Does anybody else think that if public opinion forces TSA to change its policies the government might initiate another 9/11?

68  2010-11-21 by [deleted]


Isn't that what the underwear bomber and the latest ink cartridge thing were all about?

That's what I said. My folks said "that's backward thinking".

It is a generational thing I think, my folks said the same thing. I am so shocked and disappointed at how easily they fall for all the nonsensical BS- If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to worry about. These words actually came out of my father's mouth. He is an educated man, I felt ashamed.

makes me glad my dad is jumping on the TSA hate bandwaggon

my mom is still dumb, though


The people shouldn't be afraid of their government, the government should be afraid of the people . . . Naaaaah, just kidding.

It makes me nervous to fly.

What has our country come to when I am more afraid that my government will stage a phony "terrorist plot" than that there will be an actual terrorist plot.

However, people are also growing more cognizant of false-flag attacks, and the actual reasons that the USA was targetted.

I don't think it's a sustainable strategy.

if they would have tried to pull this shit in the weeks after 911 i don't think the public would have been too keen. people were pretty upset with nail clippers, 3oz bottles, and shoes off; if they would have been forced to either appear naked to a stranger, or be felt up, i don't think that the reaction would be any different.

The TSA is not a realistic end goal, merely a distraction to keep us sheeple too distracted/too afraid to bother looking into the real shift in power.

Oh gawd you aren't one of those "911 was an inside job" blokes are u??

You're not one of those "911 was executed by some goat herders from Afghanistan" are you?

well when you put it that way

I don't think that this is the point.

Whether you believe it was an inside job or not, the fact remains that it was US foreign policy that created an environment to foster such attacks.

I believe people are beginning to realize the reasons that the USA was targetted.

If it happens again, then people might start asking some harder questions of their leaders.

I'm pretty sure that was precisely the point.


Hehe, that's so simple its almost... oh wait, brilliant!

Use qik to send video to the web as it's being recorded. By the time they confiscate your phone, the video is already loose.

The phones are going to melt when the plane explodes. I hope you have another plan.


Record the events in the 'notes' section of your passport, I am sure it will survive.


too drunk didnt read

I was just thinking the same thing. Probably be something in the news this week to help TSA justify the naked pics and groping.


I agree with something may happen soon, it's possible. I however disagree that they will say your quote. Remember they are trying to control us with a mask on. They aren't going to show their cards they are simply going to allude to the fact that TSA needs to be MORE secure. They will simply say they are stepping up security and making it all mandatory because we're in the RED ZONE, RED is a crazy and scary color oooOoooOoooooooOOOOoo.

the money is already spent, if all the scanners sit in some warehouse collecting dust, well that will cost even more money, war on terror is to make money, spending money on useless weapons and security is the point, stopping the scanning doesn't need more terror to keep the funding flow, if anything they will come up a more expensive less intrusive system, tag line being "we heard your complaints, so here's our new ($1 billion) security system)

the equipment is just the tip of the iceburg. i'm guessing that the training for the machines is also done by the contractor, as well as the service and the upgrades every couple years.

Probably not the scale of 9/11, but yes, there will definitely either be a rash of attempted bombings/hijackings in the near future. Wouldn't be surprised for one or more to occur this week.



number one threat to freedom is the threat of government false flags...

Wish there was something that protected average citizen's from the government...

No, the squeeze is on to usher in a new form of identification that will be hailed as the solution.

this is very likely, public opinion on matters such as war, the 'greening agenda' and others, has always been easy to sway, by using such 'catalyzing events' - you know, such as Pearl Harbor

To answer the question... no. I don't want the TSA to just allow anyone to freely enter a secured zone, and no one is suggesting as such. What everyone wants is REAL security and stop with all the BULLSHIT.

I want a different set of rules in place. If any part of my luggage is going to be searched, I should be present to make sure they are not stealing my stuff. Do a Google search for "TSA stealing".

Running people though a back scatter X ray prevents nothing. If a terrorist has no issues with trying to blow himself up, I'm pretty sure they will overcome any issues with putting items up there asses to get past security. So what was the point?

Why are there not bomb sniffing dogs at every TSA check point?

How is it safe to have passengers grouped together while waiting in line? Seems like to me a very easy/cheap terrorist attach would be to just get in line at a busy airport then blow yourself up... don't even need to purchase a ticket.

How about weeding out the fucking stupid people from the TSA? I've had to explain what the fuck this was:

This was after they checked it to make sure it wasn't explosive and had been looking at it for 2 minutes. If you can't fucking figure out a god damn bottle opener while... in it's packaging, then how the fuck can I expect you to figure out anything?

I've had to explain fucking $20 silver coins.... after they opened up my bag, took them out and handled several of them. I think I pissed them off when I then started to count them out loud to make sure they were all there.

Being too stupid to understand that a carry permit is legal ID... and I had to have a fucking FBI background check to get it.

So no, public opinion of the TSA will not cause another 9/11. What I expect is a change that actually makes us feel safe. I fear the stupidity of the TSA more than I do any terrorist when I fly.


The government?? But Fox said it was terrorists! Bush said it was, too! They lied? Gasp!

They've been practicing staged terror for quite some time. They will continue.

Does anybody else think that the past 20 years has all been one big sham to make the people of the US (mainly) lose enough faith in their government to want something different? ...Maybe something global?

The public isn't going to convince the TSA of anything. They have no leverage. Your congress people safely ignore you because your dollar contributions do not exceed four digits. The airlines ignore you because someone else will buy your seat.

The only way the TSA will change is if a substantial percentage of people stop flying. A 40% drop in revenues might get the airlines to petition to government to loosen up. However, I fully expect the public to capitulate and return to Jersey Shore within a few more weeks and the TSA Rapescans and hand-jobs will become an accepted part of travel by those who continue to fly.

yes, but this time instead of muslims the terrorists will be those awful pot farmers.




Or another underwear bomber.


The thing is, if a terrorist attack occured at the hands of our govt, people could potentially realize it. If THAT happened, man Obama would be fucked and so would our trust in the govt completely. So, it could happen, but the risks far outweigh the benefits of this particular scenario. It's more likely that there'd be a fake "attempt" that didn't actually get carried out due to some other force.

Of course. They will have to do something to keep the sheep in line. But will people actually believe it this time.

If? It's always been a matter of when.

I don't understand what the benefit would be.

good call balefire. and they will continue to pull the same shit to the brinnk and then pull some major ut oh and the world will be set aflame..

Of those they will.. And if they don't do it themselves they certainly know how to take advantage of what ever happens.

Every president seems to have their "9/11" So i suspect so.

If the globalist get cornered, they will do something very drastic... Why, because even my friends believe the media

They will somehow justify the screenings through "terrorism"

I certainly believe it is possible, but it would have to be seriously more cunning than anything before it. I m with most people on this it seems in that people are more cognizant of false flag events and civil liberties (or the lack thereof)...

"9/11, 9/11... what really happened?" Oh, and in answer to your question, yes.

Sadly, the government doesn't even have to do it. Any reasonably I telligent terrorists would pick now as a time to try something. They don't even have to be successful. Being caught would work just as well to encourage more people to accept the erosion of liberty.

No, I don't think that. Sorry, I haven't smoked a bowl prior to posting this.

Yeman factions of Al Quida has announced they can fuck with the American infidels with packages that may or may not contain explosives w/ impressive results. No need for massive, complex assaults involving flying or immigration. Everyone is frugal and watching their budgets these days ... except for the infidels!

You don't think that whole Yemen thing was fishy?

I think he does...maybe..and just fails at sarcasm or being funny or whatever...weird guy lol

Damned right it was fishy. How about 2 planes crash into two WT Center towers, yet three buildings free fall collapse. I have been smelling shit from the US gvernment for years.

What a stupid idea.

Let them initiate another 9/11. Just let them. I fucking dare them.

Why? What would happen? Do you honestly believe r/conspiracy... or even reddit as a whole is in the majority? Do you honestly believe the average American thinks for him/herself? Do you actually have faith that the American people have a breaking point when it comes to shit like this?

I very seriously don't think so. The average American believes the shit they see on the "news" - let's stop calling it just one network. If you believe there is actual news on television (with one or two unpopular exceptions), then you're just taking a bite of different flavored bullshit.

They have the money, they have the power, they have the numbers, they have the media... we have what... some free thinking individuals and a couple basic cable comedians?

Do you think, even if you could convince every single person you know... hell, every single redditor along with a bunch of people they know... to join a "rebellion" or "revolution" or whatever buzzword you decided to tack onto it, that you and all of those people could do anything besides maybe occupy a city or two for awhile before being blasted to fucking hell?

They have the media, they have the zombies, they have the money, they have the power. We're fucked.

TL;DR - "They" could stage twenty more 9/11s in the next ten years, and the only result will be more liberties (and a whole lot of buildings) gone, and possibly a few million "rebels" utterly destroyed. Fap 'em while you got 'em.

You're fucking retarded if you think that many people are fucking retarded. It's pretty amusing how people like you can claim to know so much while knowing so little.

The tiny little rights or freedoms that you may figure you do have, how do you think you got them? Do you think the powers that be actually ceded them to you? Fucking please, hommie.

What the hell do you know about what is or isn't truth anyway?

What if Vader was the actual good guy and the Emperor actually wanted what was good for the galaxy? What about that, huh, douche bag?

The zombie is you. O.O

Ignoring the petty name-calling, it's WELL-established that the Emperor was evil. "Feel the hate flow through you." "Embrace the power of the dark side." That's just a ridiculous argument to draw attention away from your pointless insults and poor spelling.

Your assumption is that our government initiated 9/11? That's pure hogwash.

Explain WTC 7 and the impact hole at the Pentagon. Also finding one of their passports on the street is just retarded.

So you are certain that the underwear bomber, the shoe bomber, the ink-bomb, the times square bomber, the Denver shuttle bus driver, etc, were all staged events with an endgame of herding US citizens into naked X-ray machines or an invasive groping? If I sound sarcastic, I mean to. I'm asking because I'd like to understand the thought process. Here's my guess at the inner-workings:

" the US gov is inherently bad; the people who run the US gov are inherently evil; the various beurocracies and buerocrats that comprise the unwieldy apparatus that is the us gov are so organized and disciplined that they are able to pull the wool over our eyes while keeping it all a secret; therefore it is a safe assumption that the tsa is just a continuation of the norm and if we don't fall in line with the policies soon, "they" will dramatize another false flag operation on cable news to scare us into the scanners."

Really? Over all the other possible, subtle ways of looking at what our current situation is, this is what you decide is fact? Based on what?

I also am against the scanners and enhanced gropings, but I [edit:don't] believe they report to some evil NSA-CIA-DIA-FBI-DARPA-Super-Secret-Evil-Guy who gets off on taking away our dignity.

I think that the terrorists just might, but as the US government didn't have anything to do with it the first time around I doubt they'll give it a go this time.


Why don't you actually make a solid argument instead of using insults and throwing around "treason"?

i'd like to see him defend his use of the word "treason" as well.