When you finally figure out what the Illuminati is, you'll be one of them.

49  2011-08-17 by [deleted]

"Paranoia is a Loser script; It defines somebody else as being in charge around here except me. I prefer to define myself and my friends as the architects of the future. If David Rockefeller has the same idea about himself and his friends, well, the future itself will decide which coalition was really on the Evolutionary Wave: the Money people or the Idea People."

"I regard myself and my friends as the power elite. That way I don't have to worry if someone else is manipulating me. They're trying, but we're outsmarting them every step of the way. Most people want to believe somebody else is in charge. Then they don't have to take responsibility. Then they have the supreme pleasure of perpetually complaining that somebody else is in charge, and it would be better if only they were in charge. As long as I think I'm in charge, I've got nothing to complain about."

-Robert Anton Wilson


RAW is required reading for humanity.

RAW? Please elaborate...

Robert Anton Wilson, who knows the final secret of the Illuminati.

Thanks I just wiki'd him. Never heard of him and definitely gonna read this entire page. Anywhere else I can read some stuff NOT on his wiki?

His site is still maintained and contains a good number of excerpts from his books.

The rabbit hole = The Illuminatus Trilogy.

You'll never be the same again.

I discovered Illuminatus! a little over twenty years ago, because it was the thickest book in my high school library and I took it as a personal challenge. I have read it at least once a year ever since and I'm still learning from it. Sometimes I even learn that what I learned previously was completely wrong, and that's okay.

Yes, it changes people's perspective of reality.

Oh hi welcome to the rabbit hole, enjoy your trip!

Don't forget to apply everything you learn along the way to your guide, and the place you started the journey.

It's nice to see someone who understands.

"Never trust anyone with the initials H.C." - Hagbard Celine, the main philosophical mouthpiece in the Illuminatus! trilogy.

If you google him you should pretty easily be able to find a collection of his books as free pdfs. Here i think.

Check him out on YouTube. A fascinating speaker.

No he doesnt. Its all an elaborate joke.


please share the final secret of the illuminati

"Universe non simultaniously apprehended" -- R. Buckminster Fuller

In plain English, no one knows all of everything at any given moment, and anyone who claims to is kidding themselves, or the poor sap they're talking to.

Which includes the bankers, the politicians, the occultists, the guys who are all three at the same time, the mathematicians, the autodidact polymaths. We're all along for this ride as much as eachother.

Did RAW pay taxes?


are we members of the illuminati once we have had full self-realization? is that how the illuminati works? is that why they/we are so powerful? i think i get it...

Another great book about looking into the abyss until you-know-what is Umberto Eco's Foucault's Pendulum.

"The lunatic is all idée fixe, and whatever he comes across confirms his lunacy. You can tell him by the liberties he takes with common sense, by his flashes of inspiration, and by the fact that sooner or later he brings up the Templars."

I just started this today. I read that Stanley Kubrick always wanted to make it into a film so I automatically had to give it a read.

Now that would have been a treat. But maybe poor ole Stanley got into enough trouble making Eyes Wide Shut ;-)

The Money people are too inflexible to adapt to the Idea people. And so the power fluxes.

But We do not live in a world where is people versus people. That is what we're led to believe. instead we live with a in the system that is dynastic, passed down from generation to generation. I also believe that it is conscious, but that's a comment for another time...

excellent, thank you!

Well said! The only way to bring change is to BE change. A "Viva La Revolucion" bumper sticker on the back of your car isn't going to incite any activism, and paranoid rants from Alex Jones and other retards (Jordan Maxwell, David Icke) only spread misinformation and propaganda. Quit listening and start ACTING.

As far as the post title goes, everyone reading this thread is subconsciously and unknowingly seeking to join the Illuminati. That's why I personally think we should add some sort of content on the side of r/conspiracy about that organization so newcomers have a good head start and a positive direction.

thanks! really digging his 'acceleration of knowledge' lecture. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sb-4mSL4osI&list=PL7A15430BA9814A2B

Love me some RAW.

i have the same approach, however, when the real power elite stage a massive false flag, we're all soon reminded that we're really not the power elite.

Go back, and read it again.

He's saying that he's out smarting the real power elite every step of the way. He's wrong. When the real elite decide to destroy the economy or blow up buildings, we're not one step ahead, we're at the whim of their control.

This is RAW's technique of not feeling absolutely hopeless.

  • Do false flag terrorist attacks/economic depressions still affect you as much when you know they're designed to get an emotional reaction from you?

  • Do you think you have to be in with the Steven Spielbergs and George Lucas' of these made-in-hollywood events before you're rolling with the "power elite"?

  • Do you honestly believe there could only ever be one conceivable "power elite" at any given moment?

Congratulations! If you answered "Yes" to all of the above, you just resigned yourself to hopelessness and cowardice. Instead of having a reason to wake up every day, you're going to be paranoid, amotivated and torporous. Which is exactly what they would want.

This is the part when I realize that people take RAW very seriously. I'm not sure if that was his intention.

Those questions steer away from my original point. No need to respond to them.

Here's a hypothetical situation.

You're a slave on the plantation. You pick cotton from sun come up to sun go down. You really don't like what Master does to you. You know one of the other slaves, his name is Robert Anton Wilson. He comes to you and says: "cheer up my friend. Let me tell you something. Instead of hating the fact that I'm a slave to Master and pick cotton all day while being dominated, I just pretend that I'm the master." Naturally you look at him funny and keep picking cotton.

So if you find RAW's quote alleviating, first of all you might have been paranoid in the first place, and secondly now you have Stockholm Syndrome. The power elite are cool, and I'm part of the power elite. Now I'm going to go back to blogging about conspiracy theories and call others who I don't know paranoid!

"I don't always choose to get fucked in the ass, but when I do, I like to pretend that I'm actually fucking someone else in the ass. Because really I'm part of the power elite."


conspiracy theorists often get trapped into a self-image of victimisation, but not RAW, he was one of the few willing to ask himself if he could be doing something to cause the problems he faced. as long as we think we know that someone/something else is causing the problems we face, we'll never ask ourselves what we could be doing to cause the problems ourselves...

in the hypothetical situation you mentioned, maybe the "slave" is causing the problems they face by being unwilling to attempt escape. maybe it's impossible for the "slave" to escape, maybe not, but they'll never know unless they try, and they'll never try unless they ask themselves if they could be causing the problem by not trying to escape.


For sure, we're getting fucked every day and whatever works for them can learn to work for me.

You've come away with the assumption I'm encouraging you to have delusions of grandeur, because you ignored the third question like a presumptuous smartarse. "The power elite" (wat) are a group of talking monkeys like any other human group, full of their own cognitive biases, and, if they're in to ritual human sacrifice for example, superstition. Why would I have stockholm syndrome for a cryptocracy that's as fallible as any other group of humans?

That's the main point to be driven home here. They're just people. Dave Rothschild still needs to whipe after he takes a shit in the morning. Don't put them on a pedestal just because they have more resources than you. It's the urge to be lead by someone else that's gotten us into this mess.

When the real elite decide to destroy the economy or blow up buildings, we're not one step ahead, we're at the whim of their control.

Most people want to believe somebody else is in charge. Then they don't have to take responsibility. Then they have the supreme pleasure of perpetually complaining that somebody else is in charge, and it would be better if only they were in charge. As long as I think I'm in charge, I've got nothing to complain about.

it would be better if only you were in charge, right?

It had nothing to do with me, or RAW, or anyone being in control.

The quote is akin to a homeless person thinking, "I might not be one of the rich, but I like to think I'm one of the rich anyway."

Positive thinking doesn't automatically translate into a positive politic.

The quote is akin to a homeless person thinking, "I might not be one of the rich, but I like to think I'm one of the rich anyway."

i would say it's more like a homeless person doing something to fix the problems they're facing, instead of wasting time and energy blaming "the rich"...

It's not an issue of "positive thinking", it's an issue of personal responsibility. Blaming someone else for problems is easy, anyone can do it, but imo it's a waste of energy we could use fixing the problem...

Agreed. I think this is akin to "rah! Rah!" Feel-good religious bullshit.

This guy was a nobody.