The patterns don't lie.
25 2010-11-25 by [deleted]
We don't need alex jones, or people with conspiracies to see the full pictures. The paterns in our society tell it all. It's almost second nature how obvious it is that those in power have us by the balls.
10 [deleted] 2010-11-25
7 bigflexy 2010-11-25
Start with yourself and others will follow.
1 masgrada 2010-11-25
Unless they make you look crazy. They're pretty good at doing that.
3 [deleted] 2010-11-25
Educate and entertain yourself. Listen to classical music or write, play your own music. Rostropovich plays the Prelude from Bach's Cello Suite No. 1 Read. Read. Read. Secret societies and the french revolution.
Or how about this
*Get Out of Here, Curse You! is Saddam Hussein's fourth and last novel, allegedly finished the day before U.S forces invaded. The novel describes, through biblical metaphor, a Zionist-Christian conspiracy against Arabs and Muslims.
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law"
Crowley on the Sgt. Peppers cover.
Put the Cold, hard facts together yourself and come to your own conclusions.
I don't like Crowley. But, Pythagoras on the other hand. NASA
"The Perseus cluster black hole's B-flat, by contrast, is 57 octaves below middle C or one million, billion times lower than the lowest sound audible to the human ear! In terms of frequency (the time it takes a single sound wave to pass by), the lowest sounds a person can hear is 1/20th of a second. The Perseus black hole's sound waves have a frequency of 10 million years!"
Edit for editing
2 [deleted] 2010-11-25
2 Slipgrid 2010-11-25
Best advice ever. I stopped watching in '94. I'll watch series on DVD (like Breaking Bad) and movies, but I avoid anything that seems too politically charged. The cinematic telling of historical events in film scare me.
But, turn off the TV. It's so bad for you.
1 [deleted] 2010-11-25
7 brandnewset 2010-11-25
It's a brand new set of lies... everyday. Just keep eating your wheaties kids.
3 kris_lace 2010-11-25
This approach saddens me.
3 footballNotSoccer 2010-11-25
yes it does. upvote
5 [deleted] 2010-11-25
4 thetimeisnow 2010-11-25
the US bankrupted in 1933, a Corporation with the same name is ruining things now.
they only care about their Corporate Global interests and any expense, they are horrible people.
5 steve050_oZ 2010-11-25
Everybody in the western world just needs to turn off their televisions.. the rest will follow. We need to create our OWN culture and follow natural law; not listen to the mouthpieces on the propaganda video drone.
2 [deleted] 2010-11-25
Alex Jones is batshit crazy. If that statement stings or ruffles your feathers then you are probably kinda dumb.
1 thetimeisnow 2010-11-25
except my face isnt sideways
We need a website that 'we the people' own and decide how to run it . The same as the government we need to create.
Every day that passes , we are wasting our potential , and allowing money to dictate too many things in our lives
1 [deleted] 2010-11-25
1 jumpinconclusions 2010-11-25
Its not one of the accepted conspiracies.
1 TruthWillSetYouFree 2010-11-25
-1 joseph177 2010-11-25
1) Accept you are not a victim, and you are responsible for your own situation. We have 'enslaved' ourselves through our own laziness and ignorance (on a whole). Understand yourself and why you are in the current situation - there are many layers.
2) Does any of this noise ultimately matter? Is any of it stopping you this moment from attaining what you want in life? I've often wondered if 'waking up' is actually harmful to personal development. Remember, the world is 100% perception, so modify that and you have changed the world.
-2 cojoco 2010-11-25
75% like this steaming pile of zero-content pap?
1 jalanb 2010-11-25
Indeed !
Having actually read this page I could not help but wonder that the sheeple have indeed woken up, and they are the denizens of /r/conspiracy
1 Otsenrah 2010-11-25
i regret that i alone can't get you above -1 points
-3 Certhas 2010-11-25
"When you want to believe something, when you need something to be true, you will look for patterns; you connect the dots like the stars of a constellation. You will take the random and give it purpose, transmutate the chaotic into the systemic, see chance as fate.
Your brain abhors disorder. You find patterns where there are none, see faces in clouds, demons in bonfires."
4 [deleted] 2010-11-25
1 necromanser 2010-11-25
Tptb put the conspiracy of 9/11 months before on TV and no-one talks about it. It doesn't take much to connect the events to the people in control and the sheer control that perps have on society by TV and mass media.
False flag attacks on TV
2 Deacon 2010-11-25
On the other hand, deductive reasoning is simply pattern-recognition. You can't dismiss "seeing a pattern" by calling it "subjective validation," otherwise thinking itself would be impossible.
3 Certhas 2010-11-25
True. But we should be wary. Test our theories, look for their weak points, confirm their predictions.
1 Deacon 2010-11-25
Agreed. It's not a valid hypothesis unless it's falsifiable (vide Popper).