Let's guess what the next false-flag attack will be.

11  2011-11-21 by [deleted]

Given how the US (and the West) is known for their false flag attacks, it seems rational to believe that the next one will occur in the next year.

We know the US wants to enact SOPA/Protect-IP/Eparasite, and to do this, the US will need to get the support of the public, which, unfortunately means deaths. We also know that the West (mostly Israel) wants to go to war with Iran.

Where will the next attack take place?

Edit:Short list of recent false flag attempts

NY Pipe Bomb

Iran uses car salesman to recruit Mexican cartel thugs to assassinate a Saudi Official

Water plant pump failure result of foreign hackers



They could blame Anoynomous and try to link that to the OWS movement.

A cyber attack, on our water plants? Like the one that happened a few days ago?

Imagine a internet attack on many of our water processing plants, that dumps each plant's supply of fluoride into the drinking supply of millions of americans... That would be some scary shit.

I think there have already been several aborts; they are having trouble finding something we will believe. We are not the people we were in 2001, but we're not the people they wanted us to become either. They expected we would have lost interest in 911 by now.

Something to do with Iran.

Yes, it will be blamed on them, but what would they do?

Retaliation to a first attack by Israel (which has already happened). I can't imagine what Iran must be going through by witholding from striking back.

It's curious how the media did not inform about the attack to Iran's nuclear facilities and the murder of it's nuclear scientists.

Yes I agree. I believe it is harder to do an investigation than the MSM tends to portray (we KNEW that osama bin laden was behind 9/11 4 days after).

It is good that Iran didn't fall for their trap by retaliating. It's important for the West to be seen as defending their position. Ideally they would get Iran to attack them, but if that doesn't work, then it's false flag time.

"Kim Jong Il supports thepiratebay.org"

its coming lol

Headlines read : "Jong Il leaks new Bieber album weeks early, the military is ready for action, more at 11."

Something will probably happen in Chicago since Rahm Emaneul took over as mayor. Larry "pull it" Silverstein owns the Sears Tower and there was a recent "scare" in Illiniois regarding a hacker compromising a municipal water pump.

Rahm wants to ban 4/boyscout rifle merit badges.

OWS related incident. I'm almost feeling they will have someone do some crazy HK Ultra triggered shit with someone. Shooting en masse or something to make people think OWS is anarchist/communist natured. From this type of scenario, I see more suspension of rights in favor of preventing more OWS protests.

SOPA is a step to suppress the videos and information coming out of the camps. If they can't suppress the content, they need to find an excuse to make it more relevant to suppress.

Americans need to be haunted an image. A video, an action, similar to WTC. That alone will sway people to be against whatever it is the attacking party stands for.

They used Van der Lubbe to make a case that Communists were trying to take control of Germany. They need a similar person to finish the plan of total authoritarian rule. A homegrown terrorist is the logical step.

It's MK Ultra.

naw daug he's talking about someone going ultra heckler and koch on a crowd innit /s

Damn auto correct

Well the last one was 'Iran uses car salesman to recruit Mexican cartel thugs to assassinate a Saudi Official'.

That one was epic. A true distraction for the fast and furious gun trafficing shit.

A cyber attack on the US (by the US) that appears to come from N Korea, Iran, China, Russia... in order to push through insane Internet laws and maybe even take military action against countries.

A suitcase nuke on Israel or the US, to invade Iran. If the US is targeted more than once, it might strike both Iran and N Korea.

An OWS rally gets ugly and a high ranking US gov official (maybe even obama) happens to be there, and is killed by 'demonstrators' (provocateurs). This would allow the gov to treat the entire OWS movement as a terrorist group under their little patriot act and either detain mass numbers of protestors, set up curfews/martial law, or simply deter people from showing up to rallies because the media would push through the image that OWS = evil.

Also possible is that the US or Israel would attack Iran under total media blackout, and then when Iran retaliates the media switch is flipped back on and all of a sudden it looks like Iran is the aggressor, allowing Israel and the US to do what they want in the name of defense.

N. Korea, doubt it. Seoul would be blown up.

I agree with something that will "push through some insane Internet laws" is coming.

I'm guessing an attack on one of the nuclear plants, cyber most likely...

Greece, Italy, Ireland and Spain might need to be more convinced to pay back the money that they apparently owe and accept the changes they are forced to make socially.

Maybe something to do with the Pope?

A Nuclear attack by Israel against Iran, Russia will be dragged into the conflict (Nato and the UN will oppose Israel's use of a "small" nuclear devise, but will late say it was retaliation to a nuclear attack by Iran)... Then in a couple of weeks this will be follow up with by the U.S attacking "commutations facility's" in China. That have been blamed for cyber attacks on U.S defense systems around the world.

OK I know this call is one in a billion but if I get this what do I win?

Advanced interrogation. :P

The elite are waiting, let the holiday season and winter past and around spring/summer next year they will attack London, blame the countries that don't have Rothschild banks and start a quick WW3. Then the UN will serve as our government and magically a nwo will take place.

you betrayed your lack of understanding. this is already the nwo.

huh? elaborate? This system of privileged people communicating through the internet is the NWO? Shit for public education? Food from ONE store? I get it, we're sheeple in a system, but what happens after the next false flag will be worse. My vision of NWO is worse, much worse. Take your standard of living assuming you're american and bring it down to where you have few rights, you can't even speak out against what's going on as oppose to occupy. Thats the NWO.

no, that's called the "logical course of economic development in a situation like the united states."

the new world order is just a fearmongering term for those who don't know what they should really call it. the truth is, it isn't new and it isn't even much of an order when you really get right down to it.

OOOhhhh I see what you're saying. So what is your prediction since we are already within such a "system." No more flase flags, just happy citizens with their HD light boxes and glorious presidents who represent them? You don't believe we're in the lucky era where we don't have to do shit but click a button or walk to one store and feed ourselves with corn. This NWO sucks.

if they do away with the system of nationalism and its imaginary borders, who will buy all that military equipment? you're telling me that a large part of the stucture of the "nwo" is just going to quietly accept its obsolescence after being privy to the plan?

you still can't explain what the nwo is. i say stop being so fucking selfish. a shitty america is our payment for what we've done to the world this past century. people in this world are starving, right now, living in shanty towns for generations, with no hope of ever having a decent paying job or healthcare for their children. is that the nwo your'e afraid of? that's already here.

you're basically just a selfish whiny twat because you don't give a shit about those things because they aren't happening in your country. your basic schtick is "i'm only afraid of the nwo because i don't want my country to end up like africa or the poor areas of asia or south america."

if you actually stopped and thought about things for just a couple minutes, you'd realize that the quality of life on earth moves through waves of good to bad in a particular area over time. america has been a shitty place because of capitalism, and will be a shitty place again because of capitalism.

your rant about how they're trying to control the world and bring down your standard of living is an insult to the people who have had a lowered standard of living for generations since you only seem to care that it happens to you.

and that's why you have no idea what the fuck you're talking abuot.

you're basically just a selfish whiny twat because you don't give a shit about those things because they aren't happening in your country. your basic schtick is "i'm only afraid of the nwo because i don't want my country to end up like africa or the poor areas of asia or south america."

Fuckin a I wish so many more people, here on this little corner of the internet especially I think, would realise precisely this for themselves. Stop being so ameri-centric when WHITE FOLK ARE A MINORITY ON EARTH AND HAVE IT FUCKING DANDY FOR THE MOST PART. Constant vigilance is the price of liberty and all that, I get it, but kindly fuck yourself if you are able to post here AND sincerely believe you have it bad. Shanty towns. Assembling shit for western kids to take for granted. For generations.


you missed my point entirely. i was talking about the turn of the 19th to 20th centuries in the era of unregulated capitalism. people were literally worked to death in filthy slums.

whoaa whoaaa whoaa chill kiddo. Having too much fun with your light box I see. Rant all ya like, whatever makes you happy.

as long as you recognize you're an idiot and should keep your mouth shut in the future.

DDDAAAAAMMMMNNNNN, that hurts. lolz

Nah, we are talking about actual attacks, large enough to propel us into war, kind of attacks.

That guy seems like an FBI shill, one of those "We gave them all of the bomb making materials, and coached them and encouraged them to do it, since they went and tried to do it, they are terrorists."

Well, STUXNET seems to be causing Water hammer that's bound to have a big affect sooner or later.


Then they can blame it on hackers.