I just saw black helicopters and black SUVs with sirens heading up nortwest of Rine Grove, Louisiana. Anyone know what's going on?

19  2011-01-11 by [deleted]

They drove off into the marsh, and I ain't got a fucking clue what this is all about.

Edit: Holy mother of god I fuckign wwent out with my care to see what is going the fuck on. I went the direction i saw the suvs go, and look what i just fucking snapped on the horizon. no fucking idea what this is man. http://i.min.us/ibulKk.png

*That is pine grove no rine grove

Edit2: I was able to get closer and take some pictures. I don't know what the fuck is going on.




You managed to discern that it was a black helicopter at night? Any noise coming from this direction?

Sorry, I just gotta call bullshit.

If you actually took that photo, post a higher res version.


Evidently the landings have begun. Earlier than I expected, as far as I knew we sleeper agents weren't to be activated for another three hours - oh well, stupid time zone difference, we never did figure that out.

Pics pics and more pics, oh and maybe the name of a local tv station or two.


Guess we will have to wait for more word of mouth

routine display of force?


They heard about the free donuts at Ma Kitchin's Bakery..

Please keep us updated!!


We're on the edge of our seats. I hope its a space ship crash!


Definitely a space ship crash. Ask them to do an AMA!

This made me laugh out loud. upvote!

Probably some dead birds. Nothing to see here, sir.

Your picture got me curious.

Why is this picture a .png? This suggest it may be a screen capture


Use jpg for photos and png for screen captures and digital comics. :)

Updates are mandatory. I am intrigued.

I've seen ufo pictures better than the picture you provided.



Happen to check how old the account was?


Knew it was a troll..

I did a image search for one of the pictures: http://www.tineye.com/search/f078f903bc11ecb256582a3d5dc4ca0486da3658/

it was taken from the internet...

But he said he served in Vietnam! And hed seen some things man!


damn trolls



It was definitely fwah. I saw this post an hour after it got posted. Damn troll... I got excited for a little bit.

lol you were correct

quick, foil hats on.

i'm waiting...


narcs to hide your stash!

I suggest you DONT drink the bong water.


Thats no question, god bless you sir. While there's clearly something happening out your way, this is phrased exactly the same as the homeless guy on my street corner who is talking into a radio about invasion....but theres no batteries in that radio....

There very well could be something weird going on. If its not on tomorrow mornings news, I suggest going to http://www.coasttocoastam.com/

Thanks for your service, and I look forward to hearing more of your claims, should there be more than meets the eye.

Knew it was a troll..

I did a image search for one of the pictures: http://www.tineye.com/search/f078f903bc11ecb256582a3d5dc4ca0486da3658/

it was taken from the internet...

But he said he served in Vietnam! And hed seen some things man!