Can we stop the Secret America??

8  2011-02-07 by Perfect_Fit

Being pretty well read on the 'Truth' information and seeing the pattern going back to King James, and understanding their endgame scenario. It seems sometimes like they are too far ahead of us to catch up with them.

Every day I see the pieces coming together, and solidifying themselves behind illegal laws that were designed to destroy our Constitution and tear away our freedom. What do you think we should do (legally) to preserve our Liberty and destroy these criminal institutions that are destroying this great Nation?

Ron Paul read into record charges against the Bush jr and sr of war crimes. He is also auditing the Federal Reserve. And there is a public push against the Unconstitutional "Patriot Act" but it appears Congress is going to pass it in secret, and possibly try to make it permanent.

But people are waking up more and more, but will it be in time? How long do you think we have to stop this before we have to RECLAIM our freedom instead of preserve it?

And finally, do you think we can win this for freedom and the world?

EDIT: petition online to repeal the "un-Patriot Act"

and here:


As I see it, the root problem in the United States is Zionist influence on political, economic, and social policies. Washington is run by Zionists. The media is controlled by Zionists. The entire money system with its inbuilt debt slavery is designed and run by Zionists. Remove the power and money from Zionist hands, and you remove the problem.

The Zionist people are war loving people, and they feel entitled to all things tangible.

We have a problem in this country, the Zionist constructed a wall of fear and blame. This has cause many news reporters to become actors, and the Main stream media, is completely Zionist controlled.

The truth is people are scared to be called anti-semitic, and this causes them to shudder when they must speak the truth. It is widely regarded as the Holocaust industry. They use the holocaust to guilt people into agreeing with them.

The issue will always be this: Who writes the laws, the books, the news, the movies, the entertainment, and the curriculum? and they even control the currency!!(via Federal reserve)

The problem is simple, stop the ZIONIST WORLD ORDER.

edit: forgot to mention the banks.

this whole "Zion is The Problem" thing is what killed conspiracies for me. i dont care anymore. ill keep eating my frankencorn and breathing my chemtrailed air and buying into the Secret America machine until i die. fuck the conspiracies. THE MOON LANDING WAS REALED!

Lol don't want to hear the truth? No one cares if your agreeing with it or not, but don't try to discredit reality.

but how can we even vet reality? its all just differing points of view! you cant trust any reality but your own!

and it sounds like before the "zionist" aspect you saw it, do still see the truth?

I ask because I thought you were being sarcastic.

I accept that zionism is just a name for a group, which their 'club' has its rituals and belief's which resembles a "religion". What they believe exactly I am not sure, I have gone the road of documentation facts and illegal activity... And I will explain why I have decided to leave the/their religion out of it: 1st) IF we pursue this in a religious ....conflict scenario, involve other religious figures, Pat whoever will need a roller coaster to fight the Zions. And choosing a 'holy war' is laid out in the Bible, and it will wage for 1000 years. I am HOPING for a lil quicker!! 2nd) It would become a war on "terrorists" with no flags no faces and anyone pointing saying, "Zionist" and then the "good people" go all TSA on their asses, and we dont need that situation either because thats where we are right now. Same demon different face.

However if we attack them through organizations, groups, and associations we can then attack them in a legal capacity. And keep the religion OUT of it. Because face it. the people of America will not get behind a 'Holy War', BUT they will ban together against legal injustice!!

The farthest I have delved into understanding their belief's is Bohemian Grove movie (yes its Alex, him and one other man have ever gotten footage out during a closed ceremony, so if you want to see what happens inside there your choices are limited) and tit-bits here and there from other sources.

We need a group name for skull and bones, Illuminati and the Builderburg Group to bulk them into instead of by religion.

EDIT: petition online to repeal the "un-Patriot Act"

and here:

The main thing that Zionists believe ( to the best of my knowledge, and correct me if I'm wrong) is the second coming of Christ including Armageddon. They seek the end of the world as we know it in pursuit of their God. I find that to be an abhorrent belief because they seek the end of what we all work for which is a better future for mankind. The willful destruction of the earth as we know it can be arranged by enough zealots working in concert ( a conspiracy) but it is a criminal intent.

im pretty much okay with all of that

Mission accomplished!

wheres my aircraft carrier ceremony? i want a flight suit!

Nope, not you.

The Zionists.

hey... i accomplish things too! ... i just dont feel like it right now

LMFAO pats WoodElephant on the shoulder "there there we know you do" =)

ROFLMAO good one!

... this record is cracked ...

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... this record is cracked ...

... this record is cracked ...

... this record is cracked ...

... this record is cracked ...

... this record is cracked ...

... this record is cracked ...

... this record is cracked ...

unplugs the turntable

Uh, I hope you unplugged the right one ... I was hoping that tttt0tttt would stop his discredditing and unconstructive propaganda, but it doesn't seem to have worked yet.

Not that I'm pro-Israel; just that such rabid anti-Israel posts tend to poison the font of knowledge.

ahhh would be the line to the left showing you were replying to someone ... lol I am still a reddit newborn .. 3 or 4 days ... cant tell been sick, so days are kinda foggy, and I was trying to be funny =)

and I was trying to be funny =)

My deadpan needs work.

EDIT: petition online to repeal the "un-Patriot Act"

and here:

I have extremely low expectations for any sort of positive reform happening at the federal level at all, for anything.

We have an issue that everyone cares about, marijuana prohibition, that has broad support and transcends race, gender, age, etc. lines and we get no reforms in that area at all. And everyone is ok with it.

So when I see things about people trying to bring attention to issues that are important... like foreign policy, the Patriot Act, monetary policy, etc. I have very low hopes for any improvement. Even if we did an incredible job spreading the message and got everyone talking about it, like marijuana, nothing would happen.

I know that's a defeatist attitude but I don't see it being inaccurate at all.

Not inaccurate, big part of why I made this post in the first place. And I do agree with legalizing marijuana and always have been, statistically its probably the LEAST harmful thing we can consume. Not to mention the MASSIVE industry that can be constructed around it. Creating MILLIONS of jobs, from fuel production, medical usage, rope, and a multitude of other products and materials.

But I am not one to give up, I'll be the frog half way down the pelicans throat with my hands around its neck preventing it from swallowing. Therefore I will persevere, because if we dont our children will grow up in hell. (I wish that was a pun)

The only thing I can do right now that makes me feel like I am able to do something is to find petitions to sign (hope those still work) and finding these individuals that are following evil orders on social networks and giving them hell on their pages, and explaining to their 'fans' why We are upset. example: The DHS censored Jesse Ventura's show then ordered cable providers to go into customers DRV's and delete the program on them. Once Alex received the documentation from his source showing it WAS the DHS, HUNDREDS of people went to the DHS and several other people associated with the incident facebook profiles and filled anywhere they could find an area to post, to let others know the truth about these people. When 500 comments are all about the same thing the most skeptical person reading this would have to at least wonder. Otherwise they feel they are an outcast for not following the majority.

If you guys are right about these conspiracies it was too late a thousand years ago. If the powers that be are as evil and powerful as you think - and as good as manipulating - the game is over. Most of the populace doesn't believe any of this conspiracy stuff and the evidence that is put forward is vague and circumstantial. It's not convincing people (even smart open-minded people) because it isn't convincing enough. Maybe it IS true, but there is not enough evidence to convince me, or most other people. If you can't convince at the least a very large minority of society you can't win, not within democracy, not within a revolution either.

actually our forefathers did bring this power to a hault.. for a time with the Constitution. I will refer to a large portion of their quotes. The Constitution prevented Government under restriction from growing and abusing their authority. The Patriot act basically decimates the Constitution.

First Thank you for being open enough to look at the possibility. Let me just say this; wikileaks hit the big news, now wikileaks has been doing this for years, only now America got burned. and that is why Ron Paul read charges of war crimes against Bush and Mini-Bush and this is why America went to war against Wikileaks and still looks to take out its owner if they get a chance. Take a day and search around 'believing its all true' and digging deeper and deeper, start with Frontline, Secret America its a PBS publication and then on youtube they still have the Conspiracy Theory by Gov Jesse Ventura shows that DHS has censored and even ordered the cable companies to go into people's DVR's and deleted saved recordings of his Police State episode. There is no cure for the blue pill, or the red If you want some links let us know

also about 40% are "awake" to the truth, but around 93% believe they were not told the truth about 9/11 (Lied to)

EDIT: petition online to repeal the "un-Patriot Act"

and here:


America is watching

Your post is well-meaning, but has many facts wrong and is too nebulous to make any kind of a difference, or to spawn an interesting discussion.

Do you think you can narrow your grievances to something more specific?

I wasn't trying to claim any 'facts' (but that is a common dont listen to this person response) I will address any "fact" I have proclaimed, if you specify them, but to disclaim everything I have stated, the cut and paste "many facts wrong" will especially since in my original post there is maybe 3 facts. So to say "many" implies ALL... let me sift through my statements and clarify them for you:

"pattern going back to King James" I did not claim it a fact, just an observation that the pattern is the same.

"illegal laws that were designed to destroy our Constitution and tear away our freedom" Patriot Act .. do I need to explain farther?

"Ron Paul read into record charges against the Bush jr and sr of war crimes"

"auditing the Federal Reserve"

"public push against the Unconstitutional "Patriot Act" but it appears Congress is going to pass it in secret, and possibly try to make it permanent." except the possibly, that was assumptions made by a few sources, but an assumption not a fact.

and I said "preserve" in an hopeful manner, yes we do need to reclaim many rights anyway.

And any of the questions might be helpful in a discussion or conceiving a strategy.

"auditing the Federal Reserve"

Ron Paul wants to audit it, but he's not likely to succeed.

Congress is going to pass it in secret

Nope, not in secret, but it may as well be so.

I'm not really disagreeing with you, but there are obviously a shitload of things wrong with your country.

I don't think this kind of scattergun approach can actually accomplish anything (although I admit I might be wrong).

I'd rather see some articles with some deeper analysis that helped me understand what was going on, rather than just pointing out a lot of rather obvious problems.

there is a VERY good chance the audit will happen, but by then they might have everything hidden or it will be too late. Another Watergate.

And I agree, I am not expecting any remarkable revelations with this post, just open a forum to toss around Ideas of steps we might be able to take. And get others opinions on: chances of success, timeline, defensive, offensive, actions, organizations, legal means, anything basically.

The desperation to find an approach or a focused effort against this is wearing on a lot of us that are awake I fear.

If you guys are right about these conspiracies it was too late a thousand years ago. If the powers that be are as evil and powerful as you think - and as good as manipulating - the game is over. Most of the populace doesn't believe any of this conspiracy stuff and the evidence that is put forward is vague and circumstantial. It's not convincing people (even smart open-minded people) because it isn't convincing enough. Maybe it IS true, but most people don't believe it's true. If you can't convince at the least a very large minority of society you can't win, not within democracy, not within a revolution either.

If someone is walking ahead of you, leading you in the wrong direction.. turn around and walk the other way.

  1. Get concrete evidence
  2. Go public

No one has managed to do #1 yet, so until that's done, nothing can happen.


First prove that you are not a cow. Or just prove you do not own a cow.

edit .

The point being that you demand that someone prove a negative which cannot be done.


I don't have to do that. I've yet to see any believer actually proffer any credible (read: independently verifiable) information that such plots do exist.

You really seem to have a problem with understanding what constitutes critical thinking, don't you? You should read Sagan's "Baloney Detection Kit". Without following those steps, it's impossible to demonstrate to any rational person that something is true, and guess what! If we want to stop any shadowy cabals from usurping democracy and freedom, the first thing required is to prove they exist. Posts on don't count, by the way, for obvious fucking reasons.

there is a pretty substantial amount of evidence that a couple planes didnt make 3 buildings look exactly like controlled demolitions. If you can accept any part of the non-official story of that day, then that is a pathway to understanding there is clearly more at work in this world than what is being openly presented.

They didn't look like controlled demolitions at all. All the "evidence" suggesting controlled demolitions is based on faulty assumptions, distrust, and hubris. Maybe they looked like controlled demolitions because buildings collapsed, but that's where the similarities end. I've seen every shred of proffered evidence against the official 9/11 story, and none of it makes any sense. It's either outright fabrication or a complete misunderstanding of physics. Every "anomaly" highlighted is easily (and more readily) explained by simple mechanics.

But that is no surprise to anyone. All the claims have been thoroughly debunked; far more plausible explanations for all phenomena have been given; and the story has been put to rest with anyone with an iota of rational thought left in their body. The only people who re-hash these "zomg!!! demolition!!!" claims are those who seem to ignore actual evidence that goes against their pet theory, and elevate anything in support of it to the state of divine revelation. That is irrational beyond belief.

Seriously? There are so many architects and engineers who disagree with you. Lastly, how can you account for the destruction of evidence, confiscation of pentagon footage, omitting building 7 from the entire 800 page 9-11 commission report, the list goes on. Beyond the physics of the only steel buildings to ever collapse from fire, there is plenty of compelling evidence that should make you raise an eyebrow.

Oh for fuck's sake. The people who disagree with the official story have not investigated it. They didn't get samples of the steel and perform tests. They just got all paranoid-delusional and called foul without reason.

Building 7? It's fucking obvious why it fell - the nearest tower shed loads of debris on it, which carved out the entire back side of the building, causing it to collapse.

Surely you mean: "the only steel buildings THAT HAVE EVER BEEN HIT BY FULLY-FUELLED AIRLINERS AT CRUISING SPEED to ever collapse from BEING HIT BY AIRLINERS AND BURNING IN A HIGHLY-VENTILATED ENVIRONMENT, WITHOUT FIRE RETARDATION, SPRINKLERS, OR FIREMEN FIGHTING THE BLAZE", as that's the only logical comparison you can make. No other buildings have been subjected to that, so your neat "forgetting the planes" argument is clearly completely invalid. You are comparing apples with oranges.

Ok dude don't have a coronary. Pretty sure if you carve out the back of a building it does not fall straight down but hey someone on the Internet has clearly done more investigation than everyone else who had any doubts. Save me the bold and caps and I'll just say agree to disagree, neither of us is getting anywhere.

If you carve out the back of a building, it will fall into the cavity, which is clearly going to be in the footprint of the building. This has been demonstrated time after time after time, but you clearly don't give a shit. You ignore stuff that contradicts what you want to believe, while at the same time hanging on to anything that supports your preferred theory. That is irrational.

You're just not listening to reason. The evidence that it was just a collapsing building is out there. You, however, are sat on Reddit spouting false analogies and raising suspicion where there is none to be raised.

I disagree with you because all the evidence disagrees with you. Your irrational attitude to critical thinking is getting you nowhere.

"all the evidence" Sure thing, bro. Thanks for your insight and have a nice day. My tinfoil hat needs adjusting, I gotta go.

All the evidence (as in actual, verifiable evidence, as opposed to baseless conjecture) does agree with me. All the things that you call out as being strange or suspicious are easily-explained by simply looking for answers from reputable sources. You saying otherwise doesn't stop that from being true. If you don't want to actually learn, fine - keep living in your paranoid, intrinsically-incorrect world where random baseless blog posts define reality instead of actual learning from actual scientists who have actually studied the very things you are trying to understand.

No wonder you believe such horse shit - you don't know how to think critically.

r/conspiratard is that way. Bye.

Aww poor baby. You can't refute anything, because your faith (and it is faith) is based on guesswork and irrational support of your pet theories. You are simply pretending to be a rational adult, and look where it's got you. Your education seriously failed you, if you are so incapable of discerning fact from fiction.

9/11 troofing is your religion. Don't fool yourself.

damn bro you got me good! You're not worth my time cause your belief in what you've been fed requires just as much, if not much more faith. Apparently you get your kicks spewing subversive crap in a community FOR CONSPIRACY discussion. While your quips about critical thinking really bring the lulz, I must admit, this will most certainly be my last message to you. Additionally, I would urge you to hit up your nearest military recruiting office so you can help find Bin Laden and bring him to justice. I hear they could use some help in Afghanistan. United we stand!

I believe in demonstrable evidence, which requires no faith at all to believe, as it's actually explained and independently verifiable. If you want to learn anything about conspiracies, it's not advisable to just make shit up and believe whatever shit others make up. Critical thinking is essential to discern fact from fiction. You seem to embrace anything that supports your already-formed conclusion, which is the antithesis of learning. You are pretending to be a "researcher" or a "concerned citizen" whereas you are merely playing dress-up. You use the right words, but totally incorrectly. You're like a creationist railing against science, screaming that you are right, and that science demands faith and not you. It's pathetic. Conspiracy does not mean "believe in spooky paranoid scary stories without any evidence". Grow the fuck up. It's ironic you have the word "fact" in your username, as you clearly don't understand what that word means.

And I'm not American, so fuck that noise.


DUIs? Why should they matter? And the birth certificate has been produced to the satisfaction of all involved, and he's been subsequently inaugurated rendering the point moot. People don't "care" because that of which you speak is inconsequential.

Alex has been better the last few years LOL the Drudge report, AP and quite a few others have been paying attention to Alex and his sources lately. And so has the White House. But no you should never 'just accept' any one source for information, cross check everything through a few different sources. The least that happens is you may discover other facts along your researching. There are smoking guns laying around, we just have to decipher which crime goes with which gun.

And they are pretty well confirmed "they exist", problem is they say they are doing something else, because they do 1 good thing they advertise it, but they hide their evil. Then the public see's the one good thing and ignores the rest.

If Jones was right, he'd be dead. The fact he's still breathing means Alex Jones is full of shit.

Yeaaaah cause being right means dead already. shakes head so you only believe dead people??? good luck with that!

What are you talking about? Are you really that bad at understanding logic?

Alex Jones professes to having the inside information on dangerous international cabals. If that was the case, those cabals would want him dead, as he's doing them great damage by highlighting their existence. The fact he's not dead means one of two things:

  1. Shadowy secret cabals which require invisibility don't mind being talked about on radio and the internet by hundreds of thousands of people
  2. The shadowy secret cabals don't exist, and Alex Jones is wrong.

It has nothing to do with your incredibly simplistic idea that I'm suggesting "dead = right". You really, really fail at this logic stuff, don't you. No wonder you believe the nonsense you do if my simple post overextended your logical ability.

I'd give my right testicle to live in your happy, simple, "cause and effect" microscopic world.

Vote the bums out! Yeah, when the "bums" are somewhere between the treasury and the Goldman Sachs revolving door...

Oh for fuck's sake. The people who disagree with the official story have not investigated it. They didn't get samples of the steel and perform tests. They just got all paranoid-delusional and called foul without reason.

Building 7? It's fucking obvious why it fell - the nearest tower shed loads of debris on it, which carved out the entire back side of the building, causing it to collapse.

Surely you mean: "the only steel buildings THAT HAVE EVER BEEN HIT BY FULLY-FUELLED AIRLINERS AT CRUISING SPEED to ever collapse from BEING HIT BY AIRLINERS AND BURNING IN A HIGHLY-VENTILATED ENVIRONMENT, WITHOUT FIRE RETARDATION, SPRINKLERS, OR FIREMEN FIGHTING THE BLAZE", as that's the only logical comparison you can make. No other buildings have been subjected to that, so your neat "forgetting the planes" argument is clearly completely invalid. You are comparing apples with oranges.