I'm beginning to think all this extra "security" is to protect the powerful from its own citizens, not the citizens against terrorists.

604  2010-12-30 by [deleted]

Because when the shit hits the fan, we'll be going after the elite who caused all this, not terrorists.

Edit: I'm really enjoying the discussions, nobody bad mouthing anyone, just civilized conversation and really great ideas. I love Reddit.


what took you so long?

Since it seems to be common knowledge, when does the revolution begin?

Dec 21, 2012

Thanks a lot man, you just took out the element of surprise. :/



Sounds like someone is hiding something.

I am, and I'm not saying. I'm saving it for the revolution. So there.

You are now on a list.

We're all on a list somewhere...

Since it seems to be common knowledge, when does the revolution begin? (just trying to start this all over again)

Dec 21, 2012 (just trying to start this all over again)

Shiit. That's about the timing of the SCOTUS decision that came down in 2000.

I would laugh is someone watching this post adds "NineteenEightyTwo" to the terrorist watch list.

Should be a blast!

ideally it starts today....why wait?

I wish more thought like you.

Sooner. Trust me. It's rumbling already.

July 4.

We need to start celebrating this holiday differently. Leave the fireworks at home. Bring firearms in their stead.

Every July 4, American citizens should reclaim their various public institutions. This includes Washington, D.C.

When the traitors in our government see that we have such capability, then maybe things will change.

They know we have the capacity, and things are changing accordingly; in their favor.

The capacity to do what? Bitch on the internet? Beat Call of Duty on the highest level? Americans dont have the collective capacity to do shit ~ we are a bunch of fat lazy cows being fed off of by the ruling elite.

We have th capacity, just not the will.

It starts the day we start killing the government thugs. Until then, nothing will happen.

Killing solves nothing. Hasn't history proven that? You know, besides the occasionally thinning of the gene pool of the psychos and dictators.

Besides, to use the cliche "killing them would make us no better then them."

The problem is, [generally speaking] people are just so comfortably believing everything that is said to them and they don't know how to question authority anymore. If more people could think rationally for themselves, we'd have a whole lot less problems.

A people are the most free when their government is scared of them. Right now the government knows they can get away with whatever they want. We need them to be scared shitless again. Same with the corporations. Take out a few of those bailout CEOs and their (s)elected politician buddies, get the message through.

Killing those few would give nothing more then the remaining living individuals everything they want: to be able to justify increasing "security" in the name of "safety" because the "terrorists" are no long religious zealots "who hate our freedom", but homegrown anti-establishblahblahbhlahblbah.

I get what you are saying though - unfortunately the people in masse would believe that scare tactics bullshit and let those changes go by unopposed.

I don't support killing I really don't, but every resistance will result in increase of security and shit like that.

When JFK/MLK etc went against the elite they got shot. Problem solved. So yes, violence does solve problems.

and look at us now. Some people still think they are better then others because of their skin color.

Absolutely agree, but I think it's created on purpose, because elite knows that. People can't do shit until they unite and start thinking rationally.

Like fucking look at the government. It is the biggest terror group, they spent all tax money on war and corruption and yet people still get silly about unemployed immigrants etc..

That's just silly, stupid and ignorant.

And they shall be called.... cannon fodder.

I beg to differ. Most of the great political changes in history have been accomplished by killing people.

Yet we continue to repeat the same mistakes over and over and over. Maybe it is time we grew up as a species and realized the only difference between one person to another are superficial at best.

That we need the equivalent of 'revolutionary' changes is without question. A few quick thoughts:

1) This Reddit conversation may not be enough, but it is a place for getting politically educated: if the tone can stay on a high level, w.o. the childish stuff, it is useful ..

2) The Revolutionary violence route? Look at France. The people (Le Peuple) fight, they kill, they get killed, the elite take over again. Happens over and over again throughout the 19th century.

3) I'm not saying we can't learn anything from a highly politicized culture like (pre-Sarkozy) France; my point is simply that the old Revolutionary way didn't work that hot; and in any case it will take entirely new, creative approaches to respond to the challenges of PR-based, neo-liberal pretend democracy.

4) C'mon you pussies, give me some good creative thinking! What the hell we send you to college for? (NB: obviously point no. 1, above, is not to be taken in a crudely literalist sense).

you first


Thugs? They're just the instruments of oppression. The people who need killing are the ones pulling the strings.

Who is more guilty; the one pulling the trigger, the one requesting the trigger be pulled, or the rest of us who stand by watching the entire event transpire while stopping neither of them.

The one requesting has the most, in my opinion. Place the others where you will.

When the people defy governments or speak out against the NWO agenda (JFK) they get a bullet in the head. We the people can-will-should do the same.

Exactly. We need to be as cold-blooded as the monsters who are running our lives and bleeding us dry. Why is it that George W. Bush can order a hundred thousand people killed and never lose a minute of sleep, but when someone proposes putting his skanky ass in prison, suddenly they become a terrorist? It's a double standard, and if the people are to gain control over their own government once more, they must be as ruthless to the owners of America as those owners are toward the people.

I should have started the minute Bush began eroding the Constitution, limiting free speech to "zones" and torturing people. Its the people's money that finance bailouts and wars, the same money should be used to eliminate the plague known as politicians.

Hell this post doesn't even need to be in /conspiracy/ and this response would still be top of the pile.

duh, middle east wars were just practice

Actually, if you compare the "islamic extremists" which the US i fighting now - the psyche of this opponent will be very similar to what they would see fighting an armed US uprising. However, I am sure US citizens would be more reticent to blow themselves up - at least for the first few years of a conflict.

After the population were distraught enough and felt they had nothing to lose, there would certainly be suicide missions.

At this point though, due to all the flouridation that the US pop has been under, any uprising is doubtful.

WRT flouridation; aside from the drinking water - dont you assume that the base water for all major drinks (wine, beer, soda, juice) is all flouridated?

There is no escaping the domestication through flouridation except via rain-water collection (illegal) and a well (illegal unless registered and permitted).

If you are really Sarah Connor show me your tits.

My well is not register nor is it permitted, but it is legal.


Damn android keyboard

I have flooded the water company (no pun intended) with emails in my town urging them to stop water fluoridation, citing evidence and medical studies. I have yet to get an answer.

lol, fluoridation. are you joking, domestication through healthy teeth? any fool can buy a water filter.

wtf do you think drug abuse is for.

Have you seen the congressional testimony of the union of the EPA urging congress to drop flouridation?

Have you noticed that we cannot pass a national health care bill, to provide health care to the population - yet for some reason everyone takes without question that the government is the benefactor of good dental hygiene?

You're obviously just too misinformed to really understand. I am sure you'd feel a lot more comfortable if these were issues that were brought to your attention through mainstream media outlets rather than straight from the mouth of the EPA.

no i just don't care. wtf am i gonna do stop drinking water. politicians rape and pillage , people bend over and die. how do you expect to change human nature.

Be the change you want to see in the world. -Gandhi

“If you want to make enemies, try to change something.” -Woodrow T. Wilson

Yes, we already know that

How do YOU expect change to happen with such a defeatist mentality like that?

reverse psychology....or i don't give a fuck but like to complain a lot, or i'll go argue with people about it on the internet.

edit* that wasn't a defeatist statement it was just a statement of fact.

A paranoid corp/govt's (DHS) sphincter always tightens up long before the people's!

freedom, the biggest threat our Government fears.(Gov i.e. the current corporate rule aka emerging fascist state.)roaming backscatter vans anyone? Report suspicious activity anyone? Vaginal/testicular groping of adults and children anyone?MASSIVE surveillance programs, war techniques (drones, torture etc) anyone...god damn man they keep stacking the weight upon us when do we burn the mutherfucker down>? Why is there no criminal investigations on Chertoff the prick who is making millions on the TSA contracts owns the damned machines and pushed them when he was the Homeland Security Dept head? So many crimes not one fucking question from the media..so OP I am heartened to hear your waking up but it is tepid at best for me and this anger that wont go the fuck away.

I'm not living in America anymore, so my perception is only what I see here. As an outsider, I really can't believe how far the people have let the government trample, crush, and vaporize its citizens rights and liberties. What will it take for people to take action? The things you cited should be enough, but apparently not.

What you are seeing in America is the combination of Orwell and Huxley's nightmares. Huxley saw our downfall in our own desires, which is why information and entertainment overload put most people into a sedated mindset. Whether they drown themselves in entertainment or infotainment it doesn't matter, they have the illusion of freedom. This decreases the number of politically and socially minded people who could fight the encroaching police state that Orwell feared.

The government is using the best of both worlds, canceling out each others faults creating the perfect system of control. Genius actually.

Until it fails, which it will.

Scenario please? Anarchy? Chaos? These are the things the ruling elite bank on to maintain control.

As someone who raised himself on Goldman, I learned after a while that she and others like her were devil's in disguise, utilized if not funded by the Illuminati elite. Disinfo and divide-and-conquer are complex systems that have been perfected by the religious, banking, and governmental capitals of the world since they stole Egyptian knowledge and dismantled the Caesar's rule.

The illuminati is not a fucking criminal gestapo for fuck's sake! You have not correctly identified your own enemy whatsoever.

They absolutely utilize it, whether or not it's their own. If .5% of the population were in on it, that would still put 30,000 Illuminati members in each of the 50 states. Keep cutting it down and the numbers are still staggering. So, it's very possible that the Illuminati are in fact a criminal gestapo, just that lower echelon members are unaware or less aware of their own organization's doings.

And for the record, you haven't identified shit either, so drop the condescension. If you're so enlightened, you're a corrupt asshole for blasting someone else and not providing a single shred of anything to back yourself up. Believe me, I'm all for gaining knowledge, so please, crack some over my head.

Also - Who said they were my enemy? Maybe I whole-heartedly agree with every last thing they supposedly plan to do because it's simply survival of the fittest.

don't get me wrong in what i'm about to say, i'm all for a revolution..

It bugged me for years that no one was taking any real action and "the wool was being pulled over everyones eyes" (and still does). What I eventually realized though is even though all this shitty stuff is going on with politics and big business and what not most the people in this country are living really good lives. Sure our economy is kinda in the shitter right now but it happens, europe hasn't been doing great either the past few years. Basically we've had a gimmie gimmie gimmie attitude and we're now living with what we've been given. Yeah we took too much and now most of us are giving some back (some more than others) but most of us realize that if we had of said stop to all we were given before we wouldn't be in this mess. Once we get back to living within our means and things are still being taken from us is when people will start to take action.

It may seem like we should take action now instead but personally I'd rather not give up the great house i live in, in the great neighborhood with my beautiful drive to work up PCH everyday to work in an office with my desk no more than 50 feet away from million dollar yachts producing something useful to the world just so I could be part of a revolution which isn't happening right now and won't have anyone else willing to participate with. The day may come where I feel people are suffering enough due to other people where I would be interested in spearheading that revolution but that day isn't today.

They came first for the Communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.

Then they came for me and by that time no one was left to speak up.

Well now they're coming for middleclass white Christians, and who's speaking up for them? Right. Nobody, as usual. They do all the work and get shitted on by everyone else. Time for them to speak up for themselves.

Look at all those white Christians out in the fields, picking the crops.

what kind of fantasy world do you live in?

I forgot about the historical oppression of white christians... You had it pretty good in the 30's in Germany though. No one can take that from you. Cling to it, and you'll get thru this. Do you have room for it with your bible and gun?

You my friend, are not the one to benefit from a revolution then, as it seems you are not in the majority of people who are fed up with the conditions of living the government has imposed. Be thankful for that.

oh i'm absolutely in that majority, i just know that being pissed off about it and sitting around is not going to benefit me and at this point going out and trying to do something about it is only going to put me in a worse position than i'm currently in (much worse for me in particular). Most likely the only thing that would happen if i tried to take action (especially the action i would take) would be me ending up in jail or dead. Even if not to that extreme, taking any real action that would accomplish anything would mean i would have to quit my job (or get fired) which means I would lose the house i'm living in and my car (good luck trying to take that from me) and i would still accomplish nothing other than looking like some lunatic conspiracy nut (looks at the forum i'm posting this in).

I guess you are somewhat right though, i'm not in the majority where i'm not in my early to mid 20s any more where I haven't had the time to build an adult life for myself and now i have things to lose. Ideology is a young mans game and an unwinnable one at that.

Exactly, you have too much to lose. That's your weak spot. You are just looking out for yourself, like everyone else, but we have to look at the bigger picture. Not to be dramatic but being dramatic, there's a saying that goes like this:

"Explain to future generations it was good for the economy when they can't farm the land, breathe the air and drink the water"

my original point is people aren't looking at the bigger picture of what's going on right now, which is absolutely nothing new is going on. Things get fucked in some way, then they eventually get remedied. Look around you right now, you see some walls around you, a roof over your head, food in the fridge, etc. etc? Yeah us people in the US still have that as well. We have to deal with the problems the previous generation created and we'll end up fixing them eventually but creating a whole new set of problems for the generation that follows us. Having a government causes that problem, if we had no government each generation would keep repeating the same problems as the previous.

If anyone has reasons to be pissed off about our situation it would be me. I made good money, then had a medical injury which kept me from working for 6 months so i blew through all my savings, my insurance dropped me because of it, then i had difficulty finding a new job and a year and a half later that's just finally coming back together. As of a month ago I'm getting audited by the IRS, my car insurace is through the roof because of a bunch of retarded tickets and accidents that were in no way my fault, and i'm constantly paying money for things like parking tickets, speeding 10 miles over the speed limit etc. Those are all problems caused by my government but I look around and none of those things are currently bothering me.

Sure I could go on a rampage because of the IRS and start a revolution to get rid of taxes but there's a LOT of people who who think we should be paying taxes (maybe less than we do but i don't support paying any income or sales tax). The same goes for everything, we're all just trying to live together and we'll continue to have problems no matter what changes. Just live life because it turns out when you do, those government things aren't that big of a deal.

But you are bothered enough that you got curious about this post, so maybe deep down there's a Che Guevara waiting to get out ;)

oh you're right on both counts, it still does bother me (or at least intrigues me) and there is absolutely a Che in me hoping one day there's cause to come out. I just know that ranting about the revoked freedom of the day to fellow like minded is futile and will just irritate me.

Most likely the only thing that would happen if i tried to take action (especially the action i would take) would be me ending up in jail or dead.

What if one of the most effective actions you could take is to simply buy some silver? Silver explodes in price, you get rich, and if enough others do the same, the corrupt paper money system that enables wars and destruction of the middle class is exposed for the ponzi scheme it is and is replaced with honest money. You can do this from within the comfort of your nice home.

Is there validity to this?

I think so. There's a grass roots campaign for this with the slogan "Crash JPMorgan, Buy Silver". You can find hundreds of videos on YouTube and blog posts using this search phrase.

Here's an up-to-date detailed analysis of what's going on, if you're really interested.

What will it take for people to take action?

people have been bought off and silenced by gizmos and gadgets. everyone is too fat and happy for their own good, everyone has a cellphone that makes pancakes and rubs their balls.

as long as their are still bread and circuses, the populace is not going to step out of line and rock the boat.

The people should realize that taking action will eventually lead to better quality of life, giving people access to more bread and circuses. Corporations and governments can say "I want more", well, I do to god damn it.

There is no action to "take" other than voting.

If we can't vote in better representatives then going outside the Constitution isn't going to improve anything.

I think Bush proved voting is bullshit.

"Voting in a democracy makes you feel powerful, much as playing the lottery makes you feel rich." -- Mencius Moldbug

I am a little snowflake, but in a group I can cause an avalanche.

Here in California Kamala Harris won by under 80,000 votes, about 1% of the people who didn't bother to vote. I'm glad my vote cancelled out some idiot's vote and put the better candidate into office.

Cynicism about the power of one's vote is one of the stupider things to harbor in life.

It's your choice. Please don't call me idiot just because I think there are more personal actions to take than voting, especially with corrupted governments that we have. I'd gladly vote some smaller progressive group/person but I doubt it would change much.

Results of elections can be manipulated anyway and there is no way to tell. Except for Iran and Belarus, that was quite obvious and it caused shitload of riots.

Please don't call me idiot just because I think there are more personal actions to take than voting

corrupted people put into power corrupted governments.

We have a beautiful Constitution now -- not flawless, but I doubt any new Constitutional assembly we put together now could improve on it at all. 100% chance they'd fuck it up.

I'm not terribly optimistic that we're going to get any meaningful change out the current system. There are some very bad things happening and I think it's going to fuck over many millions of people here.

FDR won 80%+ of the House & Senate in 1936. It's going to take a crisis like 1931-34 to get the people on the same page like that.

Right now we've got too many interest groups and too many pots to loot, but things are going to continue to devolve and there will be more clarity eventually.

I sense what you mean, but there is this thing, people with the ultimate power don't have to wait to get elected.

I cannot possibly imagine what would unite people with all racism and xenophobia around right now.

Economic crisis is hitting every day, even strong countries in Europe are going bankrupt. This isn't certainly good. It feels like everything is falling apart, even corruption is so obvious in these days.

I agree that it will get better, I really feel it's going to happen, let's hope people will realize and "change" will come soon.


apple store.

I'm not living in America anymore, so my perception is only what I see here.

It's weird. I left the US a couple years ago as well, and the sort of sentiments I'm seeing from my US friends and family are kind of worrying. When you hear, "well, the TSA groping wasn't as bad as other countries gropings," you sorta have to wonder how far into the acceptance of totalitarianism society has gone up there.

Where is captain Sheridan when you need him?

YES!...It is...it is...it IS!

This is to protect their interests and business dealings at home and abroad.

It has nothing to do with protecting people...it's about protecting assets. The only reason they would want to protect people....is the same reason a farmer wants to protect his livestock.

Could not have said it better myself.

You can always pay one half of the citizenry to kill the other half of the citizenry.

Actually, it's even more effective to pay both halves to kill each other.

And then collect the gold coins from their rotting corpses? Awesome.

Just like the dog is used to round up the sheep, you could tell the sheep the dog protects from wolves.

So it's better to get searched at the airport by dogs rather than eaten by wolves?

That is exactly what I am not saying.

Except the sheep as a whole has the brute force of the wolves and the wolves have the brute force of the sheep.

Where does a red dragon like me fit in to all of this?

Reality would like to welcome you.

Best way to rob a bank is to own one.

I think they best way to rob anyone is to own a bank.

Well, obviously! Terrorist are just people who've gotten pissed off before anyone else notices there's a problem.

Then they get relabeled "Freedom Fighters."

Labels are assigned by the winners... You know, the same folks by whom history is written.

Which coincidentally is what MW2 is about.

Mw2 wasn't that political IMO, moh is far worse.

Well specific parts of MW2 aren't political but the objectives given out by Shepard are. He goes on and on throughout the game about how everyone watched when a nuke went off (in MW1) and nobody did anything about it. He is trying (through covert means) instigate false flag situations which will result in American patriotism spreading like wildfire through the US and which will cause a surge in applicants to "serve their country." And to be honest, that's probably what every major world power gov't does nowadays.



Made a post about this a few days ago. Surprised it made front page of r/politics...

I must've missed it. It's kind of odd though, the government stimulates the civil unrest, only to bring the hammer down on those who do. Just what is the point, if not oppression in its purest and most sadistic form.

Just what is the point, if not oppression in its purest and most sadistic form.

I think you've answered your own question there, buddy ...

Hence the lack of a question mark.

yeah, It also has twice as many downvotes.

Yes. History has proven that many times. No matter how big the army is, the government without its people always goes down.

As citizens, it is our duty to revolt. Our country was founded in violence and revolution...but thats sooo much work and sleeping in the hiils is cold and the ground is hard. And shit, in real revolutions, you get shot at ~ packing for Canada!

FYI, this is almost exactly what happened to the Roman Empire toward the end of it's Republic years. Large land/business owners (mostly Patron families) began using their wealth to undercut and corner their markets, driving all of the smaller business owners out of business. The resulting unemployment was "solved" by way of conscripting the "less fortunate" (those who got screwed) into the Roman Army, or recruiting them to work as servants and/or guards within the Patrician households.

That would explain the ridiculous size of the armies back then, kind of like what China and North Korea are doing. In the end, the only thing left is to join the army, as cannon fodder.

Yep. That's also why there were so many revolts, which in turn led to the conversion to Empire (no freedom, but peace & stability)

isn't this kind of the reason for all forms of security?

In related news, Bush sent modernized riot gear and weaponry to police departments across the US just before he unilaterally decided to invade Iraq.

Also, Monsanto bought Blackwater.

A "food" company doing business with mercenaries? What the fuck?

if you have not aquainted yourself with the strong arm methods of Monsanto in this country you should. EVIL. BTW>justice thomas was head legal council for Monsanto for many years yet did not recuse himself from ruling on their cases.

You need a dickload of protection when you intend to monopolize food at its source.


I love how he posts this in r/conspiracy.

Like, we're here because of the UFO's and shit, right?

I imagined the Reddit hivemind wouldn't appreciate this post much, but now I realize the term "conspiracy" is losing its negative connotation, as more and more people are coming to their own senses about the subject matter. I hope it continues this way :D

Honestly, I think you could have posted this in *any* subreddit save maybe r/Israel and get modded up.

You guys are actually just figuring this out, aren't you. It must be so different, viewing this mess from inside. I mean, what you just said, everybody else in the world, outside of the USA, we've known it for a long time. I did a post about 6 months ago, telling America that nothing short of armed revolution was going to save them from the mess they've created, ignored and allowed to fester. I got downvoted to hell. But it seems like you people are actually waking up.

Good for you.

Napolean said that religion was to keep the masses from killing the elite. Consider too what a terrorist is. One can do more damage with political policy rather than with rocks or grenades these days. I think you are on to something ...

Welcome to the New world order.

Upvoted for accuracy.


Welcome back from the cave on Mars.


Abrahamic, tyrannical Satanists masquerading as God. Religion was never created with the intent to brainwash, its just been infiltrated by the same fucks who control the progress of civilization itself, hence how perfectly it fits into their esoteric agenda.

Ding, Ding, Ding

Winner winner, artificially created, genetically modified, chicken dinner.

The government knows this all right, but thankfully they have weapons like mass media and faux diseases that, gosh wouldn't you know it, there's already pills for! The government might be inept in a lot of ways, but when it comes to keeping the people from an uprising, they sure are on the ball.

Yeah, wasn't it convenient that right after the underwear bomber was caught a company just so happened to have thousands of body scanners ready to be installed in airports?

Thank you! No one seems to recognize this.

Ballsy post. Not many are willing to post how pissed off we are getting.

Thats because the NSA and the FBI read every post on reddit.

I would hope so. I wonder if the person on the other side of the screen in a FBI office agrees with any of this, or are they so brainwashed that they consider everything the government does is OK.

Getting pissed off is half the journey I guess, I'm already there.

Amen brother

thank you for taking the red pill

Thumbs up. You're waking up. Welcome to reality

I disagree. It's security theater not designed to protect anyone but to calm angry "patriots". So, it's not to protect themselves, but to line certain pockets (selling scanners, etc.). Same with the "war". The Iraq military event was never an official war. It's the facsimile of a war to move money into certain pockets. See also

Money is just the means to an end, just a consequence. The real goal is absolute power and control that is gained with money.

I agree.

That's why second amendment is so important ;)

The only thing it serves to protect is the bottom line of the military industrial complex. If you make everything illegal, then you can fine and imprison everyone. More money to build more prisons and track ever more "criminals".

it's to quell any civil unrest.

Tea party start up, now we got body scanners & molesters at airports. Won't be long till the Coffee party get steamed up with the new congress, then we'll be getting rectal exam at the airports

I hope you're not seriously holding out for a revolution. We already know who the power brokers are in the US & in the world. People could already be going after them, but they're not. People don't care and aren't willing to make the effort. Sorry to disappoint you, but it's only going to get worse.

I'm not going after anyone right now because I don't have the means. This kind of mission requires really deep pockets. What's your excuse?

I'm studying networking & internet security, and it's not costing me anything. I don't need an excuse, I'm moving forward. Change won't come with guns & bombs.

Our leaders beg to differ.

This is bang on!

"I'm beginning to think..."


The smart person would not rebel with pitchforks at all this extra "security", instead they would utilise the system to expose the frauds and misdeeds of the powerful elite.
It's already happening (with wikileaks etc)

Sure, but are the elite suffering any of the consequences of their evil ways? Wikileaks may set a precedent, but the results are too far ahead to make any conclusions right now.


we'll be going after the elite who caused all this, not terrorists.

Except that the elite are the terrorists. Who do you think hit us on 9/11? Not Emmanuel Goldstein OBL.

I just meant the conventional use of the word, we all know who is what, so it doesn't really need to be said.

Why is this in /r/conspiracy? I thought this was common knowledge, not some nutcase theory.

I guess it all depends on where you live. Not everyone has easy access to information. For example, I bet someone somewhere wondered what the fuck was going on when they got at the airport.

might want to check out gill scott heron.

That doesn't even make sense, it just sounds nice.

the shit has already hit the fan and we are doing nothing

Just realizing this now?

Stop using money stop playing their game. Thats all everyone has to do. Then it all falls apart and we get to rebuild. I suggest having 6 months of food on hand for the transition. Encourage your peers to do same such that everyone has enough. We will be faced with the task of restructuring the entire economic output of humanity. Hopefully with our internetworking technology we can make it a fairly smooth and organic process. Focus on local needs first. We'll network that into a global mesh in time.

So I buy 6 months worth of food, and the companies will have an advanced 6 months of my shopping. This will hurt them how? It's a start, but it will have to be flawless.

well dont do it all at once, you know, but buy a lot of the items that are on super-sale when you see them etc (buying lots of loss-leaders actually hurts them if thats all you buy from them). And if you know local growers who are into canning/preserves etc then it would be a good idea to become friends with them and see how you can help them out in turn and perhaps add to your stash that way again without using money.

You're in the post-revolution mindset, that's good in the sense that you believe it will happen. However, efforts must be put to the primary cause. Civilization and universal brotherhood will prevail and take care of the rest. May sound corny, but it's the way things have always been. Of course survival skills are essential, but it may not be crucial, depending on the outcome. Better wait to see than waste efforts on the unnecessary.

Sounds good :) I'm nervous about how this will play out. Being on this island makes me feel a little more .... insulated ... at least. :)

I thought about just not giving a fuck anymore and letting our masters continue to rape and pillage the planet, but eventually it will reach your front door. I choose to fight. I have very little to lose and I hope your (true) feeling of security and well-being lasts as long as possible.

Wrong; that's the consumerist way out. Grow your own food, organically year-round. The best things in life are free.

But the grocery store is RIGHT THERE! Just kidding, I see what you're saying and I agree with you. The less dependence on the system the better.

Longshanks must be stopped.

Truth. Problem is, it's inevitable that a small group of people will always figure out how to game the system in their favor, no matter what that system is. Revolution, at best, merely resets things for a bit—and at worst, sets up a pre-gamed system that was worse than what is usurped. That said; the current charade is gonna collapse under its own weight probably sooner rather than later…

Independent of what is to come, what is going on now has to stop. By force or otherwise. The government is choosing force, so we too shall play the game. We have strength in numbers. So whatever may come next, I hope the message will be understood by future leaders.

What terrorists?


If anyone disputes you on this, refer them to wikipedia article "Cubana Flight 455."

Nice, never heard of this before. Thanks!


youre just figuring this out huh


Once WW III starts, and it is going to REAL SOON ~ if you have even a basic understanding of the history of warfare ~ then everyone will forget they were bitching about the government and look to them for protection and subsistence - Stupid Americans, you deserve the government you have.

are you fucking kidding me, it's fucking obvious, don't you under fucking stand ANYTRNGKFDM??

Is there validity to this?

Since it seems to be common knowledge, when does the revolution begin?

A paranoid corp/govt's (DHS) sphincter always tightens up long before the people's!

duh, middle east wars were just practice

Hell this post doesn't even need to be in /conspiracy/ and this response would still be top of the pile.

A "food" company doing business with mercenaries? What the fuck?


Honestly, I think you could have posted this in *any* subreddit save maybe r/Israel and get modded up.

I would hope so. I wonder if the person on the other side of the screen in a FBI office agrees with any of this, or are they so brainwashed that they consider everything the government does is OK.

I think they best way to rob anyone is to own a bank.

and look at us now. Some people still think they are better then others because of their skin color.

They absolutely utilize it, whether or not it's their own. If .5% of the population were in on it, that would still put 30,000 Illuminati members in each of the 50 states. Keep cutting it down and the numbers are still staggering. So, it's very possible that the Illuminati are in fact a criminal gestapo, just that lower echelon members are unaware or less aware of their own organization's doings.

And for the record, you haven't identified shit either, so drop the condescension. If you're so enlightened, you're a corrupt asshole for blasting someone else and not providing a single shred of anything to back yourself up. Believe me, I'm all for gaining knowledge, so please, crack some over my head.

Also - Who said they were my enemy? Maybe I whole-heartedly agree with every last thing they supposedly plan to do because it's simply survival of the fittest.