Don't be fooled by Ron Paul

0  2011-12-20 by [deleted]

He is controlled opposition. This is revealed when he flashes his shady little masonic hand signs just like all the other insiders. Here are two incidents of him making the masonic handsign. The video description says it's the "I love you" hand sign. I'd argue otherwise. Ron Paul reveals his true allegiances once more.

INB4 he's a rockstar, he's a Longhorns fan, or he loves us.

Here are some other well known individuals flashing their masonic circlejerk gang signs. Tries, but fails miserably. Second try is successful! A video of the gang signs in action.

If Ron Paul really was independent, he would not have gained nearly as much ground. It's the same principal as before. Control the opposition and you control the outcome. Just as both "sides" of wars are funded, both "sides" of a political spectrum are funded. The presence of Ron Paul serves to keep people distracted into thinking that they can vote their way to a solution when that is a laughable notion.



well if you don't like it you could always move to North Korea. It's quite nice at this time of year.


Exactly. Just like "Speak Amuurkin er go back to Mexico!".

No I support the truth and what you are spurting out may be your truth but it doesn't represent the consensus - even among r/conspiracy. i think you need to go back and do some more research and see that RP has been a conspiracy theorist for about 30 years. Next you will be saying <insert conspiracy theorist here> is controlled opposition. They're not it's only your interpretation of the situation that is controlled.

I also suggest that your struggle to cope with this 'controlled opposition' is in fact a reflection of something going on in your own life that is personal to you.


ok so lets say RP is a fake, what alternative do you propose?


oh fuck off


I do it for free and only demand to be paid in truth.

He's a Jesuit, just like Ron Paul


well his paid blog this week really rips into both the Khazar's and the pope..

No brain, No gain. So you wanna settle this hand signaling thing, right?

Lets begin with an assumption: Hand signals are a way of communicating human messages found through out our culture. examples: gangs, religion, rituals and even your daily casual communication with other human beings (signaling yes/no with just a finger.

Now, we look at ron paul and we see a weird signal in his hands. Something which is not common through the US culture.

And we ask ourselves what is he messaging and to whom? but oops again... we didn't use our brains. maybe he just did it innocently, without noticing you can say.

So after we used our brains a bit lets consider our options. 1. He didn't notice it. 2. He is indeed communication something.

How can we settle for the right option then? We have to ask the guy ourselves. But before we ask him why did he make a certain shape with his fingers let use our brain again.

What are the possible outcomes: 1.He says he did it innocently. Then I, as a reasonable person who needs to consider this guy for a president must ask myself a question. If he can't control his own hands in to making those weird signals(which are definitely uncommon) how can he control a nation?

  1. He says he indeed made some sort of signal to someone... and the rabbit hole goes deeper..... muahhahahhahah

oh... and something else.... you will never get to ask him this question and get a reasonably response because he probably knows what the hell he is doing with his fingers and you will be called a conspiracy theorist... they ask the questions which they want to ask... not you. Go back to sleep.

It's reasonable to have suspicions; and certainly warranted given the crowds we're given as selected electables.

The reason RP isn't running as an Independent has been stated: He would not be given the "voice" were he to do so. In that he would not be eligible to participate in all the debates and he would invariably become marginalized yet again.

I'm not saying I disagree with you, but you have to understand that you will get the same reaction today as you would talking to a black guy on the street prior to Bush v2.0/time traveller/akhenaten/CIA Operative/Clone/Barry Soetoro/Muslim Obama/Socialist (take your pick) got elected in 2008. (Not that ethnicity has anything to do with the subject or the event, simply used the reference to put some context to it.)

As you said, as we've heard, as we do: Be the change. Trying to banter to people who don't see it now, but they will eventually, isn't being the change and allowing the change to happen because it isn't upon you to make people see something, or be something.

And, to be quite frank, your sources are kind of weak. Find something substantial.

Ron Paul is not a mason and why has he been speaking about the FED for 30 years if he's "controlled". I'll tell you this story about myself...back when I was really into conspiracies in 07-08. I followed Ron Paul around and watched his video. Started noticing those things too but, the more I looked into it. The more stupid and paranoid I felt about it. Those hand signs can be interpreted either way. Which is the same conclusion I came too.


well there's a good chance if elected he'd just go and do an obama - promise the world then deliver nothing but he's the one and only chance the US has got on saving it's ass. all the others are controlled, either by tptb directly or through corporate donations (aka corruption) RP hasn't had one ounce of corp sponsorship so not controlled there.

Dude...he's talked to conspiracy theorists before that talk about how 9/11 might have been an inside job. Wake up sheeple!


one mans "hope and change" is another mans "controlled opposition" I guess if this works for you then great, carry on. I'm interested to hear your solution to the problem though.

HE HAS 30 YEARS OF CONSISTENCY...even voting against his WHOLE party. What do you think about the whole "9/11 was a cover up" deal.


Dude, you are brainwashed by your conspiracies that have no ground. HIS PARTY has dumped him a number of times. Ron Paul was the only one arguing and defending IRAN. When the rest of his party wanted to go to war with Iran and do air strikes against them. Not only that but, he was banned from the Jewish coalition debate for being "too extreme" on his views on cutting aid to Israel. His 30 years of consistency blows Obama's 2 years as a senator. For FUCKS sake...Fox News has banned him from debates four years ago a few times because of his views on foreign policy.


I think we call you people defeatist. Especially when I just proved you wrong with all my links. Did you know David Rockefeller fears Ron Paul?

Don't feed the trolls.


The is a sign from American Sign Language which, as a gesture, has moved into the mainstream. Seen primarily in the United States and other Americanized countries, the sign originated among deaf schoolchildren using American Sign Language to create a sign from a combination of the signs for the letters I, L and Y (I Love You)

The sign is a very informal way of expressing a number of positive emotions ranging from general esteem to love for the recipient of the sign.

A similar-looking but unrelated variation (thumb toward the palm rather than thumb extended) appears in heavy metal music culture as a "devil's horns" hand-sign aka (the Corna)

anyway more on horns here:


ron paul doing the I Love you sign

George bush doing the Devils horn sign

clinton horn sign

There's a clear difference between the two - if you look


Well I suppose if Ron Paul is going to destroy the fed, end all wars, then let Israel be destroyed then that would make him the Antichrist.

Either you don't know your ass from your elbow, or you are acting as a political disinformation agent to attempt to poison Ron Paul's reputation. Anyone who knows Ron Paul can see very clearly and easily that he speaks the truth, and that he can be trusted all the way to the bank. Literally. He's going to go after the Federal Reserve. So go peddle your disinformation somewhere else.


He's not controlled because he doesn't support Israels policies. All the sides would support Israel when they are controlled. This is the one barometer that has always been applied in the past. RP is also anti FED. what planet are you actually on?


If he attends the next Bilderberg meeting then come back. I just might listen then.


If he attends the next Bilderberg meeting then come back. I just might listen then.