Can someone please tell me straight? Who the hell runs this world? Illuminati... Rothschilds... Zionists...

8  2011-02-15 by [deleted]

I've heard everything from Reptilian aliens to evil secret cults. Who runs the show? Do all these forces conspire to manipulate us as one? Or are they all competing for global domination? What's the ultimate goal?


Banksters. I'd provide a link, but I have a severe onslaught of depression and am pretty sure I just don't care anymore.

True, if you control the money, it doesn't matter who makes the laws.

Hope you get better soon mate!

A dynastic, international network of very powerful people (bankers, industry giants, etc.) controls the progression of civilization. Their game is power: how to get it and how to keep it. A lot of people think these people are part of some Reptilian cult known as the Illuminati, but unbeknownst to them it's actually just propaganda from the same elite circle of people that have them chasing fables, utterly and completely distracted from what's really there.

As for the Illuminati, they are an organization officially and founded by Pythagoras. Before then they weren't known as "the Illuminati", they were just nomadic mystics that recorded the secret history of mankind and consequently possessed ancient spiritual knowledge regarding the true workings of God and the universe. The Illuminati consists of only the greatest minds the world has ever seen, with members including Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Hegel, and even Carl Jung (who allegedly lacked the discipline required of the Illuminati, but he did work with them). The Illuminati were the spark that caused the French and American revolutions, and they will be the spark to end the Satanic regime of oppression once and for all, very soon. Their aim is to completely liberate mankind from the grips of the "old world order" as they call it; the perpetuators of the emulated serfdom we call "jobs" and "careers" that distract us from what's truly important in our lives. Once the "old world order" has been eliminated, mankind will realize its divine potential and unify with it. That's the goal of "Illuminism".

The Illuminati have their own website and update it with a new article about once every 2 weeks, incrementally revealing more and more information. You can even email them and ask them questions.

Ok so according to this take on it then the Illuminatti have been persecuted by traditional banker and dictator types?

Not directly, but yes they face certain death if their enemies discover them. This has happened many times throughout history actually.

it's me

I asked this same question recently and was provided with some great information. Check out this documentary by Ryan Dawson. He is an American living in Japan with his Japanese wife and daughter and is a martial artist / patriot. He creates a very compelling argument without being racist towards Judaism nor radical in his beliefs. David Icke is a bit radical in certain beliefs but this article is great as well. - War By Deception

I generally like Icke, but shapeshifting lizard aliens is more than a bit radical. :P

I've seen a few of his videos, and they were very good.

I've never seen him talk about shapeshifting lizards or aliens. Is it hyperbole in the way I may call someone a snake, or do you believe he's literally saying some world leaders are the progeny of reptiles?

I'm not really sure. The reptile aspect could easily be a reference to the lower brain forms and fear, greed, etc. The way he presents it is literal truth but I wouldn't put it past him or be surprised at if he veils his ideas in hyperbole. This could serve a couple purposes. First to protect himself, if he is seen as "crazy" there's less chance of him being suicided. Secondly, if there are certain parts of his ideas that are clearly false, it would encourage his followers not to take everything he says as absolute truth, but to employ their own critical thinking skills and come up with their own ideas.

Personally I don't think it matters much, I'd be fine with either reality. What's important is to recognize the problems with "the system" are innate. To use an expression, we gotta throw the bums out!

It is not hyperbole, he has an entire theory on reptilian humanoid aliens with a bloodline that goes back centuries. If you have some time get some popcorn and watch his documentary with Credo Mutwa a very intelligent Zulu Shaman. It's interesting to listen to Credo's story about his necklace to say the least (best parts around part 13-14 and on). But yes it is hard to believe that Reptilian Humanoids still exist if they did at one point in history and rule the world behind the curtains. But when you get into the realm of conspiracy anything is possible; you must decide for yourself what to believe! - Reptillian Agenda

Not hyperbole. He claims that the elite "blue-bloods" in our society are reptilian shape-shifters, able to project a human form that fools us on a daily basis.

This lineage is headed by the British Royal Family (the Queen Mother apparently was a bad ass). The Bush family, amongst many other historically influential families, are supposedly blood relatives.
Also, Princess Diana was sacrificed in a Prince Philip directed, MI6 black-op.

David Icke talks a lot of sense in some areas. He loses me at other points though.
Occasionally, it's almost as if he's a conspiracy troll.

They are all trying to control the world. But, they fight amongst themselves just like the average man. One part I don't know much about is the Asian part and the middle-eastern part. But seriously, the Bankers are the ones who are highest in this scheme.

That is the mystery of all mysteries... Who is at the top of the pyramid? According to the theories, everything that influences us is pretty much controlled by whoever/whatever is at the top of the pyramid. The people (or whatever) at the top of the pyramid, who control the agenda, are not really known.

However, in descending order of importance in the hierarchy (not a complete list but just off the top of my head), some theorize that goes that it is something like this:

The people

The local authorities (state, city and police)

The government and government organizations (EPA, CIA, the Military etc. etc.)

The Media

NGOs, scientific bodies, religious organizations (Mormons) etc.

The White House

The corporations (Monsanto, BP, Halliburton, drug companies etc.)

The Federal Reserve and other central Banks

The UN and IMF

The Banking Families

Secret and Private Societies (Bilderberg, CFR etc.)

Royalty and the Vatican (disputable)

The top of the pyramid is down to speculation, but many people believe that there are some kind of aliens, satanic forces, or interdimensional beings involved.

I would advise you to do your own research on this... it's pretty interesting, but there is a lot of disinformation out there... so I don't think anyone can say for sure what is really going on. However, if you look at the hierarchy in these terms, a lot of stuff that didn't make sense before, does start making more sense...

I found this book The Unseen Hand to be an excellent description of the power elite. It doesn't matter what you call them because that is just a name however you can know them by their fruits, the pudding and all of that. There appears to be a particular methodology that can be intuitively felt once you have studied their method and certain connections have been demonstrated for you. It would be impossible for me to watch television now like a child with my mouth hanging open and a glazed over look. The attack on my reason and mental health is just too abrupt and awkward at this point. I only watch or listen to mainstream news sources when I want to understand what the larger agenda is behind particular events. Often times I am unsure what the payload of a particular event is from searching for the truth so I need to watch what is directed at the masses. Usually they are so blatantly obvious and crude in the delivery that I am able to decipher the intent within 2-10 minutes. Listening and watching beyond that seems to not yield much results for me because they tend to repeat concepts over and over again minute by minute and if not then their conclusions imply this twisted reasoning that they are prone to commit. That is the way that I go about understanding what I can. The names are not that important as the ideologies and methodologies. Once you have a firm grasp on these it is possible to recognize when one has inherited them or is a victim of them. In essence they do not want to work and they want us to do the working for them, beyond that it is just big words and immoral axioms.

Thanks for recommending this book, I've started reading it and can't put it down.

Yes, I too can no longer watch television anymore because it so easy to spot the deception and hidden messages and meanings, both in news and especially and advertising.

Banking elites have the capital to influence and orchestrate political and economic activity, however there are also very powerful individuals who have what I call ideological power. Technocrats like Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski are not nearly as wealthy as the British Royalty, the Rothschilds, or the Rockefellers, but their accumulated respect from less informed politicians have given them the power of persuasion and they still very much effect policy today.

Here's a very short list

British and Dutch Royalty, Rothschild's, Rockefeller's, CEO's of the top too-big-to-fail banks: Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, and Citibank, Kissinger, George Soros, Brzezinski, Dick Cheney, the Bush family, and others.

For those of you that believe the Icke theory of reptilian overlords, please justify it to us.

There is a lot of things that I disagree with on this theory but there is also some evidence that supports at least a bit of his theory. The best representation is his own video interviews with Credo Mutwa regarding the Necklace of Mysteries that was supposedly stolen from him in Swaziland. Check it out, its REALLY long if you watch the whole thing, or start around part 13 or 14 where it starts to talk about the necklace. He calls them the "Chitauri" and believes they have been around for centuries. - The Reptilian Agenda's a bunch of cabals that control things...not one person or group of people, but a number of people form groups, gangs, cabals, that serve their interest at the detriment of most people. Like survivor when the douchebags form a group to vote out the other people. Not a conspiracy as much as it's human nature to form groups to prosper and survive. Anyway..that's me.

Whoever is the greatest at manipulation.

He who controls the spice, I mean money, Controls the universe, no the world...economy, or was it money? Whatever you said it was! .... Show! Finally!

I swear to God, I had something for this....

oh, yeah and rawrc

Anyone in Power. The whole point of capitalism is Power and Control. Control of resources, Control of Governments, Control of Money, Control of Influence. We live in a Capitalistic society and a ever increasing Capitalistic World, so if you do not want to play the game of capitalism, you ultimately loose (whether your a country or a business).

So who is in power, easiest way to do it, follow the money as the old saying goes. But, now a days, its getting very tricky to see where the money goes with offshore banks, swiss numbered bank accounts and dummy corporations. Good luck with your search though!!! :D

Does it really matter who? We all know it's all fucked up, in our case we have an invisible enemy, which stops people from taking their land and control of their lifes back, because we are too busy fighting over who and what... Silly and so unproductive as you can see.


Jesuit Order

edit: keeps their minions out downvoting


You are in control of your LIFE.

Not always true.

Way to sidestep the question, which many people do care about.

"The greatest form of control is when you think you're free when you're being fundamentally manipulated and dictated to. One form of dictatorship is being in a prison cell and you can see the bars and touch them. The other one is sitting in a prison cell but you can't see the bars but you think you're free."

  • David Icke

True, if you control the money, it doesn't matter who makes the laws.

Hope you get better soon mate!