Iran: some inconvenient facts.
356 2011-12-24 by AristotleJr
Some inconvenient facts about Iran you won't know about from computer games:
Teaching evolution:
Fastest scientific growth in the world:
Progressive treatment programs of drug addicts
Literacy gains since the Islamic Revolution:
Access to free contraceptives: (FYI Iran has the Mideast's only condom factory)
Model sustainable population control program
Alternative "green" energy programs
Free and mandatory pre-martial counseling and family planning:
12th largest automobile maker in the world
Iran has manufactured about 3 million cars that run on natural gas, more than the US
Expansion of public housing:
Expansion needle exchange programs (UNDER AHMEDINEJAD'S TEHRAN MAYORSHIP):
Massive rural healthcare programs, adopted in the US as a model:
AIDS prevention programs:
Expansion of employment for women:
Iranian women making up more than majority of University graduates:
Stem Cell research:
Nanotechnology research:
Most Iranians DO support their government
US armed Saddam with chemical weapons
US tried to shift blame for his gassing of the Kurds onto Iran
Iran has repeatedly offered peace concessions to the US, including recognizing Israel, but has been ignored:
Iran does need nuclear power,
Iran's nuclear program started with the encouragement and support of the US because it makes economic sense.
Most countries of the world support Iran's right to enrich its own fuel, have criticized latest IAEA reports as being politicized.
There is no real evidence of a nuclear weapons program in Iran, now, or before 2003, ACCCORDING TO IAEA HEAD ELBARADEI
It is Iran that has been threatened with being "wiped out" - by the US using nuclear weapons, and by Israel when Netanyahu compared Iran to the "Amalek", the people that God supposedly commanded to be massacred by the ancient Jews
Israel supports crazy religious anti-semitic creeps who seek a war on Iran to bring about "end times prophecy"
Iran's military spending is a fraction of most of its neighbors, and a tiny tiny fraction of the US military budget
Iran's economy is growing
There was no real evidence that the 2009 elections in Iran were "fixed" or "rigged"
Iranians support their government and their nuclear program
Predictions of an imminent Iranian nuclear weapon go back decades
Iaea finds literally no evidence that Iran is making atomic weapons:
taken from user hassani1387
92 FarazParsa 2011-12-24
32 AristotleJr 2011-12-24
this is satire, guys, not an actual opinion.
17 wearetheromanz 2011-12-24
Thank you for breaking it down. My sarcasm detector must be way off. Good looking out!
36 aProductiveIntern 2011-12-24
easily the hardest subreddit to detect sarcasm in
4 9000sins 2011-12-24
well that's not obvious.
1 wearetheromanz 2011-12-24
17 AristotleJr 2011-12-24
well his comment was -3 before i replied
1 ronintetsuro 2011-12-24
Yeah, in this post.
0 [deleted] 2011-12-24
Pretty much how I feel about every post on this subreddit.
26 Rammy912 2011-12-24
Iranian here. I posted this further down but I want more people to see it.
OP does not realize that Iran is NOT at all similar to its third world "peers, like saudi arabia, afghanistan, iraq, uzbekistan". Iran is a MUCH more advanced country with an extremely high standard of living compared to those countries (perhaps with the exception of Saudi Arabia and their massive amounts of wealth). The countries OP mentioned are literally shitholes. In many respects the standard of living in Iran in regards to material wealth and to it is much more like western countries. Really the only things missing from the country (which also happen to the most crucial) are freedom of speech, expression, assembly, and religion. Once those things are accounted for under a properly democratic government, Iran will fully be comparable with many western countries. Yes, there is great poverty, ridiculous inflation levels, and general instability in the country, but it is by NO MEANS comparable with Aghanistand, Iraq, or Uzbekistan. Tehran is the nose job capital of the WORLD for cryin' out loud! Iran is by no means the not-so-bad country OP is portraying it as.
Edit: Of course, there's no official evidence of the elections being rigged. Who would gather it? Ahmadinejad? But millions of people and the zeitgeist of the nation can't be wrong. The arrest of the (popular) opposition leaders on the night of the election is not evidence? The continued house arrest of the opposition leaders, even to this day is not evidence? They've built a goddamned wall around one of their houses for pete's sake! The people KNOW they've been played. No need for evidence when there's a national revolution brewing.
10 tttt0tttt 2011-12-24
As a Westerner, let me just say that I hope the lunatics who are now running Israel and the United States do not bomb your country back into the stone age, as they want to do. In some ways, Iran is actually a shining light of freedom, because it is standing up to the United States and its nasty little master, Israel.
5 FarazParsa 2011-12-24
I'm the guy who posted the "evil lizard" thing. This is a very good post! I've spent most of my life living in Iran and I can attest to every point here being true.
-1 [deleted] 2011-12-24
Nice try, Ahmadinejad...
-5 [deleted] 2011-12-24
Iranian GDP per capita is under $12,000. Private consumption is a bit over a 3rd of GDP. You in no way approach a 'Western' standard of living in regards to material wealth, sorry
5 Rammy912 2011-12-24
Those numbers from the CIA World Factbook don't tell you much, unless you're writing an elementary school report on Iran. Every young guy I know in Iran that drives a BMW, Mercedes, or at the very least a Toyota or Hyundai begs to differ. And so do their female counterparts, what with their nose jobs, boob jobs, and botox treatments.
0 [deleted] 2011-12-24
I'm sure there are young guys in Iran riding Mercedes, and women who get boob jobs. Same as every country. What you've done is ignore the data (and denigrated it even; 'elementary school report lol') and put forth a bit of anecdotal evidence. Iran does well compared to lots of the Middle East. It is quite poor compared to a country like the UK, Australia, or Germany, though. It is 74th in the IMF rankings of per capita GDP (adjusted for PPP, that is spending power). And if it weren't for the oil exports, it would be much, much worse. Understand I'm not trying to slight Iran here.
3 Rammy912 2011-12-24
Here's the difference: young guys in the UK, Australia, or Germany ride Mercedes, and the women in those countries get boob jobs. Not in Iraq, Afghanistan, or Uzbekibeki-beki-beki-stan-stan. No one in those countries drives Mercedes, let alone semi-functioning cars, and plastic surgery to them is about as foreign as a martian. My point is that Iran is more objectively comparable to western countries in terms of moral, cultural, and technological development than to those shit hole countries OP compared it to. In terms of those kinds of developments which OP was making a case on, IMF GDP rankings adjusted for parity are meaningless.
0 [deleted] 2011-12-24
As I said, Iran does better than a lot of other countries in the Middle East. If you'd just said that in response to my first reply, then we'd all have understood each other. Comparing Iran to Afghanistan is like apples and oranges
3 go_go_bannananas 2011-12-24
For Iran, from a business perspective, war is bad for business, unless....
2 Rammy912 2011-12-24
unless you're the one making war your business... I sadly agree :/
2 [deleted] 2011-12-24
Who invited FOX news?
0 WalrusKaput 2011-12-24
kim jong il is dead dude
52 [deleted] 2011-12-24
16 inkandpaperguy 2011-12-24
I think THE bank ... the Bank for International Settlements (aka the Rothschilds) is agnostic geo-politically. Iran has been assimilated into their economic borg. I believe there are only 3 (or 4) countries independant of their control - North Korea, Sudan, Cuba!?!?
7 go_go_bannananas 2011-12-24
Libra, Venezuela, Egypt.
26 captainjerry215 2011-12-24
Don't forget Sagittarius.
4 [deleted] 2011-12-24
Proper chuckle of the night.
9 inkandpaperguy 2011-12-24
Are you just guessing? Do you think it is funny that half of the world's wealth is owned by one family? Here is a list of compliant, national banks for your personal research regarding the paper trail where your student loans will terminate.
I should have known to stay off reddit on a school holiday.
4 mik3 2011-12-24
It was just a lighthearted joke.
4 poekoelan 2011-12-24
TIL about the Bank for International Settlements (30 minutes of googling later). Whew, the shit just gets deeper. Thanks, internet.
1 SenorFreebie 2011-12-24
Iceland? I mean they're democratically choosing to say FU to the banks. And they're a small, isolated country that everyone thinks is crazy. Doesn't that mean they can join the above list too?
0 Goupidan 2011-12-24
0 fannyalgersabortion 2011-12-24
He doesn't need proof. Nutballs are just like that.
2 inkandpaperguy 2011-12-24
Watch a documentary called "inside job" by Matt Damon ... it is mainstream enough to strike a nerve with your "show me" state, mid-western sensibilities. This documentary will illustrate the absolute corruption inside the US financial system. Also, it destroys the myth of apparent academic financial smarts - your prof has been bought and payed for to regurgitate the horse-shit you and I are taught and indoctrinated to in college.
If and or when you are convinced, the monkeys are running the zoo, consider that the same thing is being done by the Rothschilds throughout the world.
It is Xmas and my intention is to spend time w/ my wife and kids, NOT convince a a kid home from school that he/ she is a victim of Western propaganda. You are ignorant to the fact that "we're #1" no longer applies - did it ever, really? Have a look at the rant by the journalist after George Carlin's video rant here ...
I wont get into further debate due to the holidays, plus, there is no benefit to me in winning a debate. My young friend, calling me a nut does not change the fact that there is a big, red, white and blue fist being jammed up your all American, college educated ass.
Happy holidays, Merry Festivus, Peace.
-20 mattman59 2011-12-24
Then why are you guys not flocking to these Jew-free havens?
17 davesidious 2011-12-24
There are loads of Jews in Iran. Try reading.
-2 mattman59 2011-12-24
I wouldn't say "loads" and they also don't have the best living standards on the planet.
9 inkandpaperguy 2011-12-24
I'm unsure of what you mean. Can you explain?
-16 mattman59 2011-12-24
North Korea, North Sudan, Cuba, if there are no greedy Joo bankers there then why are all the conspiratards not flocking to these countries?
10 inkandpaperguy 2011-12-24
That question is so stupid, I doubt anyone will provide a direct answer.
Let me ask you a question, mattman59, since you are not a "conspiratard". Perhaps you could reward us with a few tidbits of your wisdom to calm our nervous and suspicious demeanour about the equitable gentlemen in charge of the world's banking systems?
It sounds like you are OK with the current 1st world banking systems; you are confidant that the systems in place are working and everything is fine. Is that an accurate assessment of your mindset toward the financial sector?
-1 mattman59 2011-12-24
What specific parts of the banking industry are you talking about? Finance is not my strong suit but I did read The Ascent of Money so I have a little background.
What gave you that impression? The fact that I consider Cuba, North Korea and Sudan to be 3rd world shitholes run by dictators doesn't automatically mean I think America is the best thing since sliced bread, that is a false dichotomy.
What parts of the current economic system do you dislike the most? Things like Credit Default Swaps can be abused but at the same rate were created as legitimate hedges to help protect farmers during bad years.
Not in the least.
1 hookertime 2011-12-24
I don't mean to out my Internet nose where it doesn't belong, but I think the original point wasn't to say we should move to those countries and live under dictatorial rule. Instead it was to show how sad it is that the only countries not under the thumb of the banks are those shit-hole dictator-led countries. Sorry to jump in if it wasn't my place.
0 mattman59 2011-12-24
Which is of course massively ironic since those countries are actually controlled by dictators. As much as people like to piss on America, we have the government we have because of the people, our population is stupid and corrupt and so are those elected to represent us. Do you guys realize what would happen to one of your occupation protests in Syria or Libya? There would be no pepper spray, just 60mm mortars lobbed directly into your "terrorist" crowd. Don't forget that Gadaffi and Assad both labeled their grassroots opposition as terrorist, exactly what so many here accuse the US government of doing.
19 9000sins 2011-12-24
Thank you so much for that list. I have to show this to my Friends and family. Awesome.
5 kattoo 2011-12-24
Btw. you can also show them Ahmedinejad's Christmas Speech from 3 years ago.
19 paxiscameleon 2011-12-24
I'm glad to see this list, but I think there is a pretty liberal sprinkling of kool-aid throughout it. Keep in mind you are citing resources making claims relating to a country with some of the most severe press restrictions in the world.,153.html. Where the line between fact and fiction actually lays is quite blurry. Claims of National Greatness are pretty much the oldest tricks in the book. While Iran is not nearly as scary as the US propaganda may have you believe (and war is completely unnecessary), Iran is still a society that brutally oppresses its LBGT community, has a terrible gas rationing program has pretty serious inflation due to the printing of fiat currency really and really is not very nice to religious minorities (discount the veracity it is after all state department). Hope this puts some of this in perspective for some, for the rest I'll enjoy the ride to the bottom.
Edit: had a terrible gas rationing program. Direct to consumer rationing and subsidies to producers appear to have been largely done away with in early 2011, substitute programs are unclear although according some sources it appears that subsidies for 'alternative technology' (the natural gas article from the original post) has been preferred since. Getting a bit bored I looked up the constitution check it out if you'd like, there is some interesting stuff that deals with property rights. While not choice but as a quick overview the Heritage foundation's economic freedom index has Iran pretty far down on the list. On the upside there is some pretty interesting stuff happening in Iran regarding Organ sales poof no more waiting lines (excuse the old link). meh..
4 AristotleJr 2011-12-24
of course, but lets remember not to judge a third world country by first world standards. if we must judge them, judge them in comparison to their peers, like saudi arabia, afghanistan, iraq, uzbekistan. Iran comes out very well in that list.
3 paxiscameleon 2011-12-24
well, yes and no. I think I got a bit off topic, my central point is that Iran is a strange exception to the rule of third world tyrannies, in that although it's press is arguably the most restrictive in the world (DPRK and Eritrea are really the only two that give it a run for the money) and information coming out of and regarding Iran is pretty limited. I'm not sure trusting even some of the sources I cite is really all that worthwhile its a bit of a crap shoot. Regarding the economic underpinnings of Iran there is a pretty extensive rationing system that has resulted in some pretty rough outcomes (gas, 'healthcare' in a broad sense, and access to pretty much any durable goods is limited and connected to political status). The "west" sees what it is allowed to see (read Tehran). It maintains a strong regional presence that is actually justified, it is relatively more effluent, higher educated and posseses a nice valuable commodity (once entirely nationalized, now not quite as much essentially rusting from lack of capital (re) investment) Iran in a lot of ways is really a dressed up better marketed tyranny, lets all hope no-one pulls a trigger and the whole edifice has enough time to collapse from the inside.
1 hassani1387 2011-12-24
Comparing Iran to Eritrea or DPRK shows your ignorance, so is your claim that there's extensive "rationing" - not even gas is rationed anymore. Lots of tourists travel to Iran and can wander around by themselves.
1 paxiscameleon 2011-12-24
@Hassani1387. I'm glad you can flame. Try making a point instead of being a troll. Read AristotleJR post, the introduction of other third world countries as comps was not my first move, also look at the narrow claim for comparison on the basis of press freedom. FTW this is conspiracy thread.
-1 hassani1387 2011-12-24
I made my point pretty clear, thank you.
1 hassani1387 2011-12-24
Heritage Foundation = far right wing NeoCon think tank.
1 paxiscameleon 2011-12-24
Iran claims of national greatness = normal state propaganda
0 hassani1387 2011-12-24
None of the sources cited are Iranian.
2 paxiscameleon 2011-12-24
right, they are all western. Most sources regarding Eritrea the DPRK, Iraq, or Afghanistan do not originate in each respective country.
0 Rammy912 2011-12-24
Iranian here. I completely agree with you. OP does not realize that Iran is NOT at all similar to its third world "peers, like saudi arabia, afghanistan, iraq, uzbekistan". Iran is a MUCH more advanced country with an extremely high standard of living compared to those countries (perhaps with the exception of Saudi Arabia and their massive amounts of wealth). The countries OP mentioned are literally shitholes. In many respects the standard of living in Iran in regards to material wealth and to it is much more like western countries. Really the only things missing from the country (which also happen to the most crucial) are freedom of speech, expression, assembly, and religion. Once those things are accounted for under a properly democratic government, Iran will fully be comparable with many western countries. Yes, there is great poverty, ridiculous inflation levels, and general instability in the country, but it is by NO MEANS comparable with Aghanistand, Iraq, or Uzbekistan. Tehran is the nose job capital of the WORLD for cryin' out loud!
Iran is by no means the not-so-bad country OP is portraying it as.
Edit: Of course, there's no official evidence of the elections being rigged. Who would gather it? Ahmadinejad? But millions of people and the zeitgeist of the nation can't be wrong. The arrest of the (popular) opposition leaders on the night of the election is not evidence? The continued house arrest of the opposition leaders, even to this day is not evidence? They've built a goddamned wall around one of their houses for pete's sake! The people KNOW they've been played. No need for evidence when there's a national revolution brewing.
2 paxiscameleon 2011-12-24
Loud and clear.
18 PhantomStranger 2011-12-24
It's not like teaching evolution, adapting a proper model of healthcare, focusing on green energy and efficiently using natural gases is something that'd endear you to a large portion of the neo-conservative population in the US. Honestly, going the other way around on those issues would probably be a good step as far as falling in line with US policy!
My biggest concern regarding Iran is issues like gender equality and LGBT rights, with the latter being especially tricky. However, both of these issues are currently progressing in Iran, and would definitely not be solved by anything the international community has to offer. And the fact that there even IS a gender/LGBT rights movement in Iran speaks tons of the relative political freedom they enjoy compared to other nations in the region, especially under Sharia law.
6 Goupidan 2011-12-24
2 expletive-deleted 2011-12-24
Hole... Lee... fuck. I'm going to bring this up like crazy.
-2 9000sins 2011-12-24
Hole... Lee... crap. I'm going to bring this up like crazy.
Edit: If I have to explain the joke here, I have lost all faith in reddit.
1 Thomas_O_Malley 2011-12-24
I don't get it.
-1 9000sins 2011-12-24
His name is expletive-deleted, so I deleted his expletive.
1 PhantomStranger 2011-12-24
Yeah, that would be sweet if they didn't encourage that because they prefer it to open homosexuality. Also, trans people still get hella discriminated against.
1 hassani1387 2011-12-24
Myth of "homosexuals forced to change gender" lie promoted by exiles
1 PhantomStranger 2011-12-24
Who said anything about being forced to change gender? Homosexuals are badly treated in Iran. Trans people are badly treated in Iran. I haven't really said anything beyond that on the subject.
14 what-s_in_a_username 2011-12-24
Holy shit, facts about Iran?! You conspiracy people and your 'facts'.
Great list, although Iran is far from perfect it's a lot more advanced than Iraq, something most people don't realize. "Iran, Iraq, it's just one letter different, who cares!". That kind of stuff should be talked about a lot more, but of course it's harder to wage war against people if you know them well and are familiar with their culture. Then you realize they're human beings, like us.
2 test_alpha 2011-12-24
That's fine, I don't think facts ever stood in the way of a good old fashioned invasion.
10 sacrimony 2011-12-24
I would love to immigrate to Iran, then go on Fox News and tell them how nice it is
15 EarnestMalware 2011-12-24
Just don't get caught being gay.
22 AristotleJr 2011-12-24
Yes, thatnk God we live in a country which treats its own gay population wonderfully- thank god we live in a country that only fully legalized homosexuality in 2002, over the vehement protests of 10 states. Or perhaps you live in the UK, where their greatest mind of the 20th century, the homosex Alan Turing, the man who did more than anyone to combat fascism and pioneered the computer was forced to take hormone tablets which turned him into a woman and was hounded until he killed himself.
Before we judge others for not doing something we didnt do 5 minutes ago, let us look at ourselves.
9 [deleted] 2011-12-24
There's still a fine line between gays being persecuted and gays being fucking killed. You quite obviously cherry picked the facts in this post.
0 hookertime 2011-12-24
Alan Turing and many members of the LGBT community of his time basically suffered mental and social torture to the extent that suicide (being fucking killed) was the last option. I'm not saying that either is "better" but I will say that I would prefer to just be shot and have it over with were I in that situation.
Edit: just to be clear, I think both are equally horrible in their own ways and I'm not defending Iran's LGBT policies in any way.
5 Goupidan 2011-12-24
/r/Canada would like to have a word with you.
1 MalcolmLeLoup 2011-12-24
Doesn't Iran have a large transgender population, as well?
1 Dendarri 2011-12-24
This is their "answer" to their gay problem. All those gay men? Women trapped in men's bodies!
If you're gay you can't sleep with other men as a man, but if you ok gender reassignment then it's all good.
11 [deleted] 2011-12-24
You can't get "caught" being gay in many southern states in the US either.
10 worthless_meatsack 2011-12-24
I'm gay and grew up in the south. I can say from personal experience, this dude is right. It's not a place you would feel comfortable letting your freak flag fly.
1 vinny962 2011-12-24
Any statistics on violence against gays in the south? Not trying to say you're wrong, I've just never looked for it myself and I'm on my phone now.
1 inkandpaperguy 2011-12-24
I live in Canada's bible belt (grew up in a major urban area). LGBT community is not a welcome component to society around here either. I think the hatred has more to do with the reading material than the geography.
7 romerom 2011-12-24
I am kinda with you on that
3 9000sins 2011-12-24
They would probably remove the audio first, because there's a chance you could be sending codes to sleeper cells in america you know. then they would claim that you were kidnapped by the IRG, and you were to be jailed until the destruction of Israel. Then they would run a Newt Gingrich fluffer piece, gently cupping his balls while he shits into the anchorman's mouth. sorry if i'm a little on edge, i can't find any weed. :(
3 stoicsmile 2011-12-24
I have friends who have left Iran. They left because of the beatings. They kdinap people who oppose their government and beat them. Then they force them to admit to a bunch of crimes on public television. If a woman isn't dressed right, then she gets beaten by groups of Islamic extremeists who are conveniently not associated with the government but who still seem to have the power and authority to lock down a shopping mall and go from store to store beating women who aren't dressed right. A girl I went to high school with only escaped a beating because a shop owner was brave enough to hide her in a secret room.
But yeah, you should totally move there.
1 inashadow 2011-12-24
Go there as a jewish lesbian woman and then return and let us know how super awesome it is for you.
2 hassani1387 2011-12-24
There would be no problems being Jewish, sorry.
2 [deleted] 2011-12-24
Depend on how Zionist you are.
2 hassani1387 2011-12-24
That's not stamped in your passport
9 redteamalphamale 2011-12-24
You guys want to know what all the hubub with Iran is really about?
We know that war with Iran would mean economic disaster. That's why Zbigniew Brzezinski said we should take out Israeli fighters if they try to cross Iraqi airspace on their way to bomb Iran. We don't want a war with Iran, we want to use Iran and other strategic places like Pakistan for one reason: to maintain dominance over China and Russia.
We know the wars really weren't about oil for the US. What they are really about is controlling the supply lines (and potential land pipelines) of natural resources OF OTHER COUNTRIES! China currently heavily relies on its water based shipping lanes (which is why we have a huge sigint presence in Taiwan (the Taiwan straight)) and because we have water dominance, they want to shift to land based supply. Just go look at a map. In the military industrial congression complex's eyes, it's not about the US economy able to rise to it's previous dominance, it's about making everyone else's economy fucking shitty as fuck in comparison.
6 hassani1387 2011-12-24
Nope. ISRAEL. If the US and Iran start to get along, who needs Israel?
-1 [deleted] 2011-12-24
Well, with all sufficiently complex geopolitical situations, it's never as simple as one single actor or one motivation.
Personally, I've never understood why it is acceptable for Pakistan to have nuclear weapons, but not acceptable for Iran to pursue nuclear power development (which implies nuclear weapons development... quick quiz: name the ONE country that has nuclear power without developing nuclear weapons). Still, I don't recall Pakistan pulling the old "but we're only developing nuclear power for peaceful, power generation purposes.
1 hassani1387 2011-12-24
name the ONE country that has nuclear power without developing nuclear weapon: Umm, lots. Brazil, Argentina, Netherlands, Japan, S. Korea...The US says that Iran's nuclear program COULD BE used to make nukes but there are 44 countries today that COULD make nukes in a hurry if they wanted too.
-1 [deleted] 2011-12-24
forgot Australia; but, these fall under the US nuclear umbrella (and similarly with the former soviet states).
Possibly the only correct answers (it was a bit of a trick question anyway).
1 hassani1387 2011-12-24
According to the IAEA there are over 40 countries that can today make a bomb if they wanted to.
1 187ninjuh 2011-12-24
I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure Canada doesn't have any nukes... we just have American ones on our soil
0 skater95 2011-12-24
Japan is the only country to develop nuclear technology without weaponizing it. I imagine seeing the devastation caused by such technology firsthand will do that to a people.
5 hassani1387 2011-12-24
Rubbish. Lots of countries have nuclear programs. Brazil, Argentina, Netherlands, Japan, S. Korea.etc. More coming. Over 300 new reactors being built around the world
3 PhantomStranger 2011-12-24
Pretty sure Sweden doesn't weaponize it's nuclear technology either, and I bet there's more.
1 skater95 2011-12-24
Good point, Sweden never even crossed my mind.
2 hassani1387 2011-12-24
Sweden was once considered on the verge of making nukes.
7 BuckyDuster 2011-12-24
The Persians (now Iran) were some of the most advanced and bad ass people back in the day.
1 inashadow 2011-12-24
Yes in the 1300s...
2 hassani1387 2011-12-24
No, starting from the Elamite civilization, 3000 BC.
0 nocubir 2011-12-24
They still are. Arabs are like neanderthals in comparison, culturally speaking and just in terms of outlook and attitude. Persians rock.
6 xcalibre 2011-12-24
Thank you for compiling this list, fantastic.
Merry Judaism-spawned-christianity rebadged-pagan-festival to you all.
2 AristotleJr 2011-12-24
i didn't. hassani1387 did. i just reposted it ;)
6 hemp_co 2011-12-24
this is really good man, have you considered reposting it to a more popular subreddit like politics? I don't know if anybody takes things on /r/conspiracy that seriously unfortunately.
7 SovereignMan 2011-12-24
He did -
6 Sojoez 2011-12-24
Every country only spends a tiny fraction of the budget the US spends on military.
3 hassani1387 2011-12-24
Iran's is a fraction of even some of its neighbors, both in gross and per capita.
2 AristotleJr 2011-12-24
yes, the US released a report saying Iran's air force could be destroyed in one day by Qatar's.
3 Nexlon 2011-12-24
Too bad the Ayatollahs are still fucking scumbags.
3 ClockworkChristmas 2011-12-24
Iran in many ways reminds me of Turkey, just less subservient to the United States and has oil. The sad thing is those are good enough reasons for us to spout bullshit and drum the war drums.
3 [deleted] 2011-12-24
Yes, but they have oil that's not traded in dollars....
3 bakedphilosopher 2011-12-24
Awesome Post and if I might add:
Iran also has a population of over 30,000 proud and nationalist Jewish citizens who are an ancient part of Persian culture. As much as Israel tries to steal these people away from their ancient homeland, in recent years they've been telling Israel to shove it.
Iran also has a national "Schindler" Abdul Hossien Sardari, who saved thousands of Parisian Jews by issuing fake documents to send them to south America. Did his government admonish him? Hell no, they expected him to do it.
1 douchebag_investor 2011-12-24
Somebody should make a movie about this guy.
I find it fascinating that Iran's state-run media created a TV show loosely based about him and have his character fall in love with a Jewish woman. That's not at all what I would have expected after being educated about Iran by watching Fox News.
2 heyachaiyya 2011-12-24
"you won't know about from computer games" that's some funny shit man.
4 hassani1387 2011-12-24
Why? In fact the only actual exposure most Americans have to Iran is through mass entertainment.
2 [deleted] 2011-12-24
Well, we love us the hell out of shooting virtual slavic/arab/persia/towel wearing muslim terrorists...
Consider it an experiment in classical conditioning combined with the abject failure that is the American public education system.
Yeah, it's all volunteer, in the same way jail is and at the end of the day, do they really have a choice?
2 scramtek 2011-12-24
Sounds very similar to the Gaddafi's Libya.
And I'm sure NATO has identical plans for Iran.
2 hassani1387 2011-12-24
Except that Iran has elections of presidents, parliaments, city councils...On average, 67% of Iranian voters turn out to vote for their president. And voting is not obligatory
2 ThumperNM 2011-12-24
Name the last war started by Iran.
-1 [deleted] 2011-12-24
do we get to count terrorist actions committed as a tacit act of foreign policy?
4 hassani1387 2011-12-24
Only if we get to count the nun-raping Latin American death squads that the US supports
2 USMCsniper 2011-12-24 holocaust never happened TROLOLOLOL
1 [deleted] 2011-12-24
Post this in r/worldnews or r/politics!!!
4 AristotleJr 2011-12-24
please repost it if you feel like it, it wasn't even my list.
1 WellHeresMyFourthAcc 2011-12-24
I often think this subreddit's premise is a joke (forgive me), but this is actually pretty awesome. It's starting to feel like 1984 sometimes.
1 [deleted] 2011-12-24
Didn't the Iranian government kill and imprison lots of protesters?
1 ruskeeblue 2011-12-24
He who rules the Banks, rules the World.
1 InspectorBloor 2011-12-24
USA- "Hey guys look! An independent nation not weighted under the crushing burden of our fiat currency! And they aren't even accepting the generous offers from our bankers and corporations to corrupt the shit out of them on our own terms!"
1 imgonnacallyouretard 2011-12-24
Iran is a great country, and more people need to realize this. They also have extreme problems with the divisions of rich/poor and human rights. If you live on the north side of Tehran, life is good, and you may think you are living in a moderate, sane world. Move to the south part though, and you'll see a completely different world - generally a world that most westerners would find disturbing and dangerous
1 hassani1387 2011-12-24
That. Was true only in the Shahs time
1 el_di 2011-12-24
just saving this, thanks for the articles
1 mattivxx 2011-12-24
we all want some 15 cent/gal gasoline, that's why the invasion begin soon
1 windwolfone 2011-12-24
Thanks for this: but America needs an enemy...
Looking forward t visiting Iran and a friend there one day.
-1 spinspin 2011-12-24
This is at least as much BS as people on the other side spout. More propaganda, designed to sway the ignorant public, just as much as those beating the war drums.
23 hogey11 2011-12-24
The point is that Iran is like any other country. There's fucked up shit and there is good shit. People who go into "black and white" mode are the problem with this planet. You could take someone from Norway who has never seen the US on a trip there and take them to only the shittiest, more racist, poor, dangerous inner cities and towns, and they would think America is horrible. That's what we are made to think about Iran. It happened with Libya as well. Part of the justification for war is the undermining of their society in the public's eye.
6 [deleted] 2011-12-24
It's divide and conquer. In this case, divide the public's perception of an entire nation and control the dialogue. How easy is that with this increasingly gullible population who doesn't travel outside the US?
1 hogey11 2011-12-24
1 wearetheromanz 2011-12-24
I'm not sure why you're being downvoted. You're dead on. You take the bull shit one side says about itself - you subtract the bullshit that the other side says and you're left with somewhere down the middle of both sides bullshit. It's probably just like everywhere else. I'm sure it has its good points, I'm sure it has its bad as well.
-9 lowrads 2011-12-24
And we can have all that do once we accept a totalitarian state which purges non-believers.
7 hassani1387 2011-12-24
You mean Saudi Arabia? The recipient of BILLIONS of dollars of US military equipment? Yeah, that.
-10 [deleted] 2011-12-24
How wonderful! Why don't you guys move there and escape our evil oppressive western society!
10 hassani1387 2011-12-24
4 ThumperNM 2011-12-24
FAUX news much?
2 test_alpha 2011-12-24
That's fine, I don't think facts ever stood in the way of a good old fashioned invasion.
1 hassani1387 2011-12-24
Myth of "homosexuals forced to change gender" lie promoted by exiles