Cosmic Consciousness?
56 2011-05-31 by FalseGDP
How many people in r/Conspiracy are at the point in their research that they believe in a cosmic consciousness which is restricting our human race from progressing and liberating itself? I have been in the conspiracy game for years now, and I have followed one rabbit hole after another until I've ended up with the wackiest of all wacky conspiracy theories which involves UFO's, cosmic beings, the physics of consciousness, etc. I started with our monetary system but now I find myself struggling with this place because it is even more detached from mainstream issues than normal NWO fodder. So much context would have to be established that I simply only talk to those who will listen...This seems to be the case with all of those subscribing to the same theory, and oddly enough seems to be the philosophy of past teachers such as Jesus, Ghandi, MLK, etc. All of these characters taught until they were murdered, yet I hear many many more of these modern day messianic figures speaking out today and garnering an audience. The idea is that by simply understanding the physics of consciousness and the science of peace that we can raise the consciousness of our peers, inevitably trickling up to the top.
Do I sound totally bonkers or is anyone else at this point?
15 joseph177 2011-05-31
The universe is a fractal structure (in my opinion), as we are starting to see evidence black-holes are (perhaps) themselves the creation of new universes. This means that within the micro, you find the macro, meaning that you already have all the answers; but you must look inward and not out. Imagine zooming into a fractal on your computer - how does a finite machine hold an infinite amount of information?
The ying & yang, positive & negative, love & hate, personal battles & triumphs, all echo the nature of reality and it's fractal repetitive nature. Fractals are feedback loops - point a video camera at a TV that it's hooked up to and you will see it first hand. Life is a feedback loop, where the output of two humans is the input of another. The same holds true with our universe, it's all just energy, and we are all part of it.
20 vemrion 2011-05-31
"Today, a young man on r/conspiracy realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration – that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively. There's no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we're the imagination of ourselves. Here's Tom with the weather."
2 aithendodge 2011-05-31
The best Bill Hicks quote.
5 ididntchoosetobehere 2011-05-31
"That which is Below corresponds to that which is Above, and that which is Above, corresponds to that which is Below, to accomplish the miracles of the One Thing" One of the Hermetic Principles.
3 with_the_quickness 2011-05-31
"the universe works on a math equation that never even ever really ends in the end
infinity spirals out creation"
9 cab540 2011-05-31
Well I might be like a 3 year old pondering Einstein but I know that we all connect to one another in ways that are difficult to quantify with scientific measurements. Complexity on multiple levels and in multiple dimensions. Maybe a form of AI could get a better picture then we could and form a better picture of the universe and how we all connect to it. Until then, I think we are looking at the shadows on the cave wall. We can't see the fire, much less the entities creating the shadows.
7 greencrack 2011-05-31
I definitely believe were going through a cosmic conscious change. Which can go either way. It has always been a red flag to me when I learn time and time again how little of our brains we actually use. This may have nothing to do with your theory but the cover of drudge report today just seemed odd how much violence there was.
8 cab540 2011-05-31
You know how they say we only use 10 percent of our brains? I think we only use 10 percent of our hearts.
I straight up stole that one
2 noahhermann 2011-05-31
or at least we don't think with our hearts
5 cab540 2011-05-31
According to Wedding Crashers, we should.
2 RationalArgumentMan 2011-05-31
All I hear is bongo drums... I think I should go see a doctor.
But in all seriousness, this is one of those subjects that I'd rather listen to than just dismiss because it deviates from the traditional things we're taught. People believe crazier things, so I really see nothing wrong with just discussing something purely theoretical. If anything, we indirectly benefit from thinking about this because it makes us have a more explorative mindset.
2 cosmicvoyager 2011-05-31
We do, actually. I'm too tired to Google it at the moment, but I saw a very interesting documentary which proved our hearts are a sentient organ, much like the brain. In one experiment, subjects were shown certain pictures designed to illicit a response, and the heart would react first, before the brain even began firing.
2 noahhermann 2011-05-31
I meant to say that we aren't thinking with our hearts and that we should.
5 koonat 2011-05-31
Two questions:
how can you learn any one thing multiple times?
How much of our brains do you think we use? I'll tell you this, it's a lot more than the 10% myth that people still believe.
2 cab540 2011-05-31
Easy, I forgot
Agree, I think we use the pathways continually. When you look at FMRI scans and when people shift their attention different areas light up according to blood flow. It ranges, but even when you're sleeping there is continual activity.
7 sergeantbadasses 2011-05-31
i believe civilizations in the cosmos start off as primitive beings, but eventually we increase exponentially like a redshift into a more intellectual state of being. take this with a grain of salt but i think there is some truth in this because you can see exponential graphs in nature.
i think we are all on the right path.
3 cfern 2011-05-31
2 thesmell 2011-05-31
6 Locoman7 2011-05-31
You should really check out the podcast The Psychedelic Salon. There's a ton of podcasts, if you're strapped for time just look up the one titled "The Last Interview" By Terence Mckenna.
The planet Earth is the Universe trying to become aware of itself. The universe makes what Terence calls "Novelty" which is just another word for complexity. We humans are the best at producing novelty apparently because we make things VERY complicated for ourselves. Everything is trying to get connected to everything else and we are accelerating that process, and the pedal is on the fucking FLOOR.
It's a hell of a ride to experience, who knows whether we will see the conclusion before we die.
5 [deleted] 2011-05-31
The NWO fodder is there to satisfy our conspiratorial thoughts while keeping the system going by focusing our frustrations on areas that we can have no affect over.
Try looking into symbols and the world becomes a VERY different place.
5 phidel_kashflow 2011-05-31
While I understand where you are coming from, understand where I'm coming from - You're response is patronizingly cryptic and condescending.
When comments such as yours are posted I have no choice but to immediately request you explain what you mean, where to start, and what to look for.
I'm not trying to be a dick, I'm asking you to reread what you wrote and explain how it is ANY help to people who come here looking for answers.
I'm not saying it was your intention, again, I'm saying that responses like that are a big part of the problem. Educate people. It's your duty if you are informed, otherwise, you're on that side of the line.
There are a lot of other responses in this thread that provided links etc. That's all.
3 [deleted] 2011-05-31
I'm saying the world works with symbols. For another person looking in, say that cosmic conciousness....symbols are a universal way of communication.
Then you start getting into david icke and jordan maxwell and start analyzing every single symbol in human society and you start seeing recurring patterns...
2 [deleted] 2011-05-31
2 [deleted] 2011-05-31
Because the symbols and the interpretation of them tell a very distinct story that is true among ALL cultures. Symbols would be the ideal way to communicate with aliens/god because they don't change over time...but still retain meaning.
Crop Circles. Flags. Architecture.
Start looking into alchemy as well..
3 [deleted] 2011-05-31
0 [deleted] 2011-05-31
I don't know how I can be any more explicit.
1 master_baiter 2011-05-31
Do you mean planned repeated patterns planted by "them?" Or those synchronicity "coincidences" that sort of just appear due to global consciousness, as alluded to in these videos:
1 [deleted] 2011-05-31
Look for others, they are everywhere.
1 master_baiter 2011-05-31
You might like this:
1 [deleted] 2011-05-31
Well aware of it. It's one facet of the same thing.
Think about symbols and satanic rituals or pagan rituals. The world trade center memorial ceremony, the olympics, and other events for some reason have images thrown into them....
5 Lobster_Man 2011-05-31
I think there is a lot going on that mainstream science up until this point has had absolutely no concept of. I don't even know what I believe any more, but I think that almost nothing lies outside the realm of possibility
3 kit8642 2011-05-31
Up vote for: "nothing lies outside the realm of possibility"
That's how I live my life.
4 necromanser 2011-05-31
Nonlocality is gaining ground in some circles. You could call it cosmic consciousness.
2 [deleted] 2011-05-31
1 thesmell 2011-05-31
Seems related to Crowd psychology. You should be able to connect some dots if you read that article.
1 necromanser 2011-05-31
how is Crowd psychology or "Collective unconscious" as this article says related to "Cosmic consciousness" ? I'm not able to connect the dots sorry.
0 thesmell 2011-05-31
I'm sorry.
4 noahhermann 2011-05-31
I think i understand where you are at. I've read somewhat about the physics of consciousness and things like peace meditations seem to have an effect, like the book The Field. I've recently watched a video that says our whole galaxy is just super fucked up on a level so high up that even if the whole world were to become very conscious it wouldn't be enough and that now we just have to focus on getting the fuck out of here, whatever that means. I really have no idea what to do, I practice TM daily (or at least try to) which has a lot of data showing that it does really good things for consciousness, but if what that video is saying has any truth then what is there to do?
3 julzzrocks 2011-05-31
what's TM?
2 vigilantecat 2011-05-31
I believe he is referring to Transcendental Meditation
1 noahhermann 2011-05-31
transcendental meditation. It was brought to the US by the Maharishi (somewhat famous indian guru, the Beatles chilled with him for awhile) and it is a simple way to get into a calming meditative state. If you do it twice a day it has been shown to help lots of things with your mind/body. I suggest looking into other forms of meditation though, because it costs 1000$-1500$ or something to "learn" how to do it. Any meditation where your mind is calmed down would probably give similar results.
4 FourthAmendment 2011-05-31
The grand conspiracy is exactly that, cognitive dissonance. It's directed into a state of mind that rewards ignorance and violence while siphoning more and more freedom away from our race as a whole. This leaves the human race permanently alienated from its divine destiny and spiritual evolutionary endpoint. In these terms, the conspiracy in front of us all is ultimately a religious one.
You're picking up speed. I feel that you're very close to the greatest epiphany of your lifetime, all you need is a little boost. I would strongly recommend reading every article on this website to gain a clearer understanding of what it actually is that opposes you. Use your own intuition in absorbing the information posted on it.
Not at all, we need more people like you. If everyone else in r/conspiracy was at LEAST here, we'd be gaining a LOT of momentum towards the greatest revolution the universe will ever see.
2 [deleted] 2011-05-31
its weird man because I feel like I rely on synchronicity and intuition more now than someone else spoonfeeding me the info. Its a gigantic game of connect the dots and it feels like it takes an increase in awareness to actually connect those dots internally. The negative part however is that I cannot rely on these faculties to prove the validity of my views to those thinking conventionally. You know what I mean?
3 brizzadizza 2011-05-31
I came to similar insights after reading Joseph Campbell -> R.A.W. The Illuminatus -> Taking acid -> Reading the Khybalion -> Watching Waking Life -> Reading Carl Jung
Everyone telling you what to read or believe in this thread, or saying bullshit like "you're almost at some great insight that I've already had, here think this" is, in my opinion, leading you astray. Bolster that instinct and you'll have insights the rest of us couldn't dream on our best days. Similarly, we'll have individual insights you wouldn't be able to grasp. But they're all real at some level and they're all meaningful at the deepest level.
But to me, that acknowledgement of synchronicity has made all the difference in my world view. That and asking the question "How could this be given what I believe today." As opposed to "Why is this untrue."
2 FourthAmendment 2011-05-31
There's nothing weird about trusting your instincts over spoon-fed information, this is an extremely critical part of the learning process.
It is, and it seems more connections are being made on your part.
Not quite, hah. Care to elaborate?
2 [deleted] 2011-05-31
to the average citizen not having these experiences it is very difficult to prove the validity of my claims because they either have to trust that my intuition is legitimate and not just crackpottery or they have to do an enormous amount of research on their own and connect their own dots...which would by definition exclude me from having to prove anything in the first place.
3 PersonOfInternets 2011-05-31
The science of peace? You a Wilcock fan?
5 [deleted] 2011-05-31
Becoming one, yeah.
3 PersonOfInternets 2011-05-31
Took me a while to warm up to him, but at this point I'm bored with most other limited perspectives.
I don't think December 21st next year is going to be anything magical, though, even though it would be great if it was.
3 [deleted] 2011-05-31
I agree, and so does David. He says not to expect some sort of zany cosmic event but rather an ongoing shift in consciousness which will bring all sorts of positive developments. I tend to agree with this, but I think the next few years will certainly be more turbulent than the same number of years a decade into the future.
2 PersonOfInternets 2011-05-31
Mmm really? I don't think so. He is famous for talking about the "I told you so" party after the date.
2 [deleted] 2011-05-31
Maybe I am not as well versed in wilcocks predictions as your are...its possible since I am relatively new to his views, but in 2012 enigma he definitely says not to expect some miraculous cosmic event on Dec. 21 or on 2012 at all...he does say things will begin speeding up and becoming more and more obvious but nothing instantly recognizable.
1 PersonOfInternets 2011-05-31
Maybe I'm just making that up. Oh well he is only human, I'd be willing to bet that he has made conflicting statements from time to time. Are you planning on reading his book? I'm pretty much waiting with bated breath, lol..
1 PersonOfInternets 2011-05-31
Well now that I think about it, his whole thing is that there is a wave of energy coming that will spontaneously cause all life on Earth to evolve, as can be seen in the fossil record where evolution makes huge leaps every so-many years. I'm sure you remember where he talks about the laser transferring genetic information from a lizard egg to a frogs egg, or the transfer from a chicken to a hen etc.
1 [deleted] 2011-05-31
yeah I heard him talk about coherent light and its effect on DNA...but I also read the actual study he referenced and it is absolutely fascinating both in its methods and its implications. I do plan on buying a copy of source field investigations.
1 PersonOfInternets 2011-05-31
My question is why the hell hasn't this been replicated? Another fascinating thing is the same species showing up at each pole, it's a jaw-dropping fact but I haven't had the chance to look into it yet. Are you familiar with James Gilliland?
1 [deleted] 2011-05-31
no I am not...links?
1 PersonOfInternets 2011-05-31
His website is at He also has 2 radio shows, available all day Tuesday and live only Saturday at 11:00 pm eastern.
Basically he own a ranch where they have Ufos buzz overhead almost nightly and all kinds of weird ultradimensional/spiritual phenomena take place. Would be a good place to visit if you're still in the doubting phase...
3 awarebrah 2011-05-31
I recommend watching this series of videos by Dr. Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra. Really fascinating truths that I myself have begun to implement into my life and am thankful for discovering!
3 tttt0tttt 2011-05-31
I've sometimes suspected that there is some consciousness, or consciousnesses, preventing humanity from achieving its full potential. We all know what people can do at those rare times when their minds slip the governors that keep them from going at full throttle. Works of genius. But more commonly, we forget things we don't need to forget. We lose interest in things we should be concentrating on. We try to do something, and then quit just before we achieve our goal. We tell ourselves that we are no good, that we won't amount to anything, that we never get any breaks, that it's futile to even try. It's as though something is deliberately holding us back to prevent us from achieving our potential.
2 Social_Experiment 2011-05-31
Some people (the top) are too far gone from reality. However anything that unites people is a good goal.
2 DragonHunter 2011-05-31
Human beings are greedy, by nature's design. Like drugs, power temporarily satisfies then increases desire for greed.
This alone is what keeps humans from becoming peaceful, space-faring creatures.
2 qxcot 2011-05-31
No UFOs, no aliens. Just power hungry maniacs and a global brain hooked together over the internet that's rapidly figuring that out, and two thousand (plus) years of mankind's honor being desecrated in every way possible.
Everyone give a thumbs up to Paul Baran, Tim Berners Lee, Linus Torvalds, Richard Stallman, etc., etc. The game is already over, and we won.
2 gawainjones 2011-05-31
On the one hand my sense of things isn't far off from your point of view. On the other hand I don't feel compelled to indulge myself in that line of thinking. It seems to be disempowering. At the end of the day, where would you rather invest you energy? The idea that cosmic forces out there are preventing you from obtaining your ideals? Or would you do better investing in the idea that each one of us has the power to change things even in a small way.
My goal is to empower myself to reach the fullest extent of my potential because that's all I can do. If everyone where to follow this approach, I think we'd live in a pretty amazing world.
2 maxp0wah 2011-05-31
Sounds about right to me. I started with JFK and Zeitgeist myself, but found Ian Lungold not too long after that:
There is definitely a war on consciousness, but I think it's important to first start inwards. I'm big into Michael Tsarion -he says the real Kabal is rooted in Atonism and the broken Hyksos king Ahkenaten of Ancient Egypt, but Tsarion's new works are focused more on consciousness:
Like Bill Hicks said: "It comes down to a choice between Love and Fear." I'm doing my best to focus on Love because I kinda think both Love and Fear energies feed interdimensional beings/entities... Now THAT's bonkers!
2 UtopicVision 2011-05-31
Consciousness is one. We are all one. I mean we are all made out of the same stuff right? There's an effect (forgot its name) which astronauts keeps talking about, they feel a sort of universal connectedness with the universe when viewing Earth from space. This has been reported with nearly everyone who has been there. We are all one. On the other hand, it's not crazy to believe in UFO's, aliens and what have you, I mean, it's not crazier than what normal people believe in, right? 2000 years ago, a man walked on water, raised the dead, fed the hungry and got nailed to a tree to deliver us from evil.... You know, the usual. I'm just not sure about the whole jesus/ghandi thing. I've always found organized religion a tool to dumb people down.
2 anunnaki77 2011-05-31
nope you don't sound bonkers....good to meet you fellow conscious being :)
1 JudoTrip 2011-05-31
There appears to be absolutely zero evidence of this.
3 joseph177 2011-05-31
What about this?
Google Tech Talks-The extended mind-recent experimental evidence
2 JudoTrip 2011-05-31
Well thank you.
1 [deleted] 2011-05-31
You sound totally bonkers. The cosmic consciousness is on your side.
1 danarchist 2011-05-31
At first I was with you. about cosmic knowledge, yes, but why fear a cosmic agenda unless you have any inkling how to route it? The examples you gave are very esoteric, but earth-centric as well.
1 The_Sumerian 2011-05-31
The Sumerians were the only ones to tell the truth, so start there and move forward to the formation of the royal institute of international affairs
1 kris_lace 2011-05-31
Here's my thoughts, which is basically agreeing but more technical :P
1 CapnScumbone 2011-05-31
being that consciousness is the true fabric of reality.i'm with you.i some ways, I AM you.
1 purebacon 2011-05-31
Neurons:Brain::Humans:Society. Since we know the illusion of consciousness can arise from the aggregate interaction of individual neurons, it may be possible that a similar illusion exists for the aggregate interaction of individual humans. I shy away from terms like "cosmic" consciousness though, as that seems to imply alternate dimensions or other voodoo that isn't supported by evidence. Maybe "collective consciousness" is a better phrase. And I certainly don't see anything limiting the human race besides humans, but it is fun to think about consciousness on other scales.
1 robotpiranna 2011-05-31
Word for word, I totally relate with you OP
(Are you sideways me?)
1 bannana 2011-05-31
I think the Buddha had a few things to say on this topic. And yes, you are on the right track, stay the course sibling.
1 anthony256 2011-05-31
The first step of any human evolution is to begin to unravel the shit you've been taught to believe over your lifetime.
First up, don't listen to mainstream news. Secondly, don't believe in things because others do - God.
God was created back thousands of years ago to bond people, to give people a sense of reality, a sense of community, a sense of connection. Remember, there was no Facebook, email, internet, fast communication, travel, electricity, etc.
God is something this world needs to drop for us to prosper. It holds us back because so much science is not believed and thus, stopped.
For example; much of the Governments, Presidents, PM's, parliament, believe in God. If they believe in God, why is there so Government-level corruption? Why do they want to have constant wars KILLING people. "thou shalt not kill", etc.
It's all bullshit because people eat it up.
Once you begin to think "if there were a God, why are there asians? blacks?". Didn't it all start from Adam and Eve? If there was a God or Jesus, why is it that different cultures believe in different Gods? Shouldn't there just be one?
If your Dad is your dad, and someone else outside of your family calls him dad - he is not their dad. It simply makes the word "dad" moot for them. It's just a name, a character to them.
God is a character that was made up at a time when anything with the smallest amount of power was unbelievably powerful. If there was a God, the shit on this planet would not be happening. If there was a God, he's an absolutely sick, twisted fucking cunt who lets Priests (hands and voices of God) rape and ruin the lives of children the world over. What God would do this?
Once you unravel this, the questions start -
HOW are we here? WHY are we here? If our planet was further from the sun (say, double the distance) - we would not exist. Why is it that we are this distance from the sun? With oxygen, a good atmosphere, gravity, etc?
Why does the Moon only face us in one direction? It should be spinning as all other planets and satellites do - this is not questioned, nor researched. We have only just started to find water on the moon. There was a day when they (scientists, NASA) said there was NO water on the moon.
Our belief system is dynamic, and when research is done, static. We have belief AT THE TIME, that is undeniable - it is the truth AT THAT TIME. Until proven otherwise.
There is a God. The world is flat. There is no water on the moon. 9/11 was caused by terrorists.
Do you see a pattern?
Every star is a Sun... can you imagine that? Fuck me... what we can see is but a grain of salt of what exists. What if there are black holes, in black holes, in black holes? Or planets that vibrate on different frequencies so they are undetectable to the human eye (or our current technology).
Once you start to believe EVERYTHING YOU'RE TAUGHT, TOLD and EXPERIENCE is but an illusion... it's all a movie, made FOR YOU. For EVERYONE.
You begin to see the "matrix". We won't advance as a human race... there is too much evil on this planet. Unless there is a form of race that comes down to us and threatens the Government to redraw it's BULLSHIT from us and re-work the monetary system (let's face it, it HAS failed and we're around 1% into the eventual crash that will happen).
When it does, words cannot express what will happen.........
Peel back the layers of your life, re-educate yourself. Everything. and I mean, everything is bullshit.
The news, media, music, movies, the internet - governments, everything... it is all controlled, manipulated and we are stuck on this earth like a leech.
I believe the military is out on other planets - with super-advanced technology that we can't even begin to comprehend. Go back to the 1950's and explain the internet to people back then.
BLOW THEIR FUCKING MINDS OFF THEIR SKULLS........ they would never believe you because tehy could NEVER conceptualize what it would be like... TV to them was mind-blowing.........
Everything is an illusion, the famous Matrix saying:
There is no spoon.
1 dsannes 2011-05-31
Groove on this
1 WiretapStudios 2011-05-31
I'm with the OP. However, so many people are distracted or just borderline retarded ( I mean that literally), things don't get channeled the right way. Too many agendas and egos.
1 with_the_quickness 2011-05-31
planets are electrons.
stars are the nucleus.
solar systems are atoms.
galaxies are molecules.
we are all part of something we cannot even imagine.
0 greenw40 2011-05-31
Do you mean that literally or figuratively?
-1 [deleted] 2011-05-31
0 greenw40 2011-05-31
So you're just saying things without really know what they mean, like a parrot.
0 [deleted] 2011-05-31
0 greenw40 2011-05-31
I wanted to get some context about what you posted but you have none. Responding with "that's not for me to decide" about something you clearly decided to post isn't an answer, so if anyone is talking shit, it's you.
0 [deleted] 2011-05-31
0 greenw40 2011-05-31
Still no real answer, maybe you're just a troll.
0 [deleted] 2011-05-31
1 greenw40 2011-05-31
Well, you still haven't given me a real answer and you've told me to "think before speaking" and to "piss off", plus you've called me an asshole, a angry little person, and a douchebag. So I'm the angry douchebag?
0 with_the_quickness 2011-05-31
because you've trolled me out of nowhere.
i try to leave a statement in subtle hint form to try to help someone along, and you attack it out of nowhere.
well hey, guess what? if you don't understand, it wasn't meant for you. really sorry you take so much offense when you just don't get something, but you're probably better off going back to bullshit about some tv show instead of this subject.
1 dsannes 2011-05-31
I feel that There is only one being in the universe experiencing itself in every dimension. The universe finds joy in novelty and it's subsequent solutions. [when stuff gets changed] The 3D + Time realm we happen to be in right now is great, we have this separateness and individuality. In this state we tend to create in the physical, it's fun. Imagine the ultimate physical build; another universe. Chances are, that's what we are looking at. A popular apocalypse.
Now that you know, what will you do with your physicality as the timewave spins up?
2 dsannes 2011-05-31
Choose your path. Realize that not making a choice is also a choice.
1 dsannes 2011-05-31
I can keep going. I won't. In the end, find yourself some happiness. screaming at the ceiling doesn't make it better. go learn something. Stop freaking out about stuff. make a choice and take action. Organize that sock drawer...
1 Zallarion 2011-05-31
Except Jesus didn't exist.
1 TruthWillSetUsFree 2011-05-31
1 bingo_bongo 2011-05-31
Bhagavad Gita answers all these heavy questions.
"The Bhagavad-Gita is the most systematic statement of spiritual evolution of endowing value to mankind. It is one of the most clear and comprehensive summaries of perennial philosophy ever revealed; hence its enduring value is subject not only to India but to all of humanity. " --Aldous Huxley
1 necromanser 2011-05-31
Michael Persinger: 'No More Secrets' with Telepathy
Earlier this year, Persinger gave the following lecture, titled "No More Secrets". In it, he detailed his theories on the connection between magnetic fields and the brain, in particular how this relationship could facilitate telepathy and remote viewing. He notes particular experiments and individuals (Ingo Swann, Sean Harribance) that seem to give evidence supporting his theories, and makes some fairly extraordinary claims which I'm sure will lead to some debate.
0 DunDerD 2011-05-31
Most conspiracies are not true and they do not all lead to eachother. The men that you mentioned did not preach what you claim. Jesus preached he was God. Ghandi preached for India to be its own nation. And MLK preached for civil rights. They were all men and they all had flaws. Jesus's flaw is that he probably never existed, Ghandi was racist against Africans, and MLK had many many affairs from his wife. There is no cosmic consciousness in a mystical sense. Only in a practical one. Consciousness is the way the universe communicates with itself.
2 [deleted] 2011-05-31
This is demagoguery. Did messianic teachers of the past have flaws? Yes. They were men. Human in form, flawed like the rest of us. None of them denied this. Jesus did not preach he was God - this is just a simple misunderstanding on your part. Does this somehow debunk their insight into the true nature of our human history? Hardly.
7 DunDerD 2011-05-31
John 10:30 "I and the Father are one." I don't think I misunderstood what he said. I respect a lot of his teachings and the teachings of the others you spoke of but I do not think they were apart of anything more than the human race. They are just people that didn't have much and wanted peace.
2 vemrion 2011-05-31
In the suppressed gospel of Thomas he says that god is all things. Not just him.
1 thesmell 2011-05-31
That may be in the Bible but in the Koran Jesus declares no such thing.
2 DunDerD 2011-05-31
You are probably right and this is because THEY ARE BOTH MADE UP STORIES.
1 thesmell 2011-05-31
Realistically there is no way to prove if either one of those stories is true or false. You should open up your mind.
1 DunDerD 2011-05-31
I have a very open mind that's why I can see that they are both false. Unless you believe a guy came back from the dead 3 days later and walked on water and the other one rode to heaven on a unicorn. Yeah my mind is real closed.
1 thesmell 2011-05-31
You can take what you want from the stories. If you want to take all the incredible things that Jesus did literally and as fact that's up to you. I'd rather just take what ever positive ideas I can from different stories.
0 [deleted] 2011-05-31
if you understand the physics of consciousness you will understand that you and the creator are one as he says. We are all one. Its a misinterpretation of the words to think that he is claiming to BE god..
2 phidel_kashflow 2011-05-31
Isn't this Gospel of Thomas shit? What's the one where he came back and basically said 'We had it all wrong, here's what's up with the universe...?'
Hmm... yes.... reads comment below...
0 greenw40 2011-05-31
You keep using "physics of consciousness" and "science of peace" but those are just BS buzzwords designed to sell books to new age morons.
1 [deleted] 2011-05-31
I haven't purchased any books, I've read mostly patents and watched explanations/lectures on youtube. I could be categorized in the "new age" movement but I'm not a moron.
1 Down_with_consoles 2011-05-31
But in the newspaper today, the Billy Graham article said that there is more historical evidence proving that Jesus exists than evidence proving the existence of Socrates or Caesar!
Of course, in one of last week's articles, he also said more Christians had been persecuted in the last 100 years than all of the rest of history COMBINED. Hah!
1 DunDerD 2011-05-31
Billy Graham is an evil man. Of course he is gonna spout off bullshit like that, making people believe that makes him a millionaire.
0 greenw40 2011-05-31
Still no real answer, maybe you're just a troll.
1 [deleted] 2011-05-31
Well aware of it. It's one facet of the same thing.
Think about symbols and satanic rituals or pagan rituals. The world trade center memorial ceremony, the olympics, and other events for some reason have images thrown into them....