. I think you have dug yourself into the Twilight Zone of Bigotry!!


It's just 2 simple subreddits to show the insanity of Ron Paul and the Paultards. Has nothing to do with religion, son!


I can't help there is such a wide group of people who think Paul and the Paultards are nuts! Or that their conspiracy theories are off the wall. None of these folks are racist. Quite the opposite. I take it you are a Jew hater?


No, your rants are hate filled. And you wouldn't know slavery if it bit you in the ass!


Oh, now you're an expert on me? No son, I am a Lutheran. I don't think anyone has been chosen by god to be anything. In fact I'm only a Lutheran technically because my parents were. Haven't been to a church is 35 years and question the existence of god. The last church I was in was to get married. That was a Brethren Church. You my friend are a Jew hater, pure and simple. But I suspect you hate most everyone. You are one angry little bastard!


You are a race baiting asshole. What's a Zionazi?

I tend to see the jews as the scapegoat of the zionist agenda.

This is relevant.

The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements

Well I'm jewish, but the whole "no secret plan" part is wrong...

I said to think this is a stretch. You explain to me how Jews have an agenda to take over the world using facts and I'll listen. All I can see is that, even if you say that the Jews who run Hollywood and the media and the fed are trying to control the world and you can prove it, all you can really prove is that there happen to be a minority of Jews who want to dominate the world. That has nothing to do with being Jewish ethnically or religiously. It reflects the goals of a minority within Judaism.

It's the same thing as trying to say freemasons are trying to take over the world. Sure there happen to be many freemasons throughout history that have had a lot of power and yes they do have secrets but the Skull and Bones, the children cults of Aliester Crowley, Satanism, the "illuminati" and all that other stuff is not part of FREE masonary but these people just happen to use a lot of the methods of free masonry.

Perhaps this isn't the greatest example but I'm sure you see what I'm saying.

Technically, I don't think the majority of Jews think they're taking over the world. It's only the hyper religious Jews that are pushing the whole thing, but they just happen to be in a very high position.

Jews aren't any smarter and that's a somewhat racist concept built up by Jewish supporters of eugenics. Remember Hitler? He was also a supporter of eugenics.

Jewish families stay close together bacause their religious attitudes are one of constant persecution and alienation so they have to stick together to survive. Jews have always been moneylenders as well which is the main reason they keep getting kicked out of places.

They were kicked out of Russia because the system of usuary & debt gives all the money and businesses and power to the guys who control the money. Eventually people get pissed off and revolt, which is what the US looks to be getting close to doing in many ways.

There's no conspiracy unless there is people who believe in that End of Days/Rapture business and actually work to make it happen.

What, you want all the bagels in the world?

Secret plan? if you are really jewish then you know most jews dont get along with each other, let alone conspire for world domination lol getting the plebs to believe this is just a trick the people in power use as a smoke and mirror to divert attention, works every time and has worked for thousands of years, it is also used when the peasants dont know wtf the world is turning to crap in hard times and the "others" controlling "us" is a good scapegoat

anyways, op is right but he will actually get downvoted, ive posted similar things regarding the logical evolutionary aspect before on reddit but very few people could swallow their bias to think about it for even more than a few seconds, it does have rationality behind it

there are problems genetically other ethnic groups dont have though too, we may be the smartest but there are some genetic diseases that run high only with the jews, ie: there was probably involuntary incest during times when small populations of jews were forced to live in small areas for extended periods of time like during various Progams

in the end, people who take negative actions against jews unfairly actually,scientifically end up supporting them, jews end up coming together where if there was no hate, it would only be the religious jews who are jewish.. probably

I guess punctuation isn't in your genetics.

I'm going to go ahead and throw out there that Judaism is a religion not a race. So in essence you are saying that if I were say....Catholic and I later in life decided that I did not agree with Catholicism and found that Judaism were more my cup of tea. At the very moment that I decided to be Jewish, I would undergo a transformation that would make me more intelligent and politically minded? or perhaps a media success story? Or even a reputable economist?

Judaism is a religion and an ethnicity. I'm not just making this up. This is the result of a people coming together over a shared religion and keeping their culture intact while managing to wiggle through thousands of years and hundreds of countries. It is the success of Judaism as adaptable that has lead to these people to be ethnically and religiously Jewish. You could convert to Judaism from Catholicism and practice Judaism and call yourself a Jew but you'd still be (probably) a white european.

"Race" is a socially defined concept, not a biological one.

So the very fact that mrsnakers considers them a race MAKES them a race.

Hassidic jews arent persecuted. Why? They arent trying to dominate every sector of lucrative powerful industry and govt.

So its not "Jews". Its the fake Jews claiming to be real jews who just use the label of "Jews" as a cover to get away with whatever they want. The Jewish religion has been co-op ted into Zionism and world dominance by people who initially were not jewish. Just a group of people in the mountains in the middle east one day decided to call themselves jews.

Diamonds. Any money in that?

They certainly dont dominate the industry. Ive seen many arabs and many italians at it.

EDIT: Riiiiiight! The diamond industry represents "every sector of lucrative powerful industry and govt."

Ever hear of De Beers? moron.

How does fluoride cause osteoporosis AND strengthened tooth enamel? Also this whole thing reminds me of that 'white power' tooth whitener Lonely Island sketch.

Your teeth aren't bones. Look at wikipedia if you don't believe me.

What? Of course teeth are bones. They just grow in a manner different from most bones. Wikipedia is full of shit all the time.

No, teeth are not bones. This is fact. They do not have marrow, they consists of 4 tissues and these are not the same material bones are made of. Also, you ingest fluoride orally and it coats your teeth, an entirely different system, your bloodstream, allows fluoride to get to your bones. This isn't some theory this is fact. It would make very little sense for things to affect your teeth the same way they affect bones.

saying something like this is a good way to get downvoted to oblivion from the pro-israeli troll brigade.

The people at the top of the food chain have their own religion, and it's not Judaism.

I agree completely. I think Judaism is being used as a front and I highly doubt some of the really high up Jews are actually Jewish religiously.


Not true. Jews have been persecuted because they refuse to lose their identity and take up the one of their host country. It's ingrained in the religion. The Jew's refusal to commit idolatry will not allow them to place their host country above their God. Leaders in countries hate that, because it makes Jews less controllable so they invent things like Protocol of the Elders, purim cookies with Christian and Muslim toddler's blood and stuff like that to demonize them. This thinking moves its way to the general populace who doesn't question what their leaders tell them and boom you have genocide.

What makes you think the same sentiment that people experienced prior to the modern day towards Jews is the same. This is one stretch let alone the stretch that the Jews of yesteryear we're doing the same things? Times have changed, information, industry, technology, politics... everything has changed.

I'm basically reading that you think that the persecution of Jews throughout their history has been justified because of the Zionist regime today. Correct me if I'm reading this wrong but that is pretty much as racist as it gets.


Prove to me that Jews have had a Zionist agenda throughout history and a goal of world domination and I'll take you more seriously. You have yet to do this and this is the reason that you get called a racist. You are jumping to conclusions. This isn't some tack I'm using to undermine your argument, rather, it is a label I'm applying because I assume it is the reason you are making these conclusions because you aren't providing factual information about it so it makes you sound like a racist. In all honesty I use to be really into the Zionist agenda shit and I realized I had no clue what I was talking about when I actually got to know some Jews. They were against Israel and taught me the distinction between Zionists and Jews. Some Jews may be Zionists, but Zionism is an ideology that has to do with world government, not Judaism and just because there are racist lines in the Talmud doesn't mean that they are the basis for Zionism specifically or Judaism today.

You need to think of the world as shades of gray and not black and white. I'm not trying to condemn you or trying to look down on you as ignorant or something, I was on a very similar kick a few years ago, I just can't possibly see your point of view unless you present me hard facts. The conspiracy will try to say that these facts have been distorted and destroyed and that may very well be true but it isn't enough to assume that an entire race of people are bad and bend on world domination, that is a huge stretch and it shows more about the person who assumes it than it does the people being accused.

Just know that a lot of the things that you apply to Judaism can be applied to Islam and Christianity easily. Islam and the global oil agenda, they are raising gas prices and accumulating riches and arming themselves to feed the Koran's view that all people are inferior to Muslims and that the world will only be peaceful when everyone is Islamic. There are a lot of peaceful verses in the Koran but they are in the earlier books. The later books say promote violence and spreading Islam and say that the peaceful verses should be negated, so if you follow Islam literally you should be in the Taliban.

The same thing applies to Christianity and the design of the Catholic super state throughout Europe in the middle ages to the present. This is all based on the idea that the bible should be interpreted by an elite group of more godly people who actually use it as a means to control and manipulate people's minds. The Vatican and the pope promote aids and pedophilia. The violence in northern Ireland, the witch hunts of Europe, I mean the list could just go on.

I'm sorry I just can't start blaming the people of a religion for the atrocities that it causes and say that it is inherit in these people to do these things. It is inherit in all humans to do these things. We just need to learn to get a long and in the end that's what will really mean anything.

Sorry for the long ass post.

I don't know why you're talking Zionist agenda in this context. Zionism didn't exist in the Middle Ages. Even so, Jews were doing something to piss off Christians so badly, that even though Jews were useful in Christian society, periodically they were forceably expelled from Christian countries. Why were they kicked out? That's something we can only conjecture about, although if we look at what is said against Jews in the Middle Ages by Christians, we may get a clue -- if we don't adopt the modern propaganda viewpoint that everything said against Jews was motivated by some sort of blind, unreasoned, groundless hatred against Jews just because they were Jews. That seems to me to be the most unlikely cause -- that entire societies hated Jews just because they were Jews. No, it was something more substantial. Maybe it was the control that Jewish money lenders gradually exerted over the nobles they drew into debt. Maybe it was the enticement of easy credit for Christians to buy what they could never afford to pay for, that corrupted their lives (even as it still does). Maybe it was the superior attitude of "the chosen people" that got under the skin of Christians, who didn't like being looked upon as little more than cattle in their own countries, or maybe the secrecy and back-room dealing of Jews that went on beyond Christian oversight and crossed national borders with ease. Maybe the rumors that Jews sometimes kidnapped and murdered Christian infants was part of it, also (and there is apparently some basis for these rumors -- take a look at Ariel Toaff's Passovers of Blood: The Jews of Europe and Ritual Murders if you can find it -- the book has been suppressed by Zionists).

Zionism didn't exist in the Middle Ages.

Maybe not under that name, but there were movements for Jews to return to the Land of Israel centuries before the term "Zionism" was coined. Most of them were of a messianic character, but they were for a return of the Jews to their national homeland. Many of them were fairly large and led to continuous settlement in the land. (See "Dispersion and the Longing for Zion, 1240-1840" by Arie Morgenstern in "New Essays on Zionism", edited by David Hazony, Yoram Hazony and Michael Oren (present Israeli Ambassador to the US), published by Shalem.)

Ariel Toaff's Passovers of Blood: The Jews of Europe and Ritual Murders

" ... All the leading historians specializing in the Inquisition, Jews, conversion and Judeo-Christian relations in Italy have fiercely attacked the book." - " A blood-stained version of history " - HaAretz March 8 2007


' Toaff's ... book, Pasque di sangue. Ebrei d'Europa e omicidi rituali ("Passovers of Blood: The Jews of Europe and Ritual Murders"), was published in February 2007. The book analyzes the cultural and historical background to a notorious medieval trial regarding accusations of the ritual murder of a child by some Jews for the purposes of Passover, accusations which the consensus of scholarship has dismissed as a blood libel against Jews. The book sparked intense controversy, including calls for him to resign from or be fired from his professorship, the questioning of his research, historical method(s), and motives as they relate to his writing of the book, threats to his life, and demands that he be prosecuted. Despite having earlier promised not to give in to pressure and defend his work "even if crucified", Toaff recanted and pulled the book from circulation.

' ...

' On February 14, 2007, Ariel Toaff said in a statement that he ordered the Italian publisher of his book to freeze distribution of his book so that he can "re-edit the passages which comprised the basis of the distortions and falsehoods that have been published in the media."

' A week after its publication, Ariel Toaff withdrew the book from circulation, in order to "re-edit the passages which comprised the basis of the distortions and falsehoods that have been published in the media"

' ...

' A revised, second edition of his work appeared in February, 2008. Toaff now concedes that the accusations of ritual murder, as a common Jewish practice, were entirely Christian fabrications. However, Toaff maintains that it is possible that some radical Jews may have actually killed on ritual purpose, or for resentment against Christian persecution. ' [my emphasis]

Ariel Toaff (Wikipedia entry) (and, yes, Wikipedia may not be an authoritative source, but it is a good starting place for people who want some quick, basic information. Those wanting more information can find it easily online if they want to take the time to do the research.)

I see what you're saying and you're making yourself more clear now. I know there is a Zionist conspiracy. I don't know whether or not it is a result of a Jewish conspiracy. The suppression of this information could have been useful to Zionism today and that is why it is suppressed. I do find it quite strange that if you look at our modern history books it shows pretty much not a single atrocious act done by a Jew in all of history. It is always the other way around. The motivation for this though, like I said, could be for Zionism which uses Judaism as a front. I believe Zionism does this, I do not think that Zionism is a result of the tendency of Jews to try to do bad things because it is in their blood, otherwise why do groups like this exist? PR campaigns? It seems so obvious that there is a separation between Judaism and Zionism. This is like an outsider to America saying that in 2004 American's supported the war in Iraq and Bush. It also seems very obvious that though many Jews may gain influence because there is a hierarchy of Jews established in power, this can't always be the case. It seems more that Jews have a tendency, biological or not, to be influential.

Jews have been persecuted throughout history as a result of their unwillingness to give up their culture while having no homeland. This is what has made them be seen as evil and untrustworthy. They are nonconformists that accept diversity among their own culture while keeping traditions and not having a homeland of their own. Prior to Israel what was a Jewish State? There have been countries that are primarily Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, and just about anything else for centuries and these places have allowed for these religions to settle and prosper but prior to Israel there were no such places. This has been the history of Judaism, wanderers that manage to prevail. Based on what you're saying it makes me think that you too must believe, at the very least, that Jews are very successful and very adaptive.

There are several problems with some of your assumptions. For one, where was this underlying world controlled Jew force prior to and during WWII? Why didn't they shift America's opinion to going in to the war earlier or orchestrate mass knowledge of the Holocaust and what it actually was? It took until after WWII for most of the world to even realize what was happening. Why didn't they help to save the St. Louis?

You seem to be giving Jews so much credit that you are making a great case for their superiority. You are making it sound like they are capable, genetically or otherwise, of taking over any country and bringing it do it's knees with a complete disregard for human life. This sounds like the future of human evolution from a transhumanist point of view. Evolution has much less to do with love and friendship and much more to do with self preservation and the manipulation of others.

One thing I'll say that I am biased towards is thinking that the old testament and certain other scriptures are actually way deeper than they seem. Have you ever researched sacred geometry or other mystical things? I've read parts of the kabbalah and found them to be very beautiful and much more advanced than any western religion. They seemed much closer to Buddhism than anything. There is a lot to learn about the secrets of Judaism that aren't about being bent on world domination or destruction. You can watch this video if you are interested at all but it is 30 minutes. I found it rather fascinating though. I am much more tempted to believe that the secrecy in Judaism is to preserve and hide sacred truths than anything.

I don't let any of what I'm saying blind me from questioning Israel and it's safety or the safety of us because of it. It seems like a very dangerous thing especially in this Nuclear age. It also seems that Israel has a very powerful PR campaign. I just can't see that because of all of this that Jews, throughout history, have been working up to this point and will stop at nothing to get here simply because they are greedy hateful cold biologically.

thats what zionism has going for it. Also, if you want to take over the world, just claim you and your group of followers are jewish and have at it. Call your selves neo zionism.

Oh, now you're an expert on me? No son, I am a Lutheran. I don't think anyone has been chosen by god to be anything. In fact I'm only a Lutheran technically because my parents were. Haven't been to a church is 35 years and question the existence of god. The last church I was in was to get married. That was a Brethren Church. You my friend are a Jew hater, pure and simple. But I suspect you hate most everyone. You are one angry little bastard!