What does r/conspiracy do for a living?

0  2011-06-20 by [deleted]

I am a student studying Economics and love researching the "truth" about our world and economy as well as Egyptian mythology. I am interested in your day job, and I find it cool to think about the people you pass day to day that are secretly interested in the same things.


I work for the government.

I really do. LOL

I manufacture tin foil... and hats...

so what made you interested in conspiracy information?

It's a new demographic to offer my wares to.

Nice try, Gov douches.

I decide who does what and where they do it at.

I lead a team of quality assurance testers for EA.

so do you ever think "oh, there is a glitch in lev-man I wish the global elite would stop being so evil-el seven, yeah lets get that fixed up"

im not wired to think entirely in tester speak all the time. I like what the tinfoil hats have to say because i believe there is a little truth in everything, and due to the infinite possibility of anything happening it is good to know a lot about things other people do not. I want to be able to say i told you so when the world starts to burn is all.

I"m in 8th grade but I mow lawns on the weekend.

I am a Horticulturalist. Regimes may squabble over oil, time or money but every last fucker on earth wants tomatos.

I should not mention that I supply hardy Heirloom food crops, medicinal plants and highly dangerous and illegal species such as E.coli fighting cacti and migraine- relieving vines, but I do.

I should mention having a background in the Govt. but I won't.

I work in the food supply industry. (3rd Shift Grocery).

I make the world safe for democracy.

work in advertising

I am Batman.

I work for one of the big 3 office supply retailers

Haunebu III assembly line

It's your pizza delivery kid who spits on your pizza then goes through your trash when you ain't watching

Graphic Designer

i am electronics salesman. i work for a corporation that pays well and rewards well. im from canada

Okay, so you go into work for some very rich people, all the while in the back of your mind you are thinking about aliens and 9/11 and the like. Is that accurate at all?

I actually try to get guys at work to watch documentaries. And another guy at work is the one who got me into this stuff.

any favorite ones you would recommend?

The shock doctrine, The war on democracy, the power of nightmares, are a few I've watched recently.

I am raising my two sons. My income is generated by my properties. No, I'm not rich at all.

Are you studying the history of Jewish economics/banking?

Why, yes I am! Thank you for asking!

Shit, forgot to change accounts.

Well that'll never happen again.


The hivemind is on to you.

It's a conspiracy!

No it's not!

Yes it is!

Yes, they want me to be politically correct. No speaking out against Zionist crimes allowed.

Nah, just for being a douche bag sock puppeteer.

Why are we downvoting all his old posts again?

It's The Man trying to keep the truth down.

Shh! Drone, keep down voting! No questions asked! (He's a double agent!)

this account is as good as dead. may as well fuck it all and become a troll now.

Are you reddit's self appointed coroner?

He is not, but I am.

It's a new demographic to offer my wares to.

I really do. LOL

The hivemind is on to you.

Why, yes I am! Thank you for asking!

Why are we downvoting all his old posts again?

this account is as good as dead. may as well fuck it all and become a troll now.