NO politician will save us. NONE.

48  2011-11-23 by ronintetsuro

Attention Delusional Hopeful,

The political class is bought and sold. It is a dog-and-pony show. And if you're busy going about the business of confusing regular citizens to that FACT, regardless of what pre-selected Manchurian you support, you are doing the work of the enemy.

The FACT remains that the US Political sphere, as it exists, is corrupt by design. Even Jesus Christ himself would end up appointing bankers and criminal executives to Cabinet posts in 2012. Yes, it's that rigged. And your chosen savior will do exactly FUCK ALL to change that. I promise.

So what do you do? Here's what you do. You take all that energy you have to proselytize on the internet about your favorite American Political Idol, and you hit the streets. Join other protestors. Work with your local politicians to address the real issues in your community, and rail against them when they don't. That's where the real change is happening.

Until we get some MAJOR reforms in Washington, we won't see anything but the same agenda being carried out by an endless procession of patsies and figureheads. The time to pretend we haven't had evidence of that is over. And we can't wait on the political class to change it, WE have to show the political will to get it done. Signing on for another personality-as-president is the opposite of that.


Vote for Ron Paul. He's the only candidate who will not lie to you.

Are you sure about that? As an impartial witness from the north, I watched how america was seduced by Obama. And look where that got you, I felt safer with Bush. Nothing is true, everything is permitted. Get involved! I'm sure you know the saying "If you want something done right, do it yourself" Theres nothing stopping you. Be the change you want to see in the world.

Yes, I used quotes without citation. Good thing I dont live in the US otherwise I might get sued, arrested, wire tapped, censored, beaten, slandered. lol as long as you dont change, nothing else will

You are a wise hat. Sorry for being such an unruly pair of pants.

Ron Paul has a proven track record for the past 30 years. I too was fooled by Obama, we all were. But Ron Paul is the real deal!

Ron Paul is a fucking republican. Do you really think, that someone who wants to be republican, is your friend? I'm sorry for you. They are all the same. They just want to control and fuck you. Like every fucking politician in these times.

If you really think that there is a politican out there, who is not connected to secret societies, then you are just a dumb sheep. Nobody needs a POTUS who is controlled by think tanks and secret societies.

Ron Paul is a Libertarian not a Republican. He has been forced to join the republican party because its the only way he has a real shot at the whitehouse.

Libertarian, republican or democrat. Honestly, I don't think someone can make it this far without being controlled by the hidden elite. There will never be a president who is not controlled by them. There is just no way to become POTUS if you are not with them. I believe you will be fooled again. And btw. I was never fooled by Obama.

If he isn't in big bank interests pockets, then why are they fighting tooth and nail to keep him out of the media and downplay his success? The hidden elite are terrified of this guy. Look how worked up Rockefeller gets over hearing about him

I don't think that Rockefeller is scared. Maybe a bit nervous about that, what the reporter said. "Bringing the power from the federal reserve back to the US government." Would not be that dramatic without the music.

Don't know if they are really fighting to keep him out of the media. Maybe they want us to believe that he is a good one. And I saw a lot of his appearances anyway. I know more about Ron Paul than I know about any other candidate. And i live in austria btw.

I really tried to find some proofs about his connections to the NWO. There is some stuff available on the web but there are no 100% proofs.

But i can clearly say that Ron Paul wants to support a capitalistic system. He is also partly a conservative politician who is against abortion. He says that life begins with human fertilization and he wants a law for it. I don't know his real opinion about the death penalty though. He also is supporting the right to keep and bear arms and he is backed up by the lobbying "Gun Owners of America" organization.

And he works with that shill alex jones.

I still believe that he is a puppet for the hidden elite. And if he is not, then he will become one, when he is president. But as i've written before...i don't think, someone can become POTUS, if he is not controlled.

Here is a great interview, he has all the time he needs to explain his feelings on all of this stuff if you are interested.

We will see very soon if he is the savior of the US.

And yes I am interested. I will watch it. But i will also take a break. Thanks for the conversation. It was fucking awesome.

Yeah I don't think Rockefeller was scared of Ron in that video but he was very uneasy about the idea of a Presidential Candidate wanting to take away the feds power to print money. They had to kill the last one, it probably wouldn't be as easy this time.

I agree with Ron on all of those issues you bring up, he wants to bring capitalism back to the states and I'm all for that. What we have now is far from capitalism, Ron Paul calls it cronyism, but I think its even closer to fascism. He is a true conservative, in a sense that he wants to go back to our roots and uphold the Constitution. That is what conservatism is, sticking to old ways. We have moved away from the Constitution, the Bill of Rights is more like a guideline now than actual rights. 2nd on the list of the Bill of Rights? Right to bare arms, so of course he will be for that.

I think Ron Paul is the real deal, I trust him. As a former President once said. "fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again."

Don't know if it is true but if you look for it then you will find some info about his wife carol. Carol Paul is/was a member of the Velasco Order of the Eastern Star and their girls are members of the rainbow girls. You know what someone has to be, to get his wife into the eastern star order.

I never heard that before, will look into it.

I felt safer with Bush

I was a block away from 9/11. Was down on the sidwalk when the 2nd plane went in. Whelp, time to go home. Safer under Bush? HELL NO.

Moved back to Canada.


Why are you so sure of that?

What makes you different from a Obama supporter c.2008?

Honestly, what can Ron Paul do as president? Wouldn't he run into the same obstructionism that any other president would face? Would the defense lobby sit still and let Ron end wars? Would the CIA let Ron legalize drugs?

I was almost certain Obama would get shot by the end of his first term. But he decided to play along with the higher powers. If Ron goes after the Fed, I fear he could end up like the last president that went after the Fed....JFK.

Reminds me of the passion people [me] had for Obama during his last campaign... and look what he "accomplished". How the world was fooled. And although I support Ron Paul I can't help feel he's just another face... However I've still not lost faith in real democracy even within a pseudo-democracy. Power to the people.


So you know, I found out about a week ago that Ron Paul is a Freemason. Do the research yourself. Hes a release valve for everyone that THINKS they can make a difference in the regular political system. Even if he would be 100% honest and whatnot, he would die of a heart attack or car accident before he ever gets near the presidency....

why are you waiting for your hero. go out and be that hero yourself!


this is true, but should not be the solution to the current problem we now face. How about we identify and confront the criminals instead?

I respectfully disagree with the idea of and Automatic Weapon. Not only does it usually arouse more suspicion then a single fire rifle, single fire makes better use of ammo. Considering I doubt you'd be able to buy more ammo, it's worth the time aiming each shot. Plus you'd be a better marksman at the end of it.

U.S army uses automatic weapons because the government doesn't care about civilian deaths in world conflicts.

/end rant on automatic weapons


admittedly only having learned about guns through a hunter-uncle, I thought that feature was only in video games.

Good luck with an automatic weapon versus twelve Agenda 21 Nazi's with M4's.


If you're going toe-to-toe, that means they have you cornered and that would be "doing it wrong."

little do they know about the dual g18's strapped to my ankles

You play too many video games, and your ankles will be too chaffed to make you worth much in a gunfight.


That's an ugly way of thinking.

Uh... who's getting into that firefight in the first place?

FUN FACT: If you need a gun, it's a 50-50 chance you're already proper fucked. If you own a gun, if you love guns, you have utterly NO understanding of what a powerful person is, who gives the orders, and who dies. HINT: It's usually the guy with the gun.


True. But... spoken like a true gamer. The Barrett weighs 35 lbs fully loaded. You don't just throw it around like you can on the game. The thing's a PIG. And in close quarters, inner-city fighting, you need something with an effective range of 300-500 yards, TOPS. Compact, light, and easy to relocate.

lol at all the comments after your post.

Clearly all expert marksmen

I like to think I can handle a gun quite well, and have dropped roo's at 200 yards with a .22 before. But I wouldn't like my chances trying to conduct a guerilla war against the US for one simple reason.

They don't try to shoot you if you're better than them. They drop a ton and a half of high-explosive freedom on you from miles away out of a radio-controlled model plane.

And for the record, you want a .223 with a remmington 700 action. The gun will go forever, and you can re-use your brass.


Still wouldn't go anywhere near a weapon like that. If you want something purely for home defense, you still would be fine with a .223, and if you really needed something to spray a group of people, an automatic 12g would be well enough. I just find the thought of having automatics around more trouble than their worth - they ruin your brass, group like a blind retard with parkinsons disease, and have a much higher chance of jams, failures and breakages... I won't dispute that they're damn entertaining though.

Speak for yourself middleclass scum!

The only way anything will change is if the people wake the hell up and start participating in their political process. Hoarding food and buying automatic weapons won't solve anything. That is just giving up in my opinion.

The only reason why the system is corrupt, is because people allow it to be.

really r/conspiracy?

really r/naive?

PLEASE do explain.

We're [so]( involved in the process, right? That's just ONE power-hungry banking system. How many billions of taxpayer's dollars have they claimed? Did YOU vote for that? I didn't think so

Once again I refer to my previous comment, people need to wake up and start participating in their political process of they ever hope to change any of this. Sitting out on the sidelines in a fight for our future is not solving any problems. I would rather confront and call out the criminals to their faces, and put the fear in them.

little do they know about the dual g18's strapped to my ankles

I don't think that Rockefeller is scared. Maybe a bit nervous about that, what the reporter said. "Bringing the power from the federal reserve back to the US government." Would not be that dramatic without the music.

Don't know if they are really fighting to keep him out of the media. Maybe they want us to believe that he is a good one. And I saw a lot of his appearances anyway. I know more about Ron Paul than I know about any other candidate. And i live in austria btw.

I really tried to find some proofs about his connections to the NWO. There is some stuff available on the web but there are no 100% proofs.

But i can clearly say that Ron Paul wants to support a capitalistic system. He is also partly a conservative politician who is against abortion. He says that life begins with human fertilization and he wants a law for it. I don't know his real opinion about the death penalty though. He also is supporting the right to keep and bear arms and he is backed up by the lobbying "Gun Owners of America" organization.

And he works with that shill alex jones.

I still believe that he is a puppet for the hidden elite. And if he is not, then he will become one, when he is president. But as i've written before...i don't think, someone can become POTUS, if he is not controlled.