I'm sick of seeing all of these globalist pigs calling themselves "philanthropists". It seems nowadays you can get away with anything so long as you make a few "charitable" actions, and people will still believe that you are a good guy. It makes me sick. That is all.

42  2011-12-31 by [deleted]

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Philanthropy is commendable, but it must not cause the philanthropist to overlook the circumstances of economic injustice which make philanthropy necessary. Martin Luther King, Jr.

perfect. :)

How come certain people don't point out that I am White Pride moderator when I post something like this?

Personally I usually downvote your submoronic skinhead hate blather. But it's not automatic. This post was excellent, it didn't contain the skinhead hate wingnuttery, it wasn't dishonest, and so I upvoted it.

You used a lot of adjectives in that compliment. I have actually upvoted you twice in the past, but of course I would not mention that.

The men the American public admire most extravagantly are the most daring liars; the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth. ~ H. L. Mencken

Because I banned that guy ;)

Yup. Bumblingmumbling can spam the same skinhead hate posts and lies over and over and over again, and 9000sins thinks it's just peachy keen.

But respond to the same posts with some context showing bumblingmumbling's white pride ties, and 9000sins will ban you.

Your bias is showing.

Ummm no. I didn't ban anyone for that, I banned him because he told me to die in a fire a bunch of times. I warned him about spamming. It was borderline stalking. And yes what he says is okay. It is devoid of outright racial slurs. You may find his posts offensive, but is there any truth to them? If it is true and not from a racist standpoint then there is no problem. He may be a racist, but judging from his history he isn't a racist, just really, really concerned about Zionism.

He's "concerned" about Jews. He uses "Jews" and "Zionists" absolutely interchangably. His "proof" that "Zionists" dominate any organization is that there's a Jew somewhere in it, or an ancester of someone in it, or within three miles of it..... He offers NO credible evidence at all that that Jew is a Zionist, or that Jews/Zionists dominate that organization.

Name any tragedy - up to and including the holocaust and 9/11 - and he invents a way to blame it on the Jews.

If his posts - taken as a whole - aren't hate speech, then what is? If his endless posts - variations of the same lie over and over - aren't spam, then why is the response?

You are a good example of an abusive user. I couldn't have asked for a better example. Thanks for volunteering! Anyway, to the point. Yes, I agree he can be over the top sometimes, and I even said something to him about it one day and he is actually really reasonable, intelligent and well spoken. Most of the "racists" and "skinheads" on here are actually way nicer, more well mannered,and more agreeable than you or any of your conspiritard crew. So we are supposed to hate these horrible, nasty evil "skinheads", while glorifying you guys for fighting the good fight? Please, you just stopped by to stir up some shit because that is all you are good at.

You are a good example of an abusive user.

Because I disagree with his hate speech and lies, or because I disagree with your obvious bias towards it?

No because you are a dick and you are just trying to make other people look bad through the use of dirty debate tactics. Ron Paul is against the EPA? He must hate the environment! Ron Paul doesn't like equal opportunity employment laws? He must hate black people! I disagree that what he says is hate speech. And almost everything he has ever said is true and you could learn those facts for yourself if you had the slightest bit of real curiosity about exopolitics. Sometimes the truth is just plain dirty and you may not want to go there, but it's right there waiting for you. Do you have any examples of anything false he has said?

Ron Paul is against the EPA? He must hate the environment!

I have never made any such claim, or implied anything like it.

Ron Paul doesn't like equal opportunity employment laws? He must hate black people!

I have never made any such claim, or implied anything like it.

I disagree that what he says is hate speech.

Assuming you're talking about bumblingmumbling, I think that's a truly looney claim.

And almost everything he has ever said is true

WOW. Assuming you're talking about bumblingmumbling, THAT is a truly looney claim.

Nice implosion on your part though.

Those were analogies dude. You are smarter than that. You are just playing an angle here. Go ahead and prove anything wrong that he has said. I fucking dare you. It would be a grand accomplishment, and you would shut this down in a second. But you want it to drag out until I get tired of arguing, therefore you win by default and I'm still the skinhead scumbag and you are the righteous defender of the downtrodden, right? Get real. Even if you do stand for civil liberties you are a pathetic douchebag who had no idea what is really happening out there and is constantly shooting themselves in the foot with false paradigms. Want to know why humanity is fucked? Take a look in the mirror. You are you own worst enemy and you don't even realize it. I hope you are profiting from doing the footwork for the elite families of the world, otherwise they have themselves a mighty fine slave.

So you agree with him that Jews were responsible for the Nazis and the holocaust?

You agree with him that Jews were responsible for 9/11?

Well in order to establish a cause reaction relationship between them we would need a specific timeline of the events that took place. Seeing as how history is mostly a whitewash of the nastiest bits a true timeline of nazi Germany would hard to establish. There is this,this, this, and this, although you will probably just disregard these links as antisemetic drivel. Most of them are from Jewish sites though so I don't think you can pull that card here. So short answer to your question, the Jewish people of Germany at that time owned a lot of the businesses and financial institutions and therefore had the ability to severely hurt the nazi party by not doing business as usual. Germany practically shut down and they were already having severe financial problems. So in a way this act served to provoke the nazi party, who admittedly were not very fond of the Jews. This in no way justifies the actions of the nazi party, but there were provocations on both sides, but I guess it's a question kind of like which came first, the nazi or the Zionist? Is nazism just the reaction of Zionism? Or is it just hate for the race without any real reasoning? These are real questions and I believe they are valid. I'm asking because I really don't understand antisemetism. I understand why people would hate certain Jews, because they are dicks, not because of their race. Most Jews have no idea about half of this shit. Only morons believe all Jews are evil. Only a very tiny minority are really, but they have somehow brainwashed America into believing their lies. It's sick. And on the subject of 9/11, there were more than a few Jews involved, as well as whites, blacks, Muslims and possibly a few other races I don't know about, mostly whites to be honest. I believe the Israeli Mossad had a hand in it as well, but they were just assisting American intelligence with their psyop. Zionism is a very useful tool to the the true structure. The Jewish state and the American state are ultimately pawns anyway in the globalists view and Zionism and antisemetism are playing their parts well to distract and divide us.

In other words, yes on both counts.

I don't even know why I put any energy into that answer. :/

I think this touches on an important point. Beyond looking at how hypocritical individual "globalist" people or institutions may be, i think its important to note that charity does not accomplish anything. Rather than fix problems, charity is supposed to alleviate symptoms. It does not help the sick, it actually keeps them sick. watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpAMbpQ8J7g

Thanks for the link! Charity is nothing more than a guilt release valve for bleeding hearts who feel guilty because they are well off enough to own an iPhone. We have enough resources on this earth to provide for everyone to have nice things. Unfortunately we also have a lot of people who need to feel superior to other people and an economic policy that keeps some people down is essential to these people.

I learned to resent the do-gooders in Nicaragua. They are full of shit and they leave after a week or two. Then the foreigners who create sustainable businesses and jobs are loathed by the casual backpackers for exploiting the masses. I can spot a Christian build a church group in two seconds. One chick was teaching English and receiving donations from people back in the East Coast. She was living in the beach town, doing coke, fucking all kinds of dudes, etc. Now that is some shtick where you can do that and return home a hero and have a tight resume item for the next gig.

Most everyone claims ownership of the money they use, therefore not sharing it, and so plenty of people don't have enough money.

I respect philanthropists a little more than people that don't share at all, but I would respect them a lot more if they shared everything anonymously instead of a getting public praise for sharing a little...


The evil assholes have to do something with their money. Why not give some of it away for tax breaks?

The problem with philanthropy is that a few rich people get to fund their pet projects, engage in social engineering, get a building named in their honour. If philanthropy actually changed anything, they wouldn't be doing it.

There must be one good globalist pig out there... what about that guy who won the lottery from Lost?

I don't really understand what you are getting at.

“To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers, have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to everyone the free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it.” -Thomas Jefferson, letter to Joseph Milligan, April 6, 1816

That makes two of us...

Meanwhile real philanthropists are known as gay child molesting freaks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3HY-7cPh49Q

Meanwhile real philanthropists are known as gay child molesting freaks.

A wild homophobe appears!

Go LEATHERDUDE! LEATHERDUDE used SPANK! It's ssssuper-effective!

exactly my point. The real good guys get made to look like scum by the bad guys and they get all the love. The world has never been more fucked up.

Ron Paul is against the EPA? He must hate the environment!

I have never made any such claim, or implied anything like it.

Ron Paul doesn't like equal opportunity employment laws? He must hate black people!

I have never made any such claim, or implied anything like it.

I disagree that what he says is hate speech.

Assuming you're talking about bumblingmumbling, I think that's a truly looney claim.

And almost everything he has ever said is true

WOW. Assuming you're talking about bumblingmumbling, THAT is a truly looney claim.

Nice implosion on your part though.