Did the Chinese launch JL-2 from a Type 094 SSBN as a show of force, 30miles off the shore of California?

4  2010-11-09 by [deleted]

Did the Chinese launch JL-2 from a Type 094 SSBN? Recently we hear Chinese Military Seeks to Extend Its Naval Power. Then we see US Naval presence off the shores of India "Officially the ship has come to deliver helicopters for the presidential visit, but it also carries over 3,000 soldiers and several attack helicopters." If you add "In his interview with On Point, Admiral Willard said U.S.-China military relations remain “problematic,” and American boats and planes continue to have more encounters with the Chinese military.Link and this "October 26, 2010: A Chinese Type 093 class SSN (nuclear attack sub) was recently seen moored at their new naval base on Hainan island. This base, just north of Vietnam, must make the Indians nervous, because more and more Chinese warships are showing up in the Indian Ocean. link


Ah, finally.. a curious angle. But to what end? Just to pop up right of the coast, huck an ICBM (again, how big was this missile? Any info on that?) and then disappear again? That'd scare the hell out of me.


Sweet jesus those things fly and go boom. And can.. well.. have nuke heads. All of this is oddly close to the supposed false flag operation that was suppose to happen the other day.

today is 11/9/2010

Ok.... and? I don't get it, i know the date. The false flag was suppose to happen on the 6'th. I don't get what you're saying.

im saying that maybe the 11/6 was a wrong interpretation, and maybe it was 11/9(november 9th) don't matter now though

Ya, done is done i guess. Still like to know wtf happened though.

To what end? To launch an EMP strike on the US.

Well, yes.. but you don't use an ICBM when you're 50 miles from the shore.. you use it when you're 4000 miles away.

Well, that's a thought, though it clearly wasn't the end goal here.

This was meant to be a highly visible event. If you want to EMP a city, you park a van near transformer junctions and let er rip. You don't launch an incredibly visible missile.

Im going to go with no. Seems unreasonable to do something that provoking. Thats way more than saber rattling. Also, thats right in the middle of a series of american missile ranges.


If a foreign submarine had parked so close to US shores, and launched an ICBM, I don't think most of us would be sitting here right now.

While you make an interesting suggestion, any foreign govt. committing such an act would be going far beyond a show of force, to an act of war. Even if the missile were aimed out to sea, there would be a near-immediate response.

I think that the government, in an effort to not scare people, would cover it up. After all, it was only an aircraft contrail at 2,000ft.

I'm just as perplexed as to the govt's response as anybody, but I have to assume there are protocols in place in the event of a surprise launch off an American coast.

There are plenty of missile subs out there, and have been for some time, and for a potentially hostile launch to occur without at least a spinup in the readiness of the nation's armed forces, seems too far-fetched for even me to believe.

Parking a sub close to the US would defeat the purpose of using an ICBM.

Unless that government had the kind of leverage that would keep our impotent, corporate owned government from taking action against such a blatant act.

Like owning all our debt?


cold war 2

I think that would be considered an act of war if a Chinese sub crossed into American territorial waters and launched a missile. So it's more likely the US government trying to fuck with China or Russia.

This is the first time I've seen anyone mention my pet theory about all of this. I see others are getting the same idea I've been thinking - that the Chinese did it, to show 1) they can get through our perimeter and up to the coastline. 2) their weapons systems. 3) a warning about our printing of money that has the potential to fuck them (and everyone else) all up.

This would make no strategic sense for the Chinese to do this. Economically we have them over a barrel.

IF they did do this, we have a few options.

  1. We could start applying tariffs to all the goods coming into this country that would offset the devaluation of their currency. This would immediately make their exports less competitive, less trade...

  2. We could merely turn away all imports for 3 months. That would virtually put them into an economic tailspin, while Walmart's shelves might go a bit bare, we'd be fine.

We have them over a barrel? I think you have that ass-backwards. The Walmart crowd of America, both the business and consumers who require cheap imports would freakin' flip out if we tried to shut down all Chinese imports for a week much less three months.

The point is that we would be ok, we can live without useless plastic junk. They need us to keep buying their stuff in order to keep their domestic tranquility.

The point is, people like the Clintons and the Bushes of the world have close ties to the executives that would be most hurt by a shutdown of imports. So it won't happen.

I think that Walmart shoppers "flipping out" wouldn't be nearly as bad for us as complete lack of US importing would be for China.

USA is only about 35% of China exports. And do you think people are going to stop buying Chinese goods? Not likely.

The point is that we would be ok, we can live without useless plastic junk. They need us to keep buying their stuff in order to keep their domestic tranquility.

I think that Walmart shoppers "flipping out" wouldn't be nearly as bad for us as complete lack of US importing would be for China.