Reddit has become too authoritarian with too many policy junkies who want to control content, and too many people complaining. This is why I'm bringing back the old reddit where you can post what you want without heavy moderation, and no complaining.

39  2011-11-21 by [deleted]

Welcome to the /r/AnythingGoesNews Network where Anything Goes. {Post what you want}

I'm bringing back the old reddit where you can post what you want without heavy moderation, and no complaining.

When I first signed up over 5 years ago as MindVirus this is what reddit was all about. The freedom to post anything you desired as long as you weren't breaking any laws. Back then this place was a blast to post in. Everyone was doing their own thing, and no one was complaining. Not anymore. Now there's too many policies governing the content being viewed by the membership, and beyond. In essence reddit is engaging in a type of censorship by allowing the moderators to control conent. It's behaving like a corporate entity like Fox News for instance.

What I propose is radical, and goes back to the reason why this place was created in the first place.

Reddit was the anti-digg. I knew then that this place would blow digg out of the water, and it did. reddit destroyed digg because it was based on a priniple of freedom not seen by any news, image, and video aggregator before.

The policy geeks over at digg were too busy controling content, and if they didn't like what you were posting they would ban you. That was the beginning of the end of digg. I've been surfing the internet for 14 years, and one thing I have learned over those years is that you never control content. You'll lose every time.

I have 3 basic rules which are easy to follow, and will ensure that everyone has an opportunity to enjoy their reddit experience like never before.

Those rules are:

Complaining about reposts will not be tolerated. That's why reddit created the upvote, downvote, and hide features. Use them the way they were intended to be used. The rest will take care of itself.

No Solicitations allowed. This isn't Craigslist.

No, and repeat no Child Porn allowed.

Break any of these 3 rules, and consider yourself banned.

Other than that. Everyone have fun, and post what ever your mind can think of.


subbed. /econ and business have gotten really bad. why not let voters decide? So many controversial posts never even hit 'new'.

I posted this question to r/economics and the mods wouldn't let it past the spam filter: "How many hours would one have to work for a farmer to convince them to share a meal?"

[-] from ambiversive via Economics sent 15 hours ago

Please whitelist me for r/economics.

[-] from jambarama[M] via Economics sent 9 hours ago

We get so many self posts asking for /r/economics to speculate/explain/discuss/inform on different things, if the spam filter didn't get some of them, they'd displace all the real content on the front page. I counted once last week, we got 16/day.

[-] to jambarama sent 8 hours ago

The purpose of voting is to determine whether the community wants to see/discuss a topic. The purpose of moderation is to prevent viagra spammers.

[-] from jambarama[M] via Economics sent 5 hours ago

That's simply not true. I think it is pretty well known that the arrows aren't enough to have good content. We tried that on early reddit and it became dominated by "vote up if bush should be impeached." So the admins made subreddits to allow users to select based on their interests, but content kept bleeding over from the biggest communities. So they made mods and subreddit-specific spam filters. Those changes dramatically improved quality, but big communities still have the problem where lowest common denominator stuff gets all the attention.

Content that takes thought, expertise, or attention to enjoy is, necessarily, going to cut out a lot of readers. One-look content - like rage comics, pictures, or shocking headlines - doesn't cut out any reader, it can be enjoyed by everyone. Thus it has a much greater voting base, and tends to be upvoted more than the less-accessible content.

Lowest denominator content takes over in large communities without active moderation, a picky spam filter, and/or constant reminders about what content is appropriate. If you leave it to up/down votes, everything will look like /r/pics and /r/politics. We tried that here before, and readers complained so much that the admins stepped in and added new mods.

Great lateral thinking. A few days ago, my post on global warming fraud was removed from r/truereddit because it offended their status quo. Let's get this baby on the road.

Great lateral thinking. A few days ago, my post on global warming fraud was removed from r/truereddit because it offended their status quo.

I've had several posts removed from /r/politics for the same reason

Haven't we all? Subbed as well, brilliance.

"First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they attack you. Then you win."

What a shitty wishy-washy quote. 'they fuck you, fuck you, fuck you then you win'? What kind of a wi is that?

Complaining about reposts will not be tolerated. That's why reddit created the upvote, downvote, and hide features. Use them the way they were intended to be used. The rest will take care of itself. Simply Beautiful. I have subscribed.

I have no reason to distrust you, Mind_Virus. But the tools are in place for moderator abuse. A redditor has little to no way to know whether or not those tools are being abused.

Brilliant! I have been thinking along these lines for a few days now. Subbed.

Shame you had BritishEnglishPolice as moderator he is a cunt

To OP (Mind_Virus):

You don't care about reddit at all.

Your only goal is to be the number one by having the highest karma points.

You are making reddit a mirror of tumblr, stumbleupon and flickr.

Your submissions are not original, you just steal from others and intentionally forget to credit to authors. (I've got tons of proofs)

You are posting tons of already posted pics about Occupy and other politic issues just because they are karma worthy. That's the main reason your posts are blocked in /r/politics.

You don't even move your fat ass and be part of Occupy. Your office chair is much more comfortable than staying on the street to protest.

Your AnythingGoes network should be called FeedMyPatheticLifeWithKarmaPoints.

Have a nice indoor day.

Maxwellhill has just hit 1,000,000 karma.

I can just picture M_V flinging his poop at his basement walls in rage when he heard the news.

You don't want to be one of his remote controllers.


You don't post things because they are high quality. You post things because they will get the most upvotes. It's like a news network that chooses to report on a bullshit story about Sarah Palin instead of provide quality reporting because they want viewers. Enjoy your karma, but you don't make Reddit a better place.

I don't really care, mind you, I'm just stating the truth.


Whatever bro, I don't care. I said my piece, so I'm done.

You're like a little child throwing a temper tantrum

you're too fucking stupid

shut the fuck up!

Truth hurts butt.

Muahahahaha :D

"The internet views censorship as damage and routes around it." Um, I forgot who is credited with saying that. It is damn good though.

"The internet views censorship as damage and routes around it."

So does this mean you're in?

Of course.

Thank you!

Interesting social phenomenon going on here as well. People have the ability to vote, and vote effectively. The majority rules here, by downvoting, they speak and have an effect on what is seen. If you don't like or agree, downvote, get your friends to downvote.

But instead of exercising that power, they want Mods to take over. They need someone running the show, placing hard rules in place so that they, the majority of users, don't have to be bothered.

Now, keep in mind, these people can't be bothered to click a blue-down-facing-arrow.

Apply this up in scale to our government. People had a right, and power, to vote and get their will accomplished. Then they got lazy, hired people to do it for them, and will slowly wake up in some new country.

Wild to see that going on here too.

But instead of exercising that power, they want Mods to take over. They need someone running the show, placing hard rules in place so that they, the majority of users, don't have to be bothered.

Here's the kicker. Most of these individuals are college educated who've been taught to rely on the system instead of thinking for themselves.