A good allegory of the Bin Laden story

37  2011-09-28 by jaykayel

I caught bigfoot today! Unfortunately, I killed him and buried the body somewhere in the state (I can't remember exactly where). I have pictures, but I can't let you see them because it might offend other bigfoots who might attack people out of retaliation if they see that I released the pictures. I also have a DNA test proving it, but you can't see that either because it's classified and you should just trust me. Oh, and I have witnesses too, but they're all sworn to secrecy and I'm not going to tell you who they are. But they are real, I promise! The mystery of Bigfoot is officially solved, you can all trust me on this one.


Nice! The sad thing is, people actually bought this horseshit, especially the paramount DNA turnaround.

Yeah, it cracks me up how I can say something like "I caught Bigfoot" and everybody knows its a joke (and a lie), yet when the president says "I caught Bin Laden" everybody pisses red white and blue for a week

everybody pisses red white and blue for a week

Spot on there.

All I could do was shake my head in disbelief the day of the 'raid' after the President declared bin Laden dead.. All of those people cheering in the streets..

My goodness, you took the exact words right out of my mouth.


Ah.. I'm sorry. I must need winding again. Wind me up willya?

actually the witnesses are all dead.

yeah, they died in a "helicopter crash" a few weeks later, didn't they?


This is the story, and the seals involved (23) were NOT the ones on board the aircraft. They were part of the same 120 member seal team six, but not the ones who were killed.

From article:>...It was reported last night that the Seals who died in the helicopter crash were not among the 23 who killed Bin Laden. However, they were members of the same 120-strong Seal Team Six and would have trained alongside and been close friends with those who carried out the Bin Laden raid...

Wait, wasn't there a helicopter crash in the bin laden story? You don't think they made the story up about bin laden and then a little while later the was "another" helicopter crash ...


The second crash was just part of the Seal team that supposedly did the Bin Laden operation. It wasn't necessarily the same guys. Although, how could we possibly know either way?

Hold on. If 25 seals were killed in a separate crash, which may or may not have been part of the ubl operation... Then that means that the real problem isn't that the people who killed ubl are dead and can't testify, but more that they may have never existed to begin with. Names are created to employ operations and destroyed after. There was no seal team 6.

well that's what they will resort to if they need to, but the reports and stories that came out after that chopper crash are ambiguous regarding the fate of the actual team 6 dudes. the stories do a good job of implying that team six members were on board, but then say it was other members of that elite squad that actually died. it's a mind fuck that they've intentionally done to keep it open to either variation of the story. team six is literally in existence limbo.

25 seals of team 6 and 7 afghans.

A much simpler analogy is the government is a boyfriend that lies and cheats on you but keeps telling you to trust him. And a large majority of people are the girlfriends that keeps running back to him.

You're in trouble. Expect an "accident".

Yeah, especially since I'm in the Army and I still see past the curtain. That is generally frowned upon in the service...


just kinda figured everything out after i joined. I won't be reenlisting lets just say that

This sounds familiar lol

This sounds familiar lol

I posted this yesterday morning on a different forum, the OP has to be a member of the same forum otherwise that's a pretty big coincidence


lol that is a coincidence! I haven't heard of the bigfoot/obl thing until I made a post about it of fb, then decided it would be kinda fitting for a r/conspiracy thread. Small world, lol

That's weird lol

Oh, and I have witnesses too, but they're all sworn to secrecy and I'm not going to tell you who they are they've been killed in a helicopter crash attack.


You missed the Seal team wipe out.

makes about as much sense as religion

lol that is a coincidence! I haven't heard of the bigfoot/obl thing until I made a post about it of fb, then decided it would be kinda fitting for a r/conspiracy thread. Small world, lol