OSLO Bombing: SAVE all articles and download any witness videos before they are gone....

259  2011-07-22 by [deleted]

Not saying this is a false flag, but we should save and download anything of interest that doesn't add up*.

*That may not add up later, once things calm down in a few days.

EDIT: No where did I claim at anytime that this was an inside job, just passing along a message to save anything that you come across. If anything this may help find out who did this and why...

EDIT 2: Setting your DVR to record a news station: Fox News would be the best for the most sensational coverage. Just a thought.

EDIT 3: This may be a stretch, but Fox News is obviously affiliated with Murdoch, which some people have pushed Oslo as a distraction from his troubles.


Given how media events and coverups have gone in the past decade, it's not a bad idea to save every bit of evidence of any event that is of interest.

Who has gazillions of terabytes to store the internet every few days?


amazon s3

So far this is a pretty bizarre story, at a different location in Norway (Utøya), 4 young people were killed by a person dressed as a police officer, 17 wounded.

One man of nordic appearance is arrested. Source.

The official number is eighty plus now: http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.vg.no%2Fnyheter%2Finnenriks%2Foslobomben%2Fartikkel.php%3Fartid%3D10080616

I wish I could have had four minutes alone with this person handcuffed



Shut up and fuck off.

It happened less than 2 hours ago. Chances are there are going to be hundreds of conflicting reports.

Exactly, better to have all (or most) of it than none of it?

So that you can point at a single confused statement of some shocked witness and say "OMG THIS DOESN'T ADD UP WITH THE OFFICIAL STORY! IT WAS AN INSIDE JOB U GUISE!!!!"

Excuse me while i point and laugh at you.

And so disinformation even works on us.

You don't understand. You will not be able to separate the wheat from the chaff. Currently there are probably tens of thousands of eyewitnesses, some claiming one blast, some claiming two, some claiming gunshots, a plane etc. I'll bet even stations are reporting conflicting information. I remember when 9/11 happened, first there was a report that 3 planes flew into the Towers. Then no, wait, it was only two planes and 3 more were hijacked and shot down by the military. No wait, 5 planes, 2 hit the towers, 2 hit the Pentagon and one landed in Philly. It's all meaningless, because nobody has a clue.

You don't understand. You will not be able to separate the wheat from the chaff.

But somebody has to.

Why not us?


Never Forget

A: Knock, Knock

B: Who's there?

A: 9/11

B: 9/11 who?


Oh, it happened. Not the way most people think though.

Only hundreds?

I am a shitty, horrible, cynical person.

Because the very first thing I thought when hearing of this in the morning, was: 'Guess those pictures of starving African children weren't enough distraction...' :-(

Or 'Guess this phone hacking scandal wasn't enough distraction, we need a fresh Islamic attack to whip up war support in Europe'.

More or less my thoughts as well. Most likely not the case, but funny to see others think the same.

You are not a shitty, horrible person (well, not for thinking that, anyway). But you do live in a world where powerful people do some shitty, horrible things. And you are cynical... but you know what they say... 'cynic' is just a romantic's word for a realist.

infowars.com White Al Qaeda is being blamed. Right after DHS puts out a 9 minute video suggesting white people are terrorists. The shooter at the government camp was blond and dressed as a police officer. He had an automatic assault rifle.

This is looking more and more like a government operation.

That's what they want you to think!

Fuck you.

I see you are a product of public schooling.



Check out this story in the Atlantic published 9 days ago: http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2010/07/why-does-al-qaeda-have-a-problem-with-norway/59649/

Title of the story? "Why Does Al-Qaeda Have a Problem With Norway?"

This is a total setup.

Question. Why does this imply that it is a setup, rather than that theatlantic might have some nice reporting?

It was also apparently published in 2010, so I guess it is less significant than I thought it was, and standing alone (even if published last week) it isn't as suspicious until you start contemplating it with other things.

For me, the immediate implication of Islamic groups for this plot does make me suspicious for several reasons. Indulge me for a moment:

1) Israel has been lobbying quite heavily for countries to vote against the Palestinian cause for statehood due for vote in the UN in September. There are HUGE implications for Israel if this measure passes. It puts them up against a wall--arguably it could mean embargoes and sanctions for them, and there would be no US Security Counsel veto to get them out of it (I say this because resolutions already voted on by the US like UN 242 which have remained unenforced because of the ambiguity of "Palestinian" borders, would now be completely unambiguous). Norway just announced it would vote for Palestinian statehood. They are a NATO country, they are highly regarded. This is very problematic for Israel.

2) Israel only last month insisted on its armed agents to be stationed in every European airport. A big stink was made of this in Denmark (Norway's southern neighbor) and Israel stopped flights out of Denmark. Many people (including myself) were speculating this meant Israel was either planning something for Europe or aware of something being planned in Europe. It's an extremely unusual thing to insist on out of the blue.

3) Apparently Israel has been engaged in an identity theft ring to acquire New Zealand passports for its Mossad agents to run operations overseas. They are known to use these passports because of their ease in acquiring and their universal acceptance by foreign governments as being innocuous identities to assume.

4) Norway would be an unusual target for an Islamic group. I get the whole issue with the publication of the Danish cartoons, but this in and of itself is a rather big leap to link a group like Al Qaeda to. There are far more attractive targets for Islamic extremists, and Norway tends to be perceived as being relatively Arab friendly, or at least neutral (certainly friendly with regard to the Palestine issue).

5) The bomb was a rather sophisticated device. Very powerful. Very well placed. "Al Qaeda" (whatever that means anymore) has fumbled with underwear bombs and shoe bombs since their capabilities have been diminished and their "organization" has been destroyed over the past few years. This looks much more like something a more sophisticated government sponsored agency would pull off--CIA, Mossad, MI6, etc.

6) No Islamic group has taken "credit" for this (which typically happens rather quickly), yet you have the typical American media propaganda talking about "Islamic chatter on the internet cheering it"... as though that means something... I can link you to dozens of twitter posts from Israelis cheering this event because of Norway's announced vote for Palestinian statehood. Here's just one of numerous I've run across: http://twitter.com/#!/JerusalemOne/status/94419103799975936

7) The Jerusalem Post within an hour or two after the bombing publishes an article suggesting that Al Qaeda could be involved... again it's ridiculous at this point to make that suggestion. The related shooting involved a man that was described as "Nordic" in appearance. I don't know of any Nordic looking Islamic fundamentalists.

There are just too many things that point in the Mossad's direction to at least not raise an eyebrow and wonder. Now if it's some kind of domestic terror, I suppose we can write it off to that. I am not aware of what sort of domestic terror organizations (if any) exist in Norway. But with all this pointing to the Mossad, and the immediate media finger pointing to Islamic terror organizations and "Al Qaeda" immediately sets off my bullshit detector.

Great post.

This is a total setup.

Do you still feel that claim is accurate even though the suspect is a big, blonde, Norwegian native? While it might have looked like a setup if this had in fact been Muslims, but it's sound more like a Timothy McVey.

I don't see anyone trying to pin this on Muslims yet except the conspiracy community. Sounds like some homebrew extremism so far.

I feel less confident in the claim to be honest with you. As I said below, I made a mistake on the date. This article was actually published in 2010.

There are other things that are bugging me about this now that we're learning more. Logistically, I don't know how this guy pulls this off on his own. Unless he had help, or was very well trained, this lone nut theory doesn't really make any sense.

The timing of this is still strange, and I can't quite put my mind around it. You have the issue with Norway announcing their stance on endorsing Palestinian statehood just a couple days ago. Here's another thing-- the 65th anniversary of the King David Hotel bombing is today. That was a huge Zionist/terrorist event. This guy apparently is a staunchly pro-Israeli "conservative" Christian who's overtly expressed aversions against Muslims.

There are a lot of things that are suspicious, and I really haven't been able to digest it all yet to come up with a cogent theory.

But something doesn't quite sit right. (Just my honest take--take it for what it's worth).

We have tons of data on 9/11, including video that shows demo flashes and its done us alot of good. Buy at least we have it so I'm with you collect and archive it and sift through it later

Sure, just like those hundreds of videos of the pentagon impact that were confiscated from all local shops with security cameras.

A lot of social media has changed since 2001, look at Twitter and Youtube - if this was a conspiracy there will be countless amounts of evidence.

*Another thing to look at is all of the people filming the cops today, it would be easy in 2001 to have your proof confiscated immediately, nowadays we see everything.

If I could draw, I'd draw an "alot of good", then I'd say to it, "Alot of Good, that'll do you." And he'll be a happy alot.

One of the best bits of advice to come out of here in a long time; working on the videos now!

I actually live in Norway, and came back to this subreddit when I saw he was a freemason. I think in these days, the world needs to rid itself the habit of brushing conspiracy theories off as if it's just silly. Well done op for thinking of this. It will probably be done in every big crisis from now on.

If anyone finds any good ones, please post them.


StreamTransport is good for downloading videos hosted on obscure websites.

One thing to wonder is who the ‘Helpers of Global Jihad’ group are and why was it reported they were claiming responsibility for the attack before the 32 year old Norwegian was revealed:





That last one is the supposed exact copy of the forum post where they claimed responsibility. The thread was then locked or deleted. The guy who posted it, apparently then issued a retraction saying his group wasn't responsible.

Glad to know

Here they are saying here that it´s a homegrown terrorist without ties to islam. I don´t know what really took place in Oslo but let´s not forget that sometimes crazy does happen.


good idea and a worthwhile post

This is a very weird event indeed. On one hand, you have mainstream feelings which will lead us into the conclusion that muslim extermists did this and we are well aware that they are capable of doing such an ugly operation but why, why would they do it knowing that Norway has and will always help the Palestinians and Muslims in general to acquire their rights. And on the other hand, you've got the profile of the suspect, Anders Behring Breivik who is claimed to have right-wing views and the evidence is his facebook and twitter statements but the funny thing is, they were setup few days ago on July 17. That's a pretty narrow history for an extremist.

This is an excellent idea. I will spread the word. My bullshit detector is ringing like a siren on this.

Anyone else think it's odd that this has occurred on a Friday, let alone just before a weekend where the news would of been filled with talk of the debt ceiling?

Edit: If your a terrorist why not strike during working hours with more people around?

How can you not make this about America. What.

Would you prefer News Corp? Oh wait that's an American company... The timing just doesn't make sense. Terrorists generally strike around a symbolic date, and a Friday afternoon?

Psychologically you try to hit the center of impact, not a tailing edge. When was the last attack that did not occur between Tuesday and Thursday.

What the fuck are you talking about, seems to me, you are drawing specific days out of thin air at the same time trying to dechiper the psychological impact of terror based on what day it is.

Anders Behring Breivik, The main suspect, has already had his facebook profile pulled. This is where it used to be according to my browser history: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100002651290254

Edit: Additional Mirror

According to an article linked on this page he already had his facebook profile pulled in the past and the one you are linking is a new one. It also said that he had posted controversial opinions on that older on e but idk how they knew that.

Unbelievable, there is no way this is a real profile.

Agent #1: Hey man, it's already July 17th @ 4:00 PM, we need to get that Facebook page put up.

Agent #2: Yeah I know, what should we put on it?

Agent #1: Hell, put some Trance Videos, say he likes Dexter, and uhh... definitely 1984, everyone who reads that is an extremist.

Agent #2: What picture should I use?

Agent #1: Take one from the stack of Julian Assange Look-a-Likes.

Agent #2: Ok, done.



They don't have him is custody yet compare him to McVeigh. They've got it all figured out, yeh, right!

The first bomb went off in the building which housed Norway's biggest tabloid the VG. Trying to keep the lid on something ? Anyone know the scene ?


Where would they go?


Am I the only one that is dying to hear what that bag of douche Geert Wilders has to say about this?

Vreselijke aanslag in Oslo, zoveel onschuldige slachtoffers van gewelddadige, zieke geest. PVV rouwt mee met nabestaanden en Noorse volk. http://twitter.com/#!/geertwilderspvv

Quick translation: Terrible incident in Oslo, so many innocent victims of violent, sick mind. PVV mourns with family of victims and Norwegian people.

Who is Geert Wilders?

The guy who did it was a freemason. Oh snap.

Oh geez. You know, there are psycho's out there. Not everything is gubmint trying to steal Jesus from you.

Riddle me this. How do men in caves get their hands on sophisticated, powerful bombs and put them in place with no one noticing? There are tens of thousands of intelligence people looking for terrorist plots such as this? Where were they? The government tracks all computer data, phone calls etc. Why didn't their super sophisticated computers not pick up any signs of this plot?

The Atlantic wrote an article last year that any destruction done to Norway would be done by Al Qaeda. The Atlantic is a mainstream media owned propaganda rag. Anything in it is put there for a purpose. That article seems to want us to believe that al-qaeda would be responsible for any destruction done in Norway.

How do men in caves get their hands on sophisticated, powerful bombs and put them in place with no one noticing?

The main suspect lives in Norway. Riddle me derp.

Absolutely. If they can get the bomb to Norway via boat or place, why not just take out the boat/plane? The bombs they make in Afghanistan are used in Afghanistan.


I didn't mean to doubt that, sorry I didn't make it clear XD. I was just saying that the bombs made in Afghanistan will most likely stay there and that bomb used in Oslo would have been made in the country.

The government tracks all computer data, phone calls etc.

maybe because they don't track everything?

Actually, according to numerous whistle-blowers, everything is being copied and stored (by third party Israeli contractors actually). Everything.


No they can't track everything, YET.

But why are we spending billions for intelligence if we can't intercept a real plot?

Plus, why would a terrorist attack a building that was practically empty? Don't terrorists want to kill as many as possible?

But why are we spending billions for intelligence if we can't intercept a real plot?

Because you only know a plot is real after the fact. Also when they do intercept a plot, you all automatically call it entrapment by the FBI. Do you forget those rants here in r/consipiracy ?

Are you seriously admitting that you disbelieve all the reports and admissions of connections between the FBI and past thwarted "terrorists"?

It's not disbelieving anything. If something does happen, r/conspiracy goes bat shit crazy with "How could this happen?" Then the second something gets thwarted, "It is entrapment." r/conspiracy conveniently plays both sides.

Only those who scream the loudest are heard, plenty of us don't go bat shit crazy.

Well every community does that to varying degrees. If you're looking for contradictions or biased thinking in a community of thousands, then you will certainly find it.

That said, the FBI does contrive "terror" busts for PR and governments and agencies do stage "terror" attacks as false flags for population control purposes.

I can agree that we don't know 90% of the terror plots that are silently taken care of.

they could have been "just making a statement"

What statement would that be?

Think, who has the money and expertise to do this kind of stuff?

Stop drinking the kool aid.

Stop watching tv, reading mainstream news and magazines.

How do men in caves get their hands on sophisticated, powerful bombs and put them in place with no one noticing? Education

There are tens of thousands of intelligence people looking for terrorist plots such as this? The government tracks all computer data, phone calls etc.

No, No & No Source

Why didn't their super sophisticated computers not pick up any signs of this plot?


The Atlantic wrote an article last year that any destruction done to Norway would be done by Al Qaeda.

Norway played a part in the war on Afghanistan.

Norway is a peaceful country, but it has a big bullying brother that keeps dragging us down with it.

Men in caves did not pull off 9/11, however, the evidence surrounding that event did set precedent that we should all pay attention to events within the first hours of media coverage.

I agree whole heartedly that we should pay attention to media coverage, I do that too, don't get me wrong.

The wikileaks cables show Norway felt "immune" from terrorist attacks and that groups such as Al Qaeda were “not a direct threat”, I feel the same way.

One white male has been arrested at the shooting episodes in Utøya on AUF (Youth Working Party Campus) and has been linked to the bomb that went off in Oslo.

I feel I must stress this issue though, calling the event an islamist extremist terrorist attack is something I would take with a grain of salt, until we know the full story.

Of course, but we're conditioned to believe it is Islam, however, people are waking up to this so now they're targeting white Americans.

Their turbans, long bushy beards, and sunglasses successfully hid their identities.


Even idiots get things right once in a while.

Other False Flag Operation Made in USA for push politics in election times.

Casualty that it happened close to 2012?

And people wonder why redditors don't take the Conspiracy sub seriously. According to this sub either the Israelis did it or now Murdoch.

So why are you here? You know an unusual event happened. You know there is a forum called r/conspiracy where people are going to offer their ideas that don't align with mainstream thinking on what happened. Why would you intentionally come here and waste your time making a stupid comment like this?

It's not like you're being handcuffed to a chair with your eye-lids sewn open and being forced to read this with a gun to your head.

Are you just a horse's ass that wants to waste his time writing stupid comments in a place he knows he won't like? Do you got r/atheism and declare "God is real...you people are assholes!"?

There are a lot of ways to answer this question. One is that the conspiracy sub as you would like it is just a circle jerk. Other opinions create balance, and balance is sorely needed by some posters.

Another answer is that its interesting that you presume to want to find the 'real' reasons for events, (that are supposedly hidden from 'normal' people, who are mere sheeple cannon fodder for the Illuminati or rogue secret societies), yet if those opinions don't fit your version of reality then you reject them. You are just as blinded by your beliefs as you assume others are to the reality.

Thirdly unless you make this sub a closed shop, then other people will actually see your posts, and assume that you have the intestinal fortitude to be able to back up your opinions, instead of whining about being picked on and yelling that they go away.

And precisely what did I say in my post that would lead you to draw any of those conclusions?

Frankly, as regards this event, there isn't a "real" answer being offered by "normal" people. The media seems to be doing it's routine circle jerk of blaming Muslims and pointing to unidentified "internet chatter" on "Islamic sites" whatever the fuck that's supposed to mean.

I've outlined a pretty detailed theory on my suspicions of the Mossad's involvement on this. Others have as well. Perhaps rather than coming in here trying to engage in a pissing contest, why not critique those comments?

Your criticisms candidly thus far are rather adolescent. You come in here with a laundry list of assumptions, point to nothing, advance nothing substantive, and engage in the very kind of cliche circle jerk you accuse people in this forum of engaging in.

You said you came in here to offer an alternative view. Well for fuck sake, offer it. And I'll let you make your cute little reply and let you have the last word, unless that is you actually want to debate some of the substantive points raised in this topic (and there have been many) in which case I would be more than happy to engage you.

Okay... and what precisely are you trying to prove with this?

Its a false flag. Detonations of buildings = way 2 obvious false flag

I'm Norwegian, and seriously, fuck you.

WTF? If anything you should be glad people can think beyond the emotional issues this is causing your people. Sorry to offend you.

"Think beyond", wtf? You seem to claim that this was a false flag operation.

Why would suggesting this was a false-flag operation be an attack against Norway? We all feel terribly for what happened to innocent Norwegians. We're not saying your government was involved with it. To the contrary, the prevailing belief was that your country was targeted for taking a principled stand in the UN.

Because I doubt very much this is an Al Qaeda attack, doesn't mean I don't feel very badly for the loss of Norwegian life and hope the people who are responsible for this are brought to justice.

This is the problem with r/conspiracy... This event just occurred and already you guys are screaming "It's so obvious the government did this!" You hear of an event, immediately conclude it's part of a government conspiracy, and then look for meaningless connections and coincidences to rationalize your completely unfounded ideas. It's called schizophrenia - get help!

I prefaced this entire thing with: "I'm not saying this is a false flag"

Look at the original statement I made?

No one is claiming the Norwegian government is responsible for this.

Hey, Dr. Phil. Oprah went thattaway.

Would you prefer News Corp? Oh wait that's an American company... The timing just doesn't make sense. Terrorists generally strike around a symbolic date, and a Friday afternoon?

Psychologically you try to hit the center of impact, not a tailing edge. When was the last attack that did not occur between Tuesday and Thursday.

"Think beyond", wtf? You seem to claim that this was a false flag operation.

Why would suggesting this was a false-flag operation be an attack against Norway? We all feel terribly for what happened to innocent Norwegians. We're not saying your government was involved with it. To the contrary, the prevailing belief was that your country was targeted for taking a principled stand in the UN.

Because I doubt very much this is an Al Qaeda attack, doesn't mean I don't feel very badly for the loss of Norwegian life and hope the people who are responsible for this are brought to justice.

Question. Why does this imply that it is a setup, rather than that theatlantic might have some nice reporting?

There are a lot of ways to answer this question. One is that the conspiracy sub as you would like it is just a circle jerk. Other opinions create balance, and balance is sorely needed by some posters.

Another answer is that its interesting that you presume to want to find the 'real' reasons for events, (that are supposedly hidden from 'normal' people, who are mere sheeple cannon fodder for the Illuminati or rogue secret societies), yet if those opinions don't fit your version of reality then you reject them. You are just as blinded by your beliefs as you assume others are to the reality.

Thirdly unless you make this sub a closed shop, then other people will actually see your posts, and assume that you have the intestinal fortitude to be able to back up your opinions, instead of whining about being picked on and yelling that they go away.

This is a total setup.

Do you still feel that claim is accurate even though the suspect is a big, blonde, Norwegian native? While it might have looked like a setup if this had in fact been Muslims, but it's sound more like a Timothy McVey.

I don't see anyone trying to pin this on Muslims yet except the conspiracy community. Sounds like some homebrew extremism so far.