Now that Assange has been arrested, when will his extradition to the US happen and when will his plane crash?

212  2010-12-07 by [deleted]



Nice try, US government.

A too obvious joke.

Nice try, Canadian government.

Nice try, Chinese government.

Now that was just uncalled for.

Actually a disinformation campaign is probably in order. Look for headlines like "Assange proven to have ties with Al-Qaeda"...and then a "new" info leak that supports current US objectives and positions.


Disinfo campaign?

US media is full of "Assange arrested for RAPE" and "Assange arrested for SEX CRIMES".

They don't explain that the "rape" in question concerns the breaking of a condom and a woman scorned, who before the accusation made the "rapist" breakfast in bed.

No need to concern yourself with too much, citizen.

Don't forget the headlines for "Sexual molestation"!. It makes him sound like a kiddie-fiddler.

Everyone knows there are two Julian Assanges. The first has been arrested in the UK and the second is in hiding in the Hymalayas. The one who was arrested has been "blanked". A term used by members of the Fathers of Truth (movement behind Wikileaks) for wiping the memory of an individual. It wouldn't matter much anyhow, because this Julian knows comparatively little. His mind is mush now and the only information he'll provide the authorities is designed to be misleading.

The second Assange is hidden in a high-tech cave in the Hymalayas. He eats only white rice and small stones and drinks the nectar of the Banyan tree.

He is giving himself reconstructive facial surgery to more closely resemble Snape from Harry Potter. When that's done, he'll re-emerge, more glorious than ever, but this time under a new name (but still leading wikileaks): Raz al-Goul.

EDIT: The second Assange has changed his appearance according to my sources. His diet and self-conducted surgery have yielded a new appearance. HE DOES NOT LOOK LIKE SNAPE. I cannot tell you what he does look like because of a threat I have received from Kim Jung Il. KJI is intent on hunting down Assange (he is one of the few leaders who knows of Assange's double existence), in order to claim him as a prize. His plan is to show the world that he is the Supreme Leader by capturing a man no one else could.

KJI doesn't know that Assange has been alerted to this and has begun a second transformation. His diet now consists almost entirely of waffles and refried beans and he does virtually no exercise (Assange has traditionally been extremely fit, owing mostly to his love of lunges).

I will keep you posted as this develops. If KJI gets me (he won't, he's incompetent), please tell my story.

Truly the thrills of hobos.

If something like the lazurs vector even exisited, wouldn't Wikileaks have already leaked it?

They have their best interests at heart. Have you ever heard of the Mujumba Whale? I thought not.

I'll be very interested to see what he has in that encrypted "insurance" file.

Me too but I wonder how the "insurance" file would help insurance against anything. Wouldn't we all expect him to release whatever is in it eventually regardless of arrest?

If the information is so damning that it's the only thing keeping him alive, then he may never release it. Unless he eventually goes into hiding.

I agree. That file is the only leverage he has. Once he uses it, his leverage is gone.


Clever grrl.

Yes, but the insurance file is completely unredacted so all the names and highly sensitive information will be released.

That's why it's called an insurance file.

How much you wanna bet there is nothing in that file?

No, if he is using it as leverage against the entire world wanting him dead, he must have something pretty incredible in there.

But who knows what's inside the file? Is there any difference in the guarantee if the file is actually empty or otherwise? He has told governments what is inside the file? He could have lied to governments about it.

"Hey government official, here's the file that the whole world is waiting to see. And here's your decrypted version to peruse. Notice how the md5 hashes are identical? Yeah, so go fuck yourselves."

Well, something like that anyway.

The problem with handing all you know as assurance from a government to them, is they can decide if they prefer to kill you and let those info release. Assange can't hand his whole assurance to governments.

Another issue with doing it is the governments who you don't have enough against yet, will know and may decide to stop you early.

"Hey government official, here's some of the file..."

At any rate, he must be doing something right, and we'll all find out soon enough.

At any rate, he must be doing something right...

I can think of another scenario as well: The whole Wikileaks story is a big show (of which Assange can be ignorant) for later use as a modern medium which is ultimately trusted and supported by people.

Let me give you an example: They want to attack Iran, but they can't convince people through current mainstream media; people don't trust them. They've already lied to people for Iraq and Afghanistan wars. So they need a new trusted-by-people medium to convince them about a war on Iran, directly or otherwise. Wikileaks sounds like a good plan, right?

Edit: Fixed a typo: Iran -> Iraq

Despite this being the conspiracy subreddit, I'm inclined to pull the 'Occam's Razor' card here. While it's certainly possible that the government is actually committing a massively coordinated pr campaign involving multiple major international companies, a few large countries, and the livelihood of many of the world's best diplomats in the process, it's much more simple to assume that Assange has some connections to sensitive information and he knows how to raise a stink and piss off a lot of people in the process.

That said, it's a hell of an idea, and I'll actually be really impressed if our government can pull something like this off so well.

I mean...the did pull off 9/11 fairly well.

In the best case Wikileaks is legit, but it is (or will soon be) used by US and Israel intel.

I suspect that the insurance file contains the equivalent of the Iraqi War diary files, but for current activities there and in Afghanistan, and more to the point without any details redacted. The release of that data could really put lives at risk. The question is: do the people in power in america care enough about those lives to not risk their release, or will they decide that those lives can be sacrificed as long as they can blame Assange for it? We know they are willing to sacrifice lives, they just have to weigh up the damage to their image that will result compared to the risk of losing power and control in that region (and at home). If they think their power is safe they'll sacrifice everyone and anyone. I think Assange is screwed. The only hope for Wikileaks is if they can keep up momentum without him.

He would never be extraditied to the US, he has committed no crimes in that country and no court would allow him be sent there because he annoyed them.

They could very easily trump up something under the Espionage Act of 1917 and have him extradited.

He was arrested for a totally different crime, as of right now the US hasnt even issued a warrant involving anything with Wikileaks, and I doubt they have the balls to try to get away with it. No he is going to Sweden, since he turned himself in Im sure his Lawyer advised him to, and probably has the case going for them.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying they will issue a warrant, I was just pointing out that under the Espionage Act they could try to get him extradited.

Wait a sec....Assange isn't a United States citizen.


this was tongue in cheek, right?

Considering bail was denied I am worried he might get suicided in prison.

I'm surprised bail was denied. According to Judge Napolitano, the police knew here he was for some time and they were only waiting for the papers to be in order before making the arrest. In fact, Assange was in contact with the authorities so it's not like he was trying to hide from them or anything.

The whole reason why you'd deny bail is if there's reason to believe that they'd run. I think it's apparent that he had his chance to run and decided not to.

Hopefully it can be successfully appealed.

It would be easier for them to wipe the slate clean for Assange, give him six months to think the coast is clear and then blow up the commercial airliner he takes to the States or Canada for a speech. 200 dead bodies = 200 motives = 200 trails to follow. However in the long run his life or death will have little to do with how Wikileaks continues to do what they do. Something tells me Assange is exactly where he wants to be at the moment.

You really think Assange wants to be in jail with no bail? I mean I could see how it might solidify his case, but no one wants to be in jail with no bail.

No plane crash. Assange will escape during transport to the U.S. Only thing is he never is seen again, and no one will ever really know what happened to him.

one thing at a time man :)

And when will he become a martyr and be copied many many times over until our ultra greedy, so called leaders lead no more?

He's a marked man, regardless of being on the CIA payroll or not.

This vacuum will need to be filled by someone at Wikileaks or one of it's splinters. Things cannot go backwards ...

regardless of being on the CIA payroll


If you have no citation and this is purely speculation, please stop the unnecessary fear mongering.

He said on the payroll or not. He entertained both possibilities rather than clinging to only one by assertion.

There was an obvious implication that he was or could be on the CIA payroll. People have also asserted that Obama is Muslim and wasn't even born in this country, and without proof, or at least something to review about the claim, they're completely baseless and add nothing to the discussion.

Statements like this just muddy the waters.


So blind, uncritical acceptance of the surface narrative is the way to go?

I'm pretty sure that's not what I'm saying. I have no idea what the fuck 'the context and content of the SIPRnet leaks' are, so why don't you educate me rather than throw out snarky, condescending comments?


(Sigh). Okay, I'll do your thinking for you

First of all. Providing links and research for other members of the Reddit community does not mean you're "doing the thinking for them." So cut your condescending bullshit, nobody wants to hear it. No one here is better or worse than anyone else.


I'm attempting to not be naive by questioning the OP's CIA-operative statement. In fact, I'm trying to learn why they would have said that to begin with by asking for citations. Isn't that what you're preaching anyway, 'question everything'? It seems you're way more hypocritical than you care to acknowledge.

tofucharlie is a douche, whether he is a douche or not.


Your convo with dalix just bellow this post actually does make you sound really douche to me. You don't win any converts to your point of view by being a douche to the very people you are trying to convince. Learning how to discuss things without being a condescending prick would do you well.


What? Just because we post in /r/conspiracy there is no more burden of proof? If anyone in this subreddit wants to be taken seriously, provide backup to your claims.


I'm not against discussing potential theories as well, so long as they're discussed with some sort of proof or any other kind of factual data. The commenter presented none of that, and that's simply all I called for.


we can ask for proof without being hostile to new ideas

Very true, and point well taken, but we also can't throw out a wild, completely unsubstantiated theories.


If you want to challenge unsubstantiated theories, you can't ban them wholecloth - they need to be confronted individually

Not trying to be snarky, but wasn't that what I was doing? Challenging his claim by calling for a citation/link?

You actually directed him to stop posting ideas unless he had proof: "If you have no citation and this is purely speculation, please stop the unnecessary fear mongering."

Yes, that's exactly right. I want a link or two to read about why Assange may or may not be a part of the CIA.

Whether or not I agree with the provided links is not the issue. What I don't want, is the Reddit community assuming that each and every member has the same level of education on a particular subject. That helps no one, especially people who have just joined Reddit who want to contribute and add to the debate.

What we've been arguing about is your call for an entire ban on unsubstantiated claims. You directed him to stop posting ideas unless he had proof, correct?

(switched computers, different account)

I don't think any unsubstantiated statement should be posted without at least a single link backing it up. It's the same thing as a teacher asking for students to provide footnotes in their papers.

Like I said earlier, unsubstantiated ideas will be culled naturally if useless. There's no need to call for their outright ban as you've done.

People won't know what's expected of them unless told. Sorry, though, if I insulted or offended anyone by doing so but a simple, silent downvote does nothing to improve our wonderful community.


Considering you've read all of my posts and still don't get what I'm saying, let me show you what I'm after:

<slow clap>

Yes. This is speculation. Well done.

Anybody with half a brain has been thinking about the COINTELPRO angle from early on in this...



I don't care what the source is, so long as you actually have a source.


people need to learn how to do their own research, and not expect to be spoon-fed links for everything.

Sorry to be the one to tell you this, but this isn't how the Reddit community works.


Downvoted. I use a spork when I feed.


Maybe it's just me, but I always ask for citations/links when people post things like this...

This comment was not inserted to create fear, it is a valid statement and I do not conclude either option is true or false because the "dotted line" connection between these organizations cannot be confirmed ...

"First time caller, I agree that the situation appears grim for our blond, ambitious warrior for freedom however if history teaches us anything it is that power will hide the truth for as long as possible before collapse of said power."

I think he will "commit suicide" while under care of the UK.

Never, he will be suicided

Very good questions but no death pool is required just yet. The current objective is to defame and discredit first, followed by acquisition of the fabled insurance file. Then feel free to start placing your bets. I'm predicting violent stabbing by way of an undereducated, mentally unstable, patriotic american sweepstakes winner on a reclusive beach in France. And the attacker will quote that he has no recollection of ever entering such sweepstakes bringing him to that fateful location. After extradition and en route back to the states- his aircraft will fall from radar forever. FTdoubleW Am I right, uncle?

Why would he be Extradited to the US?? The Charges and Arrest warrant were issued by Sweden. If they try to take him to the US that will be way to sus. If the US Government wants to deal with him, they will leave him in Sweden and send agents to do their thing.....

right, Like that bush admin guy whose plane ran out of fuel. You do have to ask yourself however, is anything that assange has put out bad for those involved? I dont think that anybody doesnt want these things out. He still seems to be a patsy for the CIA. That said, you could be right, if they are done with him they will more than likely off him.

since He "gets annoyed by truthers" and that he did not bring up nothing new, I dont buy him

As soon as the elite can get this damn story off the front pages.

It's almost but not quite funny that somebody could invent a story like "a woman says he raped her (and another woman says something to back up her story [but neither of them are going to identify themselves {oh and by the way it's not rape, it's just a broken condom,}]) and think that anybody of intelligence could fail to know that it's a story invented by and/or for Americans.

oh and by the way it's not rape, it's just a broken condom

You were there were you? no?

One of the charges is that he had unprotected sex with a woman, identified only as Miss A, when she insisted he use a condom.

Another is that he had unprotected sex with another woman, Miss W, while she was asleep.

He hasn't broken any US laws, he is not a citizen of the US as such extradition would be nearly impossible.

I know the Australian government doesn't have anything to charge him with. The only place he'll be sent is sweden.

Read the cable re; the greengrocer in Germany; kidnapped, tortured and threatened with death. Please don't say 'They can't do it". They have.

What makes you think it will be the Americans rather then Russians?

Maybe there won't be any need to make a martyr out of him. Highly publicized testimony from the accusers, plus some amplification of whatever shady things prosecutors find on him ('ASSANGE HAD SEX WITH 15 Y.O. (when he was 15)'), and repeating ad nauseum how the leaks put in danger the soldiers out there, and his reputation (and Wikileaks') will be tarnished forever. For the average TV watcher he'll be the pervo-looking traitor that's also a rapist. Mission accomplished.

And if this wasn't orchestrated... well, then he's the biggest idiot ever for doing those stupid things while on the run from every international agency and the USA should thank those two women for the best gift ever.

Am I the only one that thinks that this is bigger than Assange? If he died tomorrow, do you think that wikilinks would just shut down? I am pretty sure there are many people that would either continue his project or start a similar one. He would not be who he is today without the person(s) who leaked the info.

asap and it will crash just outside the state department, so they can all watch

that would be awesome. what if assange himself blew up the plane just to fuck everyone's shit up.

I think the CIA would have already shut him up. They have done it before why not now?

we can only wish for this to happen! that way reddit can find something else to care about a week later.

I don't think any unsubstantiated statement should be posted without at least a single link backing it up. It's the same thing as a teacher asking for students to provide footnotes in their papers.