Anyone else think ANONYMOUS is made up, like The Brotherhood in 1984

31  2011-12-04 by [deleted]

It is just an idea, but what if anonymous is just a made up organization by the government. Used in order to instill hope among the masses so as to keep them at bay. To make us believe that someone else will solve will solve our problem and stop a massive uprising.


I've previously stated my opinion of this group: Black Ops.


I would just like to point out that Guy Fawkes (the man behind the mask that Anonymous uses) wasn't trying to destroy an evil theocracy - he was trying to install one. Fawkes was a fighter for Spain and the Catholic Church. His goal was to end the slightly more egalitarian Protestant revolution in England by restoring Catholic domination.

Yes, this has always confused me. Alan Moore had to be aware of this when he chose Guy Fawkes for V for Vendetta.

Yeah. Read the comic. V is an anarchist, and it's a bit more ambiguous instead of the black and white good/evil of the movie. It also had more to do with Thatcherism in the UK instead of the updated US neoconservatism of the movie.

I've wondered that myself

They are the new terrorists... their actions will eventually be used to justify an internet crackdown, and probably a lot more.

I can't remember where I heard it, and I can't say if it is true, but someone wrote somewhere that one in four hackers is an informant for the FBI. It makes sense that there would be at least some truth to this... the internet is becoming a field of battle; it is under surveillance and the government uses viruses to disable its enemies.

Anonymous just seems a little too perfect in my opinion.

Informants? Who needs those when you have wonderful do-gooders like Adrian Lamo.

Anonymous is just the current popular thing to do by disenfranchised kids of all ages...if people really wanted to change the status quo, wed have a full-blown revolution, not some glorified hipster camping spot...people need to look outside the US of A to see how revolutions are really takes organization, resources and innovation...and also aggressive action...those in power will not just give it up because youre not shopping at walmart or decide to take your money out of the bank...those in power will relinquish it when a couple of rebels decide to pull the trigger, and have a purge...most americans in those occupations currently dont have the balls for this because they will get pepper sprayed or god forbid hit with a nightstick and dragged off to jail...

Its just become another asset for the entertainment industry...the occupation reality show...

I'd say the OWS crew is being pretty smart in general. They have to remain as peaceful as possible until they can overcome the apathy and propaganda from the entrenched machine. What happens when they do reach a critical mass(if they do), now that's the question.


I used to be totally on board with this viewpoint. Short of calling them idiots. In my experience on this subreddit I've found people to be generally pretty accepting. This sort of dismissive attitude is part of the problem.

I am concerned that the propagation of this negative, 'we're screwed' mentally only serves as a self-fufiling prophecy or an excuse not to act. I'm also concerned such 'fear the NWO one world government' may be a distraction or cointellpro at work. Hearts and minds you know?

Anon used to just use the chans and ruin lives/annoy/troll people for the lulz. I assume some of the new anon groups are government, some are OG, and others are just part of the stand alone complex that originated from anon but became a separate thing entirely.

Anonymous is the sum of communications and actions conducted under the label "Anonymous." nothing more, nothing less.


I really wanted to give the idea a chance.. Anonymous, Champions of the everyman. But after they threatened and didn't deliver, for the hundredth time, and after all of the fancy videos, I was done.

Yeah, all those script kiddies on Youtube wearing Guy Fawkes masks are just paid shills.

If you don't like that you can publish your own video, start your own ops, write your own pamphlets.

It's just like any other social group, just in this case it's a group of internet people with an interest in the internet and security, who do use and probably always have used IRC.

People come and go, and as with any group of people without any particular leader, the whims and targets tend to trend towards whatever gets attention within everyone who is vaguely interested and connected.

It's not hard to find, not hard to become a part of, and not hard to support or not support a particular current issue. It's just an method for organising a group of internet people to fight for or against a cause and sometimes you can get enough people interested to actually make a difference.

It does get a bit cliqey sometimes - even though you don't know the people's real names or locations that you're talking to, chatting to a group of people regularly can give you the feeling that you are getting to know them, and alliances form and collapse like in every other social network.

It's just a bunch of people who want to make a difference when they feel like they can, how they can.

I wouldn't have considered this idea until "anonymous" started breathlessly telegraphing its "upcoming attractions". Now they "threaten" Facebook, Wall St., the Zetas, etc., etc., every other day. This, to me, is exactly what "the Party" would have Emmanual Goldstein say to get the sheeple all riled up and clamoring for more laws.

Just like the fifth column, the resistance, the brotherhood, it doesn't really matter if they exist. The idea of them exists, and it's that idea that gives people the courage to do things they wouldn't do if they thought those groups didn't exist. Vive le resistance.

Assange's mother was associated with an Australian mind-control cult that raised children without names, interchangeable identities, sex abuse, hallucinogens, and ... dyed platinum blonde hair.

Assange alleges that he was not raised in this cult, but that he and his mother spent years on the run as fugitives from the cult.

Circumstantial evidence says otherwise.

Assange also has plenty of strange collaborators, backers, and associates:

If you think this information does not pertain directly to "Anonymous" simply look into the Swedish connections to Assange.

Who really cares when the vast majority of their message is truthful, and as far as I am concerned, based on fact? The organizational nature of Anonymous allows more people to view/hear about issues of significance to the daily lives of peons like myself (banking cartels, war for central asia and mideast, corruption). Besides, how often do you hear Anonymous' statements in the newsmedia...rather, when Anon is mentioned in the newsmedia, it glosses over the substance of reasoning for the group carrying out their hacks.

We are at a moment where the population of aware people is growing rapidly, and any medium through which awareness can be spread is a good thing. The only real threat if Anon were blackops, is if it were to carry out an attack that killed or affected the lives of many in the Western world...then it could potentially serve the purpose of discrediting the counter-cultural movement...kinda like how the Black Panthers discredited equal rights protests in America for a while.

Just like "The Wave"

Fun fact: Every country has their own anonymous with it's own memes

edit: true story

Psy Op / Black ops is what I think.

Oh god your tinfoil hat fell off again...

You must have a lot of faith in the US government if you think they could pull it off.

if I could do it, thousands of people with billions of dollars could do it.

if I could do it, thousands of people with billions of dollars could do it.