Does anyone else here believe in the Illuminati & New World Order?

90  2011-12-18 by [deleted]

First off, I want to let everyone know that (aside from making this post) I am the last person in the world who would actually take stuff like this for real.

I have even debated why the Illuminati isn't real with friends before.

But music videos have me wondering....

I have been seeing what people call "The All Seeing Eye" in a lot of videos lately, and all these anti-god/anti-christian things all these rappers have been saying are kind of making me a believer...I mean, there's a damn satanic star in Wiz Khalifa's "Black and Yellow" video. I also just recently saw the video for the song "Sail" by AWOLNATION and there was also Illuminati and New World Order symbolism in that! There's pretty much stuff like this in every mainstream video these days.

Also (please don't think I'm paranoid), SOPA seems like a pretty big step towards this 'New World Order' all this Illuminati stuff ties in to.

Is anyone else thinking what I'm thinking/seeing what I'm seeing? Please share opinions. I know I can't be alone in this.

...and don't bash this post if you find it "stupid". If you do, just politely explain your reasoning on why you don't share the same opinion.



This is the stuff I'm talking about...this can't all just be coincidence.

Nothing is coincidence ;)

God's plan and all...

I thought it was really weird when the Economist has an anonymous "print editor" write a column about how Bilderberg is nothing to worry about, and by the way he attends it as well. I'm not saying Bilderberg is the NWO, but I do find it fascinating that society doesn't pay attention to meetings that consist of: Henry Kissinger, David Rockefeller, Richard Perle, Eric Schmidt (CEO of Google), CEO of, Co-founders of Facebook & LinkedIn, Commander of USCYBERCOM, and a bunch of other bankers, CEO's, and Chairmen.

Hell no man.

To understand that the concept of the New World Order is strictly being pursued with utmost care and articulation is simple.

All you have to do is watch the past actions of the government, along with the rich and powerful.

This last 10 years has basically been full of massive power moves straight front and center of the public eye.

It's just mainstream media diverts attention.


United States currently surrounds Iran with military bases.

Federal bank is private.

Money is power.

CO2 emissions are accelerating the raising of global temperatures. This will damage world agriculture creating food shortage.

They can crash the economy at any time. Start a major war at any time. They will be able to arrest anyone at any time.

They are going to create a major conflict, which with induce panic, followed by the feeling of helplessness amongst the masses.

They will then offer a solution to the people. This solution will have a very nice cover, but the actual content will be shit.

It's all deception. These people are fucking patent, they believe they are Gods, and they will most likely get aggressive as possible if they see any hints of failure in their massive plan.

Trust me man, this shit is real. I'm not a crazy paranoid schizophrenic. People know me to be the most chill person they know.

Sit back, study where we at.

Thanks for these link. I am commenting so I can check these out later.

Get RES so you can save comments in the future.

Annnnnnd me too

me 2

Me three

me 2 2

If you don't want RES, saves everything! Their android app is really nice. Simple version of evernote.

On my phone. Also commenting so i can read later


Yup, me as well.

Quotes about Larry McDonald

"He was the most principled man in Congress." – Ron Paul, The Philadelphia Inquirer


Here's some fuel for Occam's Razor when seeing "proof of Illuminati mind control" in popular culture. A lot of the people who work in the manufacturing of popular culture have read things like the Illuminatus! Trilogy - it is an enduring piece of counterculture literature. And a not-insignificant percentage of them like to put that sort of imagery into their work.

Plus of course "Illuminati symbolism" is also often known as "Satanic symbolism" and, well, how many rock stars have been into THAT over the years?

I used to work in the animation industry. And I can tell you flat out that us animators LOVE to sneak stuff past the censors. Some of us put dicks and pussies in the backgrounds. Some of us sneak mystic stuff into the cartoons. One of the guys who wrote for "Muppet Babies" in the 80s has admitted to putting Scientologist propaganda in his scripts ffs.

There are a lot of people in the entertainment industry who are INTERESTED in the kinds of things that this subreddit is interested in. Some of them seriously. Some of them for the lulz. Some of them are "ha ha only serious" about it. Kinda like the people who read this subreddit!

Or maybe I'm just an Illuminati agent/dupe trying to throw you off the track of the TRU7TH. You decide.

I always laugh when I see people throwing around the "satanic symbolism". I mean, really? Most of what we deem "satanic" is just recycled pagan imagery.

wow. way to obfiscate things, dick.

This reply is (fnord) programming you in ways that will not (fnord) become apparent for years. Have fun!

Edit. The real key to the "Illuminati" IMHO is that there are multiple groups with power trying to influence the world to their own ends, not just one agenda. Noticing that people are trying to do this is the first step. Deciding to try to do something about it is the next step. And I don't mean running around screaming WAKE UP SHEEPLE. I mean using all your own works to try and push your own vision for the world.

And secret societies are damn useful for driving plots in fiction!

Multiple secret societies warring with each other for centuries trying to implement their own agendas all ultimately wanting to gain control of the majority of the global population.

already having fun, thanks.. Although I do feel a slight sense of anxiety creeping into my subconsciousness...


This is a double question. The Illuminati exists as a small, silly cult organization recently created, but is it running the world? No, of course not.

The New World Order, on the other hand, is definitely advancing rapidly. But who is directing it? Or is any living human or group of humans directing it? Can it be advancing without any direction? That doesn't seem very likely.

I suspect the directing intelligence for the New World order is coming from a source that most people would assume, without even thinking about it, does not exist. That's why it has been so impossible for anyone to pin down the leaders of the New World Order. They do not take the form we would assume they take. Are they reptilian shape-changers? No, I don't think so. We don't know what they are.

Alex Jones talks about the "globalists" -- could anyone come up with a more vague and meaningless term? Who are they? Where are they? He also talks about the "bankers" but does anyone really think that the entire shift in Western culture and society is being orchastrated by some bankers? I don't. They are playing a key role in the shift, but I don't believe they planned it out and are directing it. They are tools, just as the rest of us are tools, for who ever is really running things.

Some people might say it's the Jews. I would not say this. True, the Jews play an imiportant part in the New World Order, as they do in every other aspect of life. They have become wealthy and very powerful. But they did not get together in a little room and plan the New World Order. I don't think any group of men and woman did this.

The very apex of the pyramid, the Eye of Sauron if you will, remains concealed.

It's the dark tower.

The thing about eye is, it floats above and away. With distance.

Yet it sees all. I really started looking into the reptillian thing for a while, but really, there is no proof whatsoever. If reptillians are real, I would need to straight up see one, in front of me, shit my pants, and peace out.

I have no idea who pulls the strings. Some smart, sneaky mother fuckers though. Articulate to the extreme. Patience to the extreme. Step by step.

The less dramatic term for this group of superstitious psychopaths is "the 1%". They have been busy turning state against state and race against race that the 99% of humanity has almost completely forgot who the enemy is.


I agree with you that the Rothschilds and a few hundred families really pull the strings on a lot of issues unchallenged - the 1% of the 1%. However, the OWS movement is far from bullshit. The level of awareness about disparity in the world has increased by unmeasurable volumes due to this movement's exposure.

There are hundreds of thousands families with multi-generational financial and eugenics plans, that work very hard to keep their finances in a tightly controlled, closed system. Granted, they are not nearly as diabolical as the very top of the global elite's food chain.

For the sake of growing the cause, especially if you discuss the state of affairs in the world on mass media, please remember that we come off like wingnuts spouting off about the NWO or illuminati. I think this illustrates the 1% is a massive force in society that the rest of us can no longer ignore.


I live in Canada with my wife and we have two teen-aged children. I try to stay hopeful, but grounded. I really hope you are wrong about it being too late; however, I am fearful the longer we fight among ourselves, the longer the time frame will be required to take back our world.


Extremely well said. Here here!

The "1%" is more of a moniker. The real top 1% probably isn't involved. It may not sound like a lot but 1% of all the people who have wealth will be a large number. Its probably more like the .1% or .01%. but this is just splitting hairs about a name. There are a few families that try to control the world, they are very wealthy, and I think they conspire to make sure we never have enough wealth and power to remove them from the top.


I know exactly what your saying, but if we want to get accurate with them name then we have to start calling them the < .00005%. This is ridiculous to use as a name. Even if people understood exactly what that meant I think there is a large enough group of people that would dismiss the NWO notion simply because that isn't a catchy name. Accurate maybe, but not really appealing as name which represents a movement.

Edit: Also it's never to late to have a discussion, unless your dead.


It sounds like you think it's gone beyond the point of no return. Nothing is over, it's never too late try. We can't have people just give up. We don't even have all the facts, some of us could be giving up because of information from the propaganda machine.

It really would be something like the .01% or the 0.001%.

Deny it if you want, but the NWO/Illuminati exist. Half their battle is in portraying people that believe in their existence as conspiracy theorists and crazy. You can't fight something that doesn't "exist".

I've been on many different forums in the past, a lot of them conspiracy sites, but also some car and gun forums as well. I would always encounter mods that would seem to lay in wait for a thread like this to pop up. Then they would either delete it, ban the OP, or ridicule the them. They never would try to disprove their existence, they would merely attack. There are also members that seem to have accounts on just about every site out there, and all they do is attack NWO type threads, nothing else. Which is odd, as most of us don't tend to get on internet forums to carry out a one single vendetta.

Call me crazy or paranoid, but these are just from my experiences from 9+ years the internet. No matter what type of forum it was, there was always at least one member/mod that seemed to lay in wait for threads like these.

At this point, these "crazy" Illuminati theories are making more sense to me than reasons why us "conspirators" are wrong.

Yes! There is another post in /r/politics concerning /r/conspiracy about how the "conspiracy theories" from the past are now "politics" today. Hopefully people are putting 2 and 2 together and finally getting "4".

Very well said, my friend.

I don't think the illuminati are using the Internet as some battleground...

If that is your opinion or belief, so be it. My experiences and research has shown otherwise. :)


Proof of what...? Proof of AstroTurfing and government paid shills? Proof is all around you...

In my experience if you ask someone else to do your work (finding truth) you will never find it.

IS it really that hard to believe that Rich and Powerful people aspire to rule the world? Rothschild/Rockefeller/Bush dating all the way back to Prescott Bush who was the financier for the Nazi Party. Surprise Surprise. Point is..Life is a game and these "elites" "tptb" or whatever you want to call them are playing for keeps.

Yeah it could just be that. Just rich people playing games basically.

Or the psychopath argument.

Man, there's so many options.

All I know for sure is they use fear, to control and money for power.

New World Order is a generic term with as many different meanings as the number of people using it.

George Soro's "New World Order" (in 2010, of a repaired international currency trading system) is nothing like Gorbachev's "New World Order" (of communism, in 1988) is nothing like George Bush's "New World Order" (of American supremacy, in 1991), nothing like Kofi Annan's "New World Order" (of UN Supremacy), nothing like Iran's President Ahmadinejad's "New World Order" (of Islamic supremacy), and only somewhat like the G20's "New World Order" (an adjustment to the Bretton Woods system, and rolling back the bank deregulation of the '90s.)

For others it means NO organization having supremacy, or the common citizens united by the internet having supremacy over government. For still others it means their music player or detergent has supremacy over the market.

These definitions are almost all incompatible with each other. The capitalists and the communists and the monarchists and the Islamic theocrats have opposing goals.

Yes, there are people who are trying to gain power over the rest of the world. There always have been, and always will be. Nor is it a secret - kings, CEOs, dictators and Imams have always been quite open about it.

As the saying goes, "The difference between common-sense and paranoia is that common-sense is thinking everyone is out to get you. That's normal -- they are. Paranoia is thinking that they're conspiring."

SOPA is strictly an American law, applying only to Americans. Inevitably the US will try to apply it to those in other countries who host web sites in the US or who use services from the US. That will merely push them to similar hosting and services in other countries.

As for the symbology, that "All Seeing Eye" is usually the Eye of Providence, a Christian symbol. In Medieval and Renaissance European iconography, the Eye (often with the addition of an enclosing triangle) was an explicit image of the Christian Trinity.

As the saying goes, "Conspiracy theorists believe the world is run by schizophrenic shadowy organizations who - despite conspiring with millions in perfect silence - can't resist putting clues in things like major public monuments and every note of currency ever printed. Making the average Batman villain look like Professor Moriarty."

New World Order is a generic term with as many different meanings as the number of people using it.

Of course, so that we can arbitrarily decide whether or not the term is used by a conspiracy theorist, or a legitimate cause. Bankers put the words "novus ordo seclorum" on the dollar to mean something different too right?

In all seriousness, Aaron Russo had close ties to a Rockefeller and he spells it out for us (posted a few days ago):;v=7nD7dbkkBIA

Aaron isn't trying to sell a book either...

The phrase Novus ordo seclorum (Latin for "New Order of the Ages") appears on the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States, first designed in 1782. It was copied onto the back of the United States one-dollar bill in 1935.

In this case it means the USA being the New Order. Again, that's incompatible with most of the other New Orders out there.

Aaron Russo most certainly WAS selling something, from his political campaigns to his "Freedom to Fascism" documentary. A documentary which had a tendency to simply make stuff up.

Aaron Russo most certainly WAS selling something, from his political campaigns to his "Freedom to Fascism" documentary. A documentary which had a tendency to simply make stuff up.

Ah yes, he made the pivotal jump from (a-list) director and a successful political career to push conspiracy documentaries. Those links are 'alleged' inaccuracies (for the most part are just semantic errors in quotes) - watch the documentary and you'll see we are well on the road towards it...if not already there.

And the all seeing eye on the dollar bill is just another coincidence?

The Eye of Providence is a Christian symbol. In Medieval and Renaissance European iconography, the Eye (often with the addition of an enclosing triangle) was an explicit image of the Christian Trinity.

What about it?

You're mixing symbols, google image the Christian Trinity and the Eye of Horus. The Christian Trinity doesn't reveal a single image like the one on the dollar bill...good try though.

The Eye of Horus is an Egyptian symbol. Google "Eye of Providence" for the Christian symbol. It's on churches all over central Europe.

In Medieval and Renaissance European iconography, the Eye (often with the addition of an enclosing triangle) was an explicit image of the Christian Trinity. Seventeenth-century depictions of the Eye of Providence sometimes show it surrounded by clouds or sunbursts.

What's on the back of the US dollar is both sides of the Great Seal of the United States:

The pyramid signifies Strength and Duration: The Eye over it & the Motto allude to the many signal interpositions of providence in favour of the American cause. The date underneath is that of the Declaration of Independence and the words under it signify the beginning of the new American Æra, which commences from that date.

The symbology as very specific about America being the "New Order." Just one of many "New Orders" in the world, most incompatible with each other.

Your article bluntly states the association with free masonry...which George Washington was a member.

Also I'm glad you brought up Egyptian symbolism because a pyramid is about as Egyptian as you can get, mixing Christian symbolism with a pyramid makes no sense. The pyramid is deliberate, as is the eye on top.

The Freemasons didn't adopt it until after it was used on the Great Seal of the United States. They didn't adopt it until a thousand years after it became a common Christian symbol.

While the Eye of Providence is currently a common Masonic motif, this was not the case during the 1770s and 1780s (the decades when the Great Seal was being designed and approved). According to David Barrett, a Masonic researcher, the Eye seems to have been used only sporadically by the Masons in those decades, and was not adopted as a common Masonic symbol until 1797, several years after the Great Seal of the United States had already been designed. The Eye of Providence was, on the other hand, a fairly common Christian motif throughout the Middle Ages and Renaissance, and was commonly used as such in Europe as well as America throughout the 18th century.

Beyone that, no doubt the Freemasons adopted it for the same reason that any modern pop star or goth wannabe wears it. It's a cool looking symbol, with a pop-culture mysticism feel to it.

First statement on Eye of Providence wiki (under religion):

Imagery of an all-seeing eye can be traced back to Egyptian mythology and the Eye of Horus

An eye is an obvious symbol in any culture. In the Christian world it's known as the Eye of Providence.


Well really, doesn't this

As the saying goes, "Conspiracy theorists believe the world is run by schizophrenic shadowy organizations who - despite conspiring with millions in perfect silence - can't resist putting clues in things like major public monuments and every note of currency ever printed. Making the average Batman villain look like Professor Moriarty."

make a lot of sense?


But it just doesn't seem sensible.. why would planners put symbols in music videos, thus having to bring in one more accomplice from the music video staff (one more person who could spill their conspiracy) and what's more use symbols the meaning of which can be readily interpreted by information on the internet.

Doesn't the alternate hypothesis, that these symbols have meaning to the creators of the video, innocent of any conspiracy, seem like a more plausible and frugal explanation?


Well the entertainers would not include these symbols that you think are representative of the NWO if they did not have some meaning to entertainers. But

  1. There is no evidence that any organized group is trying to cause these symbols to pop up in music videos or elsewhere

  2. There are perfectly non-conspiratorial reasons to use these symbols, one you mentioned is that they are imbedded in our culture for historical reasons. The cross for example is a powerful symbol because of its significance to Christians, and it pops up all over the place because of this, even outside of explicitly Christian media.

  3. The NWO would not benefit in any way by making an effort to expose people to these symbols.


True, and arguing is a pretty bad way to convince people of things. I'll hold onto my views without overwhelming evidence and you will do the same.

The Illuminati/New World Order nonsense, is just hyper reactionary christian paranoia.

Christianity and religion in general are beginning to erode away from society. In the confused christian mind, this means that there obviously must be some satanic conspiracy at work.

Then with that assumption safely in their head, they go to great mental gymnastics to try to conjure up all this "occult" symbolism, which if you look at the history of these symbols they are often completely benign, or christian in origin in the first place.

If you really want to throw your hat into the camp occupied by Neo-nazi skinheads, go ahead. You're just being dog whistled along by religious paranoia.

Religion is the oldest, and simplest form of societal control.

Hat's off. bows

For what exactly?

For your view on it.

I don't necessarily believe everything I've heard about NWO and secret societies... I take it all with a grain of salt. BUT, I don't DISBELIEVE it. I think it's very much within the realm of possibility that at least 50% of what I've heard is somewhat true, and the realities of every day current events just lead to me to believe it more and more. I've been following this shit for like 10 years now.

Go here to see some truth:

Documentaries that will show you evidence the the NWO and Illuminati are real and affecting our lives in every way.

Why is it so hard to believe that rich powerful people would convene to maintain that wealth and power? The means by which wealth and power are maintained or even grown will never be conducive for the masses.

Well I don't believe but if Eminem said it then it must be true.

I like to take the side nobody wants to win in debates so:

What if everything the Illuminati are trying to accomplish is for the greater good? What if they are trying to start a 3rd world war to diminish the population do we can finally achieve peace and harmony with ourselves and the earth. Maybe they are trying to start a renaissance that will last a millenia?

Just saying, so don't down vote me because I argue the other side. (never believed in this stuff, but I do believe in humanity, and that we will eventually learn and cooperate with one another on a global scale)


I really need to thank you for this response. Probably one of the best I've ever received on reddit!

A little late, but I read the Book of Revelations as per your suggestion. I will admit, it was confusing when I tried reading it 5 or so years ago, but in that time I have read The Secret Teachings of All Ages, and am now able to cross reference certain ideas/situations. That book is now a permanent fixture on my bedside table haha, theres always something new to be discovered or connected!

Also, since Satan was concidered the "Great Deciever" isnt it entirely possible that his greatest con was convincing mankind to worship him as God? Because really, what kind of god wouldnt want mankind to have knowledge of the universe. Thats why Satan kicked Adam and Eve out of Eden for listening to God and eating the apple of knowledge. Just think about that one! (btw Im definitely not a religous person, but I cant help but believe that there are underlying truths in certain religious texts)


Incorporating satanic signs doesn't usually mean that you're devoted to the greater good of humanity.

But still, I could be wrong.

There is no such thing as Satan.

we actually do not know what signs are ilum. using....Pyramid is an ancient symbol and it was used before christian religion. And before that there was different religions (even in ancient Egypt) and there is and

Pyramids (you have to have pyramid for "all seeing eye") was created before bible.

There are some people who are using ideas and concepts of pyramid for different purposes. Only question much influence each group has....

What is good or what is wrong depends on personal perspective. Same is with groups that are fighting for power and world domination...depends on perspective....what is good for them does not have to be good for you. And vice verse.

I am the last person in the world who would actually take stuff like this for real.


well, I should change that to was

I just didn't believe it, I really like most rap music and all this New World Order stuff just seemed like something a person with too much time on his hands would make up. I just always thought about it with that sort of mentality, I guess.

Wasn't an attack, Just curious. To me it was just a question "If you and your buddies had a lot of power what do you think would happen?"

I think it's important to know that it's not the whole entertainment industry (ie not every director/actor/singer) but rather people placed in important positions, hence the strong hold they have over international affairs.

Oh, I understand it isn't everyone. It's just what these people in important positions want/what they can change that sort of spooks me a little.

watch the thrive documentary...they go into this

This. I always scratch my head when someone says this. I don't know what government/rock people live under but if they can't put the pieces together regarding what is taking place in our country then maybe they shouldn't take this stuff for real.


Ok I can see what you're saying...but its not about being fearful. I think its about really noticing a pattern and doing some research to find out that these things are not just coincidence(at least not all of them). I don't care about waking people up, but I'm def not going to pretend it isn't out there and happening as we speak.


I never thought it was new. I just think that its something manifesting again. Now. Not saying I know what kind of an impact it will have. However the information available now is more accessible to the general public then before. People are finally starting to put two and two together and realize that all most EVERYTHING is connected and controlled.

Not only do i believe in it, but i also believe that it started off as The Brotherhood of the Snake in Mesopotamia.

Do you believe in the council of foreign relations? How about the IMF? Or the BIS? World government is already here, just not official yet.

I've been thinking and I believe that there are people working behind the curtain. But, as for the Illuminati, the people that I usually hear speaking against them are uber-religious people and they talk about how the Illuminati want to destroy Christianity. When I think about that I think, "How is that a bad thing?"

So, while I do believe in menacing forces acting to enslave us. I don't know what to call them.

I'm pretty sure that's bullshit, though. A true world order would want to keep Christianity as it's a very useful tool in the West. I personally believe that all notions of the Illuminati are very silly and that the true rulers of Western society are far more mundane.

The leaders are all just puppets regardless of party. In this way official critics support the powers that be. They're "official" critics, approved of. Naomi Klein and Michael Moore. If you are outside of the two party system and looking beyond the simplistic dualopolistic illusion of choice that you are branded conspiratorial.

Just consider this analogy. When you're a child aren't there unseen forces controlling you b/c you're naive? Those powers are called your parents and in the same way that power corrupts I've seen most parents wield unnecessary power over their children under the guise of it being "for their own good." Totalitarianism starts at home and continues into adulthood when your learned behavior gets transferred onto parent surrogates. One of the main reasons why people will deny the controlling power elite idea is b/c it psychologically scares then b/c it makes you question your basic family power assumptions. Freeing yourself starts first as a psychological exercise and maturation from your parent's ideas and power over you. This will frequently lead to uncomfortable realizations. You may find it easy to honor your parents but at the same time realize that you don't have anything in common with them and like society you may find that you become ostracized for your rebellion and assertion of your unique identity.


I don't know what the illuminati is, but I know what it's not, and that's





Nice way of putting that. I have felt the same way but couldn't explain it quite as clearly and concisely.


I'd be interested in knowing what you believe a functional social structure would look like.


A society which has control over the energy of the planet. Right now that's not in humanities hands. I'm a little more optimistic than you, but I agree with most of what I've read of your opinions and was curious what your vision of the best possible scenario, as this plays out is. As for in who's interests? Yours.


Thanks for the answer and I know it seemed that I was leading you with that question, but that's why my first wording of the question was so broad. I wanted to avoid that and I certainly wasn't trying to get you to accept a globl bureaucracy (I'm, for all intents and purposes an Anarchist in the sense Bakunin spoke of).

I feel that the coming global conflict (WWIII if you like) and the depression, is designed to create a single unified government, while at the same time heavily depopulating the planet. However, I feel that it is during this time that the folks orchestrating this will have the least ability to control the direction humanity will take and it will be our opportunity to create a much more stable organizational structure in a decentralized fashion that will put the resources of the planet in civilizations hands where we can make a go at running this planet sustainably.

Sorry it took so long to reply. Thanks again for your thoughts.

The Illuminati stuff is a little silly to me, but there are people out their pushing a "new world order", I don't think its as overt as often made out to be, but slowly you start to see it effects on culture and media. The people with the most power in the world are US politician and US Generals. Generals influence the politician, but never get scrutinized for their ideas. US Military is the most powerful institution in the world.

Does the pope shit in the woods?

I believe their is a group of wealthy people who run the western world. I don't know who they are but I assume they're the same people.

Everyone who upvoted will die within a month. It'll just be a 'coincidence'.

Check out Breaks down a lot of symbolism in music videos, pop culture, etc.

I'm not quite convinced of an Illuminate, but I know douche bags like the Bilderberg Group (Financial), Bohemian Group (media), and Tri-Lateral Commission (military and Intelligence) are doing so much stink. There needs to be a head to organize each group to coordinate.

We certainly have powerful unelected people calling most of the shots... Illuminati? sure, if you'd like to call them that.

It's the World Banking Cartel, the Media Monopoly, and Military Industrial Complex.


I can make any website do that. Have you checked out the domain register? This isnt a conspiracy.

All Satanists are either attention seekers or trying to justify their hedonism. I don't think the Illuminati exist, let alone behind SOPA. As for the music videos, like I said, just trying to get attention from Christian nutters.

You took the red pill, congratulations, however the NWO and the Illuminati are only the beginning of the rabbit hole. In time, you will realize that our entire history has been shaped by the ancient astronauts.

These videos are a good place to start. Once you realize the imagery has been "hidden in plain sight", you will begin to understand the true magnitude of the problem.

Beware the programmed sheep you are merely and intellectually content with the nightmare ending at the NWO, that's the misinformation that is being spewed to undermine the REAL cause. Good luck my friend.

Go on with the real cause please.

A famous MMA fighter called Ben Henderson does. He makes the illumnati sign on camera before every fight


the mods here do not censor. Maybe in other subs, but not this one.

Yeah...its out there. I'm trying to join. ;)

Very well said, my friend.

The phrase Novus ordo seclorum (Latin for "New Order of the Ages") appears on the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States, first designed in 1782. It was copied onto the back of the United States one-dollar bill in 1935.

In this case it means the USA being the New Order. Again, that's incompatible with most of the other New Orders out there.

Aaron Russo most certainly WAS selling something, from his political campaigns to his "Freedom to Fascism" documentary. A documentary which had a tendency to simply make stuff up.

An eye is an obvious symbol in any culture. In the Christian world it's known as the Eye of Providence.