What if Wikileaks exposes the truth about 9/11?

69  2010-12-09 by [deleted]

What if it was indeed an inside job? What then?


What if Assange is just another CIA operative aka boogeyman like Osama Bin laden?

Osama Bin Laden = War on Terror ( big brother)

Julian Assange = War on the internet ( censorship)

NWO has everyone fooled.

Hmm never thought of it that much...Now with everyone trying to "revenge" Assange by attacking the Paypal and Mastercard sites, a law to "protect" these sites would mean internet censorship at its best. Game over.

my coworkers (and all of reddit) are all over this guy's nuts. And everyone else is like "HES A TERRIST, GET 'IM" I don't think they have entertained the possibility that he could be controlled opposition.

There is such a thing as being too cynical. Maybe he really is that good.

maybe...and just like those aliens that some people keep looking for--i want to believe!...


who knows, at this point--it's just too early to tell...and i hope we have time to figure/find out the Truth...or more of it, anyway...

Here, here.

Would you like a cup of tea?

Do you have any green tea?

Sure. Milk, lemon or polonium?

The green glowing one? Why, yes.

Admiral Halsey would like a cup, please...he can't get to sleep...

I couldn't agree more and he sure made Israel happy with the leaks on Iran. He's also annoyed with 9-11 truthers and says there's no conspiracy.

yes but hes spoken out against Israel in speeches. And he lists Israel in the three rouge nations that we have most to be worried about (along with Iran and N. Korea) Have a listen yourself: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMif5YxXRqY

I can't believe you just trolled me with that video. I sat through the whole thing waiting for him to mention anything about Israel other than they're involved in censorship and how they learned it from the west.

I had this exact thought today. I'm not sure exactly how I feel about it, but surely Mr. Assange must know the ramifications of WL's anti-government actions could ultimately promote internet censorship... especially now with this "cyber warfare."

So we better just self-censor ourselves just in case we piss off our masters and they really do censor us? Is it just me or does that sound like an irrational argument?

Damned if you do, damned if you don't

What do you mean what if?

Look at Alex Jones and the stuff that he exposes(and has for years)

Then look at Assange, and the way he's being persecuted.

IMO, this proves once and for all that all the mainstream conspiracy truthers are in fact paid shills, and its just another case of tptb playing both sides of the track.

No one would believe/acknowledge it. Perhaps you underestimate the strength of American cognitive dissonance.

"Only the small secrets need to be protected. The big ones are kept secret by public incredulity." - Marshall McLuhan

He said in an interview with the Belfast Telegraph that he is 'annoyed' by 9/11 conspiracy theorists.

He really hurts his credibility with that.

His credibility with who?

With anyone who believes in 911 truth. And since one third to one half of the American people believe the government knew or caused 911 that is a significant number of people.

/r/conspiracy & the other truthers. in other words, no one important.

Mentalist conspiracy nuts

Exactly. Even if Wikileaks revealed concrete evidence that the attack was wholly undertaken by Al-Qaeda, the truthers would just ignore it, or add Wikileaks to the list of conspirators. They ignore any evidence that doesn't reconcile with their preconceived narrative.

I'm not convinced on the official conspiracy theory at all. I mean, who the hell is Al-Qaeda anyway, it keeps changing.

I can still see you make a good point. Have an upvote from a crackpot.

There is only evidence that Al-queda DIDN'T do it. I have yet to see any evidence whatsoever that shows that 19 hijackers who don't appear on flight manifests and of which SIX of them are still alive, managed to drop WTC7 into its own footprint at free fall speeds! That's a good one. Yep, Al-queda really did do it, but there is nothing to show that they could have even been remotely able to pull off what happened that day.

Ahhh, or that's what you're trying to do. Divide wikileaks from "thruthers" and thus wikileaks is the more reliable (somehow) group and thus should still be more trusted than "thruthers".

Divide and conquer at its best right? So what if the same people who did 9/11 are the same behind wikileaks? Funny that Julian Assange thinks that 9/11 WAS done by 19 hijackers and is annoyed that people could POSSIBLY think 9/11 was an inside job. Funny no?

Although your point is swimmingly lucid, I think it's the wrong point, as the top comment already made it. The truth is one narrative, and it matters which one it is, even if nobody knows it entire. The only narrative that was preconceived is the first one we got.

The laws of physics were suspended on 911, fuck Wikileaks, Al-Qaeda, CIA fuck them all. Look at the building collapses, INSIDE MOTHERFUCKING JOB. There is no information that can be leaked that can prove that the collapse was due to fire and an airplane impact.


like the plane crashes at the pentagon and Penn. (der? where's the plane?) for instance


It's amazing to compare pictures of airline crashes to what is seen at the pentagon and flight 93, there is simply no plane, no evidence at all of anything resembling what would normally be seen.


agreed, strange indeed. I just don't see how you can fake or hide the remains of a 757

Typical plane crashes don't nosedive at full throttle into something.

See. This is what I was talking about.

Read about Operation Northwoods. Accept the fact gov't has and does try to manipulate the public, throughout history and gasp even here in the great US of A. Critically observe facts. Decide for yourself.

Read about Operation Northwoods.

Holy shit! Operation Northwoods! Some warmonger at the pentagon came up with a propaganda scheme that a.) would have harmed zero civilians, b.) was roundly rejected by civilian leadership and c.) was completely unnecessary for the government to justify its aggressive stance against Cuba. This. Changes. Everything.

Read about Operation Northwoods. Accept the fact gov't has and does try to manipulate the public, throughout history and gasp even here in the great US of A. Critically observe facts. Decide for yourself.

A redditor for 2 hours and promoting that 9/11 is just too unbelievable unless it could be that bad "brown people" did it.

Fuck you and your defeatist attitude. Screw that bullshit. People know and people would beleive it if that had all the information. Though, you're in the clear on that one. J.A. thinks 9/11 was done by evil brown people so you're safe. The focus is still on your chosen enemy. Well done.

Shill much?

Really? And here I thought the truthers were convinced that it was a conspiracy because everyone knows those brown people couldn't pull off something that complex...

God, such indiscriminate attitude towards brown people....

Edit: sorry, meant for person you replied too.

I say it in that manner because that seems to be how everyone wants to treat them. I say it in a sarcastic manner because everyone seems to have no problem casting them off as the ones that are "clearly" to blame.

I have and go out of my way to get to know anyone from that part of the world. You know why? I want to know what they think. Even if its just the usual crap. I spoke to a gentleman from Iran, he has some VERY different thoughts about Israel and as such they are worth looking into and possibly corroborating with others. There is a barrier between people and speaking about Israel. Most don't have the balls tospeak and be blacklisted......I don't give a shit.

When the Israeli's do what they do, its easy to determine who goes out of their way to "blacklist" whom.

If you don't see the sarcasm, you need to read more posts and see what people think around here. Generally, its' not the "evil brown people" that are the focus, regardless of the detractors comments.

The truth? Like the fact that the towers were brought down by airliners flown by Saudi-born terrorists?


you should add this too: "and their passports miraculously survived the explosion and were found, while almost 0 of the passengers' were".

As well, no DNA from ANY of the terrorists were ever recovered. We were however able to obtain DNA from every passenger and every affected soul in the Pentagon.

No physical evidence, other than perfect passports were recovered.

do you have a source for this info? (not trying to discredit you, I honestly want to see it)


Random forums full of whackjobs don't count as sources

Don't forget the four indestructible black boxes were never recovered. First time in aviation history.

Nice try Dick Cheney.

This just leaked: Bush was the best president ever.

I'm sure if there is any documentation on it being an inside job (Not saying it is or is not), its not going to be released by wikileaks. That Information is way to confidential for anyone of question that could leak it would not have it.

I can't understand what you're saying.

I'm trying (unsuccessfully) to put the point across that if there is documentation it does exist, only very, very few people have access to it.

This was my first thought as well, and still my thought. There isn't just paperwork floating around about this stuff. There is, but it is labeled way above 'secret,' if it's labeled at all. Afterall, the government is not a big mean bad guy who conspires against us. It was a small, powerful group who perpetrated the attacks on 9/11.

I am far more interested in the exopolitical ramifications of upcoming leaks.


thanks for helping me clarify ( :

I'm hoping the 'insurance package' Assange has tucked away contains details on the following unsolved mysteries.

  1. What happened to ALF after he was taken by the feds.
  2. The real location of Mulders sister.
  3. Where the 'Beef' actually is.

Then perhaps i'll get a decent nights sleep.

The last person to know where the beef was was that old lady and she tool the secret to her grave.

I heard she was actually killed by the Bigfoot monster truck and they used a body double to finish the rest of the commercials.

I figure that if indeed Assange is a CIA operative, then the insurance package really does something along those lines. Maybe the insurance package is just there to answer the question "Why hasn't he disappeared yet?"

I wish he'd just release whatever is in it anyways if it is important, and if he gets offed as a result then we know who did it without a doubt.

This is the next false flag event for control of the freedom we now enjoy on the web

Assange may be the patsy used to lock down the internet

Picture Obama's finger hovering over "The switch" right now

They have a serious problem with our ability to use their own interwebs against them

Problem - reaction - solution

Most of the 'problems', though, are generally considered at first to be actual problems by the masses. The only people against Assange at the moment appear to be the embarrassed politicians themselves and conservative America.

The majority of the rest of the world appears to be behind the movement.

Perhaps if a false flag attack that can be attributed to the revelations in the leaks could be carried out, there'd be more chance of polarizing people against 'freedom of information'. Even that seems like a stretch, though...

Julian Assange has already said that there is no 9-11 conspiracy and people shouldn't bother looking into it. He went on to say that he is annoyed by 9-11 truthers. This raises a few flags especially because it was the main stream media that brought him out of obscurity. Fox News is calling for his assasination - that's just another way of trying to say the leaks are absolutely true. Fox News gives less credit to Obama. They call our own president a liar but Julian Assange reveals the truth? The media could have tried to discredit him. Not only do they bring global attention to him, but they confirm what he says is true. If it looks like a psy-op and smells like a psy-op . . . We'll see. He also made Israel happy with the leaks on Iran. What's next? Leaks on how great George W Bush was?

Assange is white and blonde. Fox has no reason to doubt him. now that Obama on the other hand has lots of things going against him, his color, his funny name, his compassion for the less fortunate.

Oh! My turn!

What if Wikileaks exposes the truth that the moon landings were faked? What then?

What if Wikileaks exposes the truth that NASA is fake? What then?

What if it exposes that the moon is fake and we're just living in a giant planetarium?!

You just broke me.

What if Wikileaks exposes the detailed plans from Al Qaeda operatives... detailing the identity of each hijacker, the planned time of the attacks, and the flight numbers of each aircraft hijacked?

Would you believe then, that it WASN'T an inside job? Or would you label Julian Assange as "just another gullible sheep"?

I don't think you understand how important truthers' 9/11 beliefs are to them. It's a cornerstone truth for them, integral to their whole world view. Without that belief, their whole concept of the world falls apart. Telling a truther that 9/11 was a terrorist attack is like telling a devout Christian that Jesus never saw the crucifixion coming. It's an article of faith to them. It can't be false, or else almost everything they believe is false, and they're lost.

you can say that about any person who has a fundamental belief system. Muslims, Christians, Jews, ... just to name 3.

What 9/11 truthers want, is the truth. Period. End of line.

Was it a massive fuck up on the orders of magnitude that exposed our air defenses to the wonton abuse of 21 odd arabs who slipped through every other layer of security to get their job done?

Was it the Govt knowing they were going to TRY and do it, and deciding to just leave the doors open to allow it to happen?

Or is Dick Cheney actually a robot from the future who was sent back to destroy us?!

I'm being a little goofy here. I consider my self a truther, because I want the truth. Thats all. 9/11 wasn't what we are officially told. More happened on that day then the public knows. I sincerely doubt that it is as bad as some say it is, but I know its worse then most accept. Somewhere in there is the truth.

Don't generalize a group of people, some of which are accomplished and very well respected scientists and engineers, just cause of a few crack pots who have trouble remembering to take their medicine in the morning make some insane-er statements then the rest.

Well you're not quite a truther then. Truthers feel they already know the truth. What they want is acknowledgment, and the necessarily profound consequences that would entail. And don't start that "respected scientists and engineers" stuff. Having 1 out of every 10,000 of the western world's engineers agree with you isn't impressive - it's embarrassing. I could get more engineers to agree that bigfoot exists than truthers can get to agree with them about 9/11.

Read about Operation Northwoods. Accept the fact gov't has and does try to manipulate the public, throughout history and gasp even here in the great US of A. Critically observe facts. Decide for yourself.

Quit spamming this in every fucking reply and come up with a real response.

The government having once had plans to carry out something != actually having carried out something. It just means it was possible. But EVERYTHING is possible. What you need is proof!

Until you have some...


it's just going to be one of those events that everyone argues about with no definite answer

I agree with this except for one thing. There is one definite answer in the fact that we're being lied to. The extent of it, and what is the real answer are the big outstanding questions.

that's very well put, I agree completely!

if there were such revelation, though--conspiracy realists concerned with getting to the solutions would be in a "wet dream," don't ya think?...

from your comment, i think you do...lol...

as would i...


Then he will be labeled an antisemite.

What if I put Wikileaks in my title? Will I get upvotes?

try the hide button, buddy


Well, there you have it folks.


Assange thinks "Truthers are annoying" I doubt that will ever happen.

NOTHING truely astounding will ever come out of wikileaks, only docs that support the same tired old dogma and agenda we all have heard a thousand times coming out of the white house and downing street. Because wikileaks is being GAMED by the CIA.

What if it exposes the truth that it was really some terrorists in planes that brought the WTC down?

I'd love to see some credible documentation of that, I've yet to see it.

I'm sure there's a ton of credible documentation accounting how terrorists conspired to pull off 9/11. Besides documentation, the entire thing was caught on video, at like ten different angles. I personally watched it live on TV as it happened. So I, for one, would like to see some creditable documentation that the government WAS behind it. I've watched loose change and read up on the conspiracies, and I don't buy their take on it. I truely believe that if the Government wanted a terrorist attack, they'd allow one to take place or have people commit to it faithfully. I don't think they'd leave the kind of evidence that everyone points to.

I saw planes hit the building, I saw evidence of crashes.

The rest of the gov's story is so full of holes that it's hard to believe anything they say.

That said, I'm not telling you a missile hit the pentagon, I'm not telling you that the buildings were brought down by the gov, I'm not telling you that it was Israelis.

All I'm saying is the official story is a sack of shit, and until I see evidence that PROVES what they said, then I'm not going to believe much out of them.

That's all I'm trying to say... lots of holes, don't believe them, so I end up as a 'truther' because I don't believe the official story. That said, I think about 50% of truther theories are complete bunk, but they have as much evidence as the official reports.

I was very surprised at how well they protected the rubble as they carried it off in brand new special purpose trucks identically designed and gathered in order to haul away the rubble and evidence. I was also impressed at the readiness of the US to undertake this cleaning effort by providing the brand new designer pickers that were so "perfectly designed" for something of that exact nature. How did they know? the US is freaking amazing. Where did all the rubble go and why aren't any other agencies allowed to investigate? you know, for a second opinion?


Of course it was terrorists. Maybe it wasn't Al Queda, maybe it was. It wasn't Iraq, or an attack from any other nation. It wasn't a US Military operation, so terrorist seems as accurate a label as any.

There was a cover-up. The US Government tried to hide how throughly it failed, systemically at all levels, at protecting thousands of people from the fundamental threat of lunatics with box cutters. The DMV probably could have prevented this too if it was doing it's job right. While the intelligence community was out trying to thwart the second cold war, nobody was left paying attention to the real problems.

The US Military did not stage 9/11. Setting aside their institutional loyalties for a moment, it just doesn't make sense. At the very least, these evil masterminds would make sure the planes would have enough of a payload to collapse the building without having to detonate explosives. They wouldn't care about how the buildings collapsed, as any organization who would kill 3000+ wouldn't draw the line at another thousand and a few more collapsed buildings. They certainly wouldn't rig explosives beforehand for everyone to discover.

They wouldn't shuffle passengers around, or re-route flights beforehand, or anything of the sort. If the government knew about this attack, don't you think they'd be slightly more prepared for the aftermath? It doesn't pass the smell test.

I haven't seen any 'evidence' of government involvement that wouldn't be better explained as evidence of a government cover-up as to just how unprepared they were; I see a lot of saved careers in truther evidence. As far as the science behind the collapses, I suspect we all saw an accurate account of what happens when you fly airplanes in to the twin towers. With my feeble understanding of the variables in play, the way the collapse took place seems plausible enough to me.

I don't know who or what group planned the attacks, or really for what reason. On some level I figure the government pointed a finger without really knowing all the facts. On another level, I don't trust the terrorist organisations to be honorable enough to only take credit for their own attacks. I half suspect that some group did it just because it could be done, or because of some god-driven delusion. Frankly, i'm surprised that doesn't happen more often.


I don't know what comment you just read...


Perhaps you could enlighten me with some evidence as to how this was an inside job. Seeing as how I'm only privy to the disinformation and all.


You point to naivety with my 'trusting' the government and the media (although if you had actually read my posts you'd see that I don't), however when I ask you to present some of this evidence that points to a probable inside job, You reply with a highly suspect link that I judge to be unreliable.

9/11 and the 4th Reich? I mean, c'mon. Do you actually give credence to the notion that Nazi's attacked us on 9/11? I'm certainly not going to spend two weeks pouring over all the crap on some nut-job truther site. I don't trust your ability to objectively look at current events, political reality, history, etc and dispassionately try to put all the pieces together to a terrorist attack that happened almost a decade ago. Conspiracy Theorists are best at taking events and data that don't go together and using it all to support their foredrawn conclusions.

So I ask you again to present some real evidence that contradicts my viewpoint. Being an intelligent redditor with an enlightened sense of conspiracy theories, Shirley you can present something that isn't as ludicrous as terrorist nazis. I look forward to seeing it. I am a skeptic; thus the reason I think your fulla shit. But i'm open mind; so i'm waiting for someone to convince me otherwise...


What if wikileaks exposes the truth about the Kennedy assassinations!

What if wikileaks disproves the existence of God?!? WHAT THEN!??

FUck. I wish.

It was indeed an inside job. But, it was not conducted by diplomats, so you won't see that in the cables.

If 9/11 was an inside job, I seriously doubt there's documentation lying around in a filing cabinet available to be exposed detailing it.

It seems far more likely that wikileaks would leak something that proves alqaeda had access to a super-secret high-tech nano-thermite factory.

Are the vids front page not enough for you?

The cables are from outside of the US into the US. Anything internal to the US, ie. not emanating from foreign diplomatic circles , won't be covered.

Do any of you think that a False Flag Attack would have a paper trail?

I doubt that anything that big would be in the files they have for some reason.

WikiLeaks in theory could be a front devised by the intelligence service of the United States to hide the dark skeletons in their closet by building carefully chosen hills of dirty gray laundry.

Those of us who have studied 9/11 already know who is responsible and why. We also understand that we collectively do not have the power to topple these people. All we can do is watch events unfold.

I think the government's approval ratings would actually go up, since it would be the only time in the last 10 years they showed competence.

I don't know the absolute truth but I am confident that if it was an inside job that there wouldn't be a single cable about it. Keep in mind how many people supposedly have access to this information and for how long. I'm sure it would have come out looooong ago if it was there.

Dear US Government: By implementing all these tyrannical rules you've gone further from the roots of your constitution than Al-Qaeda could have ever imagined, and in the process of doing so it has destroyed American values more than Al-Qaeda could have ever hoped.

Maybe instead of dropping bombs on them you might try an alternative approach, kittens. I guarantee that if ANY Al-Qaeda members have severe allergies to cat's, the cat's will find them.


A Canadian.

PS: The kittens will require parachutes.

Even if some evidence did surface it would be dismissed as fake or whoever the source, instantly marginalized and discredited. The MSM would report more on those statements and the story would be a blip. And the public would continue believing what it has continually demonstrated it wishes to believe because to consider otherwise would destroy their belief system. Because if indeed it was something other that the government said it was, what then? Most people don't want to think about that so they don't.

Anyone ever see the movie: The Emerald Forest? At the end, the dam is blown up. The audience sees the guy with the bomb. And we also the rush of water - both of which may have took the damn down. But they happen almost in unison. I've always thought about that moment when thinking about 9/11. Or what might possibly happen during the winter solstice in 2012. What does "man made" really mean? If we were to look at the Earth from above during a "natural" disaster (Earthquake, tornado, hurricane etc) - we would just see a bunch of energy moving around. Similarly, if we viewed a riot from above the Earth - we just see this shifting of energy. But are riots "natural"? Are "hurricanes" man made? Or is it a combination of both. Can we really separate ourselves from the universe? I suppose it's all about intent - do we really believe that we can live better?

That took a bit of a tangent. But I stand by it, nonetheless.

I understand the "humans are part of nature too" idea here, but I think you've gotten lost in the semantic weeds. "Natural" and "man-made" are generally understood to mean "events not directed by humans" and "human-caused events", respectively. It's not always that clear-cut of course, there can be overlap, but that's what they're understood to mean.

I think an interesting way to think of this is that humans are a natural part of this universe. Therefore even though we have man-made structures or things such as riots, are that not natural? For we are natural ourselves.

Wikileaks doesn't post anything on Israel or 9/11........................ One day the mostly dopey yanks will work it out, until then the world will merge under the UCC while they are distracted in walmart

It won't, you fucking dolt.


I keep hoping they will do this some day.

He has publicly said it is "load of nonsense" (paraphrasing). I would love for wikileaks to actually leak something of substance, in fact, anything of substance. So far, this has been a total non event, just a few embarrassments for fat bureaucrats to worry about. However this alarms me, because maybe this is the most disturbing part of it; this "leak" just gives the government a righteous up your arse round of ammo to block internet freedom, enforcing ACTA, and fucking us all.

I truly hope that wikileaks is a good thing, because I believe information should be free, but they are so far showing nothing of substance, and it all helps the military industrial complex ultimately.

WTC7 won't go away.


I would love for him to release the video of the plane hitting The Pentagon. That alone would be enough to convince me either way.

what if wikileaks exposes the truth about the lizard people ?

What if indeed.

Then I would stop believing Wikileaks was a shill. But until then, I'll view Wikileaks' lack of anti-US and anti-Israeli leaks as evidence of who pulls their strings.

in 2009 there was a wikileaks on cell messages sent during 9/11..anyone know where to find these?

Yes it is true Saudi and Yemeni "terrorists" flew passenger jets into the trade towers. The subsequent collapse of those towers and building 7 have yet to be adequately explained. I would be happy with some engineering models or other fact/math based explanation.

I am guessing an actuary or two might be interested.

If that happened they should make the date a national holiday and call it "You've got to be fucking kidding me, what is O.J innocent too?" day.

what if ANYONE exposes the 'truth'

i've been asking this for years. what do you expect to come of it? and i'm not asking in a sarcastic way, what would you expect to happen? and what if the 'truth' is not only not what the 'official' story is, but is also not what the truther's have said?

so long as we face whatever the Truth is, no matter how d4mning--or mundane, even--the outcome usually is a betterment of our continuing efforts at leading better lives, individually, and creating/building a better Society, "collectively"...isn't that, to some lesser or greater degree, the most common goal?...

so i always thought...and described that Society as Free, Open, and Prosperous...




What if WikiLeaks divides by zero? OH SHI-

"what if"

As an American it kills me to see so much bullshit and lies are produced by our own government. I can't wait for the day when I can sit on my rocking chair with my volcano and watch the beauty of the world around me knowing that my liberty is at peace...sigh

PS-Definitely an inside job.

would be awesome. But will anybody really do anything about it? Unless it's a reality show no one in America cares.

lord knows the truthers wouldn't let it stop them doing "research"

Because the truth about 9/11 has already been exposed. What now?

I bet you guys fellate a blow-up doll of Alex Jones every night.

Of course the reason that Assange is 'annoyed with 9/11 truthers' may be the real who/what/how/when of 9/11 is in his insurance file. After knowing that, I'm sure he's angry at the wackos talking about holographic aircraft, laser weapons and plane switcheroos. Guess the truth is much more pedestrian, while still shocking.

Interestingly, nothing (negative) on Israel in the leaks.


Rolls eyes

Israel-humpers really need to get a fucking clue. Not everything has to do with Israel, and not everyone is an Israeli operative.


However, Israel is a very influential country in the USA, and while China and other power players are mentioned, there is NOTHING about Israel.

Am I wrong? A cable leak I am missing?

I couldn't tell you. I haven't dug through the stuff. It's all political gossip, nothing too interesting nor truly damaging to anything, really.

You seem to be insinuating that Assange is a Mossad Op. or something.

You seem to be insinuating that Assange is a Mossad Op. or something.

Please do not put words in my mouth. Thank You.

I am saying I am not noticing anything about Israel that has hit the mainstream from the released cables. You probably guessed that Israel's influence in America is my investigative hobby.

There could be many reasons for it - American diplomats maybe did not say much about that country, or what they said was not exciting enough, or maybe there is a cover up, or maybe Wikileaks cut a deal with Israel?

I don't know, and I rarely speculate when I don't have any data on a given subject.

I didn't I said you seem to be insinuating it.

I see what you're saying now.

I doubt they failed to say anything about Israel. They know that their defense of Israel is embarrassing and hard to defend because of Israel's behavior. Someone surely would have said something. This is the most likely thing, though.

And I highly doubt Wikileaks is cutting deals with governments, especially just one specific government.

Seriously all with even a shred of intelligence knows about 9/11 was a joke
And those who believe in the official "story"(cause it really is a fictional story) have already made up there minds There is far greater things that are going right now rather then regurgitating 9/11 facts yadayadayada
I would rather see them going with something to help UFO disclosure,since there is already some dissemination from mainstream shows

UFO disclosure--vs mass serial murder, with government, both national and international, collusion and participation...

yeeesss--i see, now that it's actually in type, just how that is far more important...

: |

You seem to forget that this guys are behind WW1-WW2(and basically every war since the industrial revolution)
Compared to that WTC is like a fluke
Besides what do you want? free energy or sucking Big Oil and Bank's cock?

no, i do not forget--why do you think i typed, "mass serial murder?"...

exposing 911 will lead directly to exposing such critically important info as you mention--and the fact that, whether anyone likes it or not, there has been a Grand Conspiracy which has affected every aspect of the directions of our Societies, and, hence, our lives and prosperity (i am not meaning "financial" prosperity--i'm talking about the basic, general betterment of our Conditions of Life)...

once that's transpired, People and their effects will begin to re-align toward a more appropriate design and benefit...Individual and Socially mutual...

even now, as more and more of us talk amongst ourselves, and think on what's gone before, what's happening now, and what might be to come--even now, our attentions and efforts turn in that direction, albeit slowly...

whistleblowers in any facet of the current SYSTEM would do in-estimable service to humanity to expose such things--the UFOs, if indeed they are "here" (and, i repeat--i want believe), will still be here, then...and, who knows, perhaps they will even appreciate and respect us more as Conscionable entities, if we do, indeed, "wake up," and fix our own conditions, according to our ability, by our own intellects, compassion, and efforts...

idk--well, yes, actually, i do know...i'm certain that would be the case...and would pave the way for our being actually welcomed into the/any Universal fold, as it were...

the UFOs can wait for disclosure (they've waited, allegedly, for centuries, already, perhaps, according to UFOlogy pundits)--our own specic sanity and salvation (not to mention our Individual lives!), through our own recognition, determination, decision, and actions cannot...

Nah, I agree with Docsavage. 9/11 is the one big thing that most of the shit we are experiencing today stems from. Identify and stop this issue and you curtail the efforts of those people who clearly think they should be in charge or own people on any level.

Keep thinking about when the Aliens will arrive and you'll be bar coded and slaving away and wishing you had a backbone X amount of years prior. Aliens are real, lets be honest. They're out there. They aren't here to help out in any direct manner or they would have already. I think Hiroshima would have been a good time to intervene.

You really don't see that as the priority?? This is no laughing matter. Your actions are tracked and predicted for the future and you think the aliens will maybe save us or something? Never mind, it doesn't matter......ask yourself what your priorities are. Think of your family and any family you may have in the future and think if it helps you to resolve these issues now or later. Which would be more difficult?

"They're out there. They aren't here to help out in any direct manner or they would have already."

this, to support "our" position, more than any other thing...

i keep saying this--and people keep saying, "--but--but--aliens!!!"


9/11 was orchestrated by UFO'S using quantum teleports!

Is that what you want us to say? With tin foil hats on?

9/11 != UFO invasion with Bush in his space craft at front. So what does this mean? It means you lose, you dork, you are basically an obvious shill trying associate 9/11 and crop circles together to degrade any credibility, because I guess we all believe the same crap huh?

NLP does not work these days, fucker, WTC7 won't go away.

you state it as though you know with out a doubt its true.......dont you mean "What if Wikileaks exposes information about 9/11?"

this is why i hate conspiracy theorists btw. Its on the same level as religion.


9-11 Was orchestrated to launch the Jewish hoax known as the War on Terror - with its preplanned wars and infringements upon our freedoms.

The official account is that the World Trade Center buildings suffered spontaneous structural collapses.

The alternative account put forth by Scholars For 9/11 Truth is that the WTC buildings were destroyed via controlled demolition by pre positioned devices.

These two quotes tell you everything you need to about Assange the Zionist


ā€œIā€™m constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud.ā€


"We can see the Israeli Prime Minister [Benjamin] Netanyahu coming out with a very interesting statement that leaders should speak in public like they do in private whenever they can. He believes that the result of this publication, which makes the sentiments of many privately held beliefs public, are promising a pretty good [indecipherable] will lead to some kind of increase in the peace process in the Middle East and particularly in relation to Iran."

The article also quotes Huseyin Celik, deputy leader of Erdogan's AKP, as hinting that the leaks were engineered by Israel. Celik is quoted as saying: "One has to look at which countries are pleased with these. Israel is very pleased. Israel has been making statements for days, even before the release of these documents. Documents were released and they immediately said, 'Israel will not suffer from this'. How did they know that?"

Just because Assange isn't yet convinced of a 9/11 conspiracy, that makes him a Zionist? Also, the fact that Israel is 'pleased' or wasn't overly affected in the leaks doesn't prove anything.

Assange, we know nothing of him other than the rumors and myths, now all brought into serious question.

There's a lot of conjecture in that article and most of it is based on the fact that we know little to nothing about Assange. So this means he must be in cahoots with the NWO? I mean, I get there are some shady aspects of Assange's character but surely they can do better than nameless sources and speculative opinions.

Thanks for the article, but personally, I don't buy it.

Assange worked with Israel to ensure none of the leaks would embarrass them.


Do you not read this reddit or something? Fuck!


Yes, I linked you to a comment I made yesterday criticizing someone for asking me for this same citation. Don't ask for citations for shit that is on the front fucking page.

I'll ask for every citation I deem necessary. If you want to continue to be a pompous ass, feel free. But, as far as I'm concerned, you can go fuck a tree.

I can understand why you feel it's silly that people ask for citations for things that are on the front page. However, it won't always be on the front page, but people might still come across this through a search. They'll see the citation as, "it's on the front page", but that could be days/weeks/months ago by that time, and of course by that time, it'll be no-where near the front page.

Not only is that true, I was acting like an asshole earlier. Mea culpa.

Assange, we know nothing of him other than the rumors and myths, now all brought into serious question.

There's a lot of conjecture in that article and most of it is based on the fact that we know little to nothing about Assange. So this means he must be in cahoots with the NWO? I mean, I get there are some shady aspects of Assange's character but surely they can do better than nameless sources and speculative opinions.

Thanks for the article, but personally, I don't buy it.

There is only evidence that Al-queda DIDN'T do it. I have yet to see any evidence whatsoever that shows that 19 hijackers who don't appear on flight manifests and of which SIX of them are still alive, managed to drop WTC7 into its own footprint at free fall speeds! That's a good one. Yep, Al-queda really did do it, but there is nothing to show that they could have even been remotely able to pull off what happened that day.

Ahhh, or that's what you're trying to do. Divide wikileaks from "thruthers" and thus wikileaks is the more reliable (somehow) group and thus should still be more trusted than "thruthers".

Divide and conquer at its best right? So what if the same people who did 9/11 are the same behind wikileaks? Funny that Julian Assange thinks that 9/11 WAS done by 19 hijackers and is annoyed that people could POSSIBLY think 9/11 was an inside job. Funny no?

I'm not convinced on the official conspiracy theory at all. I mean, who the hell is Al-Qaeda anyway, it keeps changing.

I can still see you make a good point. Have an upvote from a crackpot.

Although your point is swimmingly lucid, I think it's the wrong point, as the top comment already made it. The truth is one narrative, and it matters which one it is, even if nobody knows it entire. The only narrative that was preconceived is the first one we got.

God, such indiscriminate attitude towards brown people....

Edit: sorry, meant for person you replied too.

I saw planes hit the building, I saw evidence of crashes.

The rest of the gov's story is so full of holes that it's hard to believe anything they say.

That said, I'm not telling you a missile hit the pentagon, I'm not telling you that the buildings were brought down by the gov, I'm not telling you that it was Israelis.

All I'm saying is the official story is a sack of shit, and until I see evidence that PROVES what they said, then I'm not going to believe much out of them.

That's all I'm trying to say... lots of holes, don't believe them, so I end up as a 'truther' because I don't believe the official story. That said, I think about 50% of truther theories are complete bunk, but they have as much evidence as the official reports.

try the hide button, buddy

The laws of physics were suspended on 911, fuck Wikileaks, Al-Qaeda, CIA fuck them all. Look at the building collapses, INSIDE MOTHERFUCKING JOB. There is no information that can be leaked that can prove that the collapse was due to fire and an airplane impact.

Read about Operation Northwoods. Accept the fact gov't has and does try to manipulate the public, throughout history and gasp even here in the great US of A. Critically observe facts. Decide for yourself.