TIL on the FBI most wanted list it says Usama not Osama bin laden, and it has NO MENTION OF 9/11! hmm..

16  2010-11-21 by [deleted]

"Murder of U.S. Nationals Outside the United States; Conspiracy to Murder U.S. Nationals Outside the United States; Attack on a Federal Facility Resulting in Death"

why no mention of 9/11, world trade center, or hijacking planes?


There's no mention of him because he was never found to be involved in the attacks through any legal process.

In order to be responsible for the attacks, he would have to be involved, in order to prove that he was involved, you would have to gather evidence, present it to a federal grand jury, and that jury would decide based on the evidence whether or not he was involved.

Since this was never done, the FBI can't just say he was involved.

Also, the spelling of his name is irrelevant, that's just basic differences in translation. If you wanted to write his name properly, you would write أسامة بن محمد بن عوض بن لادن

I like you

And of course these are the facts - but what needs to be said is that failure to follow procedure in this case constitutes a huge scandal, a fact which is ignored by virtually every institution in the country - and that is actual evidence of conspiracy.

Are we to assume they couldn't fabricate and torture out enough evidence to indict him then, or do you suppose there might be another motivation?

I assume that since there was no actual evidence that they never bothered to pursue it.

If you recall right after the attacks Colin Powell came out saying that they were going to present the case to the American People to show the evidence that we had of his involvement. (In order to gain the population's support for any military action). A day or two after Powell said that, the White House backtracked on his behalf saying that they weren't going to be doing that.

You are a troll right?

The same could be asked of you.

The more important issue here is what has the U.S. government done since 9/11 to make us more secure? The short answer is, very little. The longer answer revolves around the implementation of Neo-Con policy that has been waiting in the wings since Reagan and finally found a "trigger" to be achieved. We are not safer because of the "war on terror", this has been proven statistically and functionally.

The purpose was to force increased surveillance, deleterious foreign policy, and a general trampling of civil rights down the throat of the populous in an attempt to keep us "safe" all the while profiting VERY handsomely from war and war-related expenditures. As always follow the $$$.

no troll just the facts

So you're retarded? Look, his name isn't a western name, so there isn't a specific correct way to spell it with western characters, and he's been on the list since 1998, when he bombed a U.S. embassy.

And what's you're point anyway, that he didn't orchestrate 9/11, but instead it was some other guy named "Usama bin Laden"?

no i'm saying why does everyone american media outlet blame osama bim laden and he's the #1 most wanted man by america when in fact he had nothing to do with 9/11. if he did it would be up by his picture.

So you're saying that there's a government conspiracy to blame 9/11 on Bin Laden that includes the media, but the Government skipped the one important step of ACTUALLY BLAMING HIM?

Are you retarded, or what? Do you think if there was some kind of conspiracy the Government wouldn't take the basic step of fabricating evidence?

i never said that, im just saying its strange. lets say osama is the guilty party. again, why isnt that mentioned on the fbi page?

Because he's not charged with it. They're not planning on arresting him or trying him for it, I imagine.


So what you're saying is "there's something bigger" and he's a "scape goat" and somehow that doesn't contradict your earlier statement that you don't think it's some kind of conspiracy.

You can't even keep a straight story you tard.


You're right, presenting a retarded as an opinion as a question does give you deniability.

Are you a retard?

You know, not everyone is necessarily up to date on these details. Something about you makes me think you're big jackass. His point is that MAYBE BIN LADEN DIDN'T DO IT. Are you retarded?

you must be a shill for the government, FUCK YOU


right so why does everyone think osama is the culprit of 9/11? maybe the same reason 80 % of americans think iraq attacked the twin towers. we're fucking retarded

We believe the media.

I loved it when the idiots on TV were saying that it looked like the work of OBL by 9.30am on 911,the buildings hadn't finished collapsing and yet they already said that they knew who did it,think about it,oh yeah,the embassy bombings were mossad as was the Cole and the Cole was an inside job as well,you do not take an unescorted capital ship into a known hostile harbor for refuelling,you oil them at sea at speed,got that?

OBL never took credit for anything

Are you still guessing about 911? What does your gut tell you?

Sounds like a... Conspiracy.

I'll call Jessie.

Another fact that might surprise you (or not) was that Afghanistan contacted the US afterward and tried to negotiate with the US to actually hand over Bin Laden. As you can probably guess, the war machine was not interested in the proposition.

If I remember correctly, their sole requirement was some--any--evidence of bin Laden's actual involvement, and he was ours.

And we chose war instead...

and i'm sure you have a youtube video or infowars article to back this up?

No I do not.

I remember people being stoked when they rewatched Hannibal and saw his name on the most wanted list after he became a household name.

Easy: It's a bullshit story.