DAE notice more and more worldnews and politics content migrating here since the Great Moderation Crackdown in the former subreddits?

27  2011-09-15 by txstoploss

Half the r/conspiracy front page is now Israeli shenanigans and Obama-mania.


r/politics ceases to exist now as a legitimate forum. The moderators censor anything that is not collectivist/socialist/in favor of Obama etc..

This is happening to other reddits too such as r/anarchism, r/economics etc.

This is the fatal error with reddit. Censorship is the last refuge of cowards. Once a cowardly ideologue becomes a moderator of a popular subreddit then he basically censors thousands of posts that don't fit his ideology.

Bascially were are going to have to branch out the subreddits to 100 r/politics rooms and a 100 r/worldnews rooms or just talk in other rooms like this so people can bypass the censorship.

r/conspiracy, aka r/alternativenews.

aka r/truthsomepeopledon'tlike

I agree with the OP. I have noticed an overload of political material that should be in the politics section. but i think this is part of the tactics of the organised trollers from the Hasbara and NSA call centres.

This tactic is also used on the David Icke forum by the psy op drones who fill out the forum with nonsensical posts that have nothing to do with conspiracy material. Its a tactic to distract the members and a tactic to slow down debate, and grind down the moderators.

Unless you have a full time mod on here with good tech skills its difficult to counter. Just keep vigilant and keep posting good stuff.

Dont let the dead baby semen eating bastards grind you down. The fact they spend so much time on here shows you they have lost.

I've noticed a lot more anti-"Jew" posts to discredit this subreddit by making it look anti-Semitic and racist.

Right-o. See yamakarma's comment above.

All of the truly anti-Jew posters have been banned like the one who would just post old stories of Rabbis sexually abusing children. Yamakarma is clearly a troll why are you listening to him?

Notice the majority of his posts on this sub are from Icke, Jones, and other infotainment people (or disinfo if you want to be more accurate)