What are the most informative thought provoking conspiracy video documentaries?

25  2011-02-21 by [deleted]

Can we start a good collection of Doc links here? I loved zietgeist and I also enjoy reality bender types.


The Owners of America by George Carlin.

holy shit that was great.

This series is the best I've ever seen on the banking system. Especially because it gives such a good historical account of how the banksters actually came into existence and seized power.

Considering the difference between the reality of what is covered in the film historically and financially, and the public perception of it from what is taught in school (rather not taught), this documentary was an extremely eye opening and unsettling experience.

This, Adam Curtis' "The Century of the Self", and Noam Chomsky's "Manufacturing Consent", completely changed my world view.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jN_NBWfzwZQ - War By Deception

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W35JuEWpwwM- The end of America details the steps a country takes when it slides towards fascism.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x-CrNlilZho - Endgame

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ukv85nc-VOA&feature=related - The Israel Lobby-Total Jewish Zionist Control of USA

There really is only one thing David Icke has ever said that I appreciate and agree with, and he says it in the first minute or two of the video in this link. Specifically:

This problem... this worldwide deception... this global ass-raping that has been going on for decades... has nothing to do exclusively with Jews (as a people, race, religion, ethnicity, etc.).

Rather, the problem is: ROTHSCHILD ZIONISM

This is the agenda of the elite banksters and their invisible hand.

If you do not understand this, you are not yet awake.

If you kind of understand it, but still hate people for their religion/ethicity/race, you are not yet awake.

If you see the leathery skin of their cold-blooded, reptilian bodies... well, ...

.... sorry... I got nothin'.

Welcome our alien reptilian overlords!

EDIT: The epitome of cowardice is to downvote without commenting.

I did not fully understand it until watching War By Deception and reading the Rothschild Zionism article by David Icke... it all makes perfect sense now. I never understood how religion tied into all of this but it all leads back to Israel like it has for centuries. I would have to agree, Rothschild Zionism is the biggest threat to humanity.

Icke was right, and he showed courage to state it. But I don't know why he says Rothschild Zionism, when simply Zionism would be sufficient. Are the Rothschilds connected with the Zionist political movement? Maybe, but they are not the entire movement.

I hope it's for the same reason as I stated, above.

If you haven't noticed, any time Zionism (or, rather, Anti-Zionism specifically) gets mentioned (without a specific qualifier) it is almost immediately set upon by disinfo agents (and others) as being an anti-semitic discussion. This, is distracting. Without the backing of the Rothschild International Banking Cartel, other Zionists (regardless of religion - Christian, Jew, or otherwise) have no footing on the global stage.

Yes, I see what you are saying. Icke wanted to do an end run around those who would reflexively brand him as antisemitic because he criticized Zionism, so he explicitly linked Zionism to the bankers who we all know are destroying the American dollar, and other currencies, in their ongoing orgy of greed. The most prominent name in money circles is the Rothschild name. I get it he was trying to protect his message from knee-jerk, propaganda-programmed attacks, but in my view it's important to remember that Zionism is more than the Rothschilds.

Probably not the best analogy, but I'm gonna give it a try anyway.

it's important to remember that Zionism is more than the Rothschilds.

Although this is, technically, true. That technical truth is a distraction from the central truth which needs addressed. Here's my (very cheesy) analogy.

In AD&D, there is a Magic User spell called "Mirror Image". This spell, when cast, creates multiple duplicate illusions of the caster. For example, the mage, Raistlin, casts Mirror Image, and suddenly there are 5 (or more) "Raistlin"'s present, all but one of which are meaningless, incorporeal fakes (like "holograms"). Attacking these meaningless versions protects the real version.

Something similar happens with Zionism. If you're not focused on the primary core of the matter (Rothschild Zionism), you're chasing ghosts.

Endgame lol "I have the document, people!"

Yeah Endgame is ok, not a big fan of Alex Jones productions.




Evidence of Revision <Kennedy Coup>

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Nice list.



When I was a man, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child.


I agree - I am not saying the moon landing was not a hoax but it does appear to be one that has been properly "debunked" no? It's an inherent problem with conspiracy theories and one that kind of makes me think I am just going in circles as it seems impossible to discern the truth : (

It is easy to discern the truth when the preponderance of evidence outweighs the inane babblings of attention seekers...if you watch that famous moon landing hoax documentary and immediately watch one of the many real explanations of what we are seeing, you will feel really stupid that you wasted your time thinking it was false.

This is the reason NO ONE takes conspiracy folks seriously; most of you are like christians, no matter what evidence is given, the conspiracy theory still remains virulent...

BBC Documentaries: Power of Nightmares, Century of the Self, & The Trap

Adam Curtis documentaries. Highly recommended.

Century of the Self was amazing

That one is scary.... complete pillaging of entire countries.


Zeitgeist is a compilation of underground ideology, an underground populist appeal to the disenfranchised of the world, professionally assembled, with studio artistic genius, by an ego-stroking, wannabe false messiah.

That having been said, it's worth a watch, as far as movies/documentaries go. But don't get caught up in "the zeitgeist movement" and all the rest of that "give us your money" shit.

Agreed. Don't get caught up in any movement. Once you subordinate your own unique view of the world to the agenda of a movement, you lose your identity.

really? ah cmon

Moving Forward was the best. I'm all for that way of life now.

Zeitgeist is the one that appears to have made the most sense to me.

America: Freedom to Fascism by Aaron Russo and his unsolicited interview with Alex Jones (the interview that Alex didn't request - NOTE: He talks about womens' panties in this video).

I would say 'Kymatica' was the most thought provoking for me. Although many criticize it, i think it's message is so true.

Core of Corruption Check out that series.... CoreOfCorruption.com