How you woke up

22  2011-04-30 by [deleted]

Waking up out of our media-induced slumber is something that we all have in common here. Does anyone want to share the story of how they woke up? Yeah, it's a bit "campfire ghost stories", but sometimes we need to reinforce the commonalities we have.

For me, it was 2-tiered.

  1. I had always known who Monsanto was. I live in the corn belt, and even though I live in an urban area, the word Monsanto is ingrained into the minds of people who live here. A woman at my job who calls herself a locavore must have seen something in me, and started urging me to watch movies like "Food Inc." and "The Future of Food". Needless to say, watching these movies was a big eyeopener, and they primed me for the next tier of awakening.

  2. On my first date with my current SO, he started talking to me about eugenics. "WTF is eugenics?", I asked. We discussed flu shots, and the intentional starvation of third world countries. I thought he was a bit overbearing with it all, but was just glad to have finally met someone who didn't just want to talk about football and TV. A couple of weeks later he let me borrow "Confessions of an Economic Hitman", which I tore through. He told me about HAARP, and I must confess I found it to be a bit fantastical. That is, until I noticed chemtrails and possible HAARP signature for the first time. Having always been an avid stormwatcher and stargazer, I felt stupid, betrayed, and pissed. The rest is history.

Realizing that everything you know is a fucking lie is quite the shock. Neo yelling "No, this isn't happening!" and puking doesn't do it justice.



9/11 and the unnatural behavior of the administration immediately afterward was what got me started.


I first "woke up" when I saw a video called Pentagon Strike. I woke up.

I was mad, real mad. How could they do this to us? I began to research. I read... and I read... and I read... and slowly all the pieces of the "conspiracy" slipped away. I wondered how I could be so gullible by a flashy presentation.

Then I rubbed my eyes. Now I consider myself to be a skeptic.

I am no longer groggy from just being woken up and the world looks a lot clearer.


It sucks. As far as conspiracy goes, most conspiracy theorists don't believe it anymore.

It is so full of holes I laugh at myself for once believing it. I can pretty much give evidence of how it is wrong on nearly every point the entire thing makes.

Just the major ones: The hole

witnesses to a plane: 70+

The videos (the number goes up to 80, but they only point out three): Citgo Doubletree (The traffic one wasn't recorded)

Pentagon engine debris

Pentagon plane flying low and skillfully


More debris

Pretty much every hardcore truther has pretty much admitted that a plane has hit the Pentagon now. They've moved on to demolition conspiracy theories.

9/11. I was just a kid in Algebra class watching all of that go down and still knew something was wrong. Buildings don't naturally fall like that. When Building 7 fell, I thought to myself why? I asked my teacher, she just acted confused, and blamed debris from the other collapses. Watching Building 7 fall at free-fall speed, for no reason at all, woke me up.

same for me except the algebra part


I listened to a lot of System of a Down/Rage Against the Machine and read/wikipedia'd the lyrics that I didn't understand.

One example:

System of a Down - Deer Dance had a lyric that went "can't afford to be neutral on a moving train. I looked that up and found out it was the title of a book by Howard Zinn.. I looked up more info about Howard Zinn and found out about his book A People's History of the United States. I bought that book, after reading it I had a few hundred more topics to read about.

It's a great book, I think there is an online version somewhere.

edit Here is the book

Amazing book!

The ‘unawakened masses’ are NOT your friend. They prefer their controlled lives, and universe view, and WILL defend it. Remember, that approaching those outside the woo-jo, and inviting them, or even insisting that they join, will not work. To the unawakened you are attempting to kill off their comfortable existence. It is like teaching a pig to sing, it will not work, and will only annoy the pig. It is up to universe whether any specific individual shifts over to an awakened state. Repeat…it ain’t up to you.

Tell me about it. No one except the locavore will talk to me any more. They think I am nuts, I think they are doomed.

i believe thinking of the unawakened as pigs would defeat the purpose. maybe stop thinking of the unawakened as pigs when you try to wake then up. that would help. you do not want to wake somebody up suddenly. you do it gently or else they wake up angry.

That snippet you pulled out is the EXACT same one that gave me the most peace. Nice work.

This is a good topic for this subreddit.

In my case, waking up was a gradual process. The most important factor was the realization that my very concept of reality was not one that I had formed for myself, but had been fed to me from the day of my birth by those around me and by the media.

In the case of the evils of Israel, which many people will regard as my favorite subject since I often speak of it here, it was a gradual process of realizing the injustices that were taking place to those who criticized Israel, the Holocaust, Zionism, indeed anything Jewish or anything having anything to do with the Jews.

Individuals were having their lives destroyed by Zionist smear campaigns, and they had never done anything wrong except talk about Israel or the Holocaust. I saw that they were being deliberately targeted for destruction by Zionist organizations, so that their destroyed lives would act as a warning to others. This was, and is, so manifestly unjust that I could not keep silent.

It's funny how as a child in public school, I had to sing about the menorah almost as much as the christmas tree even tho there wasn't a single jewish kid there. Not a single kid asked just was. All makes sense now.

911, the real perpetrators, and the real motivation (not just 'oil', that's as dumb as saying 19 muslims) is a good way to get anyone to start digging deeper into world affairs.

'confessions' is a shocking and relatively short read and another excellent tool to awaken people to real issues.

When I was a kid, I was taught that the US was a great country. Then I saw the Vietnam war on TV and the my lai massacre in Life magazine. I kinda knew that we were fucked at that point.

During a G8 meeting in Europe I have met Jim Tucker and Daniel Estulin in an american hotel I was working for as waiter. Just next to the room where Bill Clinton and Tony Blair had met for an intimate talk a few hours before that. Daniel asked me about the room, the globalists and Bilderberg but I had never heard of "Mr. Bilderberg" before.

I have seen a lot of things since then and my intense research about 9/11 has opened my eyes.

See how I "woke up" is as a kid I've always been interested in things not easily explained: ghosts, UFO's, big foot, bermuda triangle, the kennedy assasination, etc. etc. but as an adult and the introduction of the internet you start seeing more and more of these things going on and realer stuff occurring, stuff that hits closer to home, like the conspiracy of the good ole' boy system railroading innocent black men for w/e reason they need to.

However my real awakening was that most conspiracy people that bite into everything as a conspiracy are scary and highly paranoid people who get sucked into their delusions and start seeing shadows in every good deed done. Yes I admit there are things that do have my eyes open such as the NWO stuff and the descrepencies of 9/11, and the various other real things going on that the government just won't give us an answer for.

9/11 was a big thing in my life, I know thats an understatement because it affected many peoples lives and many more so then me but it is something that my thoughts land on often enough. I'm a new yorker, born in Queens raised in FL and long island, NY is where my heart always will belong, all of my family lives here, when I'm not in my home state I long to be home. On 9/11 I was a Marine, when the attack happened we were listening to it on the radio in our office, the information was wrong and crazy sensationalized, it was the russ parr morning show and this guy was reporting planes flying into everything and anything, naturally I thought "we're going to war and we're going to kill these fucks for this!" a few months later I was at war and killing people for what I perceived they enabled. when I look at the manhattan skyline I still see the towers as they were, when I talk to my family, typical Irish family composed of police and firemen, they tell me of what they were doing to help at ground zero. I guess what I'm trying to get at is I don't want to believe we did that to ourselves, that I feel that emotion and stress and my family and myself put themselves in danger for something that we might have done to ourselves so that our government could have carte blanche to beat the shit out of any arab country they wanted to. I don't want to believe that and it makes me angry when my mind wanders in that direction.

Conspiracy theories that make sense still interest me, the on about the guillotines makes me angry at how stupid it sounds, the one about HAARP makes me angry because it is scientific and interesting but makes as much sense as 9/11 and scares me that all of my service to this country may be for a bunch of pieces of shit willing to sacrifice their own people in the thousands to meet their own ends. I became a marine and a proud one to prevent the hitlers of tomorrow from ever being able to do such disgusting acts of murder, but if I buy into the 9/11 and HAARP theories it means that I was serving the Hitler's of tomorrow .. and today.

It occurred after 9/11. I was shown a video (no idea of the name or source) that explained that security camera video was confiscated from gas stations and other local businesses near the pentagon immediately after the attacks. It raised questions in me that have yet to be answered.

You mean these ones? Citgo Doubletree

Well I guess those were the confiscated videos. Looks like they don't show anything new. I see no plane in the Doubletree video, but the hotel is on the other side of the impact site anyway.

9/11. I was watching when the second plane struck, and immediately thought "We are going to war."

At first I believed the official story. This was during high school.

As I became more educated (thanks College!) and read more information online about the War on Terror, I realized just how many unexplained inconsistencies there were in the official story.

My mindset drastically changed in college. I went from a liberal Democratic, mindlessly voting with the party line, to supporting Libertarianism as taught by Ron Paul and the founding fathers.

I realized that the government isn't here to help me. World history is filled with governments suppressing people.

I'm lucky as I live in the U.S. which is mostly free. But I see my civil liberties disappearing. I see people not even aware of what they are loosing. Not even aware of the lies the media feeds them.

Amazingly so many of my college peers believe so much bullshit. Sheep indoctrinated into a system of thinking without critically analyzing their world. WTF is college for then.

Honestly, I've never thought of myself being asleep. Anyone else feel the same way?

I had always been a little cynical of the way the world worked. But when I started dating my current GF about 2 years ago, she made me watch zeitgeist almost immediately. It felt like all my thoughts were puzzle pieces and someone just showed me how to solve the puzzle. All the sudden I could piece together what I thought were unrelated stories. This summer I'm starting to build my home in a very secluded area. Hopefully be off the grid with in two years.

Its great that you are getting off the grid in the boonies. If I had enough fed notes, I would do it too.

It will be a slow process. Luckily my whole family is in the building business so hopefully I can do it on the cheap.

/r/conspiracy's definition of "wake up": disregard all evidence except that which supports their delusions, regardless of the fact that it's usually from a single person or small groups with zero credibility.

Also, inb4 a bunch of butthurt teenagers who think they're unique freedom fighters because they're contrarians on every issue.

yeah man, that's it, that's what's going on here, a bunch of butt hurt teenage contrarian freedom fighters, the world actually works like we see on CNN and foxnews and anyone who thinks otherwise is just ultra unintellectual and probably hates all science

A_Nihilist(great username by the way,) my fellow intellectual, has you all pegged, gullible conspiracy theorists!

> He's so butthurt he can't even tell he's making a strawman argument!


incredible wit, incredible wit

might want to look up the definition of 'strawman argument' and then re-examine your first post in this thread, you're acting kind of like a butthurt teenager, and it's super unintellectual.

"the world actually works like we see on CNN and foxnews and anyone who thinks otherwise is just ultra unintellectual and probably hates all science"

In other words, you're attributing to me an argument I never made. This could be viewed as either putting words in my mouth or simply strawmanning my argument to a ridiculous degree.

Don't get butthurt because you're wrong. Delete your comment and move on.

Don't get butthurt because you're wrong. Delete your comment and move on.

you act more act more like the people you describe each time you post, you are caring so much that you're doing a disservice to your username.

Glad to see you've admitted you're wrong through no longer acknowledging any argument.

glad to see you care enough to continue trying desperately to win a non-argument on a subreddit you believe is populated mainly by teenage freedom fighting contrarians, you sure aren't a very good nihilist.

This is amazing. You're so butthurt it's making me butthurt! Unprecedented!

I've always been quite skeptical. Reading a bit of alternative press during high school, learning about things like the involvement of the USA in Third World countries' elections and worker actions, specially the training of armies in torture techniques and guerrilla-war containment in South America and the Middle East. That's why things like the puzzled question of many americans 'Why do they hate us?' is meaningless to me; if a foreign country came and messed with unions and popular movements and trained the army to combat insurgents protesting local corruption, damn right I would fucking hate them!

Also, being friends with a family that had some basic vegetarian habits helped. They ate meat but sparingly, proferred fruit and local vegetables, were wary of processed food.

Then, 9/11. That just about just cemented my ideas.

I envy that you can share this outlook with your SO. Mine kinda knows the direction of the ideas I hold, but has never deigned to share much of his outlook with me. I don't know if he thinks I'm crazy, if so, just a little and he probably finds it endearing. Meh.

I'll admit, I got drawn into such topics in college through a friend who, sadly, embodied the bad stereotype of the unstable insane conspiracy theorist, especially if you didn't know him. You wouldn't have been surprised to learn he wrote time cube- except he would have done a bit better job, I think. I still disagree with a lot of his beliefs (they were pretty far out there) but his crazed enthusiasm led me to do a lot of my own reading, and things went from there. (This was, hmm '05, I would say.)

I often tell my SO that meeting him was the best and worst thing to happen to me. I'm so so so glad he opened my eyes, but at the same time I wish I never found out (ignorance is bliss). If ur SO thinks ur crazy, at least he knows enough to keep it zipped ;)

When Dubya won the 2000 primary, I told my housemate "the US is going back to Iraq to finish what his dad started". Then almost immediately (well before the election) .. a whole line of electric cars got recalled and destroyed. After that, TV propaganda just pissed me off... so, I guess that's when I was "awake" - by the time 9/11 happened, I was already becoming alienated among previous circles of "friends"... About 6 years ago, I began re-establishing relations with oooooold friends who were also awake.

Heard about a show called No Agenda while listening to TWiT:

I remember thinking "Why don't they stalk a drug dealer to the wholesale drug dealer above him, all the way to the national distribution center? With taxes we pay, it can't be a problem."

Then I noticed how laws, rules, regulations and businesses are explicitly against common sense; how they are there to preserve the status quo by aggressively opposing anything that might make everyone's lives simpler, better AND cheaper - all the while talking about how we must save this or that and spending trillions on wars.

Then I read 'Cat's Cradle'. Then I saw 'They Live' and 'Brazil'.

That snippet you pulled out is the EXACT same one that gave me the most peace. Nice work.

i believe thinking of the unawakened as pigs would defeat the purpose. maybe stop thinking of the unawakened as pigs when you try to wake then up. that would help. you do not want to wake somebody up suddenly. you do it gently or else they wake up angry.


yeah man, that's it, that's what's going on here, a bunch of butt hurt teenage contrarian freedom fighters, the world actually works like we see on CNN and foxnews and anyone who thinks otherwise is just ultra unintellectual and probably hates all science

A_Nihilist(great username by the way,) my fellow intellectual, has you all pegged, gullible conspiracy theorists!

Don't get butthurt because you're wrong. Delete your comment and move on.

you act more act more like the people you describe each time you post, you are caring so much that you're doing a disservice to your username.