Lately, I have spent some time questioning the legitimacy of Ron Paul.

14  2011-10-05 by [deleted]

Are we foolish to rally behind him? Are we, the critical thinkers, turning off our ability to question when it comes to RP? Can someone who stands for the things he does REALLY make it this far along without being controlled opposition? Is this “Change We Can Believe In” polished up and given a new coat of paint?

I suppose we can’t know for now, but I liken it to the Salem witch trials. For example – Anna is accused of being a witch, so she gets thrown into the river by the townsfolk. If she makes it out of the river, it’s because she is a witch. She is then hung. If Anna doesn’t make it out of the river alive, she wasn’t a witch…and Ooops!

So it’s like this – let’s say RP wins the race. If he is controlled opposition, he will show his true colors and the blame will be on US for rallying behind him the way so many did behind Obama in 08. If he is indeed sincere, chances are that he will get taken out (if he is even allowed to win the race). Then we are back to shit again. I so want him to be for real, but I can't shake the feeling that it's a huge joke.


TL;DR – The only way the elites will let RP win is if he is controlled opposition. If he isn’t controlled opposition, he will never be president.

Edit - sp


I am not wiser than any of you. I do not have any confirmed answers, but I can tell you what my approach was. I told myself, that if he is fake then there is a chance that you will find evidence against him. And if he is from the establishment you will find the ties real soon.

A. You have to dig first deep in history

Then you find out. What he calls friends. You find somebody like Larry McDonald. Pretty much what I call an educated anti-establishment guy. Why was Ron Paul his friend? And why did Ron Paul talk about the same topics for years and always had the same opinion about them?

B. Ties

Ask yourself in what establishment clubs he was in and where he was recruited. CFR, UN, Trilateral Commission, CIA, Bilderberg, Club of Rome, EUFR, Bohemian Grove, banking, oil industry?

Nope, no ties to any of them.

C. Contradictions Did he ever contradict himself. Do you have the feeling that he is lying? What does his vote record say? Did he ever for something that was unconstitutional or did he ever vote for something and he said something else?

Nope, he has a perfect record. And he explains to you that he has principles and that this is the only thing that leads him. And it is not only him. It is his whole family!

D. Paradoxes

D.1. Would the establishment allow some fake opposition to attack their roots? No? Then why is RP attacking the FED and telling the people about gold and constitutional rights?

D.2. Why are they trying every trick in the bag to neutralize him in silence, but are failing and they are furious about that?

D.3. How did the establishment build up this character for over 40 years?

E. Reason

Why does he sound so reasonable? And why is it, that the only thing that disturbs you is that he probably is too good to be real and that you do not have any hope left?

Do you realise that Obama contradicts himself with every speech he gives and do you realize that the only reason the people believed in his lies was that he was not well known and there was nearly no record of him? So why did they need only 1 year to convince the public of this puppet Obama, but need 40 years to build up RP?

F. Collective intelligence

I am not even in the USA and I am a fan of him since 2007 and I am very critical. I can tell you that I would vote for him if there was any politician similar to this guy in my country. For heavens sake, I would die to have some guy like him over here. You are still asking questions? Man, get your research done. Do it real deep and then come back and do whatever you think is appropriate. It may influence your future, but you will never know if you do not try it.

Upvote for you good sir! Very well put!

You forgot to mention his Rockefeller ties via Mises.

D.1. Would the establishment allow some fake opposition to attack their roots? No? Then why is RP attacking the FED and telling the people about gold and constitutional rights?

What about Alex Jones and David Ike? Granted, the are not in politics, but AJ has probably already influenced more people than Ron Paul. I think RP is tailored to the demographic that is looking for someone like him.

D.2. Why are they trying every trick in the bag to neutralize him in silence, but are failing and they are furious about that?

Because they want to keep their creation in a box. They don't really want to expose the whole country to his way of thinking, they just want to be there for the people that can see through the usual two party political theater.

As a portion of the population awakens their anger can be channeled into false hope in a guy who says all the right things. I also have a REALLY hard time putting faith into anyone who thinks the earth is only 5 thousand years old.

You support Ron Paul, like you would any other candidate, because he articulates the vision of America that makes the most sense to you. According to your analysis he is risking his life and his (sacred) honor to run for president. You will not get a chance to vote for him but you can promote his message: constitutional government.

You will not get a chance to vote for him

I've voted for him. Depending on your state, you can vote in the Republican primaries to try and get him on the ballot. I registered republican in my state so that I can attend the caucuses and vote in the primaries.

Not really relevant or arguing with you, just a little side note of information. :)

I meant you will not get a chance to vote for him in the presidential election.

I hope I am wrong because he will win against Obama.

Oh I agree, that's why I said not relevant to your point, just saying you can vote for him, in some manner. At least you can get his numbers up in the primaries so people take notice that he's not the laughing stock the media would have you believe. Primaries are still important, because it's more official than a poll, and people actually vote in them. It's still a way of demonstrating that he isn't a kook to the public.

He got like 16% in the primaries in my state in 2008.

If the 1% felt threatened by the 99% they might allow him to be the guy in charge while we get things fixed.

With that hope in mind I now depart to be in the march from City Hall to Liberty Square.

If he's fake, he was planted 20 years ago and has been faking it ever since. It was Rep Paul's audit of the Fed that discovered its 16 TRILLION dollar loans to foreign banks. If he was fake, they're doing a great job of hiding it.

Paul 2012.

The difference between he and Obama is the fact that RP is a true American statesman. The things he stands for are correct: provide only for defense, sound money and economic liberty, social freedom. This isn't to say that your thought is wrong, because it is very feasible indeed. However, whether he is controlled opposition or not, he is saying things that are waking up the people to the way humanity thrives.

If only he would leave religion OUT of the politics he would be great.

I do sometimes question though if he is "Christian" just for appearance sake? coming from a religion heavy southern state....

He has never let his personal religious beliefs be part of any action he has taken in Congress. Ron Paul doesn't do anything for appearance sake, he's the genuine article, the real deal, through and through.

False. Ron Paul signed a right to life initiative recently in which he promised to make abortion illegal at the federal level and do anything in his power to abolish planned parenthood and similar organizations.

Good! It would still be legal on a state level. He doesn't think the Federal Government should have any say over the birth choice of the mother. If a woman was 4 months pregnant and you punched her in the stomach and the baby died you would be charged with murder or manslaughter. If a Dr. sucks a fetus out of a 4 month pregnant woman it's legal. IMO there is something wrong with that.

The doctor isn't assaulting the woman, she is doing it with her own free will, so that is where your analogy breaks down. You apperantly misread what I said. He is going to abuse the power of the federal government to make abortion illegal nationwide. Now doesn't that conflict with key the states decide? Do Christian values have any sway here? You bet.

You're mistaken. He has never said he want's or even has any intention to make abortion illegal. He does not want the federal government to have any say whatsoever on abortion.

And I refer you here.


What, like Ron Paul winning the election? Lol.

This still doesn't prove your accusation that Paul would make abortion a Federal crime. You're short on the facts on this one, Paul is all about limiting the size and scope of government. To make abortion illegal would go against everything he's been saying for over 30 years. It simply wouldn't happen.

Okay I hope you are right, but I'm under the impression that he is a distraction for the few of us that are disillusioned but still have faith in the system. He might not even realize it.

He is a distraction, but not like you think. He's a distraction to the establishment machine. The Republican party HATES Ron Paul, they don't even support him when he runs for his Congressional seat, they even go one step further and run an "establishment" Republican against him every time. He's the real deal IMO. If Paul were to be elected and do a 180 like Obama, I would be floored, it would be like Twilight Zone material.

You know, i started out writing this thinking that his religious views where more prevalent then they are, but after reading a list of his ideas and views iv got to admit the only ones that seamed to have anything based on religion where Israel, Abortions and same sex marriages.

At the same time his views on the greater international community and America's involvement with it are superb - you don't win hearts by killing families after all - and his views on free trade and government spending are spot on in my mind.

I totally disagree with his views on American border's (mainly his issues with Amnesty) but at the same time I understand WHY he thinks them. I just don't believe they are right.

Only other real issue I have is with his views on taxes - yes no taxes sounds great, but how does he plan to have government money to spend on infrastructure etc?? (serious question, anyone got any ideas??)

He isn't against all taxes, really his focus is to eliminate the income tax. Read this:

That actually does explain it a bit better. Income tax really does turn people into "have and have nots" - mainly when the rich can hire lawyers to get those tax cuts while the poor can not :(

Ironically, the fact that he gets almost no major media coverage is what I take to be an indicator that he might be legitimate. But then again, just the fact that he has gotten as far as he has concerns me. It's a hell of a paradox, like you said. If he does get elected, he almost has to be a stooge. If he doesnt, well, ooops! If he makes it to the primaries and disappears for a weekend, we'll know whats up

100% of Ron Paul's plans will not pass, and to some degree I wouldn't want that. But trying doing the same thing over and over again is greatly failing. We need a guy in there who will shake things up, instead of bending over. So far Paul has stood strong.

When will people give up trying to choose the lesser evil out of the two parties and just admit the system is floored and needs to be replaced?

People like RP are necessary in order for people to believe democracy works.

when will people stop waiting for "leaders" (politicians, gods, aliens) to save them?

If Ron Paul was a real patriot who wasn't part of the same system you guys so naively think he's fighting against then Ron would run as an independent. He doesn't. He works within the republican party, and is a part of it.

That's because it's fucking impossible to run and win as an independent. Sometimes you have to work within the system to defeat it.

just look into the council for national policy and you will discover that ron paul is indeed a fraud.

Well, the way I see it, let's vote for him and see what happens. It certainly can't be worse than voting for a confirmed puppet, which basically everyone else who is running is. If he doesn't win with obviously huge voting support then well we can at least have something to unite us citizens over for a real revolution. IF he does win and isn't a puppet, then it's all good unless assassination attempts are made on him by those behind the federal reserve system which has happened before. At least it'll start shit up and start waking people up. If I was Ron Paul, I would immediately surround myself with the military and like do everything in a secret bunker. only way to get shit done without dying.

Obama will win again. The GOP has no one to field that isn't considered a loon by the majority at this time. There is only a 2 party system.

Romney. Perry.

Both loons. Mormon loon, greedy loon. Loons and unacceptable. You would literally have to be willfully ignorant, blind, deaf and dumb to give either of these guys your vote. Obama is still hanging onto the bag of shit he got handed by the last GOP goofball that GOT everyone in this mess to begin with. Gotta give it to the guy, he's done not too badly considering the egregious and tenacious pile of shit he was starting with.

Obama hasn't done anything. That's why he hasn't done too badly -- he hasn't done anything. He makes Jimmy Carter look like Roosevelt.

Being Mormon has nothing to do with it, although I don't take offense to that remark, I am going for Herman Caine

Like I've always thought, if he was a threat to TPTB, he'd be dead.

No matter how much we kid ourselfs one person cannot change things signifigantly, even if that man is President. To change something (in this system) you need to take congress by majority. This is the only true way to begin change in the system but the system, by it's own design, doesn't allow for more than just two parties. So to change we have to first eliminate or change the ideaolgigy of a party, then get it elected into congress, then President. The people with money know this and will stop it at any cost. A movement this size would take a lot of people and the more people you have the easier it is to find a mole to bribe or help destroy from the inside. Basically there is no efficiant way of changing the system by obiding by the laws of said system.

Edit - Spelling

RP says some good things I agree with like the idea that we should not attack other countries for no good reason. But he also supports ideas like no minimum wage, which would return us to the middle ages. I don't like this type of thinking. So, I can't support him.

Would you prefer a mandatory minimum wage of 100,000 dollars a year? But 100k only buys a bag of rice and a loaf of bread? Or would you prefer there be a minimum wage for those that can get them, and a bunch of unemployed people who can't work because employers can't afford to hire them? Nice choices!

Very quickly corporations will find a way to buy up the available jobs, creating a job shortage forcing people to work for pennies.

Taking away minimum wage today is going to do far more harm then good. Most places in my town that pay minimum wage are some of the most successful corporations in the world. McDonald's, Walmart, SuperStore(Grocery Chain). Any job that requires more than 2 brain cells, pays at least $1 more than minimum wage.

If you can't sustain you business unless you pay your employees a dollar or two less than your probably doomed to fail anyway.

If you're a start-up, and you can't afford to pay 8 dollars an hour to hire your first employee, but you can afford to pay someone who is willing to work for 2 dollars an hour, why shouldn't you be allowed to do that? It's a voluntary contract.

I really can't argue with you, in the case of a small start up it doesn't make sense to make it illegal. However I do feel that corporations, given the ability to do so, would lower wages on a mass scale to compensate for low earnings, inflation, the global financial mess, Once the corporations do it, the middle size and small businesses will all follow suit as it will be come the new norm.

If the big corporations lowered their wages, startups and small businesses could better afford to hire the skills and talent away from the big is the minimum wage law which helped destroy mom and pop/ family owned businesses!

To be blunt, he trusts in God, or claims to, so while I find some of his ideas kinda stupid, I have a hard time thinking he's in league with some crazy occultist secret society. But, I also think that, this being the case, he will certainly not win the election.

How many Presidents were atheists? zero Now how many were freemasons? nearly all

how many presidents appear to be atheists? zero. how many acutally are atheists? Well, that's a different question.

That said, it's totally an aside: Freemasonry is defined, essentally, by the abscence of God, hence why they utilize all the crazy ass symbolism. They're occultists.

He's also a Mason. Just sayin.

He is not. you're making shit up, or you get your facts from the enquirer.

I don't vote for republicans and I don't get along with people who do.




Ron Paul is a lizard person. He slips up less than most of them, but does it a few times really bad such as here.

Why the downvotes? Why not explain why my evidence is invalid?

Every time I hear him spew the christian fundamentalist bullshit I think "so much for critical thinking and intellectual honesty.."

You can't trust a man who isn't even able to be honest with himself about his own worldview.

you must be thinking of someone else. Ron Paul is a constitutionalist not a christian fundamentalist.