Declining submissions?

41  2010-12-21 by [deleted]

Every day things get weirder. There are more reasons and things to post about, yet it seems the submissions in this area declining? amiright? Perhaps conspiracy stories aren't getting as many upvotes as they used to, but it seems like there are fewer conspiracy stories on my front page. In any case, are people getting more conscious of the things they say online? How do you suppose fruition of a police state would effect this area or the anti-conspiracy reddit? Could it quiet them as well, or would they become more active, happy to see the conspiracy community slowly go underground? Have you noticed a difference lately?


Wikileaks changed everything. The stories that were earlier posted to /r/conspiracy are now being posted to /r/worldnews

But conspiracy theories about Wikileaks itself still belong only here. :|

Yeah, and /worldnews is pretty sketchy. I got into a bit of a debate with some guy named Kaffir cause he keeps posting old anti-muslim stories and putting up word for word hasbara talking points. Based on the amount of downvotes that thread was getting, they're probably gaming the system.

Digg showed how badly broken it was in the 2006 illegal Israeli invasion of lebanon war when the Jewish owners of digg censored pro-lebanon posts and used it as a source of zionist propaganda, hope reddit doesn't go the same way, I guess it's too easy for them to abuse that kind of power.

This is sad in how hilariously true it is.

I wouldn't be so quick to pat yourself on the back, the majority of the information in the cables was moot, and not all to surprising, and was subtle and very much NOT like the information posted to this subreddit.

Nothing related to the Bilderbergers, FEMA camps, reptilians, 9/11, Osama working for the CIA, etc. None of the major talking points of /r/conspiracy were confirmed nor denied in these cables.

I'm not trying to insult anyone here, but what are people rejoicing over? WikiLeaks released a lot of subtle inside information, but nothing mind blowing or on the level of what normally gets discussed here. I don't even see the two as vaguely related. I'd even say that the fact there wasn't anything crazy or ludicrous in there actually works against some of the more "out there" conspiracy theories. It was just a bunch of governments being stupid, working together, keeping things from each other, etc. Just government collusion and collaboration, if people didn't think that was going on before WikiLeaks they either weren't paying attention, or had an extra chromosome.

Just sayin'.

2,000 out of over 250000 cables were released, so don't despair.


Yet it keeps getting brought up by the skeptics of this place in discussions like this. I don't understand it either.


IOW, it promotes the mainstream confirmation bias?

what is IOW?

In other words.

Is it really that hard to type out?

Not to me, but don't underestimate the laziness of others.

Is it really that hard to google?

Exactly, the amount of misinformation is unbelievable. I have friends that think Alex Jonesberg is some freaking wiseman and his propaganda is the bible, the ultimate authority on everything conspiracy related. So they focus exclusively on the carefully crafted, controlled misinformation that AIPAC shrill releases and ignore the obvious truth right before their eyed.

Not a major accepted talking point, true, but David Icke rants about reptilians get posted here almost daily. Look again...

Wikileaks isnt conspiracy news... It's just news that we didn't previously have access to due to confidentiality. Conspiracies are secrets that relate to activites that harm others.

I've been posting in r/economics, stories that used to be conspiracy theories..


Not quite yet, but next year is going to be interesting for them.

The aliens, right?

Absolutely. They're here.....under my floor boards and one stole my TV remote :(

They're all getting posted in /news and /worldnews now. The online crowd has converted, it's time to take the message to the streets!

Join /r/infograffiti and we'll start printing to the masses.

People aren't really submitting actual conspiracy articles more like questionable news stories.

I think some of the /r/conspiracy users have been hurting it's traffic by posting pure insanity, rather than things that have some credibility, or even believability.

I'm just surprised we haven't seen a story yet about how Bigfoot is secretly a Jewish Israeli spy and media executive who orchestrated 9/11 and is running covert operations against the CIA in the woods, with the pattern I've seen from some users lately.

I'm sure it doesn't have anything to do with the way that people with a different opinion are attacked. It's not just this sub-reddit either. There is a difference between defending your views and attacking someone with different views. Respectful, open debate encourages others to engage.

Every day things get weirder.

Yep. That has been my experience.

Folks, I hate to break it to you, but they monitor all media, all the time.

Here are a couple of stories about my experiences. I ran into someone I used to work with at a Farmers Market this summer. She now teaches at a college. We chatted a bit to catch up. We somehow got onto to some politics. I finally told her I was in the 9/11 truth movement and what I believe. She grabbed me by the shirt and pulled me aside. Speaking in whispered tones she told me that she and her husband also believe like I do and some more things. She said that they would never mention what they really believe at work. They know it would be career suicide to ever talk about it. They know that some students and other teachers would snitch on them in a heartbeat if they mentioned anything. She did say there were staff who believed as they do, but would never ever talk about it on campus.

Another friend of mine who I openly talk to and share emails about conspiracy stuff shares a lot with a group of friends. One friend who is a professional asked him to stop emailing. He is fearful of even having contact with people or having anything about that issue on his computer. My friend knows why he suddenly changed.

I thought this must be what it was like to live behind the Berlin Wall during the Cold War.

One by one, those of us who post to this subreddit are being silenced. I myself, type in fear, waiting for the day that I will be atta------

Maybe everyone's over in WikiLeaks?

Once proven true, its no longer Conspiracy Theory, but rather, Just a Conspiracy. I think the "Theorists" have moved on to activism or other pursuits. We are right in the middle of Collapse. Doesn't take much proof to show that to someone anymore.

I think, that no matter who you are, your religion, or lack thereof, this is the time of year to feel good, to rejoice, to be with family. I usually drop by here once a day, just to get my butthurt on, but I haven't in a week because I just want to feel good while the christmas season is in full swing. In 2011 though, all bets are off, I'll be back and my butthurt will be @ level 10, when my shitty gifts are broken and New years sucks like it always does.


You can say that again.


rewrite: I hate being butthurt around the holidays, and /r/conspiracy makes me butthurt.

How is that?

I don't think alot has changed. But me personally, if I find something conspiracy'ish, if it's a good source nd I think it'll generate discussion, I try to post it in a more mainstream subreddit rather than preaching to the choir. There's nothing I can really show you guys that you don't already know.

But as others have said, alot of things that were conspiracy theories are now considered conspiracy fact and they find their way to other subreddits.


We are the foot soldiers in this movement. Some of us since the day of 9/11. Some of us have received a lot of abuse and been through a lot because of it. Some of us have been put in enormous amounts of energy and did not expect to arrive at some of the conclusions we reached.

Some of us also know there are a lot of SPOOKS and double agents. As far as Assange and Wikileaks goes I believe as JFK said, "Sincerity is always subject to proof."

All the posters were sent to teh FEMA camps.

Oh Noes!!!1!!!

Agent Smith: [He and Cypher are eating at a fancy restaurant] Do we have a deal, Mr. Reagan? Cypher: [Cuts a piece of steak and holds it in front of him] I know this steak doesn't exist. And I know that the Matrix is telling my brain that it is juicy and delicious. After 13 years, you know what I have learned? [Eats the piece of steak and sighs contently] Ignorance is bliss.

It's no longer just a conspiracy.

I think you mean it's no longer just a theory.


It's the deep breath before the plunge.

but isn't it nice that the nazis left ?

edit: downvoters are nazis

When did Reddit get bought by some FOX corp? What was that about? Any influence options going on there? I dunno.

You realize that the actual conspiracy people, the ones who know about genuine conspiracies involving the government and corporations, are never going to post here?