Did reddit terminate Johnny_Cash's account?

0  2010-11-05 by [deleted]

This used to be his account: http://www.reddit.com/user/Johnny_Cash and now it's 404'd.

Luckily, Backtype still has his posts:


Is this censorship or a glitch?


God, i hope so.

What an asshole.

They did the same to sanrabb.

I heard he was terminated because his humorous but offensive remarks were getting a lot of karma.

There's probably a rule that if your karma goes too far into the negative, your account gets deleted for trolling. Johnny_Cash was in the negative thousands.

I could not find any specific reference to that in the reddiquette.

It's censorship!

I just posted two posts to r/conspiracy, one went threw and one did not. This is the one that did not: "35 mn. vid. Cab-driver at 911 Pentagon strike admits PLANNING damage to his cab from light pole, wife works for FBI. Ordinary citizen investigates and makes killer vid." http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4770996865659781278#

Was this Johnny_Cash's last post?

Chomsky is a member of the Global Jewish Nation and he has been protecting the Jewish Hive over revelations of Jewish guilt for perpetrating 911. He's been saying, "911 isn't important, let's forget it." to distract the crowd -- but the crowd has run off in a different direction and he is scurrying to get in front of the crowd to make it look like he's leading. Chomsky is going the standard "fallback" route, pioneered by fellow Jew Michael Moore: Blame it on Bush. You will NOT hear Chomsky telling the truth about 911, that his fellow Jews perpetrated the attacks because, quite frankly, there is going to be fearful retribution for Jewish treachery.

I'm showing this as his last post:

You're right: It wasn't Bush or the U.S. Postal Service that did 911. Only the Jews have the organizational penetration, fanaticism, cultic cohesion and casual approach to mass murder to pull off 911, which they did. There is a Jew -- not on every page -- but in every paragraph, each with the means, motive and opportunity to enable this horrendous crime. Y'all are busted. Deadbang. The Mavi Mara showed that Jews can lie against broad daylight facts and do so concertedly, to the point of delusion. Well, Toby Keith and his size 12 cowboy boots are no delusion and you Jews are gonna have one up your ass if you don't start packing your bags for Alpha Centauri.

It was in response to this post.

This isn't about Johnny's blunt abrasive manner IMO. It is about shutting down the information that he exposed.

Like I said this isn't a call for blood, it is a call for truth. Jews that commit crimes should not be able to hide behind the Holocaust narrative. PNAC may have been the greatest conspiracy ever perpetrated against the USA. Jews do have excessive influence and there needs to be reform.

As someone previously wrote,

"The Muslims are not the enemy. They don’t extort usury through the Federal Reserve; they aren’t manufacturing population-reducing vaccines and GMO seeds; they didn’t devise our abortion laws (about fifty million dead); they didn’t bail out the banks; they didn’t create the Department of Homeland Security and impose the PATRIOT Act; they aren’t wiretapping our private conversations or scanning us at the airport; they didn’t impose godless Communism on several countries and cause the death of millions of innocent people; they haven’t instituted the draconian healthcare laws; they have not orchestrated the nation’s economic crashes; they have not deindustrialized the nation and outsourced so many jobs; they haven’t wiped out the middle class by passing trade laws like NAFTA; and they haven’t foreclosed on thousands of homes; they are not the reason thousands of people live in tent cities; they haven’t developed depleted uranium weapons. Instead of worrying about a mosque, consider what’s going on behind the closed doors at the Federal Reserve, the Pentagon, the Senate and House chambers, the CFR, the State Department, the UN or dozens of other places. The Muslims didn’t instigate the attacks on the USS Liberty or the USS Cole and they didn’t orchestrate the highly organized attack in Manhattan on 9/11."

Looks that way. The question, or maybe not, is who bitched and moaned to get him silenced rather than address his posts.

jcm267 seemed to brag about it.

Spoke too soon. His history is back, but his posts aren't shown in the thread. Click on permalink/context, you'll get "there doesn't seem to be anything here," or go to the thread and those recent posts won't be there.

They banned Johnny_Cash because he was among the most vile, hateful pieces of shit on all of reddit. His friends (those of you who are poo pooing over this) should be next!

edit 12 hours later and look below this. The people who are posting here are among the Nazi brigade that have infested /r/conspiracy. texmess and OcciDentist are two scumbags that I've seen a lot of.


because he was among the most vile, hateful pieces of shit on all of reddit

The fact that you are still here is proof that that cannot be the reason.

Hey, we tolerate you don't we? Were you more offended by the information or his blunt manner?

You are all for free speech as long as it is yours.

People like to believe that they would appreciate someone who is blunt and to the point, but in reality most people cannot tolerate such speech, even if they like to think they can.

To point out vile, hateful pieces of shit is to be a vile, hateful piece of shit?

A couple days ago he was suspended from /r/911Truth or /r/Conspiracy with the additional threat that he would be suspended for 30 days for his next "violation". Sorry but I don't have a link.

So much for those sub reddits, 9/11 was a very jewish conspiracy.

I have been following 9/11 truth since day one and Jews and Jewish organizations have always been defensive about it. I personally did not connect the dots to PNAC and Israel until 2 years ago.

As Johnny_Cash often posted, there is a Jew, not on every page, but in every paragraph of the 911 narrative.

Quite so.



With it taking nothing to create a new reddit account, banning his handle is just an inconvenience, unless they got him to give up posting(hah:), or did something beyond that. Just a matter of waiting to see him pop up under a new handle.

I'd go a step farther and say there is a Jew in every sentence of the 9/11 narrative.

Attempts to shut down Free Speech usually do not go well. BTW, I'd say that jcm267 is about as verbally abusive and as guilty of trolling as anyone I have seen on reddit. People should take note.

Is this a warning to all redditors that you can't question Jewish power, control and conspiracies?

Did he say something that was too offensive? Did Jewish redditors demand that his account be terminated?

Are Cass Sunstein or the ADL now monitoring reddit?

This smacks of censorship. I have seen many redditors make consistently offensive and rude statements.

Is this a warning to all redditors that you can't question Jewish power, control and conspiracies?

No, we all know it was the Steel industry, who were trying to disprove him so they could debut carbon fiber reinforced steel I-beams next year just so they can prevent another "collapse from an 'air plane'" hitting a building.

Its all organized my secret meetings with the Steel manufacturers, Boeing and the RAND corporation.


Lets see, a basically hollow aluminum, magnesium and titanium tube with kerosene slams into a heavily webbed, welded and bolted steel and reinforced concrete structure that is thousands of times the mass of the airplane. The buildings burn for about an hour or two with no signs of weakening or structural deformation then the building blows apart pulverizing all of its contents and breaking steel joints and steel beams into hundreds of thousands of pieces. A Jewish billionaire who is close friends with leader of Israel collects a huge insurance payment and we commence into long wars that attack Israel's enemy neighbors.

...maybe if his username was "Jewh8r" he wouldn't have been banned?

Ya think?