Let's not forget the US hasn't provided any proof that Bin Laden is dead.

55  2011-05-23 by [deleted]

As is always the case as more time passes this issue will too fade away as many others have, despite the fact that it should not be allowed to! I don't know how to go about it but we should demand proof from our government that Bin Laden is indeed dead.


Let's not forget the US hasn't provided any proof that Bin Laden was killed by the US on May 2nd, 2011.


When you are super power, you don't need to prove anything. It is, because you say it is.


You are dead on man! Well put

I hear you. The level of insanity that has been achieved in one decade is astonishing. And it shows no signs of a turnaround. Hell, nobody's even trying to turn it around. The so-called Patriot Act has been extended. Again.

The thing I don't understand is why the USA even bothers trying to justify its actions.

Why can't it just say:

"Yeah, we tortured people at Guantanamo, but that's just training for when we get into genuine counter-insurgency and need to terrorize and subjugate the populations of the countries we invade for their oil."

"Don't slip up, or your country could be next for the naughty treatment!"

You know that your boss is powerful and he can fire you at any moment with little justification if her or she wants you, but they still pretend that there are rules because they wants you to feel invested in the system enough to work your butt off and make them money.

but they still pretend that there are rules because they wants you to feel invested in the system enough to work your butt off and make them money.

The assumption is that people will keep believing the lies.

I've been around long enough that if my boss lied to me, I think I'd call him on it. It's not as if we're not both just cogs in the machine; he actually has only a little more power to influence things than I do.

Once it becomes blindingly obvious that one is being lied to, there is little reason in maintaining the pretence, except as a cowardly way to deflect questions.

like the neocons said, "we create our own reality, while the rest of the world tries to adjust".

But I agree, but it is beyond the Neocons but American exceptionalism is independent of party.

He's been dead for years, they had to drop the news just when Obama needed the approval rating boost most.

1 1/2 years before the election is not when he would need it most.

It is when you build on it with all the "secret" information that will now leak out for the next year.

People wanted the military to concentrate on Bin Laden which turned out to be a a hurdle for expanding to other countries.

Now with Bin Laden out of the way, they can start gearing up for Iran. Fox News is already making claims that Iran was involved in 9-11 according to "new evidence."

They needed Bin Laden gone to start switching more blame onto Iran as an accomplice.

Why didn't Bush pull this out of the bag instead then?
Certaintly would've boosted the popularity of the Republican party, and helped McCain's election.

And if this whole thing was a setup why would they wait for a year and half before his election to announce it? Surely this time next year would've been a far better time to do this?

He didn't need to. Political parties have nothing to do with politics. Obama is a black Bush.

Al Qaeda says he's dead, and IT'S A MOOT POINT IN GENERAL.

They did prove it with several high quality photoshopped images and a shoe floating out to sea.

Thats all the american people need, after all the government never lies and the TV said so.

Agreed, except that the 'evidence' was as pathetic as the 'official story'. Whoever greenlighted it was either counting on the fact that we are by and large a nation of morons, or does not understand the information age.

They only get away with things like this because of one reason only.

The average Americans total apathy and ignorance of all things global.

The privatised version of the operation mockingbird media makes out that anyone who doesnt believe official lies is a conspiracy theorist.

The media liked to portray the world as hating america for its freedoms when the reality is the world hates america because most americans are as dumb as bricks while wrapped up in a me me me walmart oprah culture.

One day the americans will wake up but by then it will be to late

Pretty much.

One day the americans will wake up but by then it will be to late

I wish that were true. But american culture is spreading.

I suspect if/when america takes on china, and if china wins. We will see a culture shift, that will be a wake up call for many. Till then it's the western way.

It is not american culture that is spreading, western culture is spreading, and western culture does not like america at all

Anyone who thinks Bin Laden "ISN'T" dead... is full on crazy. Not lol "that person's crazy!" crazy, but "jesus, that person's bat shit crazy" crazy...

Go ahead and down vote this to hell if you want, but the man is dead people...

You supply as much proof here as any of the other media-military comedy-club conspiracy theories do....

... so you must be not full of shit.

Based off of the angry reactions of the Pakistanis that loved him, I think so.

It was our entrance into a future war with Pakistan, plain and simple

Just like 9/11 was our entrance into an overall middle east war with whoever we deemed fit (Iraq and Afghanistan as it turned out)


He's probably in a US military hospital, same as he was on 9-10-2001 when Rumsfeld announced the $2.300.000.000.000.oo missing at the Pentagon who's investigators were murdered one day later.

Have some lite reading: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2011/05/16/unconfirmed-american-deaths-helicopter-crash-bin-laden-capture-aborted/ , and go back to sheep.

No body, no death. Which is of course already too complicated for the cheering masses.

No smint, no kiss. When will they learn!

al-Qaeda saying he's dead is good enough for me.

Al-Qaeda? Who exactly is that these days?

I thought the terrorist groups had all split up from within. Not that there were strong ties to begin with.

And wouldn't you think that if the U.S. could verify that someone publicly making such a claim was "al-Qaeda", they would also have enough information to swiftly apprehend him, or (silly me) more likely rain Hellfire missiles at or near his last known location?

Exactly. I don't know how the hell he died, when, or who killed him. But the guy is dead...

Not to you


I wonder whether if, in this subreddit, not knowing the difference between "see," and "sea" helps or hurts you with your fellow devotee's?

nah, most people are not that pathetic to care about silly typos, then again maybe you are pathetic so i will change it just for you

I think you fit perfectly here. You seem like exactly the kind of person who belongs in this kind of arena.

The letter see?


ISI, Irani Intelligence, Afghani Intelligence, Russian intelligence, Chinese Intelligence, and CIA have report UBL's death as December 2001 due to Kidney Failure.....

Not only has no proof been provided, but everything done during and after the raid seems calculated to sow as much doubt and confusion as possible. None of it makes any sense. Why was he executed instead of captured? Why was his body just dumped into the ocean? Why were the cameras turned off at the White House during the raid? It's all loony.

Best thing I've seen posted on Reddit was posted in the aftermath of bin Laden dying. Can't find the original post but I saved it, here it is:

"A man is killed.

And the politicians will say "behold the bad guy, dead by our righteous hands." And the good hearted people will *rejoice and sleep in their beds and know justice exists in this world. And the few will lord over the many. And the* wars will continue. And bombs will still fall. And people will still die. And one day a McDonalds will stand where once a missile struck like lightning. And an orphan will super-size your meal for an extra dinar."

Say what you want but the whole thing truly doesn't matter to you or me. They could produce a picture of it tomorrow and the only thing it'll do is shut people like you up and give Al Qaeda an either bigger incentive to attack.
I'd rather discuss the evidenced that shows theat Pakistan helped him hide out there to be honest.

Oh and considering Al Qaeda, the President and the reactions of those who idolised him, I'd say it'd ok to say he's dead and died on May 2nd.

If they really DID kill him, what would they get out of proving it to you? It's not going to make him any deader, but it might make him more of a martyr, which they might be anxious to avoid. Chances are anyone who would disbelieve the story wouldn't find the story any more credible with photographic evidence. They'd just dismiss it as photoshopped.

I think you fit perfectly here. You seem like exactly the kind of person who belongs in this kind of arena.