Where should we all meet-up after the collapse?

29  2011-01-07 by [deleted]

I am not convinced that it will happen, but just for fun, what is a good central location for Redditors and friends of the world? Also, what would be the most stable areas from earthquake, tsunami, bad winters, etc. Who knows, people of Reddit could create our own independent nation state. My vote: Africa, seems big and stable.



There is going to be a lot of us, so what do the rest of the 20+ get?

That's what the hunting knives are for. There aren't unlimited sacks of rice, you know.



Sounds just cozy.

I'm not so sure about that. It can't be easy to get to New Zealand in a post-apocalyptic world. I'm going to assume the airlines aren't running, and I'm not so sure it's wise to brave the Pacific in a canoe...

Just find me in PA, We'll head over to the east-coast and grab a bigger boat than a canoe.

Also, bring a print-out of sailing instructions... We should probably use the wind as much as possible.

Lets all meet up at your moms house. I'll probably be there already anyways.

Are you the little "slow" boy that she babysits, how cute.

She likes it slow, then hard!

I can't believe she has been doing so well on that StairMaster! I thought for sure she would have thrown it out by now, but she is tenacious.

Boulder, Colorado is where we should all meet up - the nearby mountains will provide sustenance and safety. The remnants of Digg will all congregate in Vegas, and will eventually attack, but I think we can hold 'em off.

m o o n that spells Tom Cullen!

I'll be the man in the high castle, writing a book about a world where the collapse never happened...

We have to convince Digg through some kind of covert suggestive campaign that Las Vegas is the only good option. By then, we will also have other troubles, fighting robots, giant scorpions and ants. We might want to work on that fence first.

Steven called, he'd like his book back.

I've already got B-town wired. No room here.


Really? That is super nice of them!


No sarcasm, just trying to keep things light in a confusing and stressful atmosphere. I love conspiracy theories and prophecies, it is just unnerving when you start to see them coming into the light. I'm going to check out Hopi legend and lore tonight when I get home. Thanks for the cool info!

What is ikr? New one to me.

Its difficult to burn the oral tradition. I suppose that the Natives deserve a little retribution.


One of my first thoughts was Burning Man, that is definitely the culture that I identify with. Lots of space, pretty self-sustained as well as giant man-shaped campfires.

Too many Lions!

How about somewhere in the west, but not on the coast? Idaho, Montana, Oregon?

Yeah, a new old west. We could even dress the part and ride horses, unless they all drop out of the sky, too.

Fuck Africa. It will be filled with crazy assholes, just like it is now. The Central US is the way to go.


People think it's a desert with a thin green strip around the edges.

that green strip is about 200 miles wide and 29,247 miles long. and you can just sneak in on any decent yacht without detection. (steer clear of Christmas island and surrounding coast though) the eastern seaboard is the best bet. Very solid bedrock with no earthquakes and not a lot of people... 20m ish

I am sold, it is pretty big and pretty stable. I wonder how many tents we could set up? Trillions? That is too many isn't it. There would be a lot of empty tents. Skip the tents, do you think Australia would mind if I dug an underground house? You wouldn't even know that I was there.

ah, the old Minecraft hut.


We are set, maybe some card games or scrabble too.


We can use the tin foil to cook all the dead fish, too!

I'll bring the boobs. . . I mean booze

What would we be waiting for though? More bud?

My vote: Africa, seems big and stable.


Well.... it does seem big and stable like a giant face shaped table.

Given the large questions about future climate and weather consistancy try shooting for something temperate. If it gets warmer, okay, if it gets colder maybe that's okay too.

Tsunami protection means living higher than your expected wave height. > 500 ft and you should be good against most tsunami, 1000-2000 ft if you really want to be safe.

A good bunker will be proof against all but the largest earthquakes. And a good Tipi is proof against even the largest quakes.

For bad winters it is more about stores and heat. With the right plan the Inuit thrive in weather that kills most everything. 10 ft of hay bale insulation goes a long way towards not caring much about the winter.

Too many people in one place ... that might be bad.

TIL about Inuit people and that they are pretty hardcore. Also, thank you very much for the cool response!

New Hampshire or Maine

We could all hang out with Stephen King and he could write the new "spooky" constitution. Do you know how many reality shows about lobster boats there would be? Answer: lots.

WAY TOO FUCKING COLD UP THERE. Last time I was up there, my eyelids froze shut. Seriously.

I like Nicaragua. I lived there for a year. Its very poor but the country should be very rich. Once you get your solar panels into the country its nice. The chickens eat nutritious bugs all day long and then you just throw them some grain here and there. The Japanese came and fished out the waters over five years ago and now the fish are coming back so it is surprising people. You can get 10.5 months of wind and solar energy each year and then 1.5 months of diesel or grid energy.

There is rule of law there definitely and the people know what a civil war looks like. They don't like that shit at all. They are very non-lethal although they like to box as a national pastime. Its definitely easy to avoid it. You have to watch people stealing your stuff so you always need physical barriers and also a person watching things. So its a place to have a family.

When you buy land you will need to do things like take two sets of pictures with date of your property and have attorneys sign them. Then you plant a row of trees as the property line and then it becomes very difficult for someone to say that they were there or do something like move the fence. There is rule of law there so you just have to be creative.

Every mechanic doubles as a black smith and they ghetto rig the buses to stay running forever. These are hardcore survival skills. People will cram into an old school bus and it is all pretty jolly and happy. I like the Nicaraguan bus system more than anywhere. At the end of the day it is very difficult to starve in Nicaragua. Get your fruit trees going, banana tree/bushes start rocking it in two years and then you will have a serious banana problem. Raising chickens is ridiculously easy. Beans and rice should be very obtainable in an emergency with your silver coins.

Also you are allowed to carry a machete on the street. I fucking love it! Guns are legal although you need a permit which is fairly easy to get. Its very capitalistic there but with a parasitical government that mainly controls things through imports. That is why you just roll up on a yacht with all of your shit. They will never be able to stop that. Recurring taxes are very minimal there. Basically it is a land of opportunity if you can have a community of competent people around you. Also there is some tourism there so that can be very easy money.

There is very little bad types of malaria and dengue since it is so dry. The mosquitoes are very manageable there and they are likely much worse in parts of the US South than there.

There is an island called Ometepe inside of a lake. This is the ultimate retreat, although it is geologically active.

Also, use of computer for government is very weak there. Score. Land ownership is determined the old fashion way, with the deed. That is super awesome. So you, your attorney and the county guy will know what is up. You can go to Costa Rica and return every three months with zero problem. That is called being a perpetual tourist or PT in some Sovereign circles.

I think that it is pretty sweet really. The only thing that I was missing last time was a special lady. With that it is surely perfect. Also the Nicaraguans are a better than average looking breed so it is not difficult to find a super attractive woman although getting all the smarts in there as well will trouble you. I've met some very nice ladies with education from the capital city of Managua and I can guarantee that you won't want to live there so that it is difficult. The main city people tend to look down on the more friendly country folk and they would find that kind of a life to be lesser. Keep in mind that I have a computer science degree so I'm not a hardened country bumpkin. Its not really that rough.

tl;dr Nicaragua is self sustained and a beautiful country. Just be careful like you normally would.

Also, I call Ometepe!

"Every mechanic doubles as a black smith and they ghetto rig the buses to stay running forever." sounds like my car.

Oh and the earthquakes. It is likely that in the next earthquake everything will get all fucked up. That is the downside to a truly libertarian country like Nicaragua. As for me I would use plenty of rebar and a solid foundation before I put my entire family under the walls. In an earthquake the sheer forces topple the walls with ease. I like Nicaragua because I could build things as good as I wanted to. Its much cheaper to get things done in that respect.

She's not my special lady, she's my fucking lady friend!

I have to agree with your point about the women... I married one. :-)

We have looked at Nica and Costa Rica as possible living places in the coming years. I am concerned about the geological activity there as far as long term survival is concerned. Ometepe is, from what my wife says, great, but a little more "country" than the rest of the surrounding area (especially Managua). Also, the lake that surrounds Ometepe has sharks. (!)

Is your wife from Managua or Leon?

Also I think that Ometepe is just perhaps too isolated. It could become exceedingly boring there. I think that geologic activity and communications would be the weak point there.

How do you expect to get to Africa? It depends on where you live right now and how far you can walk to safety, which will probably be higher elevation. for me that's Vermont or New Hampshire. Not somewhere thousands of miles away.

Easy, boat.

If it can be floated or flown from the beacon of light then its up for grabs on the cheap.

My friend lives in Santa Barbara and many people are ditching their boats to save their house, marriage, etc. Its all about grabbing the right one. For $10k it is possible to get the right one.

Nice try, Secret Future Post Apocalyptic Police State

I need coordinates for our future drones to attack and finish off all rebel forces! Um, I mean...... something else.

At any of the FEMA camps.

Yeah, I mean immediatly after the collapse, not 17 weeks after the collapse. Didn't FEMA just buy a bunch of bodybags after Katrina? Those make good tents too, I guess.

They also make good sleeping bags for the long haul.

Yeah, the big sleep.

You just have to think long term. A FEMA bodybag is a great utilitarian investment.

I would love to see a list of alternative uses, for example: blow it up for a mattress, carry all your stuff in there like a big backpack, umbrella, giant ziplock bag for giant leftovers, cool hat, etc.

You either "run for the hills" like the bible tells you to do and hide in caves...

Or you go underground where there is a constant temperature of 50 to 55 degrees.

The middle of the U.S. Wyoming is good.

All of us Minecrafters will do the digging for free as long as we get to keep the silver, gold and diamonds!

california clearly has all the resources we would ever need. farm land. renewable electricity infrastructure. etc.

I do long for the West Coast. Never been there, always wanted to. Good enough reason to go too!

My compound is deep in the woods by a lake and if any of you come within 100m you're likely to be shot.

That is a good idea to take all our pictures and it is thoughtful of you to volunteer yourself to take the pictures. We could put our names on the pictures so it will be easier to remember names. Everybody is pitching in, this is great!

Fine, but I'm not providing snacks.

You would shoot me?

I am a woman who strictly adheres to the three B's: Back Rub, Blow Job, Breakfast

You would really get rid of me?


As long as you approach the compound topless you will be unharmed. ;p

My money is on the Denver Airport - from what I can determine, there should be suitable accomodations for a good number of us.....

There are some really neat murals to look at while we are all in line, too!

You guys need to consider global warming in the collapse plan (assuming it doesn't happen within the next few years). Probably would be good to head north a bit..

A giant, under ground facility would be perfect up there, constructing something like that is unlikely with limited resources, plus we could go sledding as much as we wanted.

hahahaha, well it doesn't have to be that far north. We definitely need hills/mountains, and a clean water source (could be difficult).

I bet we could do it if we put our minds into it!

We'd need to organize more seriously than posting on reddit.. That's the first step. Then we need to analyze our personal skills and contributions.

It's not a crazy idea, but just at very theoretical pre-planning stage.

I'm sure a lot of us will have to learn some new skill sets as our old skills/carreers will no longer be very usefull. Those darn bankers are going to have to do some farming.

What's wrong with Canada? There's enough room here for everyone, and the winters aren't so bad depending on where you live.

Yeah, but most Americans don't speak Canadian. (trollface)

How many Americans would Canada be cool with coming across the border? They would be pretty pissed and wonder who the smart guy was that invited all the Americans.

Meh, the way I see it is that either we let the people into Canada, or we wait around to till we're invaded. Besides, most of our population growth comes from immigrants. Damn birth control!


Well then I should do pretty well, because I am the fittest! Actually, I will probably be the nerd in charge of the new Pony Express. 5 cents an hour.

Australia or Africa would be good.

We can use the tin foil to cook all the dead fish, too!

I'll bring the boobs. . . I mean booze

Really? That is super nice of them!

Just find me in PA, We'll head over to the east-coast and grab a bigger boat than a canoe.

Also, bring a print-out of sailing instructions... We should probably use the wind as much as possible.

Its difficult to burn the oral tradition. I suppose that the Natives deserve a little retribution.