What do you guys think really happened on 9/11?

5  2011-01-28 by [deleted]

Who was responsible? Why did they do it? Why the lack of investigation?

Is it just that there's some New World Order, or maybe just a bunch of rich people, that has some grand plan to enslave the masses as part a class war, and 9/11 was used to help further that goal? (by giving the government, which is obviously controlled by money (campaign contributions, lobbyists, etc.), more power; by giving the people of the planet something to fight about for a few years (terrorism, what really happened on 9/11, etc) while the final economic and legal preparations are made; etc.)

Could it have just been the military-industrial complex guaranteeing itself another ten or twenty years of paychecks? Maybe Boeing or Lockheed funded it? or the CIA itself?

Or did some nation-state other entity (Israel, Mossad, CIA, Al Qaeda, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Bilderberg, etc.) want something from the US and the politicians wouldn't give in, so they let 9/11 go ahead, even though maybe they could have stopped it, or maybe even helped to carry out the attacks, to prove the point that the US has to give in to their every demand or terrible things will happen? If so, who do you think it probably was? Why?

Or are there just a few religious crazies somewhere that have taken control of enough of the government that they could get 9/11 to happen for their own personal/spiritual reasons? Maybe there are a few crazy Jews in Israel who rose to power within the Mossad and helped to carry out 9/11 in order to guarantee Israel's safety by scaring the shit out of the US and everyone else and then, as a result, getting more aid from the US (to fight terrorism, etc.) and getting more of a say in what the Pentagon does ("since Israel is our primary/only ally in a dangerous land"). Or maybe some crazy born-again Christians funded it or helped to organize it in order to help bring about the End Times or something? Or maybe it really was just Al Qaeda or Bin Laden or whoever: some crazies who just "hated America" so much that they wanted to fly a plane into it.

Maybe some nation-state or entity (China? Israel? Russia?) did it to us just to prove that they own us and can do anything they want to us and we can't do anything about it.

I've been thinking about this a lot, and I want to know what you guys think really happened.


christ, we've been over this. freedom hating dudes who weren't born in either afghanistan or iraq, ostensibly taking orders from one osama bin laden, were able to commandeer four (4) aircraft (using the lethal boxcutter as their weapon of choice) and fly said aircraft (with zero practical flying time in a passenger jet) in a manner that was described by some traffic controllers as "military-esque" hitting (precisely) three of four targets, subsequently 'collapsing' three buildings to dust and resulting in the invasions of countries that had nothing to do with the attack. oh, and since the terrorists hated our freedom SO much, the only logical step to be taken by the government was to completely eviscerate the bill of rights and constitution.

nothing to see here folks, move right along. go watch american gladiators.

It all seems so plausible once you write it down.

Not sure, but I can tell you what DIDN'T happen.

On that note, what do you think happened to the original planes and passengers?

Operation Northwoods plan did a simple switch, with the original planes being substituted by radio controlled planes. This was a plan the Military wanted to move forward with in 1962. Kennedy nixed it . . .

probably something similar than whatever happened to the polish president, his other staff and his plane.

Financial elite buying another ten years. I think you had it right in the first paragraph.

Do you think making it illegal for corporations or individuals to donate or give money or gifts or anything of monetary value to politicians, combined with strict campaigning laws requiring that there be no political ads on TV or radio, would pull the rug out from under the financial elite?

If not, what do you think would have to be done to fix this situation, where the extremely rich control everything, often at the expense of the masses, to one where we can trust our politicians to act in the interest of the people instead of the corporations?

Do we just need a global French Revolution?

Stop using fiat currencies. Use LETS instead. Abandon the culture of domination. They control us by colonizing our minds with ideas that prevent us from taking any effective action. We need to free our minds. That is why I invented A Bioregional Calendar and Startime.

  • Why would a Saudi oil billionaire attack the country that feeds him and most of his country? The Saudis own about 1/5th of the US economy.

  • If it was a Saudi attack, why did we bomb Baghdad and make Saddam a priority and finally occupy Afghanistan indefinitely?

  • Who profited? Defense contractors and associated insiders such as Silverstein and various stock market investors.

Back then, China was my first thought since we were already strategically moving in on Eurasian energy resources but luckily a few hours later they knew who did it with photos and a mastermind.

Easy. Terrorists suicidally attacked the twin towers via airplanes because they were jealous of our freedom. I thought everyone knew this?!

Wow, the terrorists must be really pissed at Amsterdam.

That's pretty funny!! Have an upvote.


If the American military knew that Israel was behind 9/11.. why would the US still be giving them tons of money every year?

Do they have America's balls in a vice, somehow? Or are they just (Israel or Mossad or whoever) acting on behalf of some NWO or financial elites or something (i.e. Israel's balls were in a vice)?

Could it have been a rogue Mossad operation, something that was never endorsed by Israeli higher-ups?

My real questions are.. what can we do to prevent this from happening again? and how can we find out who was responsible for this and bring them to justice?


I watched the first few parts and thought it was good (aside from the audio being so messed up), but once I found out that Part 8/8 was missing, I stopped watching (didn't want to be left hanging by youtube, so I left myself hanging instead :P)

It was a heist. With unintended consequences. Big insurance policy on the WTC complex. Many billions of gold stored in the tower. paint on thermite. Plane, boom. Chaos.

Take gold, insurance covers gold, insurance covers buildings.

dupe the 'terrorists' to take part.

Shoot plane down, for not making it to the Pentagon. Plan B, fire a missile and claim it's a plane that hit's the pentagon. Bin Laden is smart and resourceful, but this type of activity is out of his league.

That's my opinion.

It's unintended consequences... The USA as a police state. Precursor to Darth Cheney's invasion of Iraq and the enriching of Halliburton and the military industrial complex/oil co's. Need some tricky cash to pay for it all, not to mention we need the public to be more interested in buying stuff.

What is with the US, not holding those bush/cheney responsible for lying to start a war over oil. I don't understand it.

A highly theatrical event was orchestrated then blamed on "terrorists" so that we could say goodbye to our freedoms and invade the Middle East, and make a whole lot of people really really rich.

The Rand Corporation, in conjunction with the saucer people, under the direct supervision of the reverse vampires, and under general oversight of the zionist jews and the NWO together planted explosives and thermite in the world trade center surreptitiously and then subsequently staged the rest of it or some other equally stupid sounding shit?

The Jews! FTW!


thanks for the insight, you fuck. you are the cancer.


What do you know about Muslims?

They're exactly the same as every other ethnic and/or religious group. The majority are fine. The minority are crazy fucking whack-jobs. No religion is void of their fair share of these whack-jobs. I have nothing against anyone. If you're civil with me, I'll be civil with you. That's all there really is to life. Fighting based on ethnicity or religion is just fucking stupid.

He denied it in an interview with A journalist days after. Then came the "video tapes" of confession.

I could brag about it and admit to having helped plot the attack. But I didn't. So maybe they didn't either. Hearsay is not admissible here.

And even if they did, why did they do it? Just because they hate America?

It's unclear to me why you read /conspiracy/, but I assume you're either a paid shill or maybe you just find it humorous. If you're the former, then fuck you and I hope you get shot in the ass with a shotgun and left in a dumpster to bleed out alone in an alley. If you're the latter, then I encourage you to do more research on 9/11. If you do, it will become clear to you why Bin Laden's involvement is questionable at best (start with videos of Bin Laden himself--you'll see that he isn't the same person in every video).


So Bin Laden planned 9/11 for years and invested tons of time and money into it... just because he was mad that his paychecks stopped? That's crazy.

Plus, if you think it was Bin Laden, you're implying that you think that the planes brought down the towers (pancake theory) and that flight 77 hit the pentagon, both of which are highly questionable. Unless you think Bin Laden had the wherewithal to not only fly planes into the towers, but also to plant explosives in the towers to bring them down after the planes hit. Maybe so people would both be afraid to fly (terrorized) and so he could exact his revenge for his paychecks ending (killing 3000 Americans)? That's crazy.

Bin Laden didn't have the time, money, or resources to pull something like that off. You would need military precision and an unlimited budget. CIA, Mossad, who knows. Definitely not some obscure group of religious fanatics who could barely even fly planes.

Right, why believe the most plausible explanation?