What you're eating is crap.

12  2011-04-05 by [deleted]

Hi, I am half-Japanese and half-American and I would like to use that as an advantage to talk about my experiences. I have lived in The US for 4 years and in Japan for 11 years. I would just like to talk about food and how it tastes way different.

First of all, lets start with milk. The milk here is tasteless. America promotes Low-fat milk and all but even the whole milk is tasteless (and includes useless vitamins). In Japan milk tastes more sweet, and more unique. It doesn't taste anything like the milk over in America.

Second, candy and sodas. We obviously know that candy and sodas are unhealthy. But Especially American sodas are. Since my stomach is used to eating Japanese food, I feel sick when I drink soda. Also American Cakes are not cakes at all. it's just sugar with sugar and a sugar topping.

ANYWAY TL;DR AMerican food is messed up and the NWO or huge corporations are feeding you unhealthy food so you would be addicted and die. If you have any questions on what food here tastes like ask.

Update : I read a comment that said that dairies, candy, cakes, and sodas are unnecessary so I'm going to talk about meats and veggies.

The meats over here are either has lots of hormones or is diluted with water. It is less tasty and my mom complains because the food she makes here doesn't taste as good as the ones she made in Japan because there is less fat in the meat. Now you might think that less fat = Good but if it is something natural, it's better to keep it that way.

The veggies here are enlarged. I was surprised the first time I saw cucumber, eggplants, and green peppers for their enormous size. They are genetically enlarged and has less taste in it. Same thing for all the other veggies and fruits.

update2: I know this is a whole bunch of sweeping generalization but I feel like americans have become picky eaters. In Japan there was a variety of foods and dishes I can't even name it all. However in here, my cafeteria's lunch has less variety and is very unhealthy. They consider "French Fries" as a vegetable. To me they shouldn't even be allowed to serve French Fries.


I grew up in Russia and I can relate in a way. I remember spending summers in the village where everything that was put on the table was straight from the land my grandparents owned. The fruits and veggies had so much more taste and smell then the shit you buy at a supermarket, and the milk was simply heaven. A lot of people living in big cities have no idea what they are missing out on, they just order #1 super sized and they good.

On the other hand American food isn't radioactive...yet.

too soon

Its never too soon

too late?

Its not too late.

Its never too soon

Street ramen...yum!!

America, as a country, isn't number 1 in much of anything besides killing people, arresting people, putting people in prison, and overcharging for medicines. America is a nation at war with itself, with it's people, with the very idea of charity, politeness, manners, or class, except the "We have all the money and no you don't" kind of class - as in First Class Jackass...

But it's sad because, really, about 25-30% of Americans are really cool interesting people....it's the rest of you slackers that should stay home and choke on a tater-tot.

Yeah? Well fuck dairy, you shouldn't even be consuming it.

Fuck candy and soda, you shouldn't even be consuming it.

And finally, Fuck Cakes, you shouldn't even be consuming it.

Is there anything that I missed? Because you're generalization of "food" seems to only be about Junk food, and if you seriously think that the same corporations (that supply the raw materials) are any different because they've been established in a foreign country you're mistaken. Honestly, you're still eating crap, either change you're eating habits or get over it, don't feed me this NWO bullshit as if it's only in America. It isn't.

I'm Canadian and I go to the United States a lot. It's pretty bad, you can taste the hormones in the meat.

I was in the US for a few months and was floored by how low the quality of the food was. Meat, veggies, you name it: they were all.. sad.

It depends where you shop. I live in Northern California by the coast. There is shit food but also plenty of new supermarkets that have varying degrees of health themes. However when I go Southeast into military-prison-industry complex it gets much worse.

I can only speak for myself, but it is because of the terrible & mass production of meat in America that I have almost gone completely vegetarian. In all honesty, I don't see what people's fascination over here is about cattle, the way they're treated is disgusting. Don't get me wrong, hand me some gamey meat & I'd gladly sink my teeth into it, given that it wasn't prepared in a restaurant. I'd like be there when the food is being prepared or even be apart of the cooking process & everyone should be. That is, if you really are concerned about the food you're eating, it's the only way.

Maybe it has something to do with our suppressed guilt over killing all of the buffalo.

I can not upvote this enough, the killing of our wild buffalo is a huge travesty. Yet again, the corporations (specifically for cattle) have the state of Montana wrapped around their grimy little fingers. If you or anyone hasn't seen "Buffalo Warriors" I highly recommend you watch it and learn about the truly despicable operations that take place in the month of March against the wild buffalo's of Yellowstone. Later this year I will be moving closer to the reserve and hope to voluntarily offer my services in hopes of getting this situation under control & especially more media spotlight.

I drink raw milk, and the taste is awesome. It has character. And, I've lost a bunch of weight.

I stopped eating soda and candy because it was making me feel gross and sick. And, I lost a bunch of weight.

As far as cakes go....well, it turns out I'm gluten intolerant and I had to cut out anything with wheat flour in it. And, I lost a bunch of weight.

I'm basically down to whole food, homegrown whenever possible, awesome meat with healthy fats, and vegetables and fruit. I feel better, I look better, and I enjoy what I eat now more than I ever did when I was in constant sugar shock. I just wish more people realized that commercial food is doing to them; the taste and convenience is NOT worth wrecking your health and well-being.


Soda in USA has HFCS in it. HFCS made from GMO tasteless industrial corn.

Milk in the US is filled with pesticides, rbgh, puss, blood and antibiotics.

Come up and Visit Canada, or move to South America or Europe.

Yep, thats correct. Thats why Americans are so fat.


Actually there's no crap in japan - even the 7-11 equivalent in Tokyo serve sandwiches that look like they were made by a 5 star hotel.

I agree, the US put additives in practically everything and the body treats them as poison. The body needs to create more fat in order to store the toxins because it can't metabolise them.

Solution, don't eat anything that's made in a factory or comes in a packet. you will feel 100x worst at the start of this exercise as your body goes into detox mode but you'll feel 100 x better for it after.

That's a sweeping generalization, though I agree to some degree it'd seem outright crazy to most Americans if you bring up something like it.

Remember, most people still believe that 9/11 was done by "terrorists" and the majority of the population ignorantly trust the media.

yes it is a generalization. However, the natural and organic foods tends to be expensive (unless bought locally) and I still haven't tasted good milk around here and in my are the amish lives.

It depends on what you buy.

If you haven't already, you should consider joining a crop share. In the warm months almost all of my food comes from a local non-GMO organic farm in a neighboring town. I pay $625 up front and I get 22 weekly deliveries of more high-quality produce than I can possibly eat in a week. That's $28.50/wk, and it feeds both me and my fiancee. They also have local honey, local (pastured) eggs, and local grass-fed meat from farms in the area (which they sell separately).

There's also the peace of mind that comes with knowing that you are almost guaranteed to be fed for 22 weeks even if you run into financial or other problems. I can't recommend it enough.

Just a note about milk: where I live we have a farm close by that sells fresh milk daily. This is the milk that needs to be shaken before you drink, because there's still cream on the top. There are a lot of these in places like California and tennessee. Guys, this kind of milk has not been homogenized. That's good. If you have a local place like that, use it. The milk is sweet and creamy and so much healthier. I hate store bought since I've been drinking this kind.

I prefer fat free homogenized milk because I have to subscribed to the idea that any fat will make me fat.

you should check out the FAQ in /r/keto, and read about the Food Pyramid, The government is lying to you and everyone else with that thing.

Your meals should be all Fat and Protein, avoid the carbs as much as you can.

i don't know if I should agree with that. Carbohydrates are important but shouldn't be taken in large amounts. Carbs produce quick energy so if you feel can't concentrate on your homework, eat carbs.

Unless you're already in Ketosis, then you're brain is running on superior fuel.

either way you don't need the base of the pyramid to be Grain, Bread, Pasta.

Oh yeah? Well at least we have access to independent and unbiased media.

Oh wait...

fox news... cough cough

but but Fox News is "Fair and Balanced". It says so right there on their channel. You can't argue with that.

I was in the US for a few months and was floored by how low the quality of the food was. Meat, veggies, you name it: they were all.. sad.

I can only speak for myself, but it is because of the terrible & mass production of meat in America that I have almost gone completely vegetarian. In all honesty, I don't see what people's fascination over here is about cattle, the way they're treated is disgusting. Don't get me wrong, hand me some gamey meat & I'd gladly sink my teeth into it, given that it wasn't prepared in a restaurant. I'd like be there when the food is being prepared or even be apart of the cooking process & everyone should be. That is, if you really are concerned about the food you're eating, it's the only way.