Reddit Conspiracy I'm calling out for your help. Lets make this happen.

61  2010-10-09 by [deleted]

So, i for one am sick and tired all the bullshit going on in the world or involving politics these days. No one seems to pay attention to, or even know the simple fact that private corporations known as central banks or Federal reserve just create money as they please and lend it with a interest. All the money is lent from them and all nations and people within are in debt to them. This group of people have all the power in the world. This is so inherently wrong and the root of all problems, yet people just don't seem to be conscious about the fact or talking about it. Not that that people are stupid. But the subject just is just is not publicly talked about in media or anywhere else. All the politics and news these days are just bullshit diversion to keep you distracted about this issue. Ofcource they own the media and do their best not to inform you any of the important issues. The last thing they want is for people to become conscious of this huge scam. I find this all very frustrating and i am more than willing to take some kind of action to make any kind of change.

The one place i recon we could at least try to make a difference is here in the Internets. In reddit. Where, at-least for now i think, everyone is free to speak their opinion. What im proposing is for some kind of group effort to change general conscious. I am calling for all of us here willing to participate, to start pushing information in relevant subreddits (/r/politics, world news etc.) considering the issue. Post all the most relevant information about world banks, FED and the scam that is fractional reserve banking. And to do it often enough for people to really start noticing. Lets try to make people really start thinking about this. Now i know there are lots people whose view cannot be changed in spite of what kind of information you will present to them. For some the mere idea of scam of this magnitude is too much to comprehend and they will refuse to acknowledge it no matter what. But there are lots of people who will see beyond the lies and are willing to accept the truth. They just don't know it yet. It is up to us to show them.

And i am in no way trying to provoke anyone to start spamming 24/7. Thats not relevant to anyone's interest. I want for people to start collectively to spread information about this scam so we could get as much people informed as possible. Everyone should support each other and start upvoting these posts as much as possible. I want us all to work for the same goal which is to get as much people as possible informed and conscious about Federal reserve, world banks and the scam they are pulling. They are creating money as they please and lending it. They do not have the right to do so. No private corporation or group of people should have the right to do so. It is too much power in wrong hands. This should be known by everyone.

Now, know that there are much disinformation and counterintelligence out there surrounding this subject, and everything else for that matter. And know that economics, banking and whatnot can be tricky and complicated issue to talk about. But just don't let all the jargon distract neither you or others. After all, what we are talking about here is pretty simple concepts, the bare basics. The power to create money and lend it with interest.

And what comes to the subject of disinformation and counterintelligence, there will be lot of attacking coming from users who are trained very well in aforementioned arts of communication. They do this for work and are bought and paid for. Dont let these fucking cockroaches distract you either. These sneaky rat fucks have sold their souls to the devil and do whatever it takes to smear you, debunk everything and twist the truth to confuse and distract. They try to keep everything in grey area and hard to comprehend. They will outright lie to keep people from understanding. They will try to associate the truth with irrelevant information. They try to make the truth seem like a stupid conspiracy and link it with other deliberately ridiculous conspiracies. They will even link to this article and say "see, its all just a bunch of conspiracy theorists with their conspiracies". Their disinformation tactics are endless. But the truth is simple. Keep it that way. I am not surprised to see the first comments of this post to be be something judgmenting and demotivational. Smearing this whole post as something utterly ridiculous and disservice to the reddit community. I bet some user will come out in the first comments and invoke authority, with a long and thoughtful explanation of how this is all stupid and pointless. Its all to demotivate you. I'm expecting this post to be downwoted to oblivion because that is what they do. They'll try everything from preventing people to come together for the common good, for the biggest threat for them is for people to unite against them. They are the underdog here. It is just a matter of us people realizing common cause and uniting against the real evil. Relevant, as posted by aqua7

So let's try to get some real information to peoples consciousness and try to make some kind of change together. Let's really start pushing information here about world banks and their deprivation of the world. Lets try to get people informed. Upvote and support each other.


The real crime is that they charge interest and yet the money to pay this interest is never created.

Only the principle sums are created in response to a loan request.

Therefore it is impossible to ever pay off the debt because the money to pay it with does not exist. Debt just keeps mounting until the banks own everything everywhere with practically no work or investment necessary.

But just don't let all the jargon distract neither you or others. After all, what we are talking about here is pretty simple concepts, the bare basics. The power to create money and lend it with interest.

what we are talking about here is pretty simple concepts, the bare basics. The power to create money and lend it with interest.

The power to create money and lend it with interest.

create money and lend it with interest.

lend it with interest.


Point taken...

create money

Answer to all these problems, is switch from an oil based economy to solar based.

to do this, just become responsible for your house, power, water, and food. These are the things people need to stay alive. if you live off grid, it is a lifestyle of abundance. It is nearly impossible to stay in debt in a self sufficient lifestyle.

also, by people doing this, you completely disempower the governments, and empower the people.

for a summary, watch a 'permaculture' video online. its basically a compilation of all the worlds best tips and tricks to fix the planet, people, and ones self. (by fixing the environment you live in)

anywho, good luck dudes, we're all out there saving the planet, and thats one of the best two pieces of advice i could give.

the other... is start a food coop, we are currently running one in Australia thats going very well, (if designed right, you can gain more influence than your own city council with one of these :) also, we are making it easy to replicate and open source, as we are creating it in Mexico and Edmonton Canada (shortly)

Trust me when i say, 80%+ of the worlds problems root cause is FOOD use this to your advantage.

Permaculture is awesome, I really like the rocket mass heater, especially when combined with a below ground greenhouse.

I'm on my iPhone, so I ant begin to type the novel of how and why fractional reserve banking works, will someone who understands please help educate these people. Please help them understand the difference between the Fed's interest and the interest a consumer would pay on a loan.

When I went to college, naturally one of the subjects I had to take was Economics. I worked all semester on the professor of that class to watch "Money as Debt".

Ever since they watched it, it has become one of the videos that students watch in that class.

For those who have not watched it, it does say that the money is created on the presses without anything to back its value, the first people who get it (ie banks) will have the greatest purchasing power with that money before the effects of inflation kick in and cause prices to rise, and that the money has to be paid back to the Fed at interest, payable in Federal Reserve notes.

So, essentially, students taking economics under my professor are learning just that. GG

what's terrifying and sad is that your economics professor didn't know anything about that until you told him.

And what comes to the subject of disinformation and counterintelligence, there will be lot of attacking coming from users who are trained very well in aforementioned arts of communication. They do this for work and are bought and paid for. Dont let these fucking cockroaches distract you either. These sneaky rat fucks have sold their souls to the devil and do whatever it takes to smear you, debunk everything and twist the truth to confuse and distract. They try to keep everything in grey area and hard to comprehend. They will outright lie to keep people from understanding..


Their disinformation tactics are endless. But the truth is simple. Keep it that way.


They are creating money as they please and lending it. They do not have the right to do so. No private corporation or group of people should have the right to do so. It is too much power in wrong hands. This should be known by everyone.

I'm afraid I don't follow why you replied with the above post.

Putting these here because nobody has mentioned them yet:

The Money Masters

The secret of Oz which I think is a sequel to the first Money Masters.

Argentina's Economic Collapse

Been down this road a few years ago.

Good list. I think we should add Eustace Mullins, Secrets of the Federal Reserve.

You may want to watch and share Kirk MacKenzie's videos, "Why are we in so much debt?"

You may also want to watch Brother Nathaneal Kapner's videos about "Who owns the Federal Reserve."

Now, know that there are much disinformation and counterintelligence out there surrounding this subject, and everything else for that matter. And know that economics, banking and whatnot can be tricky and complicated issue to talk about. But just don't let all the jargon distract neither you or others. After all, what we are talking about here is pretty simple concepts, the bare basics. The power to create money and lend it with interest.

After all, what we are talking about here is pretty simple concepts, the bare basics. The power to create money and lend it with interest.

pretty simple concepts, the bare basics. The power to create money and lend it with interest.

The power to create money and lend it with interest.

And finally, the root of the problem.

if you are Canadian, dont forget about The O'Canada Movie

Wow, I didn't know about Oh Canada the movie. Thanks! The Oh Canada movie talks about banking and money creation.

Edit: Misspelled Oh Canada.

So does the O'Canada movie, only from a Canadian perspective. The guy making the movie makes some pretty wild claims at the end which I disagree with, but I have to give him some credit. He did manage to get former PM Paul Martin, on video, to admit that this IS how our monetary system works, however in Mr martin's words "(it is not a fraud) because people knew about it when it was created, or they should have anyway".

I am watching it on youtube right now. Interesting and fun IMO.


The Jews!


It's never a Jew. Never!

I call it like I see it. If they were Catholics I would say it. If they were Italians I'd say it. It ain't Mexicans, it's not Blacks and it isn't the Chinese.

Go ahead and call me an anti-semite. I am not against Semites. I am against the Jewish Crime Syndicate and the Khazarian crime spree.

but it is the italians.

Accolgo con favore il controllo Italiano! Gerald Celente for Presidente!


I agree this is a really powerful speech and he gave it in 1995.

It is a summation of Eustace Mullins' 'Secrets of the Federal Reserve'.

I thought much of it seemed to draw from Eustace Mullins. Farrakhan is a pretty open minded guy to listen to a guy who Jews called a racist.

I have to admit that Farrakhan gives the information his own spirit and drama.

What an obnoxious clown and demagogue. This speech contains pretty much the whole conspiracy junk that's been around for decades and also makes up the 3rd part of the first Zeitgeist movie.

Here's a point by point criticism I'd recommend to anyone watching that piece of .. art.

Its not really a very good criticism. While he may or may not be right about the source of the quotes, almost everything else is evasion. This is all he has to say about the constitutionality of the Federal Reserve Act:

Since when is the Federal Reserve Act unconstitutional?

Great detective work there Lou.

Let me try :

Congress shall have the power to... coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin...

Wow yeah. That wasn't too tough was it? Where does it say that Congress has the right to create a privately held banking system and let a private corporation "regulate the value thereof"?

Right. It doesn't. And if you know anything about the Constitution, it was very carefully written to control precisely what the Federal government could do. And it specifically says, that if its not here in the Constitution, its not a Federal power.

There ya go. Piece of cake.

That's what he says about the FED:

Apparently the film makers have a very small understanding of the Federal Reserve. Yes, it is a private corporation, however it is not as private as Federal Express. It is considered private because the decisions it makes do not necessarily have to be ratified by the President or anyone else in the executive or legislature. However, the Federal Reserve has a board of governors with seats for congressional officials. The Federal Reserve is also subject to heavy oversight from Congress. Therefore, it is not necessarily private or public, rather it is "independent within the government."

Yeah I read that too. It made me laugh. Did you watch the hearings where the Fed officials absolutely refused to tell Congress which banks got the money?

Has there ever been a serious audit of the Fed's books?

Can we at least see the gold in Fort Knox? No? OK. Thanks anyway.

"Independent within the government" is an oxymoron.

However, the Federal Reserve has a board of governors with seats for congressional officials.

This is patently false. Show me one current member of the Board of Governors who was ever in Congress.


Yeah that post you made was pretty awesome... Thank you for that

r/politics has quite a few 9/11 something ain't right people though.

Check out The Venus Project. A resourced based economy rather than a monetary one.

The venus project recommends that computers make all the important decisions. I want to know one thing: who programs the computers?

computers make all the important decisions.

Hello skynet?

Check out The Money Myth Exploded for a description of the theory of Social Credit. Very interesting concept that would create a national dividend when production and therefore monetary supply is increased, rather than a national debt, which is what happens now when the monetary supply is increased.

The truth is simple. Most people know and don't care. The dollar is no longer backed by gold, it is backed by fact the US government collects taxes to pay back debt. The real way to fight back is to quit your job and go live off-grid.

The money is not backed by anything.

It's backed by

" The full faith and credit of the U.S. Government. "

Look out, faith in our government is waning quickly and it's credit is not far behind.

Sure it is. It's backed the US governments ability to tax it's population. You think China would feel better if they could trade $1US for a certain amount of gold bullion? You think they would buy millions of dollars of our debt if it was "backed by nothing"?

But just don't let all the jargon distract neither you or others. After all, what we are talking about here is pretty simple concepts, the bare basics. The power to create money and lend it with interest.

collects taxes to pay back interest on debt


You can do anything you want as long as there is no law against it. No right to do something? That's pretty backwards since we don't have a book of legal activities. We do have books that explain what is illegal. Congress gave the FED (a private organization) this power. Nothing illegal.

Aside from that, motivations for what? I agreed with most of what you said. The federal reserve is a private organization that prints US dollars based on US Government requests, then gets repaid that money with interest. You seem to think people would be outraged by this, when in-fact, they are not. Most people take it a step further and ask - What do we do to fix it? We can:

  • Let government print what it wants without having to pay anyone back for it or pay interest.

  • Put the US Dollar back on the gold standard.

Which of these would you prefer? Are you even aware of the consequences of either of these would be at this point?

There are other options. See here for a description of a our current system as well as a possible solution called Social Credit. Rather than creating national debt to banks when new money is created and lent out to increase production, we would be creating a national dividend for every new dollar that is loaned out and then paid back. Instead of a perpetually decreasing of value from our money it would be perpetually(for the most part) increasing in value. Instead of a country becoming more and more in debt(which is what currently happens, the richer a country is, the more debt it has) it would become wealthier and wealthier and everyone would benefit.

I think the consequences of going back on a gold standard is that the government could no longer order the printing of money that wasn't backed by anything. No doubt many financiers would find this an inconvenience.


What or who am I harming? I don't think that I am harming anything, so outside of a small cough I developed last night, I am feeling really great.

Sry... Im fucking drunk. I'm thinking everyone is a counterintel agent.... sry. All i really want is peace for all

You must be.

I haven't seen any evidence you are serious about answering any substantive questions.

Either you're drunk or you're a hack but you can't lead a revolution unless you have brains and charisma.

At present, you have neither.


Seriously, I agree with your sentiment, but I am not sure exactly what your plan is though.

C'mon now man...

What im proposing is for some kind of group effort to change general conscious. I am calling for all of us here willing to participate, to start pushing information in relevant subreddits (/r/politics, world news etc.) considering the issue. Post all the most relevant information about world banks, FED and the scam that is fractional reserve banking. And to do it often enough for people to really start noticing. Lets try to make people really start thinking about this.

Dude, that is not a plan.

We all do that. There is only so much to post, most of it doesn't get upvoted for enough people to see, and if you talk about it with people who don't want to hear abou tit enough they will just write you off completely.

"making lots of noise" is not any type of plan, and is not going to 'make it happen.' no offense but in order for me to get excited we need a better strategy than simply saying true things.

And what comes to the subject of disinformation and counterintelligence, there will be lot of attacking coming from users who are trained very well in aforementioned arts of communication. They do this for work and are bought and paid for. Dont let these fucking cockroaches distract you either. These sneaky rat fucks have sold their souls to the devil and do whatever it takes to smear you, debunk everything and twist the truth to confuse and distract. They try to keep everything in grey area and hard to comprehend. They will outright lie to keep people from understanding.

Smearing this whole post as something utterly ridiculous and disservice to the reddit community. I bet some user will come out in the first comments and invoke authority, with a long and thoughtful explanation of how this is all stupid and pointless. Its all to demotivate you.

Are you accusing me of this? Read my log brother.

You.... i just loathe you as a human being. You are trying your best to prevent for humans to envolve. You are everything that is wrong in this world... sorry... i'll pray for your soul

hahahahaha wow.

very minor disagreement over strategy = YOU ARE A DISINFO AGENT!

You are trying your best to prevent for humans to envolve.


I also loathe disinfo agents, but I can assure you I am not one.

I'm sure everyone who cares enough is doing this already.

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the sentiment but I have a question for you. For years I've been listening to people saying spread the message, let people know what's going on. How many people need to be informed before we make change, and what needs to be done once enough are informed? Even if 50% of the public are with us, what are going to do, storm the white house?? I'm just playing devil's advocate here because I think we have enough supporters (sure more is better), but there doesn't seem to be a real plan for change.

This is the major crux of the problem. What do we do. A single country can not change things, if they tried it would be economic suicide. Example:

Country - "Fuck you banks, we're taking back our economy"

IMF - "Hey country, you might want to re-think this. If you take our power away here, then we will exercise it elsewhere. You know that dollar of yours? Guess what, we're the people who rate it. Give us our power back or your dollar is going to be worth less than a penny US, worldwide"

Now what?

Our only chance would be to try and create some sort of revolution worldwide, to eliminate the World Bank, IMF and all the central banks in all the major countries. The solution to this problem we are in, whatever it is, is going to be very difficult to implement. It has to be a global thing, AND it requires us to rethink all of our economic theory and monetary systems. If you were to suddenly shut down the Fed or whatever central bank we are talking about, what happens to all the dollars still out there? What about foreign investment? Who's going to rate peoples money? How will we calculate exchange rates? Etc etc etc.

Unfortunately, telling people and getting them to believe you is the easy part.

The dollar won't be worth a shilling in a couple of years anyway. The Federal Reserve will pass China late next year as the largest holder of American Debt. That's my guess anyway. The Fed has already "monetized the debt" to the tune of 850+ billion, and is on track to monetize another 1.2 trillion in the next year. Its a great scam. Create money, buy your own debt, then charge interest to the American people. These people need to be in a Turkish prison.

And its not as bleak as you paint it. The Treasury can print dollars as well as the Federal Reserve. Anyone who wanted to change the Federal Reserve Dollars into US Treasury dollars could certainly do so. Only we would no longer be paying interest every second of every day for the privilege of borrowing our own money.

Thats true but if the treasury were to print money, the IMF would rate the dollar much lower, hurting the economy. This is how they maintain their control.

How low will they rate us in a couple of years? Where do they rate Charmin or Ultra Soft?

Is it maybe because the same crooks are running both scams?

And what comes to the subject of disinformation and counterintelligence, there will be lot of attacking coming from users who are trained very well in aforementioned arts of communication. They do this for work and are bought and paid for. Dont let these fucking cockroaches distract you either. These sneaky rat fucks have sold their souls to the devil and do whatever it takes to smear you, debunk everything and twist the truth to confuse and distract. They try to keep everything in grey area and hard to comprehend. They will outright lie to keep people from understanding.

Smearing this whole post as something utterly ridiculous and disservice to the reddit community. I bet some user will come out in the first comments and invoke authority, with a long and thoughtful explanation of how this is all stupid and pointless. Its all to demotivate you.

You think I'm the man because my post was demotivating? I'm sorry but I just want to ask a simple question, what are all these informed people going to do about it? I've spent years informing people and arguing on the net to convince people of the NWO, but the question remains. How many people need to know and what are we going to do when we reach those numbers? The reason I ask is because there are already millions of people that are aware of what's going on.

NWO? Now you're into a totally different topic, and possibly one that gives you less credibility. NWO was a Bush Senior thing IIRC, and is really the tip of the iceberg in so many ways. Yes, there are those who want a world government, but that has nothing to do with the topic of this post.

NWO, Globalists, International bankers, the terms are interchangeable.

The NWO didn't disappear with Bush Sr.

The NWO and the conspiracy theories behind it though are very different than International bankers. For one, Bush senior has NOTHING to do with the IMF or international bankers. He was in the oil business and simply ignores the IMF stuff cause he knows if he stays out of their business, they will stay out of his. This stuff is only interchangeable if you truly think it is all made up and garbage.

You're missing the point. All of these are merely branches under the One True Conspiracy that controls the planet. Wake up to the reptilian agenda.

It will never work without tl;dr

Post all the most relevant information about world banks, FED and the scam that is fractional reserve banking. And to do it often enough for people to really start noticing

Ive been doing this for a while now, both on the internet and in RL. the problem is that many people see how big of a scam it is and think to themselves "that cant be the way it is, it must just be a conspiracy theory". And, theory go back to their normal lives. Ive been able to get through to a few people but most just look at me like Im crazy.

come together for the common good

They're looking to install more collectivism, "the common good." Work for your individual benefit.

The "fed" ponzi scam is based on debt. You want to slow it down/hurt it, pay off your debts, keep your money in precious metals/other things of intrinsic value, not a bank/dollars, no stocks/bonds, don't be a consumer; get solar panels, collect water, grow your own food, make your own cleaners, etc., buy used, avoid driving, use government services as little as possible.

The problem is that it is just seen as one of a hundred issues (cover maybe). It is seen as important but people don't like to endlessly hear that it is the Fed doing so much of it.

If Alanis Morissette wrote this post, they would call it fucking genius.

My only hope is that other countries in power band up against our government and forcibly remove all governing entities in the United States and replace them with competent people who are capable of leading a country instead of filling their pockets.

Basically we need to have done to us, what we have done to the world. Except without the lining of pockets.

Shhhh shh shh. Go to back to sleep. We all know this is happening and we accept it.... and so will you....soon enough. Just breath deep and count to 10..... Better?

Now. Let me ask you. What happens next? What should we do different now that you have realized things happen (continue to happen) that are too big for you (or I, or anyone) as an individuals to change? Do we start launching ships filled with extremophiles that can live on Mars to start turning it into Earth 2? Can we tame a savage planet, and within 5 generations or less, be sending fertile young men and women there to create a planet that lives in peace?

I would like that too.

Or, should we climb to the top of a tower with a rifle and a manifesto pinned to our shirts? March for change? March for war? You and I are very much the same. We can see the chaos over exertion of control leads to. Money controlled by too few, who look at humanity by the masses, that turn a deaf ear to suffering. It's just not right. If this is such a great world bank thing we all blindly follow, than why can't "X" (something I know is wrong and must be changed) be removed from the human condition?

At this point, because age has mellowed emotional treason (my name for it) I can also see Tyler Durden was make believe because he can never be a real person without being worse than what we have.

When it comes to America (I guarantee to anyone reading this that the OP is American) there can no longer be change through violence or rebellion. We've seen enough of it. We have been so busy killing since we were born a nation, it's become necessary to vent at our next door neighbors in order to....i don't know what.

There's always young eager bodies willing to continue working/fighting for change where I'm (soon enough, I hope, we'll be) forced to let go of anger born of injustice and accept that this is the world we live in.

I hope you will let go too. Let's both hope we don't have to leave influence to talking heads that are empty of ideas. Let's hope we can isolate the good things that happen to the living and share the good rather than the bad.

If you would like to join a cause, I suggest you work for the things you both believe in and embody, as well as things you are just a spectator of, and believe in. That last part was my shout out to the ents and prop 19. California is throwing down an enormous domino that may lead to the righting of a wrong.

BTW Do you know what would happen if you won your fight? You'd find emptiness, and look for something else to win...until someone challenges your previous victory. Then the onus is back on you to decide if this is your cross to bear, as they say. And way too often, you're all in again. Those emotions that carried you to the victory will now work to destroy you. I think I've said enough.

TL;DR STFU and pay your taxes Ben Stein... wait what?

I really have to make 9 accounts...

the only sensible course of action is to slack off as much as possible, and possibly shoplift from time to time.

The one place i recon we could at least try to make a difference is here in the Internets.

I understand you completely.

Dude I can't read this. Seriously I understand you have something you have to say but your grammar is early-mid teen level.

You could probably rally people better with a TL;DR section.

Can you propose what you might construct in place of the federal reserve?

I can understand why you would want it out of corporate hands, but would you be creating a central bank in its place, run by the treasury?

Would your new central bank have a strict 'no jews allowed' policy?

How would your central bank provide the benefit/services the fed does without any of the drawbacks?

How would you go about creating an institution that the financial markets trusted enough to be influenced by?

If you can answer these questions without calling me a 'sneaky rat fuck', I'll continue to listen to your plan.

We need the batman.


Disclaimer: I have not taken anything more than some basic econ courses and my interest lies more in Game Theory than in actual economics (hence why I'm not an ecom major) and I won't be taking a Macro Econ course till next quarter.

That said...

Okay, that's NOT how money works. The value in the economy is ALWAYS much greater than the amount of real money in circulation because money circulates. We also haven't had anything "real" backing our currency for about a century. The value of our currency is proportional to the value of the US economy relative to other economies and to the amount of money in circulation. So if we keep printing money with no restrictions then the buying power of an individual dollar drops.

The reason we have a SINGLE agency printing money is because having multiple ones causes all sorts of problems. The biggest one being no co-ordination or regulation.

Their disinformation tactics are endless. But the truth is simple. Keep it that way. I am not surprised to see the first comments of this post to be be something judgmenting and demotivational. Smearing this whole post as something utterly ridiculous and disservice to the reddit community. I bet some user will come out in the first comments and invoke authority, with a long and thoughtful explanation of how this is all stupid and pointless. Its all to demotivate you. I'm expecting this post to be downwoted to oblivion because that is what they do.

Critical thinking and common sense are 'disinformation' now?

I'm sure you've seen zeitgeist before, do you consider this disinformation?

Thanks for this, I don't understand why zeitgeist has become so popular.It's gushing with errors and contradictions.It's nice to see someone pick it apart and set it all straight.

Maybe 'we' should link your rant as an example of what happens when one gets all his information from sensationalist and badly researched internet "documentaries".

Instead of a self-serving insult, would you care to provide examples of why his information is from "sensationalist and badly researched internet documentaries"?

I seek truth, and you seem to possess some, so why don't you share it with us?


Yeah, he's also been a redditor for over a year and has a comment karma score of 175, lmao.

What has this to do with anything? I'm just not very often 'on site', "lmao".

Oh yeah, the Schekels roll right in...

Also, how about you provide a good source for us on how money is created? Rather than a blog that picks apart one documentary using a book published by the very people who may be scamming us.

I found the Wikipedia articles not too bad. Start here and then continue under "see also".

Ok, Im not sure if Im going to be able to even read this guys garbage. From the first page of the article you linked

"In the first movie he attempted to explain monetary policy, but it was very skewed and incorrect.

Unfortunately, economics is often viewed with confusion and boredom. Endless streams of financial jargon coupled with intimidating mathematics quickly deters people from attempts at understanding it. However, the fact is, the complexity associated with the financial system is a mere mask, designed to conceal one of the most socially paralyzing structures humanity has ever endured.

I'm not so sure if it's just a "mask" as the film puts it, because like all complex systems, it needs even more complex rules to keep it in place and of course the longer capitalism exists the more complex the system gets. Prior to the labor movement in the 1920s and prior, the financial system was less complicated, but still fairly complex and now it's far more complex."

How in the hell does this debunk anything? How is this an argument for a monetary system that the richer you are the more debt you have? You want to convince me that these documentaries are sensationalist etc?(Ive never watched Zeigeist btw, but rather Im referring to "money as debt" and others like it") Well here's how. Please find me a source that shows how a country can get out of debt when every new bill printed is handed out as a loan, or one that shows that this is not what happens when new bills are printed. Im willing to bet you cant find one.

It's a point by point commentary and this particular paragraph says that the complexity of the monetary system isn't "a mask" to obfuscate its oppressive nature or whatever. Read on and soon the text will get in medias res.

But anyway, afaik a country can get out of debt when the budget is balanced, all government bonds etc are paid out and no new ones are issued. I never understood how "Money as Debt", for example, comes to the conclusion that debt is perpetual. It has a lot of things right but then gets others really wrong:

A short text regarding "Money as Debt"

Ok, then explain to me this. If a government has to pay back a "loan" with interest, or those treasury bonds with interest, how do they pay it back when there isnt enough money in the system?

Edit: Also, why is it that the richest country in the world is in the most debt?

But anyway, afaik a country can get out of debt when the budget is balanced, all government bonds etc are paid out and no new ones are issued.

Does that not mean that no new money is being created then? Doesnt the economy go into recession when that happens?

Here is the thing. Lets say Im a new company. I want to expand production. To do so I need more money. So, I go get a loan. That loan comes from a bank. That bank got it from a central bank, as a loan, and has to pay interest. That central bank had the bills printed by the mint, which then sells it to the central bank at cost.

This is how the monetary supply is increased. It is decreased when banks stop giving loans and keep collecting on existing ones. Since every single person in the entire country has to pay back its loans with interest, there is not enough money to pay it all back with interest. As such, the number of bills in circulation decreases. People stop spending and start saving. Recession starts.

Does that not mean that no new money is being created then? Doesnt the economy go into recession when that happens?

As far as i understood it: the budget of a country and its money supply are not the same.

Since every single person in the entire country has to pay back its loans with interest, there is not enough money to pay it all back with interest.

That assumes that every single person in the country has a loan and didn't create any surplus value with it. If the whole country bought big screen TV's there'd be a problem but most loans by far are investments into production or other enterprises. The interest is paid with the profit.

That assumes that every single person in the country has a loan and didn't create any surplus value with it.

How do they create surplus value? The thing is that EVERY single dollar in existence in the US right now was printed and distributed as a loan. There is only so much people can spend, and only so much available to pay back banks with. The interest doesnt exist unless you take out another loan, which adds more interest. Our economy is debt based whether people want to acknowledge that or not is their choice. I would like to ask you though, is there any country on the planet, or better yet, are any of the G7 nations free of debt, in other words, have no national debt to banks? is there any country that has EVER paid back its national debt, ever?

How do they create surplus value? The thing is that EVERY single dollar in existence in the US right now was printed and distributed as a loan.

No, printed money is just a rather small fraction of all money.

Ok, so, again, you point me to a blog, not exactly a credible resource. Everything you have posted as sources have claimed to debunk the documentaries mentioned. What I would like to see is a credible(in your eyes) source on how the monetary and banking system actually works. Can you provide that?

Again, the Wikipedia articles aren't the worst. All with citations and sources. Especially the one on fractional reserve banking is really good imho.


I am not surprised to see the first comments of this post to be be something judgmenting and demotivationa


What i think is most prevalent in reddit is:

  1. Invoke authority. Claim for yourself or associate yourself with authority and present your argument with enough 'jargon' and 'minutia' to illustrate you are 'one who knows', and simply say it isn't so without discussing issues or demonstrating concretely why or citing sources.

But these assholes are everywhere... Who knows

I think you would enjoy posting over at /r/shill

crazy much? if you truly believe in what you have posted... i suggest you use the internet to research the topic further.

It's not really a matter of belief, he's not talking about some faith-based 'theory' here any more than 2+2=4 is a theory. It seems like you should take your own advice and use the internet to research the topic further.

What or who am I harming? I don't think that I am harming anything, so outside of a small cough I developed last night, I am feeling really great.

Wow, I didn't know about Oh Canada the movie. Thanks! The Oh Canada movie talks about banking and money creation.

Edit: Misspelled Oh Canada.

How do they create surplus value? The thing is that EVERY single dollar in existence in the US right now was printed and distributed as a loan.

No, printed money is just a rather small fraction of all money.