IAmJulianAssange submitting 90% of links
65 2011-05-16 by macthedaddy
As an occasional r/conspiracy reader I find the majority of the links that show up on my homepage are from IAmJulianAssange. In checking the homepage, a majority of links are submitted by him. Don't know much about him. Is he well known? Just a guy? What are your thoughts on having so much content submitted by a single person, in a conspiracy forum?
57 jwgmac 2011-05-16
IAmJulianAssange does a good job selecting interesting material. I'm glad he does what he does. IAJA makes reddit/conspiracy a place I visit several times a day.
66 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
Thank you.
7 getnit01 2011-05-16
I appreciate what you do! You get upvotes and downvotes for a reason ;) but an upvote goes to you.
19 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
I thank you kindly.
5 [deleted] 2011-05-16
Yeah great job dude, also, are you Julian Assange?!
8 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
I am he as you are me. (no)
3 sergeantbadasses 2011-05-16
happy I friended you man. You always have interesting posts up. I AM SPARTACUS!!!
2 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
Thanx again.
1 Sarah_Connor 2011-05-16
You might like the mayan saying: "In Lake'ch" -- "I am another yourself"
2 [deleted] 2011-05-16
Yeah, big ups IAmJA. Love your work. (more than that white haired Aussie fellow under house arrest in the UK).
5 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
Thank you.
1 [deleted] 2011-05-16
I hope that doesn't happen, with all my heart, because I love Sweden. But it has happened before when the government helped CIA smuggle out people to Egypt who most likely got tortured there.
2 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
Can he expect better treatment than Manning?
1 [deleted] 2011-05-16
In Sweden? I think you should always expect the worse with governments.
2 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
If the Americans get him.
1 niaou420 2011-05-16
I really don't know what kind of conditions we would hold him in, though I would think that he wouldn't have the 8 months of solitary with no exercise.
Manning is a bit of a different case because he's in a military prison.
2 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
No one knows what kind of conditions he would face. You assume we WILL hold him. He is not accused of any crime. The media bobble-heads have called for his assassination and most people think he should be punished in some way for something. Due PROCESS (you know the whole legal thing: probable cause, grand jury, warrant, arraignment, bail, trail by jury, sentencing) has been abandoned. Now we just imprison people indefinitely or kill 'em. Why? Because "the government" says they are a threat to "national security". The problem is not a guy with a website with news you can't get on TV. The problem is our legal system has degenerated into show trials. BTW if you every have to go to court you will find it unlike every TV show you have ever seen.
1 niaou420 2011-05-16
Oh, we're on the same team here. I've even been lucky enough to spend 3 months in jail because the government doesn't like what I put in my body.
Our legal system is a piece of shit and has nothing to do with justice. I got arrested two months ago for protesting the torture of Bradley Manning.
2 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
I sincerely respect what you have done.
Not everyone is willing or able to do this.
Hemp and marijuana will play a huge role in post-depression America.
2 greencrack 2011-05-16
Do you believe the US is headed for certain doom?
16 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
This is a global issue. We are in a great depression. It is cyclical. Few of us understand what is happening fewer know how to cope. For some it becomes catastrophic very quickly; (loss of job, loss of home); for others an annoyance (higher prices). The changes in our lives and in our understanding of the world and how it works will be dramatic. Already, most people can look back just a few short years and wonder what happened. I think that will be the continuing (worsening) trend until we are forced by exhaustion to give up "the dream" because it has become a nightmare. IMO we will continue to spiral downwards until we end the endless war on everyone. How far down we go and what that place looks like (not Mad Max) depends upon the collective consciousness. Our culture idealizes the individual and this problem requires, cooperation, community and consensus.
2 filmfiend999 2011-05-16
Is the Zeitgeist series valid, in your opinion?
2 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
I think Z1 was great. I use it to inform people that their religious beliefs are cultural indoctrination that prevents them from understanding what is happening in around and to them.
I think Z2 was very good for its depiction of the technological future as a good place.
I haven't seen a Z3 but I hope it is about how we get from here to there.
I understand the desire to be part of a group of like minded positive people (like reddit) but the Z "movement" seems a little contrived (like the "tea party").
1 [deleted] 2011-05-16
Please read what you post. That is all I want to communicate to you :)
3 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
I do read it.
I submit to this subreddit not only what is consistent with my personal views but ideas that cause me to think about other peoples opinions.
Sometimes I post items that are in opposition to my views 180°. For example, I posted about the WBC because they thrive on publicity not on what they believe. Posting what they believe defeats them. I also post the agenda of the EU because I think it serves as a shocking example of how far out of control things have already gotten.
3 [deleted] 2011-05-16
If you don't mind, could you please take this test for us :)
1) The purpose of the mainstream media is to:
A) Keep you informed. B) Feed you misinformation while keeping you distracted from the real issues our world is facing.
2) Social Security is:
A) A financial safety net that makes sure people have a retirement income. B) A government-run Ponzi scheme that requires more and more people to keep paying in just to stay afloat and will ultimately collapse into total bankruptcy.
3) The fluoride dripped into municipal water supplies is:
A) A naturally-occurring mineral. B) An industrial chemical waste byproduct.
4) When you donate money to find the cure for cancer, that money goes:
A) To fund research programs that assess actual cancer cures for the purpose of freely sharing them with the public. B) To fund mammogram campaigns that actually irradiate women's breasts, causing the very cancers that earn huge profits for the cancer treatment industry.
5) The national debt is:
A) Under control and will be paid off in a few years. B) Out of control and will spiral into a runaway debt collapse.
6) GMOs will:
A) Feed the world and prevent starvation. B) Threaten the future of life on our planet through genetic contamination and widespread crop failures.
7) The FDA protects:
A) The people from dangerous medicines. B) The financial interests of the drug companies.
8) The EPA's real agenda is to:
A) Protect the environment. B) Protect the financial interests of the chemical companies whose toxic products destroy the environment.
9) The Federal Reserve functions to:
A) Stabilize the economy and keep America strong. B) Loot the economy and control America's economy for the interests of the few.
10) The purpose of TSA checkpoints at airports is to:
A) Keep air passengers safe and secure. B) Indoctrinate Americans into surrendering to police state invasions of their privacy.
11) The practical function of the U.S. Supreme Court is to:
A) Protect the constitutional rights of the citizens. B) Legitimize federal tyranny over the People by ignoring the Constitution and its Bill of Rights.
12) Vaccines are based on:
A) Gold standard science that conclusively proves their safety and effectiveness. B) Quackery and fraud combined with a persistent medical mythology that utterly lacks a factual basis.
13) Herbs and superfoods:
A) Are medically useless and cannot treat, prevent or cure any disease. B) Contain powerful plant-based medicines that can help reverse and prevent disease.
14) In Libya, Afghanistan and Iraq, America:
A) Led a humanitarian effort to save innocent people from tyranny. B) Waged an illegal imperialist war to occupy foreign nations and control their oil.
15) The U.S. Bill of Rights
A) Grants you rights and freedoms. B) Merely acknowledges the rights and freedoms you already possess.
1 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
"Intelligence is the ability to hold two opposing ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function."
0 Nobody_special 2011-05-16
Great job
2 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
Thank you.
6 LukeDuke 2011-05-16
I agree, same with worldnews. I don't know how many links and articles I've enjoyed submitted by him... So thanks IAJA
2 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
Thank you.
20 Hughjarse 2011-05-16
He's not the submitter we deserved, he's the submitter we needed.
12 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
The truth is we are all Julian Assange.
5 [deleted] 2011-05-16
2 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
No one condones mistreatment of women or anyone else.
Sought or unsought, He is the icon of revealed information.
Maybe HE deserves to be in a swedish prison.
BUT it is probable the Swedes will turn him over to the Americans.
Can he expect better treatment than Manning?
What is the greater injustice?
0 [deleted] 2011-05-16
1 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
I think he tried to monetize his operation and make himself a multi-millionaire like the face-book kid. When he was a hacker he was just a kid getting past security without getting caught. With his co-operation, the media invented the outlaw. He is not a radical (see Abby Hoffman). He is a celebrity and an icon of free information. He is not even Alex Jones.
10 Soupstorm 2011-05-16
I'm going to be the outlier and say that, while his posts are generally good, his emergent monopoly on this subreddit's content is worrying.
To quote kr3at:
There's one very crucial "if" missing from this list: "if /r/conspiracy isn't being gamed by external entities". If it is being gamed, it doesn't matter if his material is good, or how many real people think it's bad.
This exclusion, in conjunction with the tone of all the other comments here, makes me wonder if kr3at and IAJA (among others) are agents of COINTELPRO. Here, we see evidence of a potential attempt to artificially improve IAJA's standing in this subreddit which, if successful, will make it far easier to discredit posts that go against things posted by IAJA. As this subreddit is largely not visibly moderated, and the reddit community in general is acidic towards abuse of moderator power, this is likely the closest COINTELPRO could get to gaining full control of /r/conspiracy.
Again, not saying that I've concluded anything. I still default to thinking IAJA is a force for good. It's just that we already have one state-approved counterculture mouthpiece in Alex Jones, and one false-flag honeypot is enough.
2 sugardeath 2011-05-16
The guy was asking a simple question and you're going to turn it into a conspiracy?
Oh wait, right, /r/conspiracy. Carry on.
0 Soupstorm 2011-05-16
I guess you missed the part where I said I wasn't concluding anything, or the other, much larger part, where this is the internet, and the US has been empirically shown to use software that populates online forums with fake accounts which are then used to manipulate public opinion.
Oh, wait, /r/conspiracy. So I guess that means I'm a schizophrenic anti-Semite. Carry on.
1 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
Who trolls with perfect paragraphs of snide professional expertise?
The self-appointed keepers of the truth.
Like Neanderthals perplexed by their own reflection they are confounded that their catechism can't make them human.
They spin the merry-go-round as fast as they can in hopes that others will get sick or injured.
They are conformist bullies.
1 [deleted] 2011-05-16
1 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
I do not believe in end-times, apocalypse, armaggedon, Notradamus or the Myan calendar.
8 [deleted] 2011-05-16
it's a conspiracy.
2 [deleted] 2011-05-16
what isn't?
2 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
Why Do People Resist Conspiracy Concept?
7 Tomthefolksinger 2011-05-16
a non-destructive hobby that gets attention and interaction
2 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
kinda like that old folk song
7 kr3at 2011-05-16
if his material wasn't good, his karma would be down and his stuff wouldn't be on the home page! Keep up the good work!
3 [deleted] 2011-05-16
Well If you submit links every 8 minutes you are bound to generate positive karma.
He spams us for his own reasons, whatever they are.
2 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
I do it for Karma. I sell it on ebay.
It is not spam. I post current news and or opinion. I do not write the articles I post. My posts do not generate "views" or "click-throughs" for me. Although now that I think of it...
3 RockitLaWnChair 2011-05-16
noticed this aswell. Harmless really. Maybe he owns this sub-reddit.
4 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
How do you own a sub-reddit?
3 RockitLaWnChair 2011-05-16
you start it. Anyone can create a sub-reddit.
4 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
Is there money in it?
Just kidding.
0 [deleted] 2011-05-16
4 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
'cause if there's money in it we could make up the news.
1 tummypierced 2011-05-16
"make up the news" wow, isn't that original.
1 Social_Experiment 2011-05-16
It should be. It doesn't exist anywhere other than the writers head!
3 cojoco 2011-05-16
If you cast your eyes to the right, you will see that this sub-reddit is owned by:
3 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
0 [deleted] 2011-05-16
Tell us about yourself.
6 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
idratherremain anonymous and invisible
4 [deleted] 2011-05-16
Of course it does stoke the fires of those wondering what the agenda is behind the anonymity.
The catch 22 of the social news age.
5 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
I am not interested in fame or fortune or even publicity.
My agenda is to "cleave the general ear with horrid speech, Make mad the guilty, and appall the free, Confound the ignorant, and amaze indeed The very faculties of eyes and ears."
I am more free to do so if I remain anonymous.
5 [deleted] 2011-05-16
Evey Hammond: Are you like a crazy person?
V: I am quite sure they will say so.
1 [deleted] 2011-05-16
2 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
I'm basically doing one now. It slows me down.
I think everyone should protect their anonymity. Stay out of mobs, jail and the media.
1 [deleted] 2011-05-16
1 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
This is a very good question. Many, many people put there HOPE and faith and trust in Obama to CHANGE things. It didn't work out. For several reasons I can think of: 1) looking in the window at the banquet is very different from sitting at the table; 2) nobody uses 4 wheel-drive unless they have to; 3) he is just another politician.
I am not a person who believes in an end time or apocalypse or Mad Max scenario. I'm thinking huge tent cities (or FEMA camps) squalid cities like the ghettos of the 50's and 60's. Many people are already there. It is difficult to live in the corporate world by day and in your car at night. For those people, food clothing and shelter is all they have time to think about. Luckily that is not my situation.
I think it is prudent to down-scale to a low profile and small foot-print so that we can live well within our means (spend less than you earn) so that we are not in Disneyland McMansion today and "grapes of wrath" destitution tomorrow.
Each of us is known to our friends and family. That is where true leadership abides. We lead by example. We effect change by being honest about our concerns and our understanding of the truth.
The greatest fear of the tiny minority in control is mass awakening (Arab Spring, Wisconsin). The leaderless revolution cannot be stopped: ""There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world, and that is an idea whose time as come."
1 [deleted] 2011-05-16
1 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
I started posting when Julian Assange was being targeted for assassination. I took the ID IamJulianAssange based on the idea that we all had to stand up to prevent him from being killed. This was my main inspiration: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-8h_v_our_Q
I am not pretending to be JA. I always tell people I am not THE Julian Assange except to the extent we all are, using a phrase from an old Beatles song (I am the walrus): "I am he as you are me".
It just so happens I do not like Julian Assange so I would never pretend to be him. However, he is the icon of free information. What credit does he have? He was arrested as a youth for getting past security. He (and his companions) created a website that is more show than substance. He is not diminished by my using this id and I am not enhanced.
The attention I am now getting is in one post about my posting. If you can figure a way to monetize this attention please give it a try.
I do not use any RSS feeds. I have three bookmarks in my browser bookmark bar. It is no trouble at all to share with people the information I find. Having been a kindergarten teacher I take your comment about being childlike as an inadvertent compliment of the highest order. Thank you for noticing.
1 [deleted] 2011-05-16
1 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
I don't know anything about guy fawkes, neither do you and neither do most people. NOW everyone knows JA and maybe you think that works in my favor somehow. My prolific POSTING is what is getting me attention.
I do not have a mission to enlighten people. My only agenda is to "cleave the general ear with horrid speech, Make mad the guilty, and appall the free, Confound the ignorant, and amaze indeed The very faculties of eyes and ears".
I realize now I am doing just that.
I am not promoting a person or group. I picked what I thought was a weak and vulnerable person who was being targeted for assassination. He has since become a celebrity and an icon of free information worldwide.
I did not say or suggest that teaching kindergarten was intelligent. I said very clearly that your attempt to insult me by calling me childlike was a compliment of the highest order based on what I know first hand about children.
I am not fighting or even arguing. I am not trying to figure out what I believe or stand for. I am posting links. I believe the reason this annoys you is I am not posting links to things you are interested in.
I do not know you. I do not recall ever receiving a message from you. I answer all messages. I usually do not comment except to post Excellent. or Excellent!
I still don't know what question you have or had.
You do not know if i am a man. You do not know who I am or what I think or what I believe. You would never recognize me in public or discover me in conversation.
You have no respect for the imaginary person you have in your head.
One more thing. If you commute to work every day for many years, at the same time, on the same conveyance (bus or train), with the same people does that make you a community? NO. A community is people who contribute to the welfare of others based on the knowledge, belief or expectation of similar treatment for themselves should they need it. You have to decide if r/conspiracy is a community and whether or not you want to belong to it. I decided it was not a community and began to flood this place with posts to get people THINKING & INTERACTING.
What are you doing?
1 LionFUUU 2011-05-16
Ight guys. It doesn't matter if behind this id is actually Julian ... just appreciate it for his work ... or don't. I for one certainly do enjoy the interesting links you're positing.
1 [deleted] 2011-05-16
1 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
Nothing you can mention? And I am sure your real name is Psychoban.
Y U STUPID? I have told you three times how I picked the name. Why do you insist you know how I picked it when that is of course impossible.
My posts usually get 1 or 2 upvotes. Some get a lot more. But very few. I never know which ones are going to be popular and I am usually surprised. I have to post a lot to get lucky.
People don't upvote because of the name. They read something they want others to see and they upvote to keep it from disappearing. As a matter of fact there are people who automatically downvote whatever I post so the name thing works both ways.
You have been trying to jrritate me with your insults and name calling. Which means that YOU ARE A VICTIM OF MY CONSPIRACY: to ":Make mad the guilty, and...Confound the ignorant".
BTW "everybody knows the war is over, everybody knows the good guys lost". What "good fight" are you talking about?
I am NOT a revolutionary (and neither are you so get over it; I suggest you channel your energy into preening and dating before you get yourself into trouble). It should be perfectly clear that I am an EVOLUTIONARY.
You never stated what it is you want from me.
1 [deleted] 2011-05-16
1 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
Thank for your permission to do what i have been doing very successfully.
I AN NOT PRETENDING TO BE SOMEONE IMPORTANT (i have already accomplished that mission - without pretending). I am posting under an Iconic name like batman or superman because at the time I started posting it was important to raise awareness of the plight of JA. Nobody mistakes me for the real JA. Whenever anyone asks I tell them I am not.
I do not doubt you are in politics because you want to fight and argue and win but you have no stated goals. You resort to name calling and insult so you can feel superior. BTW let me show you how that is done in America:
So what country are you from?
0 [deleted] 2011-05-16
1 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
What country are you from, is a subtle insult that "you ain't from around these parts".
You are not from any country. You are from a lot of places. You travel around doing good for mankind.
Either you are pretending to be stupid or you have a serious learning disability. IamJulianAssange is a statement of SOLIDARITY not identity.
This should help you
Nice chatting with you.
Fare thee well.
1 just_anybody 2011-05-16
My first time visiting this subreddit so I have not yet developed an opinion on IAJA. Objectively (and perhaps ignorantly) however, I think you're out of line.
1 ScoobysDoo 2011-05-16
Loose? You mean lose?
1 [deleted] 2011-05-16
1 ScoobysDoo 2011-05-16
Stfu - what are you 12? I don't care who posts what here and I make my own decisions regarding my opinions. I do notice the user name on a lot of links here but the story's do present differing agendas so I don't see the problem. Now if you are jealous that he gets more upvotes, you are preoccupied with something that really doesn't matter. It's a good thing your respect for IamJulianAssange doesn't have to be so tight.
1 [deleted] 2011-05-16
1 ScoobysDoo 2011-05-16
In what way is your user name any better? Everyone posts under a name that is different from their real name - I don't pay much attention to the user name unless someone points it out. Don't let the user name bother you - my user name describes doodoo.
3 bumblingmumbling 2011-05-16
I find his submissions interesting and informative.
2 Sir_Scrotum 2011-05-16
I find his submissive presenting arousing.
0 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
Thank you, my dear co-conspirator.
1 bumblingmumbling 2011-05-16
Keep up the good work.
0 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
3 [deleted] 2011-05-16
I'm shocked by the stupidity in r/conspiracy. It used to have good information about lesser known subjects but now it has descended into the "Ancient aliens" and "Lizard people" standard of conspiracies.I'm unsubscribed from r/conspiracy now because it's gone to crap. Good luck Iamjulianassange with your spamming mission I don't know how you are not shamed as a spammer with the dirt you submit.
2 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
I never have posted about ancient aliens or lizard people. I ONCE posted a portion of a David Ike presentation. Are you trying to suggest that I believe that HARRP CAUSED THE JAPANESE EARTHQUAKE by putting it in all caps? I do not believe that. I know many people do. I have posted about HARRP and what people believe it can do. I believe that the confluence of tectonic plates is what causes earthquakes.
Was this your comfort zone? Were you comfortable with the limited number of thoughts and ideas you could handle. Did you just find out there is no Santa and storm out? Come back when you grow up.
2 beavis420 2011-05-16
He's reddit's Julian Assange. Maybe some redditor from wikileaks?
2 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
Hobby, yes. Wiki, no.
2 taozero 2011-05-16
I A J A - Illuminati Alumuns Jugiter Aperio
(Footsteps in the distance... silence...)
2 RationalArgumentMan 2011-05-16
He's legit from what I've noticed since subscribing. His links never seem to be biased towards one specific source, he's willing to discuss with critics about controversial posts, and overall he seems to be open to answering questions in general. I've sent him a message recently about something I wanted clarified and he explained it politely and quite quickly from when I sent my message.
But I'm sure even he/she can agree when I say nobody should be exempt from criticism at all times.
2 tttt0tttt 2011-05-16
Just be happy he takes the trouble to submit so many good links. It keeps this subreddit alive.
1 [deleted] 2011-05-16
He is.... RIGHT ON!
1 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
1 ast05 2011-05-16
Right after looking at this post, I searched random and was taken to r/shill...
1 Conspiralagnia 2011-05-16
I'm glad he does. I think it shows that more people should be posting more good links, though.
1 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
I have been simply following your advice before receiving it.
1 mvlazysusan 2011-05-16
Well he only has 16 of 48 comments on this post, but I suppose one must sleep some time.
I think It would be good if he posted to other subreddits to , he may get his message out to those who ignore r/conspiracy and it's possible he may make it to the front page more often.
Hay Julian, do you know what happened to planet earth the last time comet Elenin came around?
Your slackin!
2 [deleted] 2011-05-16
He does post to other subreddits. I know for a fact that he posted a link to Ripple Effect in at least 3 others.
2 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
I post to r/reddit, r/politics, r/worldnews and r/conspiracy. I think I am banned from r/economic and r/economy. They want me to confirm my email address every time I post.
I'm slacking?!
1 Tam1 2011-05-16
Ive had a bunch of questions for IMJA that ive been thinking about for a while now, but i respect your wishes to remain anonymous. Thus ive skipped some of the ones ive had in mind but would love it if you could answer some others! How much of every day do you spend collecting/ posting links? Do you just post links to conspiracies you agree with or links to conspiracies in general? Finally what is your preferred method for finding new information (RSS, browsing etc)? I like the vast majority of your links and so from another skeptical mind i would also like to take the opportunity to say thank you!
2 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
I am a caregiver. I am on duty 24/7. Much of that time is waiting for something to happen. Sometimes I sleep.
I have three sources I trust (websites that post news). If an article is about another article, I go to the original unless it has already been posted. I rarely "google" unless I am looking for exact quotes.
Every once in a while someone will send me a message with a link to a story.
I submit to this subreddit not only what is consistent with my personal views but ideas that cause me to think about other peoples opinions.
Sometimes I post items that are in opposition to my views 180°. For example, I posted about the WBC because they thrive on publicity not on what they believe. Posting what they believe defeats them. I also post the agenda of the EU because I think it serves as a shocking example of how far out of control things have already gotten.
1 [deleted] 2011-05-16
I have decided that IAmJulianAssange actually IS Julian Assange.
1 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
No I am not.
1 [deleted] 2011-05-16
Allow me my fantasy. It also makes your submissions more funny. :D
2 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
You know I do that too: "Holy, moly Julian Assange is posting in conspiracy. Oh yeah, I forgot, it's just me."
1 KevenM 2011-05-16
In the spirit of this subreddit, I'm going to suggest that he is in fact doing a great coverup job of the bigger truths by feeding us smaller, less-relevant conspiracies.
1 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
You got it backwards. I am covering up smaller, less-relevant conspiracies.
1 ErVsEst 2011-05-16
Since you said you a basically doing an AMA: Do you believe everything you post? I think Bandito2010 had a good question..." How do we change things, how do we lead, if we can't be known? Or are you past the point of wanting to change things, and think survival a more realistic goal?"
1 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
I submit to this subreddit not only what is consistent with my personal views but ideas that cause me to think about other peoples opinions.
Sometimes I post items that are in opposition to my views 180°. For example, I posted about the WBC because they thrive on publicity not on what they believe. Posting what they believe defeats them. I also post the agenda of the EU because I think it serves as a shocking example of how far out of control things have already gotten.
Each of us is known to our friends and family. That is where true leadership abides. We lead by example. We effect change by being honest about our concerns and our understanding of the truth.
The greatest fear of the tiny minority in control is mass awakening (Arab Spring, Wisconsin). The leaderless revolution cannot be stopped: ""There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world, and that is an idea whose time as come."
1 koonat 2011-05-16
It's concerning, controlling the conversation, keeping everyone distracted on nonsense and bullshit.
1 DunDerD 2011-05-16
Did anyone else look to see if this submission was by IAmJulianAssange?
1 ErVsEst 2011-05-16
Under the mask of V is Julian Assange :) . Thanks for your posts and reply
0 [deleted] 2011-05-16
0 macthedaddy 2011-05-16
How am I bitching? Lol. I pointed it out and asked for thoughts on it. I appreciate it lol, I just think it's funny and ironic that in a conspiracy forum, one user provides the majority of content. L2READ or stop the bitchy comments. Take your pick.
0 SerendipityMan 2011-05-16
Bit ironic though, can't say it is not. How can we trust what the government says...goes and believes everything one person post.
-1 AFDIT 2011-05-16
It's a conspiracy!
4 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
Is there money in it?
Just kidding.
2 IamJulianAssange 2011-05-16
Thanx again.
1 LionFUUU 2011-05-16
Ight guys. It doesn't matter if behind this id is actually Julian ... just appreciate it for his work ... or don't. I for one certainly do enjoy the interesting links you're positing.