Newsflash: there are many more evil Christians than Jews

0  2011-07-17 by [deleted]

Lots of focus on the evils of Judaism on this board, just thought I'd remind everybody that there's no comparison.


Are you anti-gentile?

Well, I was raised Catholic but now I'm atheist. I'm anti-evil, but my point is that statistically, anyone who harps on the evil Jews is missing the boat.

The constant posting about evil Jews makes people take other, real conspiracies less seriously.

Those evil Christians and their missions to Africa, derp.

Jews go on missions too, its called diaspora and when they get there, they poison the water supply with hexafluroscilic acid (aka "fluoride") and take over the media industry to control the minds of everyone.



You're proving my point. Your comparison makes no sense. You really think evangelism is the worst crime Christians commit?

The knee-jerk, thoughtless anti-semitism shames this place.

You mean when jews use the Christian soldiers to fight Israel's 3 illegal wars in the middle east for them?

Grow up.

What's immature is to look for boogeymen because people can't accept their own responsibility. Much easier to think the Jews do all the evil. Same goes for lizard people.

us soldiers = christian?

LOL, lots of muslims and athiests and even, ..gasp.. JUDENS in the us military.

you fale.

Again, my point is to think of these as "Israel's wars" is hopelessly naive. There are a lot of motives for these wars, many of which implicate non-Jews.

For instance, the American economy doesn't work without them. But I suppose that's the Jews' fault.

So who are "teh evil christians" were supposed to hate again?

For instance, the American economy doesn't work without them. But I suppose that's the Jews' fault.

You mean the debt that is impossible to pay off from the interest created by the illegal jew federal reserve? Nah, has nothing to do with anything.

So who are "teh evil christians" were supposed to hate again?

Again, my point is thinking that Jews do most of the evil in the world is idiotic. Christians outnumber Jews about 200-1.

You mean the debt that is impossible to pay off from the interest

No, I was referring to our dependence on cheap oil. But yeah Jews Jews Jews. Henry Ford was a Jew, wasn't he?

Christians outnumber Jews about 200-1.

Thats not a point, its a fact. A point is noting that for jews to be 2% of the US population, they sure control a bulk of the key govt, financial and media positions.

No, I was referring to our dependence on cheap oil.

Yeah, why address the 800 lb gorilla in the room that controls all aspects of the US economy and is illegal?

Thanks for trolling /r/conspiracy. Please come again.

The whole point being that the Jewish Conspiracy is a real thing, and although Jews openly control and manipulate many things, Zionism itself is still a stratagem.

A stratagem effectively used by the "protestants" under the banner of BRITISH ISRAELISM

...a master slave relationship in which the roles are occasionally reversed. While every mannor of lie and distortion is used to hide and cover over this very fact.

Kevin MacDonald is an idiot.

Speak for yourself, snuffy.

I do! I don't have to rely on white separatist academics to do it for me.

There are plenty of academics who ware hostile to white racial advocacy who conclude the same thing. Take a look at those links instead of childish epithets about white supremacy. You Zionists are such a bunch of drama queens!

They ware?

EDIT: And who are these academics? Can you name them?

EDIT 2: And btw, I hate Israel and don't think it should exist! Your conflation of Jews, Zionists, and anti-anti-semitism just supports my point.

James Petras, James Bamford, Stephen Sniegoski, Steve Walt, John Mearsheimer...

The American economy doesn't work at all.

...of course it is .

I don't see very many threads on the evils of Judaism. A few individual posts. Most criticism is directed at Israel.

...Zionism was a Protestant creation of the late 1800s to foment discord in the middle east--thus ensuring their future control.

That's why Herzl was laughed out of the 1st zionist congress when he suggested Africa or South America as locations...

Exactly, historically most Jews have been anti-Zionist. But it's much easier to blame the Jews.

...this is the reason they did it? Right?

What do you mean by "it"?

I mean the British Protestants used Zionism as a tool to corner the Jews and use them as a scapegoat. There is no better cover than to perpetuate all of the evil in the world and then be able to point an say:

"Those devilish Jews made me do it!"

Christians are a Jewish sect. It's all Abrahamism.

Then why do so many posts on r/conspiracy single out Jews? Shouldn't they be about Abrahamics?

They mistakenly single out "Jews". The people they are trying to single out are Zionists. Made up primarily of the Ashkenazi of the Russian steppes. They are the political and religious sects of the illegal Jewish state. They believe that all non-Jewish (ethnic-wise, not religion-wise) people have the souls of animals whereas the Jewish people are G-d's chosen. If you are not descended from the 13 tribes, you don't count. They also have no problem sacrificing their own people for the furtherance of their cause, which just happens to be enslaving/murdering almost the entire world's population.

Of course, I don't believe any of this.

I think so.

every religion has its share of doctrines created by evil people...

You mean when jews use the Christian soldiers to fight Israel's 3 illegal wars in the middle east for them?

Grow up.

Christians outnumber Jews about 200-1.

Thats not a point, its a fact. A point is noting that for jews to be 2% of the US population, they sure control a bulk of the key govt, financial and media positions.

No, I was referring to our dependence on cheap oil.

Yeah, why address the 800 lb gorilla in the room that controls all aspects of the US economy and is illegal?

Thanks for trolling /r/conspiracy. Please come again.

There are plenty of academics who ware hostile to white racial advocacy who conclude the same thing. Take a look at those links instead of childish epithets about white supremacy. You Zionists are such a bunch of drama queens!