"Let Us Call On Israel To STOP SHOOTING CHILDREN!" Congressman Brian Baird

44  2010-12-09 by [deleted]


Maybe he should speak about his own country first

America in Iraq according to Wikileaks: 68,000 dead civillians

Last ten years: 7000 dead palestinians

This is true but we'd be slightly less horrible if we didn't fund their actions like we do now.

What concerns me is how many people will die eventually. Occupied Palestine is a powderkeg ready to go. The only thing keeping the entire Middle East from annihilating the Israelis is U.S. support. That won't always be there. Mark my words, there will be a day where the Israeli state stands alone. When there is another Holocaust in the form of a mushroom cloud it will be the fault of the Israeli's fascist policies and their failure to make a just and amicable peace when they had a chance instead of making cynical excuses why not to.

And yes, America is responsible too. Israelis should start thinking about making a home there, because I fear the "Israel Experiment" is way past the point of working. It could have been beautiful.

The only thing keeping the entire Middle East from annihilating the Israelis is U.S. support.

Oh, yeah, and the fact that they have nuclear fucking weapons !

Those jews know how to fight. ever heard of the 6 day war??

the 6-day war was possible because of U.S. provided close intelligence

What caused the holocaust was idealism set in romanticism, which is a European concept. That's why they go around killing entire species i.e. passenger pigeons, Native Americans, Bisons, Dodos etc. Middle East is old enough to know that there is no good diaspora, bad diaspora. There is good persons and bad persons.

How about the calling on the US to stop funding and arming states like isreal and corrupt arab states like saudi arabia.


Or controlled opposition shall I assume?

they all need to stop

Let us call on Israel's enemies to stop sending children off into warzones

Dear zealots: ** That children are often active at the front lines of skirmishes with Israeli military forces is **a fact. You either know it and simply refuse to acknowledge it (making you part of the problem), or you're genuinely ignorant of a travesty you should perhaps familiarise yourself with.

*Please downvote this post if you think it's OK for children to participate in skirmishes with military forces. Thank you. *

The zionists have turned the entire palestinian territories into a warzone/concentration camp......i'd say they brought the war to the palestinians dont you?

So you're acknowledging as well as justifying this tendency?


"Let us call on trolls to stop the ANTI-SEMITIC PROPAGANDA!" Redditor MusicMagi

If by that you mean, "all Jews are bad and evil blah, blah, blah", then yes.

If you mean, don't talk about Israel at all regardless of the atrocities they commit, then fuck that. It doesn't matter what group of people it is, if they fucking decimate another group of people because they think they're the "Chosen Ones", then fuck that shit.

Anyone who tries to condone what the Israeli's do or play it off as if THEY are the victims instead, those people can suck a dick as well.

Don't act like you have any idea what goes on over there just because you read a few pro Palestine articles

Keep downvoting me all you jew-haters of reddit. We're here to stay, bitches.

That's right - screw all you anti-semites of reddit. Long live the Jews!!!!!!!

How about we do that when palestinians stop killing israeli civilians and stop dressing their own kids as suicide bombers : http://www.google.com/images?um=1&hl=en&biw=1615&bih=809&tbs=isch:1&sa=1&q=baby+palestinian+suicide+bomber&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai=

See, No matter how many israelis palestines injured with their home made rockets defending their land it still nothing compared to the staggering palestine causalities motherfucking IDF murder machine wiped out with phosphorus bombs.

You will never justify your atrocities by pulling this self defense bullshit. And when you stand before God, you will answer for what you did. If you are not punished in this lifetime...again.

You will never justify your atrocities by pulling this self defense bullshit. And when you stand before God, you will answer for what you did. If you are not punished in this lifetime...again.

I am an atheist : fuck God.

Wow you really know how to pull a valid argument. Just by ignoring everything I said (and I don't blame you actually because we both know you are tongue tied and there is nothing you have to say that will make you look any better) then clinging on my final statement.

So tell me, does being an atheist make you any less human? Does it give you the green light to go ahead and butcher people because they refuse to give up their land? I didn't think so.

War criminals and mass murderers will burn in hell for the pain and suffering they have brought on earth. Its just the way things are. They will not get away with it.

Please ! You invoke your imaginary friend in the sky to try to make your point more valid.

In case you didn't notice, redditors in general don't exactly have too much respect for the logical capabilities of wackos like you.

If you are gullible enough to believe in a deity, you are gullible enough to believe the palestinian lies. Google "pallywood".

Does it give you the green light to go ahead and butcher people because they refuse to give up their land?

Please, open an history book and not your crappy Bible. Jerusalem is a jewish name, not a palestinian name. Palestinians claim to be arabs, and arabs come from Arabia. From 632 onward, Muslims conquered by force any land that they currently occupy. From Morocco to Indonesia, from Bosnia to Sudan. For 14 centuries, their only word has been : convert or die.

War criminals and mass murderers will burn in hell for the pain and suffering they have brought on earth.

How about christian pedophiles ? Will they burn in hell ?

How about christian gay haters who force them to commit suicide ? Will they too burn in hell ?

How about tenants of a tradition that burnt thousand of innocent women for so-called witchcraft ? Will they burn in hell ?

How about the Pope or Mother Theresa for encouraging an out-of-control birth rate that leads to poverty, disease and misery ? Will they burn in hell ?

Open your eyes, most of the suffering on Earth comes from religious people like you, including your muslim fundamentalists palestinian friends.

Its funny coming from a man defending a country that is supposedly based on faith. Coming from a man defending people who believe themselves to be God's chosen people.

What makes me sick to stomach is that those scumbags israelis use twist their faith and adapt it to fit with their fucked up agenda. Pharisees and hypocrites speaking of holocaust then go and do it everyday to Palestinians.

So is it your nature? being elusive, I wonder. Remind me again, How did we end up in an argument about God and faith.

Aha, Its just you trying to deflect the spot light because you don't have the words to justify or even argue about the legitimacy or the righfulness of your country's shameful cruel actions against humanity.

Its funny coming from a man defending a country that is supposedly based on faith. Coming from a man defending people who believe themselves to be God's chosen people.

Where do you read that in what I wrote ? You are projecting your own religious fantasies because as a religious person, your logic is deeply flawed.

Here is how you reason :

1- thulminos supports the right of Israel to exist without because constantly attacked

2- colonel_fantastic knows that some Israelis defend the right of Israel to exist base on religious motives

3- hence thulminos supports the religious wackos of Israel

Oh boy are you confused ! I am secular person. I support the right of Israelis to live peacefully in Israel based on geographical and historical reasons. And by the way Israel respects its religious minorities. You live better as a muslim or a christian in Israel than in any neighboring arab country. There are even arabs in the Knesset.

Pharisees and hypocrites speaking of holocaust then go and do it everyday to Palestinians.

72 % ( 6 million ) of the european jewish population died in the Holocaust.

The palestinian population has increased by 30 % over the last decade. If the Israelis are trying to eradicate the palestinians, they sure suck at it despite having been taught by some very efficient genocidal Nazis. If you use complicated words, make sure you understand their meaning.

Aha, Its just you trying to deflect the spot light because you don't have the words to justify or even argue about the legitimacy or the righfulness of your country's shameful cruel actions against humanity.

Please, you are still projecting ! I am not Israeli, not even jewish.

You projected a lot of bible thumping out of one reference to God.

So what? You cannot debate with believers, their logic is flawed. It is like a debate between an astronomer and a flat-earther. It doesn't make sense.

As soon as he mentioned God and Hell, I knew his arguments would be irrelevant.

That is ad-hominem by definition. You're dismissing his argument about shooting children based on a belief in God. From the context, it could be assumed he was talking about what he thought was your God and not his own. Your logic is flawed. You're an apologist and your arguments are irrelevent to the topic.

From 632 onward, Muslims conquered by force any land that they currently occupy. From Morocco to Indonesia, from Bosnia to Sudan. For 14 centuries, their only word has been : convert or die.

Really? because in my book ,it says otherwise.

I think this is enough evidence that your position is weak as well as your argument. All what you did is spouting bullshit and lies like your fucked up prime ministers do and did long before. It seems that its is the only thing your kind is good at, that and mass murder. You guys seem to nail that part.

We are not Fox news here. So I suggest you take one step AFK because it appears to me that even your keyboard is so fucking sick of your BULLSHIT, Terrorists sympathizer.

Over and out.

im a realist....fuck your stupid logic


When that child is walking towards you with an explosive vest to potentially murder you? I'm not saying that it's nice, or that children should be targeted, but there are definitely are certain extreme circumstances in which action would have to be taken. This is especially true when you're fighting an enemy who train their children to do this. Don't you think?

This fucking sentiment is what allows violence in this world to continue. You justify a condemnable act by saying that it either "might save lives" or "could be dangerous if we don't"

If Isreal shot a bomber that happened to be a child there wouldn't be near the issues that we're having. Fact of the matter is that shooting children happens when the children are innocent and not carrying bombs. No matter what you say after that, if you are defending the shooting of innocent children you are a monster and inhuman.

hey, none forced the Palestinians to engage in violent actions. They started it in 1948 despite the fact that one year before, they had a beautiful example of a people freeing themselves non-violently, in India.

Since then, they kept spreading lies (the so-called palestinian genocide, despite the fact that their population increased by a factor of 4, the so called "they stole our country" lie, despite the fact that there was never a palestinian state ), they hijacked numerous planes in the 1970 and they finally committed atrocious suicide attacks amongst the Israeli civilian population.

And now that they "elected" a terrorist organisation to represent them, Hamas, they still want to be seen as victims ?

Please, let's shut up that scum of a people and be gone with it.

Wow, you've set up a lot of straw men and knocked them down quick smart!

Let me demolish them one by one:

none forced the Palestinians to engage in violent actions.

Except Israel by taking their land from them

the so called "they stole our country" lie, despite the fact that there was never a palestinian state

Who cares if there is such a thing? The fact is that Israel took people's land away from them

they hijacked numerous planes in the 1970 and they finally committed atrocious suicide attacks amongst the Israeli civilian population.

How does this justify shooting children?

Zionists also engaged in terrorist acts before the state of Israel was formed; should Palestinians be shooting their children, also?

And now that they "elected" a terrorist organisation to represent them

Hamas was democratically elected, yet neither Israel nor the USA has ever attempted to engage them on this basis.

It's almost as if Israel wants to provoke violence so that it can be returned ten-fold.

Now why would that be I wonder? It couldn't be to do with the fact that Israel is colonizing the West Bank by stealth, could it?

Except Israel by taking their land from them

You mean the fantasy land of "Palestine". Can you name the head of state of Palestine prior to 1948 ?

The fact is that Israel took people's land away from them

But when Arabs invade North Africa, Spain, Portugal, Lebanon, or India, that is ok, right ? But if the Jews try to go back to the place they lived in 1400 years before the Arabs came there, that is not ok ?

How does this justify shooting children?

As soon as the children turn 10, they are already attacking Israeli soldiers.

Hamas was democratically elected

Hitler too, so what ? And so does any muslim dictator in the middle East, Mubarak for instance. That doesn't make them less of a threat.

Now why would that be I wonder? It couldn't be to do with the fact that Israel is colonizing the West Bank by stealth, could it?

The truth is, Palestinians had many opportunities to settle peace with Israel, but they wanted everything because they couldn't accept the very existence of Israel. They were misled by terrorist leaders, From Arafat to Hamas since the very beginning. Israel is the only country in the world that other countries vowed to destroy. Israel doesn't wish to destroy Lebanon, Syria or Jordan. The opposite is not true though.

You mean the fantasy land of "Palestine". Can you name the head of state of Palestine prior to 1948 ?

Classic deflection.

People owned this land, and it was taken from them.

But if the Jews try to go back to the place they lived in 1400 years before the Arabs came there, that is not ok ?

Actually, I think that there's a good chance that the Jews that lived there in the 1400's have died, whereas many of the Palestinians whose land was taken from them are very much alive.

Hitler too, so what ? And so does any muslim dictator in the middle East, Mubarak for instance. That doesn't make them less of a threat.

Are you comparing piddly little Hamas to Hitler? This went all Godwin a lot quicker than I expected. However, even Hitler got a chance to engage with world leaders before they turned against him.

The truth is, Palestinians had many opportunities to settle peace with Israel

You are speaking nonsense. Every single time that a cease fire has been organized, it has been sabotaged by Israel. Ok, at the start, it was quite difficult to see this, but now it is pretty blatant. Israel's tactics are clear: Ceasefire successful? Bomb some tunnels. Peace process in progress? Build more settlements.

People owned this land, and it was taken from them.

The same can be said about many places in the world. Is it last come last served ?

Actually, I think that there's a good chance that the Jews that lived there in the 1400's have died, whereas many of the Palestinians whose land was taken from them are very much alive.

Still following the same logic, there are still some native americans, we kick all the whites/asians/africans/latinos out the US and we leave it to a few tribes ?

Are you comparing piddly little Hamas to Hitler?

They employ the same methods : unmotivated murder, violence.

This went all Godwin a lot quicker than I expected. However, even Hitler got a chance to engage with world leaders before they turned against him.

It shows your obvious lack of knowledge about what is a Godwin point. It is not the mention of Hitler that makes a Godwin point. A Godwin point is given to someone who calls his opposing debater "Hitler" or "Nazi"

You are speaking nonsense. Every single time that a cease fire has been organized, it has been sabotaged by Israel.

Are you kidding ? Arafat sabotaged every attempt to settle the issue. Don't tell me you believe his Nobel Peace prize was deserved ?

The same can be said about many places in the world. Is it last come last served ?

That's the way it appears in the West bank, where Israelis are still taking land from Palestinians.

there are still some native americans

That's such a weird statement.

By your logic, you would seem to think it OK if Native Americans were to expel the inhabitants of California at gunpoint, as this is analagous to Israelis to returning to their ancestors' purported homes and expelling the current inhabitants.

They employ the same methods : unmotivated murder, violence.

Can you please give up on "unmotivated" ? I think we've established that Israelis are dispossessing people of their land. And, whenever murder is mentioned, I like to point out that Israel has killed ten times as many Palestinians as vice versa.

Oh, you slipped in that word, "unmotivated". So would you describe Israel's murder of thousands of Palestinians as "motivated"? That's an interesting concept.

Are you kidding ? Arafat sabotaged every attempt to settle the issue. Don't tell me you believe his Nobel Peace prize was deserved ?

How long ago was Arafat?

As I said, Israel's tactics have become more transparent over time.

By your logic, you would seem to think it OK if Native Americans were to expel the inhabitants of California at gunpoint, as this is analagous to Israelis to returning to their ancestors' purported homes and expelling the current inhabitants.

So in 1948 Israelis kicked out the palestinians at gunpoint ? There was a mass displacement of palestinians similar to the population transfer of India and Pakistan following the indian independance right ? Can you point us to the record of such an occurrence ?

Oh, you slipped in that word, "unmotivated". So would you describe Israel's murder of thousands of Palestinians as "motivated"? That's an interesting concept.

Until recently, Palestinian suicide bombers targeted Israeli civilians. Israelis focussed on palestinian militants ( military targets). The terrorists were quick to learn and started to use their own population as human shields.

The conflict escalated during the second intifada and following the thousand of rockets sent through the border with Lebanon, palestinian civilians started to get hit by the Israelis as well.

Now of course, if you bring back the events in the wrong chronological order, I can understand that the Israelis look as bad as the palestinians. Unfortunately for your theories, time flows in only one direction.

How long ago was Arafat?

Fatah was replaced by Hamas in 2006. So Arafat's legacy ended 4 years ago, replaced by something even worse. That is how long ago it was, about 50 months.

this is the worst kind of child abuse.

It's pretty messed up but hardly "the worst kind of child abuse".

You will never justify your atrocities by pulling this self defense bullshit. And when you stand before God, you will answer for what you did. If you are not punished in this lifetime...again.

I am an atheist : fuck God.