Anybody know where I can watch the O'Hare UFO video?

101  2010-12-01 by [deleted]

Apparently, there is a great video showing the UFO blasting off in the space but it has been taken off Youtube. Anybody know an alternative source?


I suggest upvotes to get this popular. I hadn't heard about this but would love to see it.

The use of the X-Files theme lends it tremendous credibility

Not the one I was looking for but still pretty amazing. Thanks

That video doesn't really show shit. I would love to see someone someday post something that looks half way real.

For the record I do believe in alien life and I believe there is a chance they have visited our planet or are visiting it on a regular basis.

That said, if anyone wants to watch an opinion from someone who really knows what he is talking about I'd encourage you to watch this video of Neil Tyson Degrasse talking about UFOs.

Well, that finally wraps up the UFO mystery. Take that skeptics!

I think I know what you're talking about, though you may be remembering pieces of information from other videos and combining it with this one.

There was a 2006 O'Hare UFO incident that was covered in news media nationwide (including media from my hometown, Boston. There were later reports that there was some video taken, which Dan Aykroyd claimed to own the rights to. It was leaked onto YouTube, but later deleted by the author after claims of forgery. I was able to find a musically laced version of it along with the "enhanced" version shown in the preview of the news article which shows a plane taking off in the background.

Honestly, though? This feels like a big sighting with lots of witnesses that a hoaxer jumped on to make a crappy fake video about.

Edit: I think I know where some conflation may have occurred. There was a UFO Hunters episode that covered the O'Hare incident and ended with a CGI video of a UFO going through the clouds. There may or may not be more in the episode, I just happened across a mention of that episode as I was closing tabs and really don't want to watch a UFO Hunters episode tonight.

Don't have an answer but would love to see it as well...anyone?

I too would like to see this video.

I read a few years back that Dan Aykroyd has the rights to the footage now. Why it has not been released, I have no idea. He was supposed to put it out with some kind of documentary I believe.

They actually just announced the title a couple days ago, it's going to be called Ghostbusters 3.

Dan Aykroyd? "Cattle mutilations are up" Dan Aykroyd?


At that kind of speed it could be a missile or rocket. There is a tail so that could be smoke, not sure.


thanks, captain obvious! j/k

A direct link would be nice.

UFO's.. serious buisness

Little douche....

so this subreddit cant take a joke eh?

Just...SO clear you were joking.....


Intolerant mutherfucker