The Holocaust never happened.

0  2011-06-08 by [deleted]

I can tell that the vast majority of you have done no reading on the subject of the holocaust because you keep bringing up lies. Hitler found out about the jews plan for world domination so he absolutely had to be discredited so the jews took the number 6 million which was the number of Germans that he put back to work and they claimed that this is how many died in internment camps. These camps were not concentration camps, they were internment camps. You don't take thousands of dissenters and put them in camps for months and months if you plan on killing them anyway. It's not economically smart to do that. It was mathematically impossible for 6 million jews to have been cremated in the time period allotted anyway. For that many jews to have been cremated, the Germans would have needed 140 ovens in every camp working 24/7 around the clock for years and years to have cremated that many. There were only 39 ovens in one camp and the rest did not have even that many. What did happen was that louse broke out in some of the camps and some jews died but it wasn't at the hands of the Nazis. It was an accident. They died of disease. What kind of conspiracy forum is this anyway? ARen't you guys supposed to be reading and doing research on this stuff? I can't believe how many idiots are on this forum.


@op: I don't think it's the best course of action to call people 'idiots' who don't subscribe to whatever theory you're presenting. It may be true, and you're certainly allowed to think that but if you want people to listen with open minds you probably would be more successful presenting your ideas in a rational, eloquent way with sources and references to material we can research.

Show some sources and "research".

ARen't you guys supposed to be reading and doing research on this stuff I can't believe how many idiots are on this forum.

Oh, the irony.

I am doing research. I just found a new video. I'm not going to watch a 4 hour video. I'm not even that crazy. I found one that is more concise. I'll post it in a second.

Hitler found out about the Jews plan for world domination.

This is a mistake and doesn't help you at all, Hitler was a globalist brought and paid for by the Zionists from the beginning, he did his job well.

When you use the word Jews you actually give the Zionists somewhere to hide behind while calling out anti Semitic.

If people stopped using this word they will become exposed for who they are rather than the demographic they hide behind.

The Jews are just as fooled as most people are/were

Nice try Jew. I know your games. Zionist is a word made up by jews. And you are trying to make this into a globalist thing when it's definitely a racial thing. It's definitely about race as the jews want to spread multiculturalism into all the white countries accept of course Israel. The jews don't want to mix races but they want all the other races to mongrelize so they can dominate over the whole world. I know your games, you filthy jew. The_Sumerian is a jew supporter !!!! vote him down. You can tell a jew supporter by what he writes....notice how he wants me to use the word "zionist" and "globalist". he wants to steer me away from any kind of racial issues....he doesn't want to make it about race even though, it most certainly is about race !!! Hitler was not a globalist. The jews wanted to discredit Hitler because he figured them out.

David Duke makes the point that the huge pressure to integrate the races that exists in the United States has been driven by Jewish activists -- yet at the same time Jews are horrified at the very thought of their sons and daughters marrying anybody except another Jew. Integration is something they wish whites and blacks and others races to engage in, for the purpose of weakening white European culture. It has nothing at all to do with the greater good, or the right thing to do morally -- it is seen by Zionist Jews as expedient for Jews to encourage racial integration between white Christians, and other racial groups, because it strengthens the power of Jews.

What Duke says on the issue makes a lot of sense. It certainly isn't benefiting whites to integrate with blacks, for example. It may be of benefit for blacks to gain white genetics through interbreeding. All the while, Jews intend to remain racial pure. They don't seem to see the hypocrisy of encouraging interbreeding between other racial groups, but steadfastly refusing to integrate with those groups themselves.

You have much to learn on how this planet works.

Zionist is a word made up by jews. LOL

I see people as two feet and a heart beat, nothing more, i don't care about your race, religion or social demographic.

Tell me who actually funded Hitler? exactly

As soon as the Nazis assumed power in 1933, the Zionists gained a visibly protected political status. After the Reich-stag fire, the Nazis crushed virtually all political opposition and closed 600 newspapers. But not the Zionists nor their newspaper which was hawked from every street corner, and saw its circulation multiply five times to 38,000. Zionism was "the only separate political philosophy sanctioned by the Third Reich." The Zionist uniform was the only non-Nazi uniform allowed in Germany. Same with their flag. Hebrew was mandated in Jewish schools. Still German Jews wanted to stay in Germany "even as second class citizens, even reviled and persecuted." But the Zionists scorned the German Jews saying they deserved to be persecuted for wanting to assimilate.

where did you read that? I'll look it up and find out what I think.

All these events are a small part of something much much much bigger, you have to still learn the basics, and after the Jew boy rant it is clear you have a long long way to go.

Hitler was a good man. He was self-made. Best leader of all time and he figured you jew fucks out. Sieg Heil. Your time is coming to an end, Jew.

Shut up Jew. You're going to burn in hell.

The Sumerian is a Jew !!!!!!!!!!

I was circumcised, does that make me a Jew?

Tsk tsk, you say you are doing research, and if you weren't a pratt I could of helped you, any ways you have a long long long way to go

I found out that you are full of shit. No, I'm quite sure of the things I know. Go fuck with someone else. I only talk to people who can be honest. Not interested in talking to disinfo agents.

The Sumerian is a Jew !!!!!!!!!!

You will never beat the NWO, it continues to come by stealth very quickly due to one reason only = people like you.

Do you ever wonder why so many false flags occur and get covered up by the media and places like the congress??

Come back when you know the basics peasant

Can you offer up anything we, as believers in the holocaust, should read that might help us see the light?

It's a long video, over four hours. I watched the first half hour, and I'll watch the rest of it later tonight. It seems well done. The narrator is questioning the sources used by the major authorities on the Holocaust. There's a lot to question in them.


I haven't watched that movie so I don't know what's in it

I watched it a long time ago. It focused on 3 concentration camps, where according to the holocaust narrative 1/3 of the victims died. It made points such as the physical impossibility of the narrative, the inconsistent behavior of some of the witnesses, the fact that the narrative is full of cultural artifacts that are not of German origin, the fact that most individuals mentioned in the story survived the war, etc.

Maybe you should watch it.

I watched the first 20 or 30 minutes and to tell the truth, at the beginning it looked like jewish propaganda and you know what, it might be because it was saying all kinds of bullshit like the jews were herded through gas chambers. That's a load of bullshit. I was watching a video today and by the end of it, I knew it was a jewish controlled propaganda video. YOu have to be careful what you post because 90 % of the information out there is jewish controlled and supported and the reason is because they like to lead their opposition and so they post half-truths so that at the end, you are still believing a partial lie. I don't believe the jews were gassed at all but the author of that is trying to say..."well, some of it is true". No, the Nazi's obviously wanted all of them alive because they were using them for labor. It doesn't make sense to kill people who are making money for you.

it's hard to find stuff because a lot of stuff only stays up for a few days on youtube. The two videos that I had in my favorites on youtube are now gone.

Just wait a few years. They'll pull up another one from the magic wand and prosecute him for the naive public.

Holocaust hoax: introduction.

The Anne Frank Diary fraud

and plenty more.

"The Holocaust lie has been both the spiritual and financial wellspring of modern Jewish power, and for this reason it is clear why the Jewish Establishment holds onto this lie with a tenacity bordering on insanity." -John "Birdman" Bryant

What's with the number tattoos on their arms and the pictures of all the malnourished Jews? Why were there Jew skin lamps and Jew hideaways and why were all the Jews hated in Germany? What's up with the Arian nation thing?

the skin lamps is a total lie. When you control the media and write the history books, it's pretty easy to make up a lie. You just make the lie up and write about it. It's simple. You seem to think there was some kind of independent authority overseeing the publication of these books and articles. There wasn't.

The malnourished jews were real. I never said that some Jews didn't starve. As you know, a war was going on so late toward the end of the war, food rations became more scarce. Before that, though, jews were fed pretty well. Jews were hated in Germany because they were responsible for 30 % of German workers being unemployed. If you want to know more about that, read Mein Kempf. Also, the jews were all about promoting homosexuality, adultery, and every kind of sin you can imagine and they did it through theater plays. This angered the Germans. Just like they do today in the USA. The jews are pretty much doing the same thing in the USA as they did in Germany. They are just doing it a lot better now.

there is a good doc on google videos bout this shit - a chap from 70s went round all the camps explaining the evidence for it not happening - i cannot find it but have a look yourself - my opinion is in the middle, Hitler removed himself and germany from the international banking system when he came to power, he refused to pay any of the debts of versailles or germany's deficits - now we all know that a jewish cartel controls the banking system, now whether he then exterminated all the jews in his country is debatable, but concentration camps did exist whether the nazis killed six million is debatable, my major problem is that western media doesn't ever debate these issues or questions and anyone who does gets beaten down instantly. Always remember that those who win the wars write history and you will never find out the true answers to your thoughts or opinions. ~~I just advise not to go beating on us conspiracy chaps - show us some evidence or research and we will debate as there are open minded individuals on here, don't go telling everyone to piss off all call them idiots.


I find it very interesting how we are bombarded with how horrible the holocaust was but makes no mention of the Jewish bolsheviks killing 60 - 100 million whites in Russia.

People have a lot to learn about history and how this planet really works.

Out of a population of 1,000,000 people in Palestine in 1897 only 5% or 50,000 were Jewish.

Those few Jews in Palestine reacted negatively to Zionism. They neither saw the need for a Jewish state in Palestine, not did they want to exacerbate relations with the Palestinian Arabs. At this time in the Holy Land, religions lived together in relative harmony, a harmony only disrupted when the Zionists began to claim that Palestine was the rightful possession of the Jewish people to the exclusion of its Muslim and Christian inhabitants.

In 1914 the Zionists had 127,000 dues paying members world-wide and had been trying to push the Jewish people to Palestine since 1890

The didn't want to go, In world war 1 the Jews were told to go to Palestine and only 25,000 actually went.

In 1933, Hitler came to power in Germany, and in 1935 the Nuremberg Laws made German Jews and later Austrian and Czech Jews stateless refugees. Similar rules were applied by the many Nazi allies in Europe.

In 1935 as a result 60,000 Jews moved into Palestine. This was not enough as the Zionists wanted millions to move there, but of course just like WW1 no one wanted to leave the green pastures of Europe to go to the desert, a final solution was created, either go to Israel as the Zionists wanted or be persecuted and exterminated by the Nazis who were funded by the Zionists Rothschild's league of bankers.

The Jews had a choice, move to Israel or get persecuted

History as written always goes to the winner and the globalists back then and the MSM haven't actually told the truth about Hitler's roll in WW2 on behalf of the globalists. We hear a lot about the Jewish holocaust but not much on the fact the Zionists funded and controlled/owned Hitler and his agenda.

As soon as the Nazis assumed power in 1933, the Zionists gained a visibly protected political status. After the Reich-stag fire, the Nazis crushed virtually all political opposition and closed 600 newspapers. But not the Zionists nor their newspaper which was hawked from every street corner, and saw its circulation multiply five times to 38,000. Zionism was "the only separate political philosophy sanctioned by the Third Reich." The Zionist uniform was the only non-Nazi uniform allowed in Germany. Same with their flag. Hebrew was mandated in Jewish schools. Still German Jews wanted to stay in Germany "even as second class citizens, even reviled and persecuted." But the Zionists scorned the German Jews saying they deserved to be persecuted for wanting to assimilate.

Then came the Zionist funded holocaust

The older generations can vouch for it in Germany, little bit different than what the main stream dissemination (media) will ever tell you, but none the less the truth

After WW2 the Nazis/Zionists scientific operations were moved to the united states under operation paper-clip forming organisations like NASA and the CIA and America (bankrupted in the late 1930's) became the new foreign military corporation for the Rothschild league of bankers and the Zionists new dog.

People need to do research outside the now privatised Operation Mockingbird media disinformation they call history.

The holocaust did occur in much lower numbers than we are told, they also forget to mention Hitler was a Zionist tool and the Zionists funded him

Nice try Jew. I know your games. Zionist is a word made up by jews. And you are trying to make this into a globalist thing when it's definitely a racial thing. It's definitely about race as the jews want to spread multiculturalism into all the white countries accept of course Israel. The jews don't want to mix races but they want all the other races to mongrelize so they can dominate over the whole world. I know your games, you filthy jew. The_Sumerian is a jew supporter !!!! vote him down. You can tell a jew supporter by what he writes....notice how he wants me to use the word "zionist" and "globalist". he wants to steer me away from any kind of racial issues....he doesn't want to make it about race even though, it most certainly is about race !!! Hitler was not a globalist. The jews wanted to discredit Hitler because he figured them out.