This is the end/beginning of an era. Wars and Rumors of Wars --> Arab Spring --> Occupy Wall Street --> Global Financial Armageddon --> What comes next?

16  2011-11-03 by [deleted]

These events are signs of the times. In Biblical Prophecy, these are the end times. But, as much as they are "end days", they are (potentially, anyway) new beginnings. We now have the opportunity to not only witness, but to also take part in, the rebirth of the legendary Phoenix.

I am of the opinion that the wisest sages have always known this. They have, for generation upon generation, witnessed these cycles on much smaller scales... but never on a scale of this magnitude.

What we are currently witnessing is Financial Armageddon. The death of the old ways and the birth of something new - something, as yet, unknown and, for the most part, currently unknowable except through symbolism.

Because we are seeing something new, we cannot tell what it is. But, we do have words to describe the process. Words of symbolism which have been given to us, handed down from generations past to generations present.

And, although it may seem terrifying to some... soon, it will be impossible to remain asleep.

The only two things of which I am certain are:

1) my own ignorance of what lies ahead, and

2) my hope that it will be better than that which is left behind.


Armageddon fetishism is nothing new, if anything I'd say it's so ingrained in the human psyche, it would be strange if a portion of humanity DIDN'T believe it was facing imminent destruction of its current way of life.

It is the effort of a desperate and depressed human mind to try and make sense of the chaos of its day. Stop giving way to this idea that the mess we're in is going to be swept away in one swift motion, from supernatural forces or otherwise.

I'm not saying that tyrants don't exist in the 1st world, or that the Illuminati aren't pulling strings on an international scope. But this is our world, today. You have all the mental and spiritual tools necessary to bring change TODAY. Aliens and Jesus are not going to come from the sky and do it for us. Stop wrapping the day's events in superstitious mumbo jumbo. If you want things to be different, change them. Do it now, do it under your own steam. You can. So shut up and DO IT.


Why the hostility? I never mentioned Jesus or alliens or superstition. I mentioned symbolic speech (the Phoenix symbolizes death and rebirth, the passing of one and the beginning of another), and I pointed out that we are now witnessing and having the opportunity to take part in a wonderful new beginning.

You're the second person to make this huge misinterpretation of my words. (The first one had the courtesy [wisdom?] to delete his comments when he realized it.)

"These events are signs of the times. In Biblical Prophecy, these are the end times."

And you're telling me you didn't intend anything about religion or superstition in your post? Either way, my hostility is not directed at you, personally. What gets my goat is the way a lot of opinions seem to be in the vein of what I called "Armageddon Fetishism"; that events are going along with what some guy said in some book somewhere at some point in history and now OH MY GOD the sky is falling just like we were told to expect.

Between David Icke's Reptoids and the elenin panic and whatever people want to draw from some hazy Mayan 2012 BS, the idea that we are in some kind of epic turning point in human history is just another case of straight up human egoism.

This is not the "end of days" it's just another Thursday. The same struggles of individual freedom versus state control are playing out the same ways they have been for thousands of years. Difference being, today we have wonderful communications technologies at our disposal. (Given that, it's no wonder to me why we are seeing our controllers pressing for greater powers over internet and telephone services.)

This is not even new to the United States. During the revolutionary war, families were reporting on each other based on lines drawn between Revolutionaries and British Loyalists. The Cold War saw the communist witch hunt, the 60's had its version too between those who wanted loyalty to the government and social status quo and those who wanted to counter such things with pacifism and gender equality.

Sorry, I have neither the courtesy nor wisdom(?) to delete my comment just because you're butthurt over being called on some ridiculous supernatural extrapolation. I do however, agree with you on everything else you said; this is an opportunity for a good change in the way our society functions. Things are so blatantly broken, there are people taking to the public streets to cry for their governmental and economic shackles to be broken. We are ultimately on the same side, but everyone should take care not to see these issues in any other context than the here and now, in this tangible reality.

edit: grammar nazi'ed myself

Just don't screw with my toilet paper!!

I am with you 100% on every word you typed, my good sir. Spread the word, as will I. <3

Much like the semi-false flag Pearl Harbor attack that FDR used to bring us into WWII, there will most likely be a false flag attack in the near future that our leaders will utilize to bring NATO into an all-out war with Iran. If China or Russia decides to back Iran so as to preserve the balance of power within the Middle East, WWIII could be around the corner, and things could get very ugly, very fast.

I don't think most people realize how close this possibility is in coming to fruition.

Well, since this is r/conspiracy and all that.... If you're into the Illuminati and Protocols of Zion and all that, there's one thing they didn't count on...

The internet (notice his only two concerns for network security are: electricity [Rockefeller] and banking [Rothschild]).

Which seems to be a sticking point in their plans (Egypt demonstrated that).

So, I'm hoping that WW III will turn out to be the battle for control of the internet... and that we will win by decentralizing it into a mesh network of communal anarchy.

I just read a report that China's been selling Iran missiles, and with China's need for natural gas, I'm sure they're not about to let NATO march right into Iran like they did in Libya. Also, Turkey and Israel have been getting more hostile to each other by the day. Technically, since Turkey is a member of NATO, the U.S. would need to support them if they went to war with Israel (FAT CHANCE OF THAT HAPPENING THOUGH), so I could see that conflict drawing in the world powers as well...

The war that will truly end all wars (for a while), and the answer to that pesky human population problem. Prophecy has it the good better guys will prevail this time, and Rothschild... will not.

Honestly, I'm hoping it's official acknowledgement of extraterrestrial life.

I grew up in the 1970s. We plenty of wars around the world. Plenty of revolutions. A lot more pollution. The OPEC crisis. Nixon. Hijackings. And of course the threat of a global thermonuclear war at any moment.

Things are calm and safe today by comparison.

There have been non-stop predictions of the imminent events of revelations happening "very shortly now" for 2000 years.

The Bible clearly states that the Second Coming would happen 2000 years ago, within a lifetime of Christ's death:

"For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father's glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what he has done. I tell you the truth, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the Son of Man coming in his kingdom." - Matthew 16:27-28 (NIV)

"Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that it is near, right at the door. I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened." - Mark 13:29-30 (NIV)

"I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened." - Luke 21:32 (NIV)

"Behold, I am coming soon! Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy in this book." - Revelation 22:7 (NIV)

This isn't something you can pin this on the Counsel of Nicea or events afterward. When the converts of Paul in Thessalonica were persecuted by the Roman Empire, they believed the end was upon them. This belief had largely dissipated by around AD 90, when Christians said, "We have heard these things [of the end of the world] even in the days of our fathers, and look, we have grown old and none of them has happened to us".

This is a preterism view of the Bible. All the nations have not been judged yet. I encourage you to take a look at the pre-tribulation view. Currently, the middle east sits very close to the Psalms 83 war and the Gog-Magog war of Ezekiel 38/39, also the prophecy for the destruction of Damascus hasn't be fulfilled yet (Isaiah 17). Currently, all of Israel's enemies use Damascus as a central point in plotting against Israel. Further, the events of Revelation can't take place without Israel, which returned in a single day (14 May 1948) to fulfill Isaiah 66:7-8.

And yet if you look back you can find claims that WWI - "The Great War" and "The War To End All Wars" as it was known at the time - was the End Times. Look back further, and you can find the same claim about the War of 1812, which spread from Europe to colonies aroudn the world. The same goes for areas of Europe being invaded by the Vikings a thousand years earlier.

The pastor of El Shaddai Ministries used the same references you use, to set the date at Sept. 30th, 2008.

In 1918 a group of eight well known preachers produced a London Manifesto warning of an imminent second coming of Christ shortly after the 1917 liberation of Jerusalem by the British.

The 19th century Millerites fixed the time for the Second Coming by calendar calculations based on interpretations of the Biblical apocalypses; they originally set a date for the Second Coming in 1844.

The first president of what is now the Watchtower Society of the Jehovah's Witnesses, calculated 1874 to be the year of Christ's Second Coming.

Other Jehovah's Witnesses used plenty of Biblical references to show that it would happen in 1914.

Joseph Smith of the Mormons calculated that it would happen 56 years in the future, in 1891.

Early Christians expected Jesus to return within a generation of his death.

Children, it is the last hour; and just as you heard that antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have appeared; from this we know that it is the last hour.

1 John 2:18

There are countless other such predictions, all with signs backing them, similar to yours.

As noted in my post above, the Bible cleary states, repeatedly, that the Second Coming was to happen 2000 years ago. In which case the most biblically credible date is set by the Preterists.

Preterists believe that prophecies such as the Second Coming, the defiling of the Temple, the destruction of Jerusalem, the Antichrist, the Great Tribulation, the advent of The Day of the Lord and the Final Judgment were fulfilled at or about the year AD 70 when the Roman general (and future Emperor) Titus sacked Jerusalem and destroyed the Jewish Temple, putting a permanent stop to the daily animal sacrifices. In this view, the 'time of the end' concept is referring to the end of the covenant between God and Israel, rather than the end of time, or the end of planet Earth.

C'mon dude, Biblical prophesies? Seriously.

Symbolic speech. It was a concept readily accessible to the reading masses. Sorry you couldn't grasp that part of it.

Oh, my apologies for being an idiot, mister symbology master.

And now you're hostile. I can see you won't be productively contributing to this new beginning. Thanks for clarifying.

Really? I'm hostile, when you're the one who said "Sorry you couldn't grasp that part of it."

You're the one who started acting like a dick. Sorry you couldn't grasp that part of it.

I can see you won't be productively contributing to this new beginning.

Plus, this line is a classic. Thanks IwonTheGame for the laughs.

God damnit.

You're the one who started acting like a dick.

Right. Like this wasn't dickish.

C'mon dude, Biblical prophesies? Seriously.

You're right, I could have phrased that better, but what response did you expect from mentioning Biblical Prophesies? To be taken seriously?

People realize that unbridled greed doesn't work.

An incredibly improved era of peace and plenty begins.

There is indeed a new beginning just on the horizon. We are witnessing a revolution in perception, a newer consciousness of Self-Aware Autonomy. I whole-heartedly believe that our escape from suffering and oppression is as follows: Undifferentiated Chaos (current regime) --> Nullification, Cessation, and Supersedence --> Cooperation, Emulation, and Resilience --> INDIVIDUATED UNITY. This process will manifest within and through each of us, individually. What specifics this process entails requires introspection within each of us. It requires asking questions of one's Self, questioning and re-questioning reality. Never settle. Let's overcome by our testimonies.

It requires asking questions of one's Self, questioning and re-questioning reality. Never settle.


When I am aware of my contempt for institutional corruption (i.e., my "anarchist self"), I am brother to my atheist (anti-religious institution) peers, fully respecting a great portion of their ideology. However, ...

I am unable to shed my awareness of self -- i.e., we are all gods -- and, therefore, my awareness of God.

EDIT: Fixed link.

I really appreciate your comments on that link. If atheists saw Christianity in the context of "I AM" and "logos", these silly quarrels would disappear for one thing, and Christians would actually become more Christ-like. We all need to keep a mental state of Christ-consciousness -- or at least let that be the goal. To tie this back to our eventual INDIVIDUATED UNITY, if we all would "let that consciousness that which is in Christ be in (us) also," there would be no means for our oppressors to take advantage of our willingness to beg someone else to care for our responsibilities... a revolution in consciousness it what I'm talking about. All the issues of morality would not be of any matter if we each individually took away that which the parasites subsist on...

up next? i guess WW3 with Iran


Another way of looking at it are that all the times you mentioned were end of times. The world pre and post the revolutionary era, WW1 and WW2 were absolutely different. I mean unrecognisably different. People went from serfs to voters, from absolute class rule to democracy from not having the vote to having the vote. From agricultural to industrial. From raw third world poverty to free health and education for all.

I would argue that actually what is happening is that 'end of eras' are just coming more stacked together.

Bare in mind OP is not describing a Biblical human extinction but the death of one 'civilization' and birth of a new. That is exactly what happened in the three epochs you mentioned.


Again, I don't see any of those things referenced in the OP's submission. No mention of Jesus. No suggestion to hide. In fact, the closing line outright states a hope for a brighter future.

I think you missed the whole message. Smoke that morning bowl and revisit this. You might have a different perspective.

It looks to me as though you are misconstruing the OP's post into a "gloom and doom" scenario, when I don't see that anywhere in there.

Yes, others have referenced "Armageddon" and "End of Days" in that sense, but the OP doesn't seem to have gone there. The reference to the Phoenix, is where I see the difference between the OP's message and yours. The OP is speaking of a renewal and referencing what lies ahead, not (as you suggest) and end of everything.

What i HOPE will happen is that Planet Nibiru is real and will come round and make us realise how shitty we've been to each other as a people.

What i THINK will happen is a new economical era where power will gradually go to the people. It's going to take a lot more fighting for that to happen though.

I honestly just want humanity to remember what compassion is. That's all.

And now you're hostile. I can see you won't be productively contributing to this new beginning. Thanks for clarifying.