r/conspiracy, have you noticed reddit is waking up a bit? Good job!

140  2011-10-10 by [deleted]

For me it feels like the reality and views of the majority of reddit is coming closer and closer to what r/conspiracy has been trying to tell for a long time.

What would have happened if you made a post saying that both parties are bought by corporations and that the American government is completely corrupt a few years ago? You would've been a conspiracy nut, and you would've been ridiculed.

Posts with these kind of messages are making the front page today, and it's accepted as truth - it makes me happy to see. They've also realized that the major newspapers are just tools for governments and corporations to push their views.

Just wait and see as more people wake up, in a year or two I am pretty sure many of these currently seen as "conspiracy nut tinfoil theories" will be considered truths as well. 9/11 and the extraterrestrial presence comes to mind.


Most of the "conspiracy nut tinfoil theories" are backed up with more facts than the official story itself.

It astonishes me how some people can deny the evidence that lays right in front of them just because it's not what someone in a position of power is telling them.

It's not that 'someone in a position of power' says differently, it's how ones social circle would react.

Or a combination of both. It is difficult to break that sphere if they don't break it early on. It gets stronger and stronger over the years of your life.

For me, I never had a problem with it because from the moment I was politically aware, I was reading Noam Chomsky. From there on in, nothing seemed inplausable. The scale of media manipulation was so massive, that I could see just how 'they' could continue to get away with pulling the wool over peoples eyes.

Noam Chomsky's work is very important. If people could understand Chomsky's Propaganda Model, they can finally stop asking that endless question, "So why isn't it on the news?"

"So why haven't I heard about it?"

How many times have you heard that?

ya, I owe quite a bit of my awakening to Chomsky. Reading/listening to Chomsky lead to Zinn and others.

I read philosophy and was never a fan of authority, but before Chomsky, it didn't even seem possible to be able to control so many individuals. After realizing I was exactly the product/consumer that they created/needed for the consumeristic society to keep chuggin along I've tried to do my part in awakening others.

It's really fuckin difficult if the will isn't already there though...

I never looked around, never second-guessed
Then I read some Howard Zinn now I'm always depressed
And now I can't sleep from years of apathy
All because I read a little Noam Chomsky

I've made this point time and time again, but the reason we're regarded as nutcases is because the lunatics with completely bizarre, unfounded theories seem to be attracted to this stuff. When people see enough posts about lizard people and doomsday comets they will just brush all other arguments aside without actually considering their merit.

Unfortunately we've been getting tarred with the same brush for a long time, but I think over the last decade or so the masses have wised-up to the fact that these nutjobs are in the minority but have a habit of being the ones to shout loudest.

It's nice that we're now being taken seriously, but unfortunately it has come at a cost - the transformation of western nations into even more corrupt, controlling states than they were before.

I agree with you.

Every time I see a post about Illuminati Zionist mushroom men faking the moon landing I always sigh with disapproval. I don't like being associated with people that believe insane things and have no factual basis to back up their claims.

I can only assume this is how Muslims must feel about terrorists.

Wait, when did the mushrooms get shoehorned in there?


Oh, what? You mean I'm not a nutjob anymore? Maybe I ought to start taking payouts from the Rothschilds to post on Reddit.

History repeats, we are coming to the end of this era. Revolution is either around the corner or something unattainable. Most important political question has always been, "Corrupt or not corrupt?"

whether you get a revolutionary into power is not the point as once in power they will become corrupt.

for me it is about waking up society and in the process making the people who govern us accountable and truthful.

If you need to bomb the fuck out of libya to keep the standard of living of the UK good then tell us the fucking truth, please don't say it is about saving civillians........

What you are asking isnt possible. Good luck getting that. You cant just be like, "oh we are feeling more for UK, take up the ass Libya" letting everyone know.

I was stoked when I saw there was a subreddit for conspiracy but immediately assumed there would be no more than 20 readers, but 39,645 is a good start.

It'll be interesting to see if the extraterrestrial presence thing starts to gain traction. Many people are still completely convinced that there is no other life in the universe, let alone galaxy and still more think it impossible to traverse the enormous distances even though it is more than likely that even with our rudimentary understanding of physics we will soon (50 - 100 yrs) bridge the interstellar gaps.

With exponential growth along with reverse engineering anything is possible.

What is the extraterrestrial presence thing? Is it just the idea that alien's exist, or that they are here on earth in some way?

If it's the latter, can you pass whatever you're reading my way.

saved me some time:) but yeah, there isn't any definative evidence in the public domain, but lots of circumstantial evidence and many eye witness reports from all walks of life. Bascially it's true and there just hasn't been any governmental authority which has come out and admitted it. The skeptic in me would still like more definative evidence, but I'm inclined to think there are in fact aliens among us.

I think based on the evidence this is a lot to expect

o blarggag?

What do you guys think about Project Bluebeam and Star Wars (SDI - the government program)?

No, not really.

Used to be that everyone on reddit knew that there was something wrong with the official storyline regarding 9/11, then reddit became 'e-pop', and with an influx of members, came an influx of less educated and more mainstream opinions.

The longer they stay on reddit the more educated they become, so, sure I guess.

Keep up the good work! :)

Let's assume everyone "wakes up" (whatever that means), what next?

Revolution, in one form or another my friend. i believe the U.S. is about due.

'The average age of the world's greatest civilizations from the beginning of history, has been about 200 years'

'During those 200 years, those nations always progressed through the following sequence:

  1. From bondage to spiritual faith;

  2. From spiritual faith to great courage;

  3. From courage to liberty;

  4. From liberty to abundance;

  5. From abundance to complacency;

  6. From complacency to apathy;

  7. From apathy to dependence;

  8. From dependence back into bondage'

Quoted from: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1914899/posts

I'll just leave this right here.

Thanks for letting me know what it was from. I just sampled it on merit, unaware of the source.

I'd say we're 8-8.5 now.

How can you equate 9/11 with extraterrestrial presence? 9/11 has a lot of angles and all point to the government at the very least knowing and letting it happen. There's no legitimate evidence for extraterrestrial presence I've ever seen.

If you dig deep enough and long enough you will get the big picture of the ET presence. "Evidence" is impossible prove. There are plenty of UFO videos, 90% fake. Same for alien images (nsfw). But listening to people is most interesting. Here, I'll drop a comment I made earlier:

So, does this mean that the army found a flying saucer and withheld it from other interested official agencies - in this case the FBI - who wished to analyse it?

More people that agree that UFOs are here and are extraterrestrial:

Suggesting that it's highly possible:

They are not stupid.

Oh come now, everyone knows that any ship will fall off the edge of the Earth if it travels too far from Europe...


This image sums them up very well, and from a perspective not many humans are yet aware.

As I read #2, I noticed how it ends with "plane" and smiled quietly. The primary obfuscating detail clouding most humans' thinking is the easily rejected idea of interplanetary travel; humans fail to perceive the hyperdimensional manifold, which "interpenetrates with our own and is not perceptible to us." That is, it is within, and without, and slightly to the left, and to the right, and twisted a bit. It is the fractalated matrix of order n+1, as n→∞ and ∞→אx and x→Ω=Α.

Well researched! Thank you for consolidating all of this. The FBI papers are so obvious that it's hard to believe they just let that information out.

This makes me smile.... being aware and examining all potential possibilities is a good thing. I like playing around in the grey area but there is always a line. Personally, that line starts near the morgellon mind control NWO weather manipulating zombie lizard elitists on niburu... I am still fascinated by even the craziest of ideas :)

You know what they say, the truth always comes out.

"They" say a lot of things.

Sorry I was too lazy to look up Arthur Schopenhauer's quote on the 3 stages of truth. now you know who they is.

I LOVE YOU R/CONSPIRACY!!!! i used to lurk the comments in prisonplanet.com because they always had interesting things you could independently research now its just trolls fighting. PLease help OWS know what they are protesting! r/occupywallstreet is our movement!

people need to realize why r/jailbait was shut down... http://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/l80rh/rjailbait_shut_down/

reddit is perhaps "waking up", but it isn't because of /r/conspiracy.

That's due to the large influx of users. You are getting a bigger section of the youtube/yahoo population.


what a succinct and insightful comment. thank you.

I never looked around, never second-guessed
Then I read some Howard Zinn now I'm always depressed
And now I can't sleep from years of apathy
All because I read a little Noam Chomsky